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Sorry if anyone thought this was an actual chapter. I know its been a long while since I've updated the fic. So I thought I should probably let everyone know that the fic isn't being dropped and I still have no intention to do so.

I haven't had any time recently to even start writing the new chapter, college has been a bitch and has had me really swamped down with work. I've been really wanting to write a new chapter but I genuinely couldn't make time to.

But I thought I'd make this update to let everyone know that I will still be continuing the fic. Hopefully either this weekend or next I'll be able to start writing. But like I said, this update is just to let everyone know that despite how long it's been, I'm not cancelling the fic and it will continue, I just need to find some time to sit down and write. So sorry about the long wait, but I think everyone will be happy to know that some very interesting information will be getting revealed in the story withing the next few chapters!

So to offer a slight teaser into that information, for anyone who has been wondering:

Why has Hachi's eyes been turning red?

Why does Hachi's quirk seem so complicated and have so many elements to it?

and also

Why does Hachi's dad also have the 'Insect' quirk when the quirk comes from his Mother's side of the family?  (And don't worry, I promise you it's not incest and the actual reason is way more interesting. I would rather die that write something like that, lol)

Then you'll definitely enjoy what's in store for the future of this story!  ^_^

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