Rise Of The Moonwalker Pack

By jchara

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Book 3 in the Moonwalker Pack series. Be sure you have read book 1- The Beta's Daughter, book 2-The Alpha's... More

Authors Note
Prologue- The Laughing Stock
Chapter 1-Taking Control
Chapter 2- Lost And Found
Chapter 3- Potty Mouth
Chapter 4- Clusterfuck
Chapter 5- Failure
Chapter 6- Defense strategy
Chapter 7- Again
Chapter 8- Change Of Plans
Chapter 9- She-Devil
Chapter 10- Conscious
Chapter 11- A Favor To Ask
Chapter 12.1- The Executioner
Chapter 12.2- The Executioner
Chapter 14- False History
Chapter 15- Recruitment
Chapter 16- For The Love Of Books
Chapter 17- Hellish Jobs
Chapter 18- Chicken shit
Chapter 19- Here We Go Again
Chapter 20- The Council
Chapter 21- Not Budging
Chapter 22- The New Babysitter In Town
Chapter 23- Brotherly Love
Chapter 24- One Hour
Chapter 25- Needle In A Haystack
Chapter 26- Time's Up
Chapter 27- Outplayed And Outsmarted
Chapter 28- Pursuit
Chapter 29- Rewards
Chapter 30- From Bad To Worse
Chapter 31- Down Under
Chapter 32- We're All Mad Up Here
Chapter 33- Just A Dream
Chapter 34- Jace's Diner
Chapter 35- Payment Day
Chapter 36- No Rest For The Alpha
Chapter 37- Face To Face
Chapter 38- Extra Measures
Chapter 39- Sucker Punched
Chapter 40- The Cookie Jar
Chapter 41- The Return Home
Chapter 42- Sold Out
Chapter 43- Fight Or Flight?
Chapter 44- Unfit To Rule
Chapter 45- All We Do Is Plan
Chapter 46- To Love A Monster
Chapter 47- Just A Short Swim
Chapter 48- Who's With Me?
Chapter 49- A Bit Of Advice
Chapter 50- The Keeper
Chapter 51- And So It Begins
Chapter 52- Twists and Turns
Chapter 53- No Way Out
Chapter 54- Radio Silence
Chapter 55- No Tattling
Chapter 56- Unlikely Friends
Chapter 57- I Got Your Back
Chapter 58- Come Out Come Out....

Chapter 13- Apology Present

146 17 40
By jchara

Micah's pov

If there's a more annoying sound than an alarm clock going off, I've yet to hear it.

Part of me is considering packing up my mate, and our bathing suits, and just heading somewhere tropical for the next month. I can trust Azariah and Jace to take care of this shitstorm we're in,  can't I?

Amber rolls over and reaches across me to shut the damn thing off. With her head under my chin, she nips at my neck, making sure I'm awake.

"Is it just me, or did we only get into bed like an hour ago?" I groan.

"It was six hours ago." She clarifies. "But ya, I hear what you're saying." She pushes herself up, then frowns when I try and pull her back down.

"I'll make you a deal, I'll prepare you breakfast in bed, if you call in sick for me," I offer her.

"Sure, I'm happy to comply. Just out of curiosity, who exactly is it that I call?"

"Good question," I leap out of bed, pull on a pair of athletic shorts, and head towards the door, "Try Azariah."

On my way to the kitchen, I find my mom and Henley sitting at the dining room table having breakfast. I approach my mom and pull her into a hug from behind.

"Any news on dad?" I ask while placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Same as yesterday. The Doctor says no change is a good thing. It means his body is taking the time it needs to heal." Her optimistic words and her eyes tell two different stories though.

For the first time in my entire life, I could see that my own mother was terrified. Terrified that he wasn't going to wake up once they took him out of the medically induced coma. Or maybe she was terrified that he would and that he'd be enraged about the loss of one of his legs. His arm was currently still attached, but Dr. Zucca said he'd be lucky to have ten percent mobility in it.

So ya, he might as well of lost that too.

"I have an important meeting this morning about the incoming of extra manpower Malcomb is bringing in, but maybe I can stop by the medical facility afterward." I take a seat beside her as Marie brings me some coffee.

"Nonsense, you have enough on your plate right now. Besides, he's not going anywhere, and it's not like he's aware if your there to see him or not," She tells me.

"Yeah, but I'm aware," I mutter as she shushes me.

"Is there anything I can do to help out?" Henley questions me. I notice her eyes have dark circles under them, and the rest of her face is pale. She's been with our mother for the last three days, watching over our father. I'm guessing she needs a change of scenery.

Before I can come up with something for her to do, Amber answers her. "I'm going back to the lab today, I could use all the help I can get," She sits next to Henley, and gives her a warm smile.

Henley quickly agrees, then runs up to her room to get ready. My mom finishes her food, then heads out, leaving Amber and I to eat alone.

"Azariah said she has no problem doing her job and yours, while she maintains a household and raises three pups." Amber snickers as she tells me this.

"Excellent, I knew I chose right where my Beta's concerned," All joking aside, it wasn't like she had any competition for the job. Not in my eyes, anyways.

Just as we were finishing eating, my cell phone starts ringing. Great, it's only seven-thirty in the damn morning, and it's already starting.

Amber must notice the unimpressed look on my face, cause she motions with her hand for me to give her the phone.

Don't have to tell me twice.

I seriously need to hire a new secretary for what was now my office. The one who was there for the last twenty years likely wasn't coming back. Not that I blame her, after that long, I'd be done too.

Amber answers in a polite, professional manner, causing me to grin in her direction. I spent years and years perfecting my polite smile, and telephone manners, and yet they just come naturally to her.

"Alright Alpha Fenris, we will see you in half an hour," My eyes go wide in question, and she nods her head in agreement. Neither of us expected to be hearing from him so soon.

She hangs up the phone and then slides it back across the table to me. "Well, looks like we better get dressed, this day started with or without our approval."

"The meeting doesn't even start till nine. And I didn't even invite him," I grumble on the way to get dressed.

"He says he's bringing an apology present, so invited or not, he's on the way."


We arrive at the training center at seven fifty-five. Jace and at least a dozen other security guards were getting ready to leave.

According to what Azariah heard Sunday night, the extra people Malcomb was expecting, should be on their way. What time that was supposed to happen, we have no clue.

I asked Jace yesterday to be in charge of this. Alek was still training more people and had enough on his plate as it was. Plus, as much as I respect Alek, the fact is, I trust Jace more. The thought that someone here could be involved with Malcomb is always in the back of my mind. If he was to find out we had security out on those roads, it could be our people getting taken, or killed.

Not a risk I was willing to take. Henceforth why I put Jace in charge.

Azariah gives him a peck on the cheek before he fires up his truck and leaves. "Thought you were sick?" She asks as she comes over.

"He certainly recovered fast, huh," Amber giggles when I glare at her. "Anyways, I'm heading to the lab, feel free to stop by later," She tells Azariah.

My mate walks off, without gracing me with a kiss. So I do what any love-struck fool would, I chase her down.

"Be back in five minutes Azariah," I holler over my shoulder as I pick Amber up, and start carrying her bridal style.

"Put me down!" She screeches.

I hold on even tighter, which makes her try that much harder to get away from me. "One little kiss could have prevented this. But did I get one?"

I can see the exact moment when she decides rather she wants to argue, or concede. "Fine, you know what? This is actually quite nice." She wraps her arms around my neck and pretends she's comfortable.

Why do I even bother trying to rile her up? It always backfires on me!

Thankfully her lab is only a couple of blocks away. When we reach the main door, I set her down, then grab the back of her neck and hold her still as I attack her mouth with mine.

"Get a room!" Henley calls out as she walks past us. She opens the door, and quickly darts inside before I can respond.

"Text me when you're ready for lunch," Amber says, then kisses me on the cheek and goes inside as well.

I jog back over to the training center and arrive at the same time Alpha Fenris does. He's driving an old blue van, the kind you would use if you were moving. By the looks of this one, he's lucky it even started let alone drives.

Azariah comes over and stands beside me while we wait for him to get out. "So, how was the bonfire you attended last night?"

"I can't believe what that sick fuck was up to. Part of me is sad we burned it down, cause I feel like taking him there and showing him how to properly use that stuff,"

"Well, he is in our medical facility right now. I'm sure nobody will try to stop you if you go there to rough him up," I grin mischievously at her.

"I'm not sure I want to be in the same room as him again. Did you guys get any useful information out of Philip and Pete?" She asks.

"Nothing. They basically just did what Zane told them. Apparently, he threatened Pete's family if he didn't cooperate and help them. I feel bad for the male. As for Philip, I have a feeling he needs to stay locked up. There was nothing apologetic about him." I tell her.

Alpha Fenris opens the door of the van, and hops out. He ends the call he was on, then stuffs the phone into his pants pocket. He walks over to where we were standing, with a somber expression on his face.

"Micah, Azariah, thanks for seeing me," He looks back and forth between us, waiting for one of us to speak.

"No problem," I say. "So what is it you wanted to talk about? I have a meeting in an hour, and in case you forgot, a lunatic to try and stop,"

"If you're here to try and convince us to join Malcomb, you can turn around now cause were not interested," Azariah growls out.

I love how she always says the things I want to, but don't. My Beta clearly has no filter, which I normally find hilarious. Like right now for example.

"I'm sure you've already heard that I did not comply with him myself. My pack is staying at Bloodmoon for the time being." He walks around to the back of his van, and motions for us to follow.

"Listen, guys, I'm really sorry about the other day. I should never have treated you two like kids who didn't know what they were doing. I was not in the right frame of mind during that meeting." He pauses for a second and rubs the back of his neck. "I'm here asking both of you to forgive my stupidity."

"Everybody is allowed one mental breakdown," Azriah tells him. "But keep in mind, you've already used yours."

Fenris throws his head back and laughs, "Agreed,"

"Apology accepted, Alpha Fenris. Why don't we just put that behind us, and figure out how to work together moving forward." I offer.

He swings open the van's doors, revealing what looks like something that should be delivered to a military base. There were several large military green-colored crates. Stacks upon stacks of guns, and something that looked like a freaking rocket launcher.

"What the hell?" I whisper.

"Hell is exactly what we're gonna give them," Fenris laughs. "I say it's time to switch up our firepower. Never again will I underestimate those crazy bastards. A bullet to the head should stop them dead in their tracks."

"Is that a bloody Gatling gun?" Azariah asks as she sticks her head in the back of the van to get a better look.

"Several  of them." Fenris reaches in and pulls one out to show us. "There the style that you carry with this here strap." He slings the strap over his shoulder and demonstrates the correct way to carry it.

"If that doesn't stop them, then I don't know what the hell will," She gleefully declares. I never knew Azariah had a thing for guns. But considering the sleek black shiny look of it, I can't blame her.

"Well, if it doesn't work, I brought plenty of other toys to choose from." He hands the gun over to her, and she happily tries it on for herself.

Alpha Fenris starts pulling out some of the green crates and opens them one by one. "These two have all the ammunition you'll need to go along with each gun. I brought two Gatling guns for each pack, as well as a few machine guns and some assault rifles."

"Who the hell is this contact of yours?" I inquire. This isn't the sort of shit you could just walk into a gun shop and buy. For starters, the rifles were illegal, and as for the others, well let's just say you need to jump through hoops to get a permit for one.

"I have no clue what you're talking about, there is no contact," He says with a wink. "Oh shit, I almost forgot," He jumps into the van, and grabs a box that was at the far back. "Here are those pens Amber asked for with the refillable barrel."

"Throw them in my Jeep, I'm gonna go see her this afternoon," Azariah tells us.

"How did her formula work out?" Fenris asks me. Oh, that's right. We haven't had the chance to speak with him or Alpha Tony about it yet. Finn knew for obvious reasons, and some of our pack also did, but that was it. It feels like this discovery happened a lifetime ago, but in reality, it's only been five days.

He helps me take the guns and ammo to the storage shed where the rest of the stuff he brought us was, and I explain to him what happened with Ambers formula as we do it. He knew that Finn personally took out Alpha Jason, just not the fine details of how it went down.

When I tell him about Azariah's mother, he offers her sympathy over what took place here Saturday night.

"I know her formula didn't do what she wanted it to, but it does at least save them from shifting and dying altogether." He concludes. "Personally, I think we should still equip our security guards with it. Give them the information, and let them choose for themselves."

He does have a good point. If everyone was in charge of their own fate, then it wouldn't be on us rather to administer it or not. Azariah's mother never got a choice in the matter, but her mate was ultimately the one who decided. Can't say I blame him for the choice he did make though.

"Alpha Finn is coming at nine for an important meeting, are you staying?" I offer.

"If I'm welcome to. Alpha Tony said he was heading this way as well. Something about information regarding more troops heading this way." Fenris says.

"Of course you're welcome to stay, I'll explain everything we've learned once the others get here." Well, except for Finn, he already knew. And thank Goddess for that, or else we'd be the only ones trying to stop the ones coming up to join Malcomb.

In this meeting, we'd discuss what we learned from Jess yesterday, what took place last night at Zane's house, and tell Tony and Fenris what Azariah and her team learned Sunday night. We had a lot to cover, and we needed to come up with a plan, or solution before the meeting was over. We would not be wasting our time talking things over in multiple meetings.

We would present the problem, aka Malcomb having Ambersy and Snowmoon pack members, and then we'd put forth a plan to rescue them. Afterwards, we'd toss out ideas on how to go about wiping them off the face of the planet. It should be easy enough, but considering two of our 'guests' today like nothing more than to play the hide part of the game, and not the seek, it could prove to be difficult.

At least I could count on Azariah to keep them in line, or on track, I should say.

Now the only real question is, do we call Beta Jaxon and include him in the meeting? He was going to be answering to the families who lost someone, so if he was able to confirm we had a plan it might help appease them. Otherwise, who knows what the hell they were going to do? Last night proved that rational thinking wasn't part of their plan.

The three of us walk the short distance to my office building, after thoroughly looking over all the stuff he brought. I'm not sure how I feel about arming my pack with weapons of this caliber, but I'm also not sure what other choice we have. If Malcomb were to come back with another round of drugged wolves, we were at risk of losing more pack members. Not something I want to happen while I'm running the show.

The biggest problem we were gonna have, is who the hell knew how to shoot them? Some of us have a bit of experience, but not as snipers, that's for sure. Plus, if someone does get trigger-happy with one of these, it could result in serious injuries, not just putting someone to sleep. This was a conversation to have when Jace and Alek were available to meet with myself and Azariah.

We approach the office building at the same time that Matias pulls up. He hops out of his truck, with Xavier. He already indicated that he was going to help Alek at the training grounds today, and from what Jace says, Xavier was eager to learn as well.

"Xavier?" Alpha Fenris calls out to him.

When he turns and sees who called his name, his face goes completely white, and he tries to hide behind Matias. I'm not sure what this is all about, but a bad feeling starts up in the pit of my stomach. Alpha Fenris was going to want to know what his pack members were doing here.

Azariah walks over to her dad and takes up an aggressive stance beside him. "Xavier, what's wrong?" She asks without turning around to face him.

"Is he here to take me back?" Xavier whispers. Even without seeing him, I can tell he's terrified of the possibility.

"Nobody is taking you anywhere," Matias growls. As I look between him and Azariah, it's hard to tell who's more protective of the pup. Both are pretty fucking scary if you ask me.

"What's going on here?" Fenris asks, "Isn't that Xavier Bray? Brian and Anna's son?" He looks around puzzled, trying to determine what the fuss is all about.

"Tell me Alpha Fenris, would Brian still be alive by any chance?" Azariah questions.

Oh shit. This is about to turn ugly, and fast. I'm not sure if I should intervene, or let her handle it.

"I'm not exactly a hundred percent sure. Unfortunately, I spent most of Sunday wallowing in self-pity. By the time I joined my pack, it was nighttime, and we were holding a funeral." He explains. The look of guilt is clear as day on his face for not having a concrete answer for her.

"Why don't we head inside, and let Matias and Xavier go do what they came here for?" I suggest. "We can fill Alpha Fenris in on how the three pups came here. And why."

Xavier doesn't need to be told twice. He opens the driver's side door to Matias' truck and climbs in as fast as his body would allow. Matias jumps in after him, then fires up his truck and takes off without even so much as waving goodbye.

As we head into the meeting room, Fenris opens his big stupid mouth, "If Brian or Anna is alive, I'm sure they'd want to know that their pups are alive and well," He says to us.

"Oh ya? Well too fucking bad for them, those pups belong to Jace and I now." Azariah snarls. 

Before Fenris can object, I ask him to sit down, and I start explaining the situation. Azariah occasionally adds something in, but for the most part, she just glares over at him, challenging him to say something.

When I'm finished, he finally weighs in. "Does it not seem odd that the Moon Goddess just selected someone outside of their immediate family to look after them? Because Anna has a sister who lives in our pack."

"I haven't had a chance to ask her why she made the choice she did. Perhaps you'd like to?" Azariah challenges him. "But either way Alpha Fenris, they're my pups now, rather that abusive asshole is still alive or not. And if he is, then he won't remain that way if Jace or myself gets ahold of him."

"So the twins are still alive too?" It's not so much a question, but more of a statement as he says this. "Anyways, I'm shocked that they were able to walk that distance alone, but I'm glad they found you guys. As for Brian, if he is still alive, this is an issue I'll have to address once we are able to go back home. Right now we're at the mercy of Bloodmoon pack, so figuring out a punishment for him will be tricky."

Alpha Finn makes his presence known as he loudly enters the room. "Please tell me you guys made coffee!" He plops himself down in a chair across from Azariah, and beside Alpha Fenris.

Alpha Tony is the last to arrive, and he brings his Beta, Justin, with him. "Hello everyone, hope you don't mind I brought Beta Justin with me."

They both come in and take a seat, one beside Azariah, and one beside Finn. I decide to get the meeting started right away since it's likely gonna take us the better part of the day to decide upon anything.

"Alright, why don't I catch everyone up to speed, then we can put our brains together and figure out what to do." I took Azariah and Amber's suggestions from the last meeting and had the coffee and refreshments brought directly into the meeting room.

I tell everyone to help themselves as I start the explaining part of our day. I make sure to cover all the events that have happened from being attacked, to Azariah going up on a scouting mission, Jess showing up and telling us her story, and ending with Jace laying the beating of a lifetime on Zane last night.

"So before we go any further, I'd like to get everyone's opinion on rather we should include Beta Jaxon in this meeting or not," I ask them all.

"I feel like we should, but it's damn hard to trust any of them at the moment," Finn answers first.

"If we manage to come up with a plan, and we let him know what it is, and he's in on it, then we are completely fucked." Tony says what most of us are thinking.

"We're gonna need to tell them something though. Or else some of those angry parents might just march up there and try rescuing them without any help," Azariah came to the same conclusion I already had. It's gonna be hard enough to get a dozen of them out, if that number were to increase we would be truly fucked.

"How about we figure it out ourselves, then I'll call Beta Jaxon and tell him we have a plan. However, we will keep it secret until we execute it because we don't want to run the risk of them finding out. He would probably buy that, especially if I tell him we'll include them on the rescue mission." I look around to see what the others think of my idea.

"That'll work. Besides, he's probably up to his eyeballs with pack members wanting to ask questions he doesn't have the answers to. He'll take whatever answers we give him at this point," Azariah confirms.

"Okay, I think we can all agree to this plan. Now..." Finn says, "How the hell do we rescue the ones being held up there?"

"Just off the top of my head, I think we should send two teams in. One goes at the front of the building as a diversion, while a second team comes in from the back and tries to free the ones being held there." Azariah offers her opinion.

"Won't they be expecting that?" Alpha Fenris says.

"Of course, they will. That's why we need to make sure the team that goes in from the back of the camp, is well-equipped. Jace knows the entire lay of the land, so he should be able to guide us on how to get as close as possible without notice." She answers him.

"We take a ton of firepower in the front as well though. If we put up a good enough fight, they'll be forced to use more male power there, leaving the back area lacking. Hopefully, we can quickly subdue them, and get the others out." Alpha Finn says with confidence.

"Lucky for you guys I just so happened to be in supply of firepower," Alpha Fenris goes through the list of stuff he's brought for the four packs to protect themselves with.

"You guys realize that when they discover we're there to free them, they'll inject most of them to fight us off with. So the whole rescue part of our mission might be null and void." I ponder out loud.

"So then what do we do? Have someone stick a lock picking kit up their arse, purposely get kidnapped, then try to free the others from inside?" Alpha Tony jokes.

When everyone stays quiet thinking about what he's said, he tosses his hands up and declares he was only kidding.

"Maybe so, but it's not a half-bad idea," Azariah says. "Trying to free them from the inside, that is." She clarifies when we all look over at her with wide eyes.

"Who the hell would agree to be willingly taken? We can't guarantee they won't kill that person on site, or use the drug on them before they can get out. It could be a suicide mission," Finn loudly concludes.

He puts his head down into his hand and massages his temples. The pressure for him to get his pack members out of there is weighing down heavily on him. Any Alpha, who was worth being called that title, would feel personally responsible for each and every one of them. Until they were home safe and sound, the pressure would continue to mount.

"If we are gonna go the route of launching an attack from both the front and back, we may as well just go for broke and try to eliminate them in one shot. Two birds, one stone. Or whatever that saying is." I go back to the first plan, as the one where we send in a decoy isn't a viable option.

"This is why nothing ever gets solved with these meetings," Azariah mutters. "Sending in someone to free them from the inside is a great idea, we just need to figure out how to do it. Fighting them head-on will result in casualties. And lots of them."

"This might not be the most sensitive option, but if the ones up there are going to be used as test subjects against us, why not just blow the place up? If I knew that I was going to be used to hurt those I care about or take innocent lives, I'd want someone to take me out before that happens." Alpha Tony quietly suggests.

"Holy shit. You give us two ideas, both of which are the complete opposite of each other." Azariah frowns over at him, and shakes her head as if she's already exhausted.

"Isn't that what we're here for?" He snickers over at her. "I'm full of good and bad ideas."

Azariah gets up and goes to grab more coffee and of course donuts. Four of them to be exact. Some things never change, her appetite being number one on that list.

"Why is the smartest person we know not in this meeting?" Azariah asks me.

I quickly fire off a text to Amber telling her us dummies can't figure out how to rescue the ones at the boot camp.

"While we wait and see if she'll come over, let's talk about how we block them in up there." I look at Tony and Fenris, because they're the only two who don't know what we were up to.

"We have the two roads that lead up there covered, but we need more muscle. We need to guard the woods too, 'cause when they figure out what we've done that's the route they'll take." Finn tells them.

"Alpha Tony, Alpha Fenris, if you guys could provide some help to Finn with the roads, our pack will take care of the woods," Azariah says.

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable putting my pack members out in the open like that. They'll be vulnerable to attack," Tony declares.

"So what about the rescue mission then? Are you not gonna help with that?" She asks with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"None of our pack members are being held up there. And in case you've forgotten, I've already lost over half of my pack, I won't risk anyone else," Fenris confirms.

I try my hardest to keep my polite smile on my face, but I can feel it slipping. These two assholes just came here to strategize, not to actually help. Azariah pushes her chair back and gets up.

"A word in private please," She doesn't wait for me, she rapidly exits the room. Her body language alone should tell them shit is about to hit the fan.

"Excuse me," I say as I stand up and follow her out. We head down the hall to what is supposed to be my personal office, although I've never used it yet.

"They need to leave," She growls out the second the door closes. "Why the fuck are they even here if they don't plan to help us?"

"Yeah, I'm not feeling great about this anymore myself." I agree.

"I don't trust them. And I definitely don't want them to know what our plan is. They both could be working with Malcomb right this very minute." She doesn't need to sell it to me, I'm already on board.

"Why did you suggest that we will monitor the woods?" I'm curious as to why she volunteered us for that job.

"The mind link. We're the only pack that can communicate in wolf form, so we're the best option for that job." She reminds me.

Right! How could I have forgotten? "So, do you think maybe we should tell Alpha Finn about it, and discuss him guarding the roads while we take the woods?"

"Obviously we can trust him, so why not?" She paces around the room for a few seconds, "So, do I have the green light to toss them out?"


We walk together back to the meeting room. When we enter the room, Alpha Finn has a huge grin on his face. He knows exactly what's about to happen.

Azariah doesn't bother to sit when she addresses them. "Micah and I have decided that this meeting is over. We appreciate you coming here and trying to help figure this out, however, we're not comfortable sharing any further information."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Tony asks with shock written all over his face.

"It means, only ours and Alpha Finn's pack are willing to take them on in a head-to-head fight. So we're not gonna run the risk of our plan getting back to Malcomb. If you guys wish to sit out, that's fine, we can't make you join us. But that doesn't mean we're stupid enough to assume your not here to spy for him." She remains standing and looks down her nose at them.

Alpha Fenris stands up and slams his hands down on the table, "You think we're spying for them? Even after the gift I just brought to help you protect your pack!"

Watching him yell at my Beta snaps something inside of me, and all outward signs of politeness are gone instantly. "With all due respect, we faired just fine without the guns during the first attack. We are not saying that you are with him, but it would be stupid of us to share our plan with someone who isn't part of executing the plan. We will not be made fools!"

Finn starts to laugh and smacks the table a few times. "Hell yes! This is why I've been aligned with them since day one. During that meeting when we all discovered what Malcomb was up to, these two right here were the only ones making any sense."

"We will handle this threat, so go home and sit back and relax. We'll call you when it's over," Azariah sarcastically says to them.

"Very well. Alpha Finn, I brought some firepower for you as well. If you want to follow me out, we can put them in your vehicle." Fenris tells him.

The three of them exit the room, leaving Azariah and I alone. "So, that went well." I snicker.

"I can't believe Fenris had the nerve to say neither one of them had pack members up there. If that's how he's rationalizing this, he's dumber than he looks." She sits back in her chair, clearly still pissed off.

"Why did he bother even coming here in the first place?" I ponder. "It does seem suspicious."

"Rather they're with us, or Malcomb, it doesn't matter. If they're not here to help, then they don't need to be here. All they do is make these meetings drag on longer than necessary." Azariah says this as Amber comes walking into the room.

I spend the next few minutes catching her up to speed, and she chuckles the entire time. "I agree a hundred percent," She concludes.

Alpha Finn saunters back into the room and sits directly across from Azariah. "I really love the meetings that get held here. They're always entertaining."

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," I chuckle.

"So Amber," He drawls out, "What do ya got for us?"

"Is it really just Moonwalker and Ambersy that's doing this?" She questions us. I reluctantly nod my head yes. "That helps narrow it down then."

She gets up and gets herself a coffee and a stack of donuts that has Azariah raising an eyebrow at her. "Nevermind over there," Amber grabs a few extra and plops them down in front of the other sugar addict in the room.

"Alright, Micah told me about the first two ideas that were tossed out, and to be honest out of the pair, I'm leaning towards trying to break them out from the inside. The biggest problem with this is we'd have to get someone to agree to do it. So, allow me to present a third option. Instead of killing the south pack members who are on their way here today, we lock them up, then offer an exchange with Malcomb."

"That could work," I agree.

"And what if Malcomb says to go fuck ourselves?" Azariah asks.

"Well, umm, I am working on trying to fix my formula to do what I originally wanted it to. And I'll likely need someone to test it out on," Amber says while looking down at her hands. I know her well enough to know that she doesn't like suggesting such a thing. But she is right. We won't know if her formula works unless we test it.

"Why do you look so guilty? Do you think they'll be feeling guilty if they manage to make it to the boot camp, and Malcomb succeeds in his plan?" Azariah asks her.

"Because it makes me no better than him. He used a bunch of test subjects, and now here I am doing the same thing, in the name of science!"

"Not in the name of science. In the name of survival, get it right. We didn't ask to be a part of this shit show, but here we are. We will do what needs to be done in order to survive and come out on top." Finn clarifies for her.

"He's right. And if you feel guilty doing it, then give me the stuff and I will. I can promise you, I'll sleep just fine at night too." Azariah tells her.

"Well?" I look between Azariah and Alpha Finn, "What do you guys think?"

"I like this third option, and if it doesn't work, then we still have two other options," Azariah says. "Or time to come up with a different plan."

"Let's go with Amber's idea. But in the meantime I'll see if there's anyone brave enough to try the one where we break them out from the inside," Finn quickly agrees and offers a backup plan.

"Alright. Thanks for the help, Mrs. Koyle." I lean in and kiss her cheek while she chews on her snack.

Now I just needed to call Jace and tell him about the change of plans. I was gonna need to get him extra male power, and a few extra trucks to haul his cargo back in.

"Shit. Alpha Finn, do you have room to take in a few of these prisoners? We've never had to accommodate for so many. I think we have ten holding cells at most." I ask him. And out of those ten, two were currently occupied with Candice and Meagan. We might have to release those two sooner than we planned.

"Of course I have room. I think we have about eight cells, and none of them are occupied." He pulls out his phone and texts his Beta, Josh, to tell him to be ready for their new guests.

I call Jace first and tell him what we decided in the meeting, and he happily agreed with the new plan. Next, I call Alek and tell him to send four trucks with two security guards in each out to Jace.

Amber goes back to her lab, and Finn goes home to get ready. He also called in for extra guards to help Jace's team. All in all, I'd say it was a productive morning. As soon as the other two Alpha's left, it took us less than half an hour to come up with a solid plan and put it into action.

It's still concerning to me that yesterday was our deadline to comply with Malcomb and we hadn't heard from him yet. I at least expected a phone call, telling us we were going to regret our decision. But so far, all we've gotten is silence.

"Azariah, let's go see who all knows how to fire those guns. I have a bad feeling taking root in my gut."

"Same, it started when we tossed those other two out of here," She refills her coffee and brings it with her as we head out.

Something was about to happen, that much I could tell from the bad feeling that just keeps getting worse. But what it is, I'm not sure. If more drugged wolves come charging in, we were at least ready.

Or so I hoped.

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