Chapter 38 - Betrayal

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Japanese - "Normal Text"

English - "Bold"

Thoughts - 'Italics' (Only in 3rd person scenarios)

Sign Language - 'Normal Text'

<No-One's POV>

Class 1A could only watch on in horror. Seconds after one of their classmates was kidnapped, they were now forced to witness the complete mental torture and torment of another. It had been going on for about five minutes now, though it felt like an eternity, and there was no way any of them could help, all they could do was watch the little holograph-like screens and silently hope that Hachi would make it out fine. Even that hope was slim, since they soon came to realise another facet of the villains quirk.

Hachi, already exhausted from the previous events, could barely fight back against the girl's quirk, or more accurately, the things her quirk brought out. With essentially no use of his quirk all he could do was fight back, but even that was a tall ask, especially when his enemies are his own worst fears.





Figures that all resembled the people he cared about and trusted the most hurled insult after insult, affirming his wort thoughts about himself, all the while he was kicked around across the floor by Princess Purge, or more accurately Eliza Warren.








Receiving kick after kick to his ribs, he had no time to recover or even attempt a counterattack. All he could do was tolerate it and cling on as best he could. The sheer number of bruises that were probably on his body by now, not that he could check, but the pain was a pretty big give away. If this assault kept up at this pace, he wouldn't be surprised if a rib or bone got broken. If it were anyone else trapped in the quirk, they would probably survive the beat down way more than he himself could, his quirk does make his body a bit weaker after all. However, it was fairly unlikely that they would be able to tolerate the whole, mental despair and showing you your worst fears and pulling out past traumas. Maybe a few people could manage, but he was the best one to be in there, he had survived it once before, he just needs to do it again.

After what felt like hours of torment, the vengeful girl let up on her attacks and hopped back a bit away from Hachi. Just as he was trying to push himself up off the floor, he gets forcefully pulled up off the ground by his collar. As he is held up, he is forced to look at his new assailant, his mother.

"Your too weak, you'll never be strong enough to become a hero. Me and your father both think it's best for someone like you to just give up and pick a better career option." The impersonation speaks, in a voice and with intonation that sounds identical to his own mother. Though he doubts that she would ever say such a thing, it was hard to not be even a little bit affected by those words. He's always hated being seen as weak or pathetic, the idea of his parents not believing in him was terrifying.

The figure quickly threw him down to the ground with a great force, sending the boy rolling across the floor, she then disappeared into smoke only to reappear back in the circle of other figures that surrounded and trapped Hachi.

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