By KateeSmurfette

3.6M 112K 70.9K

Lunch went by pretty quickly, and we were back to classes soon enough. I'd forgotten to get a book from my lo... More

Ch 1 - New Beginnings
Ch 3 - Ignoring Demands
Ch 4 - Working Out
Ch 5 - Ya Messed Up
Ch 6 - Check Up
Ch 7 - Plan B
Ch 8 - And Fight
Ch 9 - Holding Hands
Ch 10 - Nightmares
Ch 11 - Comas and Rocks
Ch 12 - Gentleman
Ch 13 - Intimate
Ch 14 - Good To Be Back
Ch 15 - God I Hate You
Ch 16 - Zero
Ch 17 - Sweet Sixteen For Who
Ch 18 - I Am Not Losing Her
Ch 19 - Closure
Ch 20 - Safe House Vacation
Ch 21 - Official
Ch 22 - Nigel
Ch 23 - Worth The Wait
Six and Zero on Inkitt

Ch 2 - Gun Shots

185K 5.3K 4.7K
By KateeSmurfette


I could hear the music as we turned into the street. The house was at the very end of the street, and the closer we got, the more I could feel the vibrations. The different lights coming from the house, and the many cars parked outside, told me that this party would be one for the books.

Also, that the neighbours here must be quite tolerant.

Nick parked the car and came around to let me out. Everyone seemed to know who had arrived since almost everyone was looking our way; that, and Nick's car is pretty hard to miss since it's a brand new blue BMW and all.

We headed inside the teenage infested house and thankfully he had my hand in a tight grip. There were people everywhere, and they were all in different states, ranging from sober to sloshed. I must've been out of my mind when I thought I felt a little naked.

In comparison to some of the girls here, I was dressed enough for a cold winter's night!

We finally made it to the room that had Nick's friends. Apparently this party was being thrown by the most popular guy at my new school, whose name I still didn't know. All I know is that he clearly doesn't care about who his parties affect, and that his parties don't need an invitation for you to attend.

"Hey guys!" Nick greeted. This room also had less sound coming in.

"Sup Solano! Who's the chick?" some guy with brown hair asked with a slur.

"Back off Milton. This is my little sister," Nick replied, sitting down on the free couch. I sat down next to him.

"I'm Trent, that's Chuck, that's Freddy and that's Shane," a guy with black hair and gray eyes introduced. There were only guys here, and 'Milton' is Chuck.

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm Noelle," I smiled.

"You too!" Freddy said with a nod.

"Solano, I didn't know you had a sister. You guys look nothing alike," Chuck commented.

"That's because we're step siblings. As you guys know, my dad died when I was twelve and my mum remarried. She married Ellie's dad," Nick explained. Understanding dawned on the guys.

"So where have you been this entire time?" Trent asked me.

"Lived with my mother," I answered vaguely. I was saved from further questioning by some giddy girls coming into the room.

"Would you like to get something to drink?" Shane asked me. I turned to Nick and he sent me a nod.

I turned back to Shane. "Sure."

He gave me his hand to take, which I did, and he led me out of the room. I was once again met with the rowdy crowd of people as we made our way to wherever it is we were going. On our way there, some guy groped my butt, which Shane didn't even notice.

"Good heavens! Do these things happen often?" I asked once we reached the kitchen.

Shane laughed. "What? Parties?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Not really! Funny, I'm not sure why the host is having this party. He rarely throws parties, especially ones like this one," he replied.

"What do you mean like this one?" I asked.

"What would you like to drink?" he diverted.

"Uhm, soda," I replied. He nodded and turned to get me a can.

"What I mean is that he rarely throws parties where everyone is invited. Normally, his parties are more controlled and are by invitation only. I can only assume that he's celebrating something big, or he's not even here," he explained.

My eyes widened. "Not here? Then who would be throwing the party?"

Before he could reply, the music was turned down before there was a loud screech. Despite the annoying sound, people looked like they knew what that meant as they all headed towards what I learnt was the dining hall. Shane led me through to the room as well, and soon we were packed to witness the red head on stage as she cleared her throat.

"Welcome everyone! I would like to thank you all for being here. As you all know, Homecoming is around the corner, and the girls and I just thought that it would be a wonderful idea to host a Pre-Homecoming party. We hope that you enjoy yourselves ok?"

Cheering ensued and the floors shook from how loud everyone was. There was clearly excitement all around. I needed to get out of there, and luckily Shane understood. He led me outside and I had never been more relieved to breathe fresh air in my life.

"You don't party a lot, do you?" Shane asked knowingly.

I blushed. "That obvious?"

"A little," he chuckled.

"I used to go to some parties, but things have been different in the past year, since I lost my mother," I informed.

"I get it, but why are you here then?" he asked.

"There's no saying no to Nick," I huffed.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't I know it!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You like Nick!"

His eyes widened. "What? No!"

"Oh really?" I crossed my arms, maintaining my... stare up?

Damn tall people!

"You can't tell him!" he pleaded.

"I wont, but why don't you?" I asked curiously.

"I, uh, well, you see," he fumbled.

"Spit it out Shane!" I demanded.

"I don't know if I'm gay or not!" he blurted.

"What do you mean?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I've only recently started having feelings for Nick, but I'm not sure if those feelings are even feelings. All I know is that I feel weird around him, but I still like girls," he explained.

"So you're bi?" I analyzed.

"I don't know, but promise me you wont tell anyone, especially my cousin if you ever meet him," he replied.

I was about to ask who his cousin is, when there were six loud bangs. Girls screamed and the music was cut off. People looked panicked, and I was wondering why, until I heard him.


That seemed enough to get people attracted to the voice. I had felt something else from hearing it, but I seemingly had the same response as Shane and I followed everyone inside. I couldn't see the commotion from where I was, but I could hear it.

"Baby, you're home early," I heard the red head from earlier say.

"We leave for three days and you throw a party in his house? What is wrong with you Bridgette?" I heard a different male voice ask.

"It's not like that Cash! This is the Pre-Homecoming party I spoke to him about last week," Bridgette snapped.

"EVERYBODY OUT!" Cash shouted.

I have never seen people move out so fast, and apparently the command applied to everyone, myself included. Shane took me outside with him, where I then met Nick. We were on our way home in minutes.

"Well, that was a bummer," Nick commented.

"What were the bangs?" I asked.

"Gun shots. Six probably fired them," he replied.

"Six?" I asked in confusion.

"The owner of the house," he informed.

"The absent host," I said in realization.

"And also the most popular guy in school," he nodded.

"Is his name Six?" I asked.

"No one actually knows. He came to the school two years ago and the teachers called him Six, the principal included. We all adopted the name, but I don't think anyone actually knows his name, except perhaps his friends," he replied.

I didn't ask anything else until we got home. My dad was surprised to see us home so early, but Nick explained the situation while I headed up to my room. I changed into my pyjamas before heading downstairs to find Viola in the kitchen.

"You guys are back early," she commented.

"From what I gathered, the party was being thrown without the owner of the house's permission," I responded.

"Ah, got it! So, what have you got planned for tomorrow?" she asked.

"No shopping," I narrowed my eyes at her.

"No shopping," she laughed.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked now that shopping wasn't on offer.

"I was thinking we could go out and bond. We can go and get ourselves pampered at the spa, and then maybe go do our hair and nails?" she offered. That didn't sound like a bad idea at all.

"I'd like that," I smiled.

"Great! We'll leave around nine so that we can be back in time for you to rest before school on Monday," she replied.

"Sure!" I nodded.


By twelve the following day, we were fully relaxed. We'd gone through some Thai therapy that had been recommended to her by a friend, and I must say that it worked wonders for me. I felt completely stress free.

"I'm too lazy to move," she whined.

I lazily giggled. "I know what you mean."

"How about we go and get lunch first before going to the salon?" she suggested.

"Great idea," I sighed.

It took a while before we actually moved. The ladies who work at the spa shared knowing looks of amusement when we finally got up. Viola thanked them before we left for a trendy restaurant in the same strip of shops.

We were seated just minutes later and the waiter came to take our drinks before leaving. She teased me about how the waiter was flirting with me, to which I blatantly denied with tinged cheeks, much to her amusement.

"So, how are you liking this place so far?" she asked.

"I love it honestly. It's definitely better than where I come from," I admitted.

"Do you think you'll ever be comfortable enough to open up to me? I know I'm not your mum and all, but I'd really like it if we could have that kind of relationship. I already love you as much as I love Nick," she said with teary eyes.

"To be honest, I already trust you enough to open up to you like that, but I need you to promise me that you'll never tell my dad what I'm about to tell you," I requested.

The truth is that I already trust Viola as much as I trust Nick. They're both good people and they make my dad happy, and in turn, they make me happy. They've been nothing but accepting and loving since I got here, and I could trust them with my life story.

I just couldn't trust my dad.

It has nothing to do with our relationship distance, but everything to do with my fear- fear of what he will do once he learns everything. I've survived this long without having anyone else getting hurt, and I'd prefer it stay that way.

That's if Nick sticks to his promise of not doing anything stupid, that is.

Viola promised me she wouldn't say anything to my dad, so I told her everything. We must've honestly looked like two hormonal women as we cried in the restaurant. Realizing that it was a bad idea to be there, we took our food to go and I continued telling her everything in the car.

By the time I was done, her eyes were red, and she was still crying. She agreed to let me drive since I have a driver's licence. I drove us back home, forgetting about the salon, and luckily the boys weren't home. We continued bonding in my room as she also let me in on her past and how she got Nick, and everything after. By the time the said boy got home, we were all cried out.

"It looks like I just walked into the Nile River," he commented.

"Shut up Nick!" I told him, my throat course from crying.

"What happened with you guys? I thought you were relaxing today, not spring cleaning with salt water," he questioned.

"I'm going to get dinner started. Everything is going to be ok mija," Viola said, hugging me.

"I know," I whispered. She kissed the side of my head before leaving the room.

"You told her everything and she told you everything."

It wasn't a question. From how messed up we both looked, it was easy enough for him to figure out. He got onto my bed and gathered me in his arms. He soothed me since my taps were apparently still open.

I would look like a puffy fish on my first day of school.

"Mum's right you know? Everything's going to be ok," he sighed.

"I know," I replied.

Nothing else needed to be said, and for the first time in the two and a half days that I'd been here, I was thankful for my new family. For the first time in five years, I was hopeful that perhaps my life would change for the better after all.


I was freaking out!

We had arrived at school and I refused to leave the car. Despite my 'incognito outfit', I still knew I would stand out. It was a little chilly out, so I was dressed in a simple pair of blue jeans, a royal blue cashmere jersey, black uggs, and a white scarf with a black and royal blue leopard print. I even kept my accessorizing and makeup to the bare minimum.

But I still felt like that random spotlight would pop out of nowhere and land on me if I stepped out of the car.

"Would you get out of the car already? The first bell is about to go," Nick complained.

"Nope! I'm good right here," I said stubbornly.

"Problems?" a new voice joined us. I looked up to see a girl with beautiful brown eyes, and full dark brown hair.

"She wont leave the car," Nick told her.

She turned to me. "Hey! I'm Sunny."

"Noelle," I replied. She turned back to Nick.

"Go! I got this," she told him. He narrowed his eyes at me before giving me his car keys.

"Lock the car when you eventually leave," he said before heading inside as the first bell went.

"You don't have to wait here," I told Sunny.

She shrugged, leaning on the car. "I know."

"So why are you?" I asked.

"You look like you need a friend," she replied.

"That obvious?" I sighed.

"I'm the Student Body President sweety. I know everyone," she laughed.

I raised an accusing eyebrow. "So this is really you doing presidential duties by welcoming the new student?"

"We have a whole other committee for that, so no. I genuinely came here to be your friend. You'll find that while I'm the Student Body President, I don't actually have friends. I know everyone, but I'm not close with them. I'm only friends with three guys besides my boyfriend," she informed.


"So why me?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I'm getting good vibes from you and since I always trust my gut, there's no reason for me to stop now," she smiled.

She honestly didn't look bothered by standing there, waiting for me to gather the bravery to move from the car. Fear had paralyzed me completely. I couldn't have this school be like my old school. I just couldn't go through that again.

"And here I thought I was the only one in our relationship who was allowed to break school rules."

When I looked up, I was met by three really hot looking guys. One of them is black, one of them is blonde and the one who had just spoken, has brown hair. I assume he's Sunny's boyfriend from how close to her he was standing, and from his statement.

"I'm waiting for Noelle to gain the courage to leave the car," Sunny informed.

"Who?" the black guy asked. Sunny pointed to the inside of the car and it was comical how all three guys bent to check what she was talking about, bumping heads in the process.

"Ow!" they all exclaimed, making Sunny and I laugh.

"Hey there Noelle! I'm Eli, that's Wesley and that's Cash," Eli introduced. He's the blonde and the black guy is Wesley.

"Cash? As in the guy who kicked everyone out on Saturday?" I asked.

"You were there?" they all asked me, Sunny included.

"Yeah! I went with my brother," I nodded.

"Nick," Sunny said in realization.

"Nick Solano? He's your brother? I didn't know he had siblings," Wesley commented.

"We're step siblings. I moved in this past weekend," I found myself informing.

"Well then, welcome to West Point Academy," Cash smiled.

"Thanks," I returned the smile.

"So, why aren't you leaving the car again?" Eli asked.

"I'm afraid," I admitted.

I didn't expect Wesley to grab my hands and pull me out of the car. "Up you go!"

"Hey!" I protested.

"Unless if you fancy me throwing you onto my shoulder and carrying you in, I'd suggest you get over your fear real quick missy," he said, arms crossed.

I scowled. "What is it with you people thinking I'm a sack of potatoes?"

"What?" the guys asked, while Sunny laughed.

"Nothing," I sighed.

"So, are you going in or not?" Cash asked.

"Well, now that you're all demanding it of me!" I huffed.

"Who's a big girl?" Eli said with a baby voice. I could only glare at him, fighting the smile on my face.

I locked Nick's car before the five of us headed inside the building. They walked me to the office, where I got my books and everything else, before walking me to my locker. Apparently we all have homeroom together, while I have all my classes with Sunny, and then a couple with the guys. Today we all had first period together.

The bell signalling the end of homeroom went. Before heading to our first period though, they took me to our homeroom teacher so that she could know who I am. By the time we were walking to our first period, all eyes were on us, and I knew that they were actually on me as the new girl.

I also realized that I was hanging with the 'bad group' that Nick had mentioned.

It hadn't been that hard to figure out. Since Cash was there with the mysterious 'Six', I knew then that this was the bad group. I couldn't understand how Sunny fit in, until she told me that her relationship with Cash, made her a part of the group, also making her the only girl.

Until me, that is.

I learnt that the four of them had adopted me already, with or without their 'leader's' consent. I will admit that I was a bit freaked out by the whole thing, especially since Nick had told me that the guy had fired an actual gun at his house.

Six times, might I add.

I haven't met him, but this Six dude terrifies me. I don't even know what he looks like. For all I know, I've seen him and just walked past him, and yet something tells me that I would know if I had finally seen him.

"And this is my personal favourite place to be, mini hell," Cash announced as we reached the cafeteria. It was lunch time and my morning had gone fairly well.

We walked in and headed towards a table I could only guess was their spot since they all headed towards it. I followed them, getting braver by the minute. I was getting used to the attention on me, and I didn't mind it as much anymore. Even Nick looked happy from where he was, if his thumb up was any indication.

"Someone looks like they approve," Wesley commented, obviously having seen Nick's thumb up.

"Is he wrong in doing so?" I asked.

"So wrong," Sunny nodded.

"What? Why?" I panicked.

"We're the bad guys for a reason Noelle. Surely your brother told you about all the rumours that have been created about us, except most of the things aren't rumours," Eli said seriously.

"And you guys aren't joking?" I asked.

"No," they shook their heads.

I was silent for a while before replying, "Ok."

"Ok?" they asked in confusion.

"Ok," I nodded.

"There's something either very wrong with you, or there's something very wrong with you," Sunny giggled.

"I'd go with both," I went along.

"Six is going to have a field day with this," Cash chuckled.

"Speaking of which, where is he?" I asked.

"You know who he is?" Wesley asked.

"Nope! I've heard of him, and I heard him fire the gun shots," I replied.

"Oh yeah, that! He's busy with something, but he should be in later. Has anyone seen Bridgette?" Cash asked.

"She called in sick today," Sunny replied.

"You know this how?" I asked her.

"We've got a Student Body meeting today. The rules say she has to excuse herself, so she called me to let me know she wouldn't be coming in," she explained.

"She's probably hiding from Six," Eli chuckled.

"The stunt she pulled on Saturday almost had him kill her," Wesley sighed.

"What happened anyway?" I dared to ask.

"The guys left last Tuesday on some business and they were meant to come back on Sunday, but obviously they came back early. Bridgette thought she could throw a party at Six's house and get away with it without him knowing," Sunny explained.

"But wouldn't she have been caught out anyway? I mean people would've been talking about it still," I pointed out.

Wesley laughed. "Bridgette never thinks that far."

"That's mean," I said, struggling to keep from laughing.

"It's also true," they laughed. I couldn't hold in my own laughter anymore as I joined them.

Lunch went by pretty quickly, and we were back to classes soon enough. I'd forgotten to get a book from my locker, so I quickly went to get it. I was leaning on the locker next to mine as I quickly scanned my schedule on my locker door, when warm air fanned the side of my face.


Being the excellent human being I am, I jumped out of fright, flinging the heavy calculus textbook in my hand backwards. I heard a grunt and turned to find the person behind me now hunched over as they held onto a part of their face.

"Oh God! I'm so sorry!" I panicked.

And then he looked up.

The first thing I noticed was his short, dark hair. It looked so smooth, and I almost reached out to play with it. My eyes trailed down to his strong jaw line, down to his broad shoulders. I didn't even realize that I was biting my lip as I further inspected the Adonis before me. His arm flexed, bringing my attention to the amber eye he was now covering.

It was him.


The most popular and dangerous guy in school.

And I'd managed to injure him with my calculus textbook.

I'm dead.



So, the second chappie is here. I wont be uploading again for a while. I love you guys!

Katee (^^,)

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