The Bird and the Bee (BNHA Fa...

By CountSharkula

61.5K 2K 581

Hachi Honeycomb, a boy with a bee quirk, wants to be a great hero just like his parents. So his mother and fa... More

Character Introductions
Song Playlist
Chapter 1 - A Bee's Journey to Japan
Chapter 2 - The New House And A New Neighbour
Chapter 3 - The First Day at UA
Chapter 4 - The Quirk Apprehension Test
Chapter 5 - English and Friendships
Chapter 6 - Battle Training
Chapter 7 - Trip to the Infirmary
Chapter 8 - Get in Loser, We're going shopping!
Villain Introductions (Version 1)
Chapter 9 - Sound the Alarms!
Chapter 10 - Attack at the USJ Pt.1
Chapter 11 - Attack at the USJ Pt.2
Chapter 12 - The USJ Aftermath Pt.1
Chapter 13 - The USJ Aftermath Pt.2
*Halloween Special*
Chapter 14 - A Totally Epic Training Montage
*Christmas Special*
Author's Note
Chapter 15 - The Sports Festival
Chapter 16 - The Cavalry Battle
Author's Note
Chapter 17 - Lunch Time Shenanigans
Chapter 18 - The 1v1 Battles, Hachi vs Mina
Chapter 19 - The 1v1 Battles Continue
Chapter 20 - Hero Names
Chapter 21 - The Insecta Hero Agency
Chapter 22 - Patrol Gone Wrong
Chapter 23 - The Plan
Chapter 24 - The Mission
Chapter 25 - Training and The Letters
Chapter 26 - A New English Class
Chapter 27 - Assessment Prep
Chapter 28 - The Assessment
Chapter 29 - Pool Time With The Girls
Fun News!!!
Chapter 30 - Bus Buddies
Chapter 31 - A (relatively) Peaceful Bus Ride
Chapter 32 - The Forest of Stone Beasts
Chapter 33 - Hot Springs
Chapter 34 - Hellish Training
Chapter 35 - Training Camp Chaos
Chapter 36 - Sure Is One Way To Test Our Courage!
Chapter 37 - A Despair-filled Reunion
Chapter 39 - A Devious Escapade
Chapter 40 - The Blood of a Honeycomb
Chapter 41 - Paint and Laundry
Chapter 42 - Monsters Together
Chapter 43 - Yea, no, you would have won...

Chapter 38 - Betrayal

278 16 2
By CountSharkula

Japanese - "Normal Text"

English - "Bold"

Thoughts - 'Italics' (Only in 3rd person scenarios)

Sign Language - 'Normal Text'

<No-One's POV>

Class 1A could only watch on in horror. Seconds after one of their classmates was kidnapped, they were now forced to witness the complete mental torture and torment of another. It had been going on for about five minutes now, though it felt like an eternity, and there was no way any of them could help, all they could do was watch the little holograph-like screens and silently hope that Hachi would make it out fine. Even that hope was slim, since they soon came to realise another facet of the villains quirk.

Hachi, already exhausted from the previous events, could barely fight back against the girl's quirk, or more accurately, the things her quirk brought out. With essentially no use of his quirk all he could do was fight back, but even that was a tall ask, especially when his enemies are his own worst fears.





Figures that all resembled the people he cared about and trusted the most hurled insult after insult, affirming his wort thoughts about himself, all the while he was kicked around across the floor by Princess Purge, or more accurately Eliza Warren.








Receiving kick after kick to his ribs, he had no time to recover or even attempt a counterattack. All he could do was tolerate it and cling on as best he could. The sheer number of bruises that were probably on his body by now, not that he could check, but the pain was a pretty big give away. If this assault kept up at this pace, he wouldn't be surprised if a rib or bone got broken. If it were anyone else trapped in the quirk, they would probably survive the beat down way more than he himself could, his quirk does make his body a bit weaker after all. However, it was fairly unlikely that they would be able to tolerate the whole, mental despair and showing you your worst fears and pulling out past traumas. Maybe a few people could manage, but he was the best one to be in there, he had survived it once before, he just needs to do it again.

After what felt like hours of torment, the vengeful girl let up on her attacks and hopped back a bit away from Hachi. Just as he was trying to push himself up off the floor, he gets forcefully pulled up off the ground by his collar. As he is held up, he is forced to look at his new assailant, his mother.

"Your too weak, you'll never be strong enough to become a hero. Me and your father both think it's best for someone like you to just give up and pick a better career option." The impersonation speaks, in a voice and with intonation that sounds identical to his own mother. Though he doubts that she would ever say such a thing, it was hard to not be even a little bit affected by those words. He's always hated being seen as weak or pathetic, the idea of his parents not believing in him was terrifying.

The figure quickly threw him down to the ground with a great force, sending the boy rolling across the floor, she then disappeared into smoke only to reappear back in the circle of other figures that surrounded and trapped Hachi.

Once again he tried to get up, only to have a force push him back down into the ground.

"Huh? THAT'S your quirk!?!? How pathetic!"

"Yea!! It's nowhere near as cool as mine!!"

As the bee managed to glance up slightly, he noticed a group of vaguely familiar children.

"It's so gross and yucky, I hate bee!!"

"Careful, he'll probably sting you!!"

"And what are these!!" One of the replica's shouted as it grabbed onto Hachi wings, roughly tugging on them, only for some of the other kids to join in.

"These wings are like paper!! Can you really even fly on these! There are way better wing quirks than this!!"

"I feel like I could just rip them off!"

There's a slight crash as the weight and hands disappear from his back and wings. Now one of the same children has fallen back onto the ground, crying.

"Why'd you do that!!! Your mean!!! You- you monster!! You beast!! A-and why are you smiling!! You hurt me!!"

The rest of the children start running away, screaming about how there next and how the evil bee will sting them, only for all of them to disappear back into the circle of figures, much like before.

Hachi tried once more to stand up, only to have his face slammed back into the ground.

"See, your just as cruel as I am. You did enjoy putting them in their place, didn't you! And I'm sure it's no different now, you looked awfully happy at some points during the one-on-one fights back at the Sports festival. You're probably more sadistic than me!" His ex-friend turned villain once again decided to push around the boy a bit. She grabbed his hair, lifting his head u and forcing him to look at her. Blood was pouring out of his nose.

This was the point that anyone outside the villain's quirk could realise just how bad of a situation Hachi was in. His real body, which had been limp on the floor, untouched and unmoved, had blood running out of his nose. Identical to the bee's state inside the strange mind palace. The damage he sustained in there wasn't just fake, it translated back onto his actual body. No one noticed before because all the attacks up to this point were targeted at places where clothes covered the evidence. The villain's previous words made a lot more sense now, if any damage he received was severe enough in there, Hachi might actually die.

"Hard to... not be happy pays off." Hachi manages to reach a hand up, grabbing tightly onto the girls wrist, slightly digging his nails into her skin. " know better...than anyone...why."

It was if the shadowy figure's responded to both of their emotions, as a new scene began to play out. The crying child reappeared on the floor, with a younger Hachi stood over him.

"Oh! Quit it! Who's the real monster! Me for defending someone, or you for being a bully!?" He had a very 'I'm not angry, just disappointed tone' but he still had a light smile on his face. That smile definitely was a lot wider when he was in the process of flipping the kid onto the floor, but hey, who doesn't love a smidge of revenge. "And by the way! I always smile! It's better than being angry and spiteful all the time like you!"

The crying kid disappears as Hachi's replica turns around, walks slightly and bends down a bit with an arm outstretched.

"Are you okay?"

Another very familiar child-like figure appears, a girl, who was in the process of wiping tears off her face with her sleeve. She grabs the boys hand and lets him pull her up.

"And don't listen to them! They like to say you're a villain for just breathing near them! Plus, I think your Quirk's cool! I've never seen a mindscape before!! You could become like...a super cool therapist!! Like, you find out people's fears and then you could help them through it, or something like that!!"


"Oh, I'm Hachi! By the way!"


The girl was so familiar because she was a younger version of the now vengeful villain that want's nothing more than Hachi's suffering.

"After everything I did for you, all the time we spent together... WHAT DID I EVER DO FOR YOU TO HATE ME SO MUCH!?!?" Hachi's nails dug further into the girls skin.



Once again, the shadows responded to their feelings, playing out another scene. There was celebratory bunting tied across the streets, stalls selling all sorts of fun snacks and foods and even small toys and hundreds of people and their families with huge smiles on their faces, enjoying every second of the day.

A young Hachi was there with his parents, enjoying the festivities and the exciting festival atmosphere. Only for everyone's joy to be swiftly ruined, huge explosions began sounding out through the streets, followed by the screams of horror from citizens that were attending the event.

Arthur and Kazumi quickly hid their son somewhere safe before jumping into action as the Pro Heroes Moth Man and Mantis. All Hachi could here as he was hidden were the bloodcurdling screams of civilians as they were slaughtered by the attacking villain. Just one singular villain, and even with help from multiple other heroes, they could barely take down the man. Even after they did succeed in apprehending the man, a large portion of the heroes and civilians involved in the incident were hospitalised, that included both of Hachi's parents.

Both of them were in hospital for a few weeks, and Hachi was looked after by some of the sidekicks that worked at his parents agency, and also occasionally some of his relatives that lived locally. The incident is still considered one of the most brutal events that the modern UK Hero society had to deal with.

The villain, often referred to as The Boogeyman, but later confirmed to be Charles Warren, father of Eliza Warren, was shipped off to a secure prison facility under the UK's jurisdiction. Initially the government wanted him placed in Tartarus, the highly secure prison based in Japan, but they were unable to find a safe and suitable method to transport him to the facility.

This incident was a very traumatic event for many, and sent the country into minor chaos and mourning. Understandably, Hachi didn't attend school for a few days, but when he finally returned, desperate to see his best friend again, he was met with pure anger and resentment. That was the day he got to first see her quirk in action, and how truly brutal her quirk could be. Thankfully, the incident happened right on school grounds, so it didn't take too long for teachers to interfere, but it took a while for them to stop the quirk's effects.

Eliza was kicked out of school, and Hachi never saw her again, until now of course. But these two events was what prompted his parents to have his earrings made (the ones that sent them his location). Him and his family also moved to a different area of England for a while.

At about age 8, Hachi realised how easily he could loose his parents, and was deeply betrayed by his best friend.

"You can throw...whatever you want at me...I know they're not real, even if a small part of me wants to believe they are." Hachi does his best to try and turn the tables on the girl, but she just pushes him away across the ground.

"Get off me!!" She then proceeds to look at her wrist, "This better not scar!!"

Another few bruises and even more difficulty to try and get up, he was struggling to push on, by now he was probably severely bruised, and he was definitely bleeding in a few more places than just his nose too. No figures came to torment him this time, everyone was simply made to watch the boy struggle.

This whole time Hachi was really trying his best to think of a way out, of course thinking clearly is much harder when your being kicked around. He was drawing blanks, no matter how he though about her quirk, he couldn't figure out how to leave or deal with it in general. His own quirk was completely useless there, it simply didn't work, sort of like how Aizawa's quirk just kind of turned them off.

"Awe, come on. Surely you can do better than that! The people outside are starting to get mightily concerned, that bird boy especially so!"

As he continued to try and push himself up off the floor, he occasionally felt pressure on some parts of his body, it was pretty strange, since for once he wasn't being trampled by weird shadowy mindscape figures, but he chose to ignore it for now.

After a while struggling, he managed to push himself up onto his knees, but he was really expending his energy to even do that much. Just as he felt as though he made a slight amount of progress, he was met with a foot to his stomach, kicking him back first onto the ground. The foot stayed pinned to his chest, keeping him down on the ground.

"Come on! At least say something!! Don't just ignore me!!"

"Say something? Fine...You're a moron..." This comment quickly prompted the girl to stomp down on his chest, causing Hachi to screech out in pain. There goes that rib he was talking about before.

His body went relatively limp on the floor as it tried to prioritise keeping him breathing and alive. He could barely breath, let alone move, and his hope for actually getting out alive was pretty low. Even so, he couldn't bring himself to just quit. Man, his parents would be pissed right now, right after he decided to start asking people for help more, he goes and gets himself in another situation like this. Well, to be fair on him, her quirk can only pull one person in at a time (not including herself of course).

He suddenly felt a warm sensation, envelop his hand, it felt so soft and, weirdly enough very kind and caring. At that moment, it was almost like something clicked in his brain, certain things that he heard and thought about finally started to piece together. He could still be wrong, but he finally understood how her quirk worked.

Hachi reached his arm up, grabbing onto the girl's foot who still had her pinned down. "I got you" Hachi smiles, though it definitely reads more as a smug grin.

"Huh! That's a bold clai-"

"Your quirk"

Her eyes widen shock, there's no way he could have figure it out, was he bluffing?

"You don't control this place, do you?"

Hachi recalled a few key things, first of all, she was dragged in here the exact same time he was. At one point, she also mentioned getting a scar, that must mean any injuries she gets translate to her real body too. He also realised that the few times any actual memories were shown back to them, it was him and his own thoughts and emotion (Weather negative or positive) that triggered it.

"Anyone can use it if they know it works, knowledge is power after all."

"Just because you know how it functions doesn't mean you can use it too!"

"It can look into our memories and into the depths of our hearts, sure. But it doesn't just do that, does it?"

Eliza begins looking pretty damn concerned by now, if he really did know how it worked, she could be in a hell of a lot of trouble.


The villain quickly turns her head away from Hachi to the source of the sound. A cat? It begins running over to Hachi, who is still pinned on the floor, and snuggles up against him.

"So, I was right. It's more of a dreamscape than a mindscape. Anyone can force anything to appear here. It's a dimension of complete free reign. Works off strong emotions, right. If you want it bad enough, or feel it deeply in your heart, it'll appear. And it's a bonus that you can automatically sense and just know things about the other person, easier for you to make them suffer."

The girl quickly pulls her foot off of Hachi and begins backing up away from him slightly, still maintaining as much of her confident front at she could.

"Alright smartass! Then why is it all black and void like in here! And better yet, why, when you've been thinking about how badly you want to leave, hasn't my quirk just let you go yet!?!?"

"It's just a hunch, but, I think your controlling it. The quirk responds to everyone in here, and I know I'm not making it all dark and gloomy. Or better yet, plain. Almost like you consciously or unconsciously are hiding how you really feel, masking it with anger and despair".

Eliza was floored, she could barely function after that. He figured out everything so quickly, but boy was she livid, she didn't care if it was true or not, how dare he say she was lying about her feelings and intentions!


"A Bar"


"And old rundown Bar in Kamino. That's where you, and probably the rest of the League is. Is Bakugou there too?"

The sheer panic on the girls face was certainly a sight to behold, and then everything disappeared into a misty black smoke. That was until he opened his eyes. A hospital?


In a moment of fear, Princess Purge had shut off her quirk. She was probably going to tell the rest of the League to move location. If he wanted Bakugou to be saved soon, he'd have to hurry.


He only now realised that someone was in the room with him, their hand holding tightly onto his own.

((And that was just some of the history between Hachi and Princess Purge, his ex-friend. I hope the explanation of her quirk makes sense, but I'll probably make a version 2 of the villain profiles to fully explain in detail anyway! And I hope the slightly longer chapter was fun! I got a bit carried away writing this one, I was originally gonna make it way shorter! But anyway, Hope you enjoyed it, and look forward to another one at some point!))

Bee Fact:

Insecticides can kill beehives, but so can soap water. So be careful if you're ever carrying a massive bucket of soapy water near a beehive. (Not sure why anyone would be, but you never know)

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