Disney villains x oc female r...

By Goobercilia

21.1K 510 194

Y/n isn't your ravage teenage girl. You see y/n had lost her father at a young age, and her mother just a wee... More

Authors notes
Prologue: meet y/n
Chapter 1: the god of the underworld (short update at end of chapter)
Chapter 2: the Mistress of Evil and the ex-Royal Vizier
Chapter 3: school friends and a sea witch.
Chapter 4 the new arrivels
Chapter 5: villainus dinner
Chapter 6: bullies
Chapter 7 the mall
Chapter 8: the folder
Chapter 9: help me, help you
Chapter 11: academic part 2
Chapter 12: a visit with family.
Chapter 13: Illness
Chapter 14: NH&NTHs
Chapter 15: the sword incident.
Chapter 16: the musical
Chaoter 17: drivers License
Chapter 18: the election part 1
Chapter 19: the election part 2
Chapter 20: the boy
chapter 20.5: The Girl (Jeremy Pov)
Chapter 21: Pool Party
Chapter 22: Start of Senior Year.

Chapter 10: Academics part 1

596 16 12
By Goobercilia

(Thank you to @JaydenR_ for editing the chapters!)

You woke up and groaned as your alarm went off. You had had a long day yesterday, trying to make everyone pitch in around the house. But now it was Monday, the worst day of the week, especially this week. Today was the start of another dreadful academic week, how lovely. You hit the stop button on your phone and rubbed your eyes as you sat up. You climb out and grab a shirt and paints before getting ready in your bathroom. You then grab your backpack and head down to the kitchen to grab your protein drink. But you were surprised to find Kronk packing two lunchboxes on the counter.

"Morning y/n." He said placing one of your protein drinks inside.

"Hay Kronk, what are you doing?" You ask wondering why he had taken one of your protein drinks.

"Making lunches for you and Frollo." He said zipping them up and handing one to you. It was a gray lunchbox with blue trim.

"Thanks but what's inside?" You ask not sure if you would like it.

"Leftovers from last night. Some steak with mashed potatoes and mixed veggies. Your energy drink is also in there."

"Yum, but you didn't have to do that."

"I know, but you hardly ever eat the school lunches, I just thought I would whip up something you would eat." He said with a smile as he finished packing frollos. Speaking of the devil, he also walked in, but it was not what you were picturing.

"Kronk that lunch box is almost ready. I've got to head off to work." He said coming into the kitchen. Only he was dressed in his purple and black robe. Inste he was in a black suit with a purple tie and white under shirt.

(Just the outfit. Ya I'm not good with finding faces)

He still looked like he was 60, his gray hair completely showing with his hat. Yet he looked way more handsome than he usually looked. If you didn't know better, you probably dismissed him as another man. Guess grimhilde and Ursula's potions do wonders for some people.

"Frollo, you look rather nice." You compliment him.

"Thank you y/n, I'm starting that teaching job today so I thought I looked the part."

"Well you sure do, and I wish you best of luck." You say you glance at the clock realizing you were running a bit late. "Alright I'm off, see you all when I get back." You shout before running out the front door.

You rush down to the bus stop and get on the bus just before it pulls away. Once at school you walk into a shop and notice your friends huddled against the wall. "Hey guys!"

"Hay y/n." April said.

"So what's happening over at your place?" Emma asked.

"Same old, same old, except yesterday they had me sign a contract."

"What's?!" They all shouted.

"Ya, but it was the only way that my house wasn't gonna burn down. Let just say don't tell villains what to do, otherwise you'll be at war." You say leaning up against the wall.

"Oof!" A sound from behind you.

"Shut up would ya." Came another.

"What was that?" Ava asked.

You turned your head and looked at your backpack. Surely the noise could come from there. You lean forward and take it off before setting it on a table. You open it and your eyes wided a bit at what was inside. Your friends gather around and give you a strange look.

"Y/n, did you bring hamsters?" Emma questioned.

Inside your backpack were small pink and blue hamsters standing on your notebook. You rolled your eyes, you could tell immediately who they were.

"How did you guys get here?" You questioned.

"H..Hades told us c..come" panic said.

Your friends gasp as they hear the blue one talk.

"He said to watch over you." Pain added.

"Of course, they can't leave me in peace for 5 minutes." You mumble.

"Hay! It wasn't your idea." Pain complained.

"Y/n who are they, and why are they speaking?" Aurora questioned.

"Guys this is pain and panic." You point to each one "pain, panic, these are my friends Ava, April, and Emma."

"You guys aren't the ones that picked on y/n are you?" Pain questioned putting his small hamster arms on his hip.

"Hell no!" Ava said.

"What would you ever ask that?" Emma questioned.

"Well it's just y/n came-" you immediately zip up your bag and the bell rang.

"Well would you look at that, time for class. Alright I'll text you guys later!" You say before rushing over to the classroom. You head to the other side of the build and climb the stairs to the second floor. You head to your first class, physics. The one class you absolutely hated. At Least you had it with Deeno.

"Hay deeno" you said sitting down next to her.

"Hey y/n, how's it going?" She asked.

"Eh, same old same old." You say not really sure how to respond. You hadn't told anyone other than Ava, April, and Emma about what had been going on at your house.

"Guess what, I'm going to Disney over February break!" She announced enthusiastically.

"Sweet! If you need any tips you know who to text." You say with a smirk.

"Show off." She teased before opening her Chromebook. "Shall we do today's wordle?"

"Sure, just let me get my chromebook." You open your bag and forget about pain and panic. You give them a stair making them shut up. You lean in and whisper "I'll let you both out at lunch" as you grab your chromebook and notebook before zipping it back up.

You set them on your desk and open wordle. You were about to type your first guess when Mr Labmah decided to start class.

"Alright everyone, we're going to go over the test you all took last academic week." He said as he passed the test back.
You closed wordle and opened your notebook ready to take note. Like always you barely understood he said. Not to mention the math involved was in word problems, which you were never the best with.

You were thankful when the bell rang. You quickly packed up your stuff, waved by to Deeno and headed down the hall to math. Entering the room, you see your friend Aiden, who was in advanced manufacturing, sitting at the desk next to you.

"Hay Aiden." You said taking your seat.

"Sup y/n, guess what." He said

"What?" You ask thing he's gonna tell another dum story about the tubing place he worked at.

"They finally found a replacement for Mr Thompson."

Your eyes lit up "really? What's the replacement like?"

"Not sure, Andrew said he was a stricken guy though. Right Andrew?" He said, turning around to face Andrew.
He looked up from his chromebook "Ya he's honestly scary. Yelled at the whole class when Jake started talking to Ashley."

"Yesh, that is not gonna be a fun class." You say getting your chromebook out

"You're telling me, but best of luck." He said before turning back to his work.

"Alright class, let's get started with today's lesson." Said Mrs Deospan as she went up to the board.

It was a long lesson on matrices. You found it to be rather eaise, even though the majority of the class didn't understand. Soon the bell rang and you had to go off to English. You gathered up your materials and stood.

"Are you ready for English?" Aiden asked as you both got up.

"Ready as will ever be" you respond as you both head out.

Thankfully it was across the hall so you didn't have to go far. But you were worried about what was in store. Not to mention you would have to deal with Spencer and Carlos. Atlest Michele wouldn't be there.You follow Aiden inside only to see Spencer standing by your desk.

You sigh as you make your way over and try to get around him but he blocks your way. "Excuse me spencer." You say trying to get around him again.

"I don't see why I have to move." He said. "Besides the subs not here yet, we got time to chat."

"Chat, about what?" You say taking a step back.

"About how stupid you are." He pushed you and you stumbled back.

The Who class gasped at what happend.

"You think you are so smart, ha! You still need an IEP to get the right education!" He said coming towards you.

"Leave me alone spencer!" You shout back as your hands turn into fit.

"Look at it, the disabled lamb is turning to a bull." Carlos shouted from his seat and most of the class laughed.

"Freak!" Call one.

"Stupid." Called another.

Your brain was telling you to run, but your hands said other ways. You were fed up with his behavior. You wanted to strike him, but you knew it was wrong.

"Is there a problem?" A eary voice called from the doorway.

The whole class turned to see the new teacher in the hall. Your jaw dropped slightly recognizing them man. It was Frollo but he was in his teaching disguise. He looked to be coming from the printer since he had a stack of papers in his hands.

'Great, what he doing here' you ask in your head.

"No sir." Spencer said, trying to act innocent.

"Is this true y/n?"

You turn to Spencer who gave you an, you better not say anything or your dead look.

"Yes sir, everything is fine" you sigh.

"Then please take a seat."

You both head back to your seats as he heads over to his desk.

"Good morning class." He said as he wrote his name on the board "My name is Mr John's or sir." He then turned around and picked up a sheet "I'll begin with attendance, April?"

"Here!" She said


"Absent." The class stated.


"Sup." He called.


"Here." You replied.


"Here." He said.

He continued down the list till he got to the last name.

"With that out of the way we can start with my new rules. If all of you can come up and take a paper, start." And one by one the students got up and grabbed a sheet. Once every sat down he began speaking and he wrote each rule on the board.

"Rule 1. You will all come prepared to class and on time. Rule 2. No talking out of turn. This includes passing notes. Rule 3. No food is permitted in my class other than water. I've been warned of the messes you leave behind and I'm in no mood to clean up after you. Rule 4. No phone unless permitted. Bake any of them and you will have detenchun. But follow them and we will have a successful school year."

The whole class stared at him, a bit nervous.

"Wow he really is strict." Aiden whispered to his neighbor.

"Mr Aiden!" Mr John's yelled.

He jumped at his name.

"Did you not hear a word I just said?"

"I did sir, it's just, is all this really necessary?"

"Are you questioning my motives?"

"No sir."

"That's what I thought, now who can tell me where you left off."

Spencer raised his hand.

"Yes mr spencer."

"We were reading a quest by your mom!" And the whole class erupted into laughter except you. You leaned back in your chair, knowing what was about to happen.

"So the class clown has emerged." Mr said he waited for the class to calm down before continuing.

"Would you all like to know what I used to do before I became a teacher?"

the class which replied with nods or "yes."

"Before I became a teacher. I worked as a judge, finding out who was guilty and who was not." He spoke as he began to walk down the row of desk towards Spencer's desk. "Would you like to know what I did to trouble makers back in my day boy?"

Spencer looked at him with a smile "you sent them off to rot in a cell."

Mr John's merely chuckled. "Very close, but no." He leaned down so that he was mere inches away from Spencer's face which freaked him out a bit "I would whip them into shape."

Spencer's eyes widened at the response.

"But I cannot do that to a young child like yourself. So Instead you can come spend that afternoon in detention tomorrow with me." He said standing up. "That goes for anyone else that tries to make a mockery of my classroom." He made his way back to the front of the room. "Y/n perhaps you could tell us where we left off."

"Um.. well.. we left off on chapter 2 of Fahrenheit 451."

"Then that is where we'll begin, everyone take out your books."

The class reminded me that way for the next hour. The class takeing turns read which no one enjoyed. Soon The bell rang.
"Alright, your all to finish the rest of the chapter for homework." He said from his desk as the class quickly packed up and left. But you stayed ready to bicker with the man

"Is this how your school always is?" Frollo asked

"Yes, but why are you here, at my school?!" You shouted.

"Well Hades looked through that folder of yours and found your school. He look it up online and saw there was a teaching position available and proposed the idea to me and gothel." He responded.

"When I said job, I didn't mean to stalk me at school!" You say getting up and grabbing your bag. You then remember Pain and Panic. So you open your backpack and take them out, placing them on the desk.

"Listen I appreciate the support and help but I don't need supervision 24/7. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to eat lunch with my friends in peace."

"B..but hades-" panic began before you interrupted him.

"I know Hades said for you to watch me, but I can handle myself."

"Not from what I saw" Frollo said

You look up at him and stare deep into his soul.

"That boy, is he the same kid who punched you on Friday."

"N..no" you say, your head facing the floor, trying to hide the blush forming on your face. You were a terrible liar, always have, always will. Every time you tried to lie,

"Y/n." He pushed.

"Ok he was, but I'm handling it!" You slide your bag on and head for the door "I'll stop by before school gets out. Until then, please stay away from me." And with that you exited the room and headed to lunch.

Authors note: 2/21/23
Wellcome to the wonderful life of academics tech school style! Where your trapped in classes for almost an 1 and 1/2 a day for 6 hours a day 5 days a week. And bet you where expecting Frollo to be your new teacher hehehe, or mybe you where... anywho part 2 will be posted eaither later today or tomorrow. There was just so much going on for one day, I though I split it up. I wonder if anything will go down in the cafe hm? Or how hades will react to you scream at him about sending his imps on baby sitting duty- ok I've said to much. Guess you'll just have to wait till the next chapter.
Alright goober out!

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