Blue Wings

TwilightXRandomGirl tarafından

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Rio x Twilight A girl with the power to turn into a blue bird meets a southern gentleman whose a vampire Aly... Daha Fazla

Howard Family
Extra people
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Rosie and Jordan
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Kendra and her pack
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 15

207 6 1
TwilightXRandomGirl tarafından

-Seattle-Night One Year Ago At Pike Place Market-

The rain came down in sheets, slapping the cobblestone. Bright Lights from the surrounding bars reflected off the wet stones. The dull thud of rock music wafted out.

A barred door opened and the music briefly blasted out as a young man exited.

He is Riley Biers, 22, genial, handsome, and a university student full of promise. He paused under the awning, preparing to face the rain.

He slung a messenger bag over his shoulder, laden with thick school texts. He waved to his friends in the wind before heading into the downpour.

"Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice," Alya read.

Dark, deserted. Riley made his way up to it. Suddenly, a shadow flew past him, moving at an inhuman speed. Riley paused. What was it?

Unnerved, he sped his step, about to round a corner, but suddenly, something leaped over him, knocking him back to the ground.

It moved so fast that it was only a brief shadow. Riley now panics.

"Who's there?" He called out. No response. Riley bolted in a different direction. Riley ran, beelining towards the end of the street at which stood an apartment building with a brightly lit lobby and a security guard.


-Waterfront, Night-

He found himself on the deserted boardwalk. Beyond the trail, black water. A dead end. He turned, realizing he was utterly alone. He searched the darkness for whatever was charging him.

"Who's there? What do you want?" He called out.

The shadow darted past him, after which he yanked his hand back. "OH, GOD!" He screamed in pain. He gripped his hand in pain and looks at it to find a crescent pain on his palm, blood seeping out.

He's been hit! His confusion and terror turned to agony as the venom from the bite crawled up his arm.

Riley dropped to his knees crying out in pain. Then he fell, writhing as the venom spreads throughout his body, changing him, killing his humanity. His tortured screams went unheard as the crescent moon on his hand changed into the crescent moon.

"From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire. But if I had to perish twice.....," Alya read.

-Alya's Pov-

Jasper and I are lying on the grass as I read aloud from a book of Robert Frost's poetry. "I think I know enough of hate. To say that, for destruction, Ice is also great. And would suffice," I continue to read.

Jasper teasingly pulled the book away and moved in to kiss me.

I stopped him by putting a finger between our lips. "You know, I've got an English test. I gotta focus," I told him as he grinned and kissed me anyway, removing my finger.

The sun briefly came out from behind the clouds, causing Jasper's skin to sparkle, making the kiss appear magical. He pulled away smiling. "Marry me," Jasper asked. I laughed.

It isn't the first time- nor the fiftieth or hundredth - time he asked me.

This is a game between us. "No," I joked. "Marry me," Jasper asked again. "Change me," I shot back. "An eye for an eye." He kissed my neck.

"Okay, I will if you marry me, it's called a compromise," Jasper responded. "It's called coercion. It's not fair. Marriage is just a piece of paper," I retorted.

I affectionately pushed him away and got up.

"Where I come from, at my age, it's the way one says 'I love you'," Jasper reminded me. "Where I come from, at my age, it's the way one says 'I just got knocked up'," I replied.

I started to gather my coat and books. He's suddenly right in front of me.

He playfully grabbed my stuff. "So, you're worried about what people think," Jasper asked. "You know, it's two out of three marriages that end in divorce," I explained.

"I don't want to get married at such a young age."

"Well, I think you'll find the vampire-human divorce rate is a little lower," Jasper answered. "Well, Vampire-Bird-Human" I corrected. We're inches apart, the game laced with our attraction.

"Just marry me," Jasper asked again.

"I can't. I have to be back at four. I'm supposed to come straight home from school," I smirked at him. He pulled me in and kissed me.

"You'll be on time. I won't give your sister another reason to hate me," Jasper joked as he easily slung me around onto his back.


When Jasper dropped me off at home, I kissed him goodbye and headed inside. He left after watching me go inside. Bella, Elijah, and my friends were already there as we headed inside.

I closed the door behind me and hung my jacket on the hanger near the front door.

We walked into the living room. Mom was washing and folding laundry. Angela was on Avel's lap, playing on her game boy. Marcia was on the couch, texting Leah.

They've been getting along great😉.

Veronica and Carlos were on the floor playing monopoly. Elijah was watching Carlos, he thought we couldn't see him looking at Carlos, but we do.

Dad and Charlie were sitting on the couch, still in uniform, reading the Seattle Times. I saw the headlines as I looked over his shoulder. It read

"Murders, Disappearances, Possible Work Of Serial Killers, etc....."

I sigh as Dad checked his watch and turned to us. "Four o'clock on the dot. Do they have a stopwatch or something?" Dad asked us. "They have names, Dad," I answered.

"And now they're too punctual for you?" Bella continued.

They just looked at us. Bella sighed as she headed to her twin, as I headed to the kitchen. "Wait a sec, bells, will you? Will you?" Charlie asked. Bella paused, then moved to the sofa and sat down.

Charlie faced us. "Okay. You understand why you are being punished, right?" Charlie asked.

"I know, I put you through hell," Bella added. "Yes, you did. And I forgive you. But I have other reasons, for grounding you, Bella. I just want you to get some separation from your boyfriends,"

Charlie asked."Dad, there is nothing you can say. Jasper and Edward are in our lives,"

Bella responded. "Yeah, I'm gathering that. So, alright. How about this? I'll make you both a deal. You've not grounded anymore. You use your newfound freedom to see some of your other friends. Like Jacob" Charlie asked.

"And Leah and Seth," Dad added.

I pointed to my friends as they laughed. "They never leave" "Shut up, you love us," Veronica said as she rolled the dice. "No!" She yelled, putting her player in Jail.

I laughed as Bella's face darkened it was a painful subject for her. Dad noted this.

Jacob hadn't talked to her since we got back from Italy. Leah told me he was forcing himself to patrol a lot in the past month.

I tried to talk to him because he was beating himself up for what Bella did. She was playing him because she needed someone to make her feel good about herself.

What she did was wrong, but I am her friend. I wanted her to be happy, but not like this.

Jacob didn't want to have to fight for her love when her heart belonged to Edward. And Bella shouldn't use Jacob like a rag doll that she threw away for a fancy new doll.

That is why I tried to contact him, but he refused to talk to me.

With him not liking me and all. Birds don't get along with wolves, some eat us. Very few don't.

"They're going through a really tough time right now, especially Leah and Seth. Since their dad died a few months ago and Jake's dad's worried about him," Dad sighed.

This stopped us in our thoughts as it hurt us to hear.

"I remember when that was you," Dad continued. "You needed a friend. Jake and Seth were there for you two." I nodded as Bella and I headed up to my room.


We arrived at school, my friends were waiting for us. I smiled as I hugged them.


Bella, Edward, Jasper, my friends, and I walked into the cafeteria and sat down with Lauren, Eric, Mike, and Jessica. Edward and Bella are at the end, slightly apart.

Avel and Marcia sat down next to Angela, Avel put his arm around Angela, and Lauren glared at Angela.

Carlos sat with Elijah, putting his arm around him. Elijah blushed as Carlos smirked. Jasper and I are seated next to them, only Jasper had his arm around my shoulders. Larisa sat next to Veronica.

Lauren was busy addressing a pile of note card envelopes.

Mike wrote what he was saying on a legal pad, while he helped Jessica with her Valedictorian speech.

"My fellow students. Cool. Right? Wow. Okay, right? Cute. We are the future. Anything is possible if you just believe," he announced. "Nice," Angela spoke up.

"Blah, blah, blah... Perfect. And got yourself a speech," Mike smiled, confidently, as he ripped the page off and handed it to Jessica.

"No, this will be my speech. When I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head. So.... thank you," said girl replied as she crumpled it up and tossed at him.

"Ya gotta embrace the cliches, Jess," Mike asked.

"They are the bread and butter of all valedictorians," Eric added. "And this is why you are not valedictorian. And Jess doesn't need cliches. Speech will be epic," Veronica retorted.

"Epic? It will change lives," Jessica corrected her.

"Definitely," I agreed as Bella, Edward, Larisa, Elijah, my friends, and Jasper nodded in agreement. Alice and Raymond arrived abruptly as they carry trays of food they won't eat, sitting down next to us.

"I decided to throw a party," Alice announced as we all looked at her.

"After all, how many times we gonna graduate high school?" Jasper asked as Edward and Raymond stifled a smile. "A party? At your place?" Lauren asked, stunned.

"I've never seen your house," Jessica added.

"No one's ever seen your house," Eric looked awed. "Except for Bella, Angela, Veronica, Alya, and her friends," Mike spoke up as Jessica glanced at Veronica and Angela.

"Right here, folks, right here," I added, waving my hands. "Another party, Alice?" Edward asked.

"It'll be fun," Alice answered. "That's what you said last time," Bella reminded her. "Let's hope it ends differently," Jasper asked. "What happened last time?" Angela asked.

"It's a story for a different time," Edward sighed.

"More like an entire book and movie," I joked, Bella shot me a look as my friends laughed. Jasper smiled into my hair at my comment. Suddenly Alice froze, her eyes glazing over.

She's having a vision. Mike didn't notice yet.

"Well, cool, that's really uh normal of you. What time?" Mike asked. Nothing from Alice. "Dress Code?" Still Nothing. "Bring anything? Cheetos?" Mike asked again as Alice didn't say anything.

Bella looked at Edward, concerned.

He shrugged it off as Angela turned to Lauren. Avel glared at Eric. "Want help with that, Lauren?" She ask as she turns everyone's attention from Alice. "Also wear normal formal clothes"

Raymond looks at Angela and mouths thank you as she nod back at him for diverting attention from his mate.

-Sheriff's Office-

Jasper's car and Edward's car both parked in the parking lot of the Police Station. We all get out of the cars and head inside. We saw Charlie behind the counter talking to a middle aged couple.

Whose faces are etched with grief and worry. Dad was off to the side.

"So what was that at school?" Bella asked. "What did Alice see?" I continued. "Nothing. Something about Raymond," Edward lied. "I know you know what she saw. Tell me," Bella pressed.

"It was nothing," Edward replied. "You looked worried," Bella stated.

"Just that everyone would notice how strange Alice is," Jasper told her. "I think that ship sunk long ago," I spoke up as Jasper smiled into my hair at my comment.

Dad looked at us and subtly motioned for us to kept our distance.

"I wonder what's wrong," Jasper asked. "There's someone missing in Seattle, over a year ago. Charlie is doing what he can, but... do you know something about it?" Bella asked.

"We've been tracking the situation in Seattle for a while. Unexplained disappearances, killings.... If the situation gets anymore conspicuous, the Volturi will step in," Edward replied.

"If they go to Seattle, they can come here. They'll see that we're still human," I responded.

"We won't get that far. But we'll go to Seattle if we have to," Jasper answered. "I'll fax these down first thing in the morning," Charlie informed the couple as they get up.

"Thank you," the couple thanked him as they leave.

Dad and Charlie walks up to us as Bella watches the couple leave. "Hey," Dad said. "Hey," Bella and I replied. "Ready for dinner?" Charlie asked. "Yes!" Bella and I spoke up.

Charlie puts a picture into his case. It's a picture of a guy.

Seeing his eyes made me feel queasy as I felt like he has some connection to us and what is happening in Seattle. Bella and I exit, flanked by Charlie and Dad, Edward and Jasper.

"It is still just..... your family and us, alright?" Charlie asked.

"Yes, we're just dropping them off. See you later," Jasper replied as they both start to leave and stop.

"Oh....Bella, Alya. Our parents wanted to remind you about the Airline tickets you got for your birthday," Edward spoke up. Bella and I eyed him with suspicion but he appeared clueless.

"What airline tickets?" Dad asked. "A round ticket to see Mom in Florida," Bella replied.

"A round ticket to see our family in Rio," I added. "Wow, that was generous," Dad was stunned.

"And it expires soon. they say you might wanna use this weekend," Jasper added. "Well, we can't just drop everything and go," Bella replied. "It might be your last chance to see her before you graduate," Edward asked.

This landed with Bella. "Well, it might not be a bad idea, get out of town for a couple of days, get some distance, but all of us can't. You'll have to go Alone" Dad asked.

"Yeah, Bella wouldn't mind seeing her Mom, plus I heard Jewel came back, as long as you two use the companion tickets,"

I asked Edward and Jasper. "Wait, just four tickets?" Charlie repeated as he looks between the four of us. "Super. That makes me really happy." Bella and I looked at each other as sunshine filled our eyes.

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