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By rosereader6

12.8K 572 17

She was in between from good and bad but she knew where her heart belongs... ⚠️ warnings... -This story is 17... More



277 14 0
By rosereader6

Marco and Maxine had a blast with the school master they almost forgot it was late waiting for Dovey to come, but of course the school master said they could rest now.

He was carrying Maxine as she fell asleep so deeply, he opens the door but as Marco open Amadeus was there it was creepy enough but he brushed it off and laid her in her bed tucking the sheets around her.

"Are you not leaving this room?" Marco asked to Amadeus

"I had an order to dovey, that i could watch her for a while" Amadeus said but he could see some lies on those words but Marco knew she might or might not take an order to him.

"Okay" he only said

Charlotte was roaming around but on the dining hall of the school, was there a candle lit up so she opens the door and saw Marco sat one of the table with his papers and satchel.


"Oh Charlotte hi, your still awake?" He asked as Charlotte ignored his question and sat infront of him but she saw drawings and others papers.

"Is that uncle Loki?" She said taking sketch of her uncle.

"Yeah....wait! How did guess it?" He asked as Charlotte was confused she place the paper on the table.

"Black hair, the eyes were blue the face structure"

"How do you know him, does Maxine told you about uncle Loki?" Charlotte asked looking at suspicously Marco gulped and sigh.

"You won't believe me if i told you this but....."

"One of my travels, i saw him" Marco said as Charlotte eyes were widened as she held his hand.

"Tell me"

He sigh, "i wanted to help you and maxine looking for your parents also how you can both return to asgard" Marco said this when Charlotte was realizing that he was a nice person.

"Then i saw a book that can help you-"

"What book!?"

"Tell me!?

"History of asgard, where kings and queens ruled down even how you can open a portal" he said, Charlotte gasped and putting her hands into her mouth.

"I know it was only the hope that i could help you but someone snatched it in my hands, i saw him that's when i recognize that man i drew their" he pointed Loki on his drawing.

"What happened? I have you returned the book?" She asked with her two questions.

"No, i ran but he was fast i ended up in a corner then i saw a man he look likes this" then Marco took another sketch and it was Amadeus she gasped.

"He had something that it can weaken me, a steak Charlotte he was strong but i knew i could fight him, i almost died that's why i have this scar" he pointed she could feel how shaky his hand were it was a sense of fear.

"I thought that was my last chance to live all i could see was my memory of Maxine, you and my home" he said

"You are not dead Marco" she said with a smile it was her sign that she wanted to say 'its okay'.

"Charlotte this page was the only i could snatched when i tried to get it back" he said taking something on his coat, it was folded and he placed it on the table she took and open it.

She gasped again

Maxine Odinsdottir
Father: Thor Odinson
Mother: Jane Foster (deceased)
Living status:???

"The librarian said that the book was magic every page of king and queens were deceased or alive" Marco explained

"But why Maxine's living status was unknown she still live and healthy" she said he was noticing the tears on her eyes with fear and shock.

"What if the curse can killed her"

"Maybe my nightmares were right she might died"she said shakily her tears betrayed and ended up sobbing crying so hard.

Marco stood up and was comforting her wiping her tears away by his hand, "come on don't cry" he said caressing her hair to calm her.

"Maybe the magic stops that's why it wasn't working" he said, Charlotte wipe her tears.


"Come on don't cry now, your ugly when you cried" Marco joked and laughed as she playfull slapped his shoulder.

"Fuck you" she said and laugh, he laughed but stop and looked at the ripped page of the book.

"But how did you took the book, only rich or royalty can take a magic book?" Charlotte asked but like a light bulb lit on her head and she hit her face with her palm.

"I forgot your father is a king of your kin"

"Yeah they were afraid so they just shove right into me like i was like some robber come on" Marco said, she bursted laughing and hitting the table multiple times.

"Oh yeah!! Who's the girl is older but small hah!!" He said with a laugh as Charlotte took a notebook to throw at him.

"No! Don't throw that!!" He yelled

"Why is this your diary?" She asked

"No, its my important travels and you know spells" he said coming closer to her and Marco opens the notebook she stunned so many notes was taken down on the book.

"Wait! what is that?" She asked he returned to the previous page.

"Oh that? That's one of the spell i used when i wanted to send a letter to Maxine" Marco explained

"But it won't work for month" he said

"Can we try"


"I wanted to try to send a letter to asgard maybe someone can read my letter please Marco can we just try please" She said, he sighed and took a paper and a quill.

"Thank you" Charlotte said with a smile as she started to write something.

"Done" Charlotte said folding the paper as Marco also finish to pack all his papers and notebooks in his satchel.

"Come on we can send it outside" he said as they stand up leaving the dining hall.

Finally they are outside, "i hope it works" she said as Charlotte gave the letter amd Marco do a magic, the letter disappear into a thin air.

She yawned, "sleepy?" Marco asked he as well just stretched his arms up.

"Yeah" she said

"Come on rest now"

"Let's go" they both walked back to their quarters...

Someone ran faster holding something like it was running for his life.

"My lord!!"

"A letter came!!"

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