By Firdosefk

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With no memories of her past, Alice lives a new life with her best friend Tristan, while her ghost squad desp... More



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By Firdosefk

Alice changed into her nightgown, which was a relief. Her pain from earlier had dulled, but she had a feeling it might return with intense force, which would eventually lead to a late-night visit to the hospital. Which was why Alice had to do what she had come to do in the attic before she ran out of time.

Unlike the other parts of the house, the attic was used the least but it was still well maintained. There were even a few grey couches placed, which Alice appreciated. She immediately made her way to one and gave rest to her throbbing feet. 

She laid her head back, collecting her thoughts. Knave was currently busy putting the kids to bed, which meant he would not notice her absence for at least another hour.

Alice considered the risks that might come with what she was about to do. She knew it meant no harm to her baby. If it had, she wouldn't be sitting here right now, trying to steel her nerves to conjure up her biological mother's spirit.

Alice long knew that Cora's spirit would never be at peace, which meant she could still get in touch with her. There were a lot of questions only Cora had the answer to.

Over the years, Alice had often thought of conjuring up her mother's spirit but somehow she had never gotten the courage. 

Today, after seeing Tristan, that had changed. Seeing her best friend alive and healthy made her wonder what exactly her mother's intention had been.

Alice slowly stood up. She closed her eyes, clearing every thought from her mind. She tried to picture Cora's face in her mind. Instantly, she felt the room temperature drop. Her hands turned cold, but Alice focused on her task at hand.

"You're gone good!" Said a shaky female voice, which sounded almost ancient. Despite that, Alice could recognize the voice that still haunted her sleep.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and stifled a scream that had almost come when she saw the sight in front of her.

Cora's spirit stood before her. Alice sucked in a breath. Her mother's whole body, including her face, was torn in most areas, as if someone had attacked her. Her hair was red, pure red with blood. Alice had not known it was possible to see blood in a spirit, but here she was seeing proof of that in her mother. Cora's eyes were pure black. Her lips...

Alice looked away, unable to bear the sight. Her mother had no lips. Alice tried her best to look for a distraction. She did not want to torture her and her baby any longer. Finally, she set her eyes on a pile of boxes behind her mother's form.

"Hello, my love," Cora said. She glanced towards her belly. "And hello to the little one too, who is almost on her way,"

"Her?" Alice asked.

"It's a girl," Her mother informed. "I can sense it."

Alice supposed this might be the world's worst gender reveal ever. She shook her head, trying to stay focused. Losing attention at this stage could have a lot of consequences. One of them included having to live with her mother's spirit forever.

"What's going on with you?" Alice asked.

"Let's just say, the souls of the ones I have harmed aren't quite happy to see me," Cora replied.

Alice tried not to dwell on that for long. "I have a few questions to ask you," She said, keeping her gaze fixed on the boxes.

"That's disappointing," Her mother began. "I thought you finally saw the good in me,"

"You're not completely wrong," Alice said. "Tristan is alive."

"I know," Cora said.

There was something in the tone of her voice that told Alice she was smiling. "And he is only alive because your healing power cured him one last time," Alice continued. "healing powers you did not have any reason to separate from yourself," She paused before asking, "Why did you do it?"

Cora was silent for a minute. Finally, she said, "Before I answer, will you tell to me who taught you to use your powers?"

Alice sighed. "Mendaline,"

Cora scoffed, which sounded as if it took a lot of effort. "I should've guessed it was her," Cora said. "She's a pathetic teacher!"

Alice gritted her teeth. "If she was, I would've been dead by now."

"That's a long jump," Cora replied. "You'd probably be stuck with me, or have other ghosts haunt you, or you could be trapped in the world of the living and dead, or you would've gone blind, or your head would've burst out and then maybe, you'd die."

Alice closed her eyes, praying for patience. "Your point is?"

"Mendaline might have taught you to avoid all that, but she did miss out on one teeny tiny detail," Cora informed. "You could summon me in my worldly form."

Alice tried to act like she knew that. She wondered if Mendaline knew that as well or if was she as clueless.

"And why should I?" Alice asked.

"So perhaps you can face me?" Cora replied.

That was a valid reason. Despite how much Alice tried to, she couldn't block her mother's distorted face from her view. However, there was one problem.

"You don't know how to, do you?" Cora asked. There was no use hiding it now. Alice shook her head. "Can I teach you?" Cora offered.

"I don't seem to have a choice, do I?" Alice said.

"No," Her mother replied. "Anyway, instead of just picturing me, try to think about your time spent with me. Try remembering how my eyes looked, how I used to smile, how I used to stand, try and remember as much detail as possible."

"Should I leave out the part where you betrayed me and tried to kill my friends?" Alice asked. Still, her mind was already doing what Cora had asked.

"Focus on the good parts only, love." Her mother said, actually answering the question.

Alice closed her eyes and tried to summon a good memory spent with her mother. It was hard, but eventually, one such memory did appear in front of her closed eyelids.

Alice was fifteen, sitting on the kitchen chair, watching her mother put the tray of lasagne in the oven.

"How long, mama?" Fifteen-year-old Alice asked impatiently. "I'm starving!"

Her mother laughed. That time it had sounded melodious. "Almost done, my love,"

Alice was pulled back to the present by a satisfied sigh. She opened her eyes to see her mother standing in front of her. Not Cora, but her mother as she once knew her as, Sophie.

Alice tried to hold back tears as she saw her mother dressed in a familiar grey gown. Gone was her bloody hair. Instead, her hair was golden again and tied in a neat bun. Her mother's eyes were back to beautiful hazel eyes and she finally had lips. Her mother's face had regained its former glow.

"It feels so good to be back this way," Cora said, touching her face in awe.

"You got what you wanted," Alice said, trying not to stare at her mother's familiar face for long. "Now answer my questions!"

"What do you want to know?" Cora asked.

Alice blinked. She never expected Cora to give in this easily. "Who is Tristan?" Alice demanded. "You would never choose any random guy from the streets to be my best friend, would you?"

Cora nodded. "You're right, I would never," She confirmed. "Tristan's mother is...," She broke off. "was," She corrected. "Tristan's mother was my daughter."

Alice felt the ground sweep from underneath her. She had to slowly make herself sit back on the couch. "You mean, Tristan is....,"

"My grandson, yes!" Cora completed.

Alice took a deep breath, calming herself. "Did mom have powers too?" 

"Mom?" Cora asked, looking genuinely confused.

"Tristan's mother," Alice replied.

If Cora was offended, she did not show it. "Ela was normal," She said. "I only kept her alive because I knew that one day she might prove handy and she did," She paused. "Also, killing her felt unimportant at the time, since I was attending to her sister, who unlike her, had inherited my powers."

Alice tried not to imagine what happened to Ela's sister. "So Tristan's mother knew nothing about you?" Alice asked.

"Unfortunately, no," Cora replied. "I left her in an orphanage when she was a month old."

Alice did not know whether to hate or appreciate Cora for that. "Why did you put your healing powers in Tristan?" Alice demanded, finally asking the question that bothered her the most.

"I wanted to test you," Cora replied.

"Test me?" Alice echoed.

Cora nodded. "I don't know if you would believe me, but I truly did love you, Alice,"

"I don't believe you!" Alice confirmed.

"I wanted to see to what extent you hated me," Cora continued, ignoring Alice. "Did you hate me so much that you'd sacrifice your best friend?"

"Well, you got your answer!" Alice snapped.

"But that wasn't your choice, was it?" Cora asked, giving her a knowing look.

Alice remained quiet. What could she say in her defense when the truth was laid out in the open for Cora to easily see?

"I supposed that if you did sacrifice Tristan, I would get an answer as well as rest." Cora continued.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked.

Cora gave a sad smile. "I lived thousands of years all alone," She explained. "Even if I did not want to admit it at the time, I was tired of all the loneliness I was engulfed in." She met her daughter's eyes.

Alice was silent once again, but this time her emotions were out of control, making it impossible for her to speak. For the first time, her mother was speaking out her heart. Alice did not know how to react.

"I could...," Alice broke off. She closed her eyes and tried again. "I could set you free," She offered, knowing she'd smack herself for this later.

"You would do that for me?" Cora asked.

Something about the tone of her mother's voice made Alice look at her. Tears were flowing from her mother's face. She was crying.

Seeing her, tears naturally started to unwillingly flow from Alice's eyes. She wiped them. "I guess," She replied.

"I'm afraid you cannot, my love!" Cora replied in a voice that did not at all sound like the monster Alice knew her to be. "I am getting the fruits of the seeds I sowed and there is nothing you can do to help me!" She informed. "However, it brought me immense joy to see that you still care about me," Cora said. "Perhaps, even love me."

Alice shook her head. "I don't lo...,"

"Alice?" Knave's voice cut in, followed by his footsteps.

Before Alice could so much as move, Knave was inside the attic, staring at Cora with what could only be described as pure shock.

"Hello, son-in-law," Cora greeted cheerfully. She had wiped her tears but Alice could still see her eyes glisten as she spoke. "It's been quite a while."

"Co..., cor....," Knave blurted out. He shook his head. "I'm dreaming!" He said, closing his eyes. "This is just a bad dream!"

"Knave?" Alice called out in concern. She tried to get up, making her way to him.

Knave opened his eyes at the sound of her voice. She saw his eyes grow wide before he ran to her, placing himself between her and Cora.

"I won't let you harm her!" He said, looking at Cora.

Cora looked surprised. "Why Alice, I did not think you'd summon my spirit without consulting with your boring half," She smiled. "That's my girl!"

Knave spun around to face Alice, almost looking betrayed. "You summoned her?" He asked in disbelief.

This was getting out of control. Alice was losing focus, which was not good. "Knave," She began. "Babe, I know you're mad but, um...., could I explain later? If I lose focus we might end up living with Cora forever!"

This made Knave back up. He closed his eyes, and Alice could see the nerves jutting out from his face and hands. He was furious as hell. "Fine!" He finally said. He came to stand beside Alice, shooting Cora a deathly glare.

"So where were we?" Cora asked delightedly.

"I got the answers I wanted," Alice said. "I think, it's time for you to go now!" She said. 

Alice hated herself for finding it hard to bid goodbye, but she convinced herself it was because she was pregnant and her emotions were at a peak level.

The smile on Cora's face vanished, making Alice's job more difficult. "Do what you must!" She said. Her face mirrored exactly how Alice felt. They were both finding it hard to let go. Knave seemed to understand this, because he put a reassuring hand on Alice's back.

Alice swallowed hard. "Thank you!" She said, looking at her mother.

Cora nodded. She looked at her daughter as if begging her to say something else.

A tear rolled down Alice's face as she closed her eyes and imagined letting her mother go. When she opened her eyes again, there was no sign of Cora.

"So basically, you wanted to know why Cora made Tristan her scapegoat, which is why you risked putting yours and our baby's life in danger?" Knave asked, sounding incredulous.

Once Cora was gone, Knave had been silent till the time they made it to their bedroom, until he finally rounded up on Alice, demanding answers.

When she was done explaining, he had cursed, then punched the wall, and then cursed again. Meanwhile, Alice had waited patiently until he was in a state to talk again.

"I wasn't putting mine or our baby's life in danger," Alice clarified. "You have to know I would never do that, Knave!"

"What was the need for all this, Alice?" Knave demanded, kicking the floor.

Alice, who had been sitting on the bed, stood up and walked closer to him. "I just wanted to know why Cora did what she did," She explained. "It had been eating at me ever since I found out that Cora had put her healing powers in Tristan."

"And you got your answer, right?" Knave asked.

"Yeah, the whole testing me thing!" Alice replied. She winced slightly. Her pain from earlier was returning and it was only a matter of time before it got intense.

Sensing her pain, as he always did, Knave asked, "Are you okay?" He waited for Alice to give him a nod before proceeding with his anger. "That just shows how messed up Cora is," He said. "In order to test how much you hate her, she put her healing powers into your best friend, who also happens to be her grandson!"

"I know she's a psychopath, okay," Alice said. "But even you can tell that she loved me."

"Alice, what are you trying to do?" Knave asked exasperatingly.

"I am trying to show you the other side of the coin." She replied.

"There is no need for that," Knave began. "I can flip my own coin and see both sides myself!"

"What if your coin landed on the same side?" Alice protested.

"I'd know!" He replied stubbornly.

Alice gave a defeated sigh. "I know you're worried, Knave," She said. "But I have no affection for Cora, whatsoever!" She assured. "And the only reason I did not sacrifice Tristan was because I love and care about my best friend! Not because of Cora!"

"Then how would you explain why it was hard for you to let her go?" Knave asked. Alice looked away. He came closer and took both her hands in his. "It's okay if you do, Alice," He gently said. "After all, she is your mother."

"I know it sounds really selfish," Alice began. "But it felt good to know that somewhere in her heart, I had created someplace."

"That's because you're Alice," Knave replied. "You always manage to evoke love in even the worst of people."

"I thought you were going to say something like, because you're my wife!" Alice teased.

"That too!" Knave said. "Anyways, do you want to tell Tristan about his grandmother?"

Alice quickly shook her head. "Hell no!" She quickly intervened, "He deserves a break from all this," She gave him a side-eye. "Let this bit of information remain between us husband and wife, what say?"

Knave smiled. "Aye Captain!" He shook his head. "By the way, I forgot to tell you why I came looking for you in the first place," He shot her a worried look. "Luna wishes to talk to you." He informed.

Alice thought about it. Their last encounter wasn't gone as she had expected reunions of two sisters did.

"If you don't want to, it's completely understandable!" Knave said, sensing her worry.

"No," Alice said. "I want to speak to her!"

"You sure?" Knave asked.

Eighteen-year-old Alice would've probably said no. This grown-up version of her knew that life was too short to hold grudges. "I'm sure!"

After sending Mendaline a message through one of her crystal balls, Alice and Knave waited for a few minutes, until Charlie and Mendaline showed up in their room.

A split second later, Luna joined them. She caught Alice's eyes and gave a small nod, as if to thank her. In return, Alice gave her a warm smile.

"Please tell me you have Mike!" Mendaline said the moment she arrived.

"Nope!" Knave replied. "Wasn't he gone with you?"

Mendaline seemed unfazed. "Think of something new, Wentworth," She replied. "This one's old now."

"I'll think of something new the day you stop asking if we took care of your son!" Knave retorted.

"Are the kids asleep already?" Charlie asked.

"Already?" Knave asked in disbelief.

Charlie seemed to realize the time. "Sorry," He apologized.

"How about we leave the two long-lost step sisters alone?" Mendaline suggested.

Alice's pain was now increasing. "No!" She quickly blurted out. She saw Luna look dejected and walked towards her. "It's not because of you," She assured.

Mendaline's eyes narrowed at her stomach. "Yeah, we should stay," The witch said. "Something might want to come out."

"Did you just call my child a thing?" Knave demanded.

"I didn't want to make it obvious!" The witch replied.

"It is kinda obvious," Charlie said, looking at Alice concerningly. Was she looking that bad?

Alice shook her head, trying to focus through the pain. "I am sorry if I have ever hurt you." She said, looking at Luna.

Luna looked shocked. "I should be the one to apologize for acting like an idiot," She said. "Alice, I am so sorry for everything! I've been a terrible sister and.....,"

"How about we just leave the past in the past and move on?" Alice proposed.

Luna smiled. "I would love that!"

Luna reached out to hug her. It was exactly at that moment that Alice felt a pain so sharp travel from her stomach through her whole body, that she couldn't help but scream. Knave was already by Alice's side, gently wrapping his arms around her, ready to teleport.

Mendaline, who had been sitting on the bed, got up with a yawn. "Baby time!" She casually announced. She looked at Charlie who was right next to her. "Please watch the kids, love."

"I'm already on it," Charlie replied. He gave Alice a thumbs-up before walking out of the room.

"I didn't even get to hug you!" Luna complained.

"You can hug her all you want later, for now, you can go and help Charlie!" Mendaline said.

"I'm coming with you to see my niece or nephew," Luna looked thoughtful. "Is step-niece or nephew a thing?" She asked rhetorically.

"Your whole family is crazy, babe!" Knave whispered in Alice's ear. Despite the pain, she laughed.

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