Throughout the Years (Tronnor...

By DHolt99

113K 5.9K 9.4K

Connor Franta is an antisocial, depressed loner at school. He hides himself from any crowd. But, Connor has s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Please Read
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Final Thoughts
2 Years Later
Forgive and Forget

Chapter 9

3.5K 206 357
By DHolt99

Ok, so before we begin this chapter, I wanna point out that I accidentally labeled the last chapter 'Chapter 9' when it was suppose to be Chapter 8. How that happened, I don't know. I'm just a big dumb face. Anyway, we now return to our regularly scheduled program.



"Ok, I'm settling this argument right now: Mila Kunis is an okay-looking person in my eyes." I say to Joe, really frustrated.

"How do you not see her drop dead gorgeousness? She's like a daughter of a goddess." He said. He has sat here for 10 minutes giving me supposed 'facts ' of why Mila Kunis is hot. I really don't have an opinion, I'm just giving him a hard time.

"Connor, what do you think?" Joe asked him. Connor looked up from his resting position. He looked like he was sleeping because his eyes were heavy and his hair was disheveled. He rolled his eyes when he woke up to the question.

"Um let me think." His voice was really husky and low. It was super hot. Damn. "I don't care." He said with sarcasm. He then slumped back down into a laying position. He folded his hands on his stomach. He looked at peace.

"So...Troye." I heard Joe say. I looked towards him.


"What's Caspar like?" He said timidly. He was looking down, picking at his nails.

"Well what do you mean"

"Like...personality wise."

"Well, he's pretty much always happy. You won't seem him without a smile. He's decently athletic, really funny, amazing dancer." I explained. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, no reason." He answered quickly.

Silence was followed for about 5 minutes until I heard someone climbing the front steps and open the door. A pretty built guy walked through the door. He had blonde hair that was styled up and to the right. He had an earring in his left ear.

"Hey Marcus!" I heard Joe call. Ah. This is the other guy. Marcus moved onto his bed and plopped down onto his bed.

"Helloooo!" He said to Joe. He looked over at me, apparently not aware that I was here. "Oh, hey there!" He said to me.


"I'm Marcus."

"Troye with an e."

"Oh, is Steele your brother?" He asked.

My brother must've been some whore or something. Recognized by Tyler, now this guy. "Yeah, he is."

"He was my cabin counselor last year! Oh, he let us get away with so many things. Like late curfews, fireworks, he even let me spike the lemonade at the final party!"He said with excitement. I was about to speak when I heard Connor interject.

"Wait, so you spiked the lemonade at this end of camp party?" Connor asked timidly.

"Yeah! It was pretty amazing! Some people got so drunk of their ass!" Marcus chuckled.

I heard Joe moving around. I turned to look at him. He was in a tense position. His brow was furrowed as he looked at Marcus. His hands were balled into fists.

"Joe, are you alright?" I asked him, but he didn't answer.

At my question, Marcus looked over at Joe. "You okay there Joe?" He asked.

"So you were the one." Joe said, his voice fuming with anger. His eyes narrowed as he talked. "You were the one who got Alfie drunk. You were the one who cause all the damage!" Joe's voice increased in volume.

"Look, what happened at the dance was not my fault! I didn't know Alfie was gonna do that! He knew there was alcohol in the lemonade, I told him so!" Marcus said in his defense. This was gonna get bad soon. I grabbed my phone quickly and texted Caspar to come over here. As I texted, I heard Joe yell.

"Do you know how much mental damage that did to Zoë?! Do you?!?" I heard Joe rise to his feet.

"No, I don't Joe. I'm sorry I did it alright?" Marcus said, with a shake in his voice.

"Oh, so you think a simple apology will suffice? YOU'RE WRONG! SOMEONE HAS TO PAY!" Joe began to move forward towards Marcus. I sprang into action. I moved between the two.

"Joe, I don't know what happened at this party, but I know it's not worth getting physical with Marcus over it." I said, trying to reason with him. His eyes only got darker and scarier. His face began to twitch. He then spoke to me in a really low tone.

"I'm gonna ask once, and once only. Get out of my way."

"Just listen to me Joe, I'm sure-" I was then cut off by Joe's fist connecting with my gut. I doubled over in pain. Joe then tossed me off to the side, where I was then lying on the ground, writhing in pain. I grabbed my stomach as the pain shot throughout my stomach.

"Troye!" I heard Connor yell. I heard him move off his bed.

"I'M DONE LISTENING." I then heard Joe leap forward where both Joe and Marcus were yelling obscenities.

I looked over at Marcus and Joe, who were still throwing punches at each other. I began to feel something. There was a ringing in my ears. My hands were slowly pushing me off the ground to get up. My teeth were clenched as I fought off the pain to push myself upwards. I felt someone near my presence.

"Troye, are you okay?" I heard Connor near me. He must be crouching over me. His voice was filled with sincereness and concern. Although, I didn't really acknowledge him near. I felt my face scrunch and my hands pushing me upward. My teeth were still tightly clenched. My brow was furrowed. I was filled with emotion. I was filled with blind rage. He defied my request for him to listen. I stood up and rushed over to Marcus's bed. I grabbed Joe by the arm and threw him off the bed. He landed on his back and his head whipped backward, hitting the floor with great velocity. He grabbed his head in pain. I crouched over him, his torso under me. I grabbed his shirt collar and jerked it forward. With my other hand, I raised it and slapped his right cheek with as much force as possible.

"I SAID FUCKING LISTEN TO ME. DO YOU THINK BEATING UP MARCUS WILL ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING?! HUH?!?" I jerked his collar forward, forcing him to make eye contact. "Whatever happened that night is in the past. Let it go. You can't change it." I said to Joe, my voice level dying down. Joe's face was filled with shock his eyes were wide and his cheek was turning a bright red from my slap.

"Troye." I heard someone say. "Troye."

I look over to see Connor shaking my shoulder. I looked at his concerned face. His green eyes piercing mine. His eyes soothed my rage. My adrenaline died down. As my adrenaline depleted, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach where Joe punched me. I winced at the sudden development. I let go of Joe's collar to grab my stomach.

"Come here." I heard Connor say. I felt his hands lift my arm up. I obliged and got up from my crouched position over Joe. Connor guided me to my bed where he laid me down carefully on. I heard someone open the cabin door. The voice was recognizable.

"JOE!" I heard Caspar interject. He crouched down to help Joe, who was still in shock and awe about what I did. "What the hell happened?!" I heard Caspar question.

"He picked a fight." I said, turning my head in his direction.

"He got mad because he found out that I had spiked the punch at last year's dance, which caused his sister's boyfriend to get too touchy and demanding. Long story short, there was built up aggression towards an event. Troye snapped him back to reality." I heard Marcus explain.

"...what?" Caspar said, clearly confused.

"I'll explain later. Just get Joe to a nurse or something. He's the one who's mostly injured." I said to Caspar, looking over at Marcus just to see a few scratches. Joe began to develop a black eye on his left eye and he had a few welts from Marcus's fists.

"Alright." Was all I heard from Caspar. Caspar made Joe put his arm around him and helped him walk out the door.

I heard Marcus stir from his bed. "I'm gonna go clean myself up." I heard him say. He got up from his seated position and shuffled out the door.

And then there were two.

I didn't realize it before, but Connor was sittin at my bedside the entire time. His face was really concerned and worked up.

"Are you okay Troye?" He asked, his voice at a whisper.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be fine." I said, still grabbing my stomach. There was a short silence that followed.

"That was pretty bold of you to do."

'Well, I was only doing what I thought was right. Which, in retrospect, was probably not a good idea to do."

"Well, I thought it was pretty brave. Slapping Joe like that after he just punched the hell out go you. I think he deserved it."

"It seemed like at the time a pretty good way to shut him up." I said, giving a light chuckle afterwards.

There was another dead silence in the room. I thought of a topic to talk about. Then, I remembered something from earlier.

"Why do you do it?" I asked him, not being specific.

He looked at me with curiosity and confusion. "Do what?"

"Cut yourself." I said, my voice wavering as I said it. I knew that it was going to be a touchy topic. But, seeing as I read his journal, I might as well ask.

"Oh..." He said, his eyes drifting off away from mine. He looked really uncomfortable. Damnit. I shouldn't have asked.

"Just...depression." He said shyly and quiet.

"I'm sorry I asked. That was an invasion of privacy." He didn't respond. He just looked sad and depressed. Then, I thought of something.

"Do you wanna look at my notebook?" I questioned him. I figured I read his privacy, he might as well read mine. I wasn't fond of someone reading my brainstorming and lyric-writing mess. But, it's only fair.

"Umm...sure." he responded, looking more comfortable and not sad. He actually looked intrigued at my question. I reached over to the bedside nightstand and grabbed the notebook off and gave it to him. With interest, he opened it up and began to scan the pages, one by one.

"So, what are these for?" He asked.

"They are song lyrics. I'm an aspiring music artist." I said proudly.

"Oh, cool." He said, scanning another page then flipping to another.

There was a short silence, then he spoke up. "You didn't finish this one."

"Which one?" I asked.

"Standing in the eye of the storm, my eyes start to roam to the curl of your lips in the...?" He said, his tone questioning the missing lyrics.

"Yeah. I can't think of something that rhymes with lips." I said.

"Hmm..." Connor then began to say the lyrics repeatedly under his breath. His eyes darted around the page. After awhile, his eyes sprang to life.

"How about eclipse?" He said. "Eclipse rhymes with lips." He stated.

"Ooo I like that. Jot that down next to it." I said excitedly. I gave him the pen that sat on the night stand. He clicked the pen then wrote in the notebook. "When this song gets in the top ten, you better credit me with helping." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh believe me, I will." I said with a small chuckle afterwards.

I looked at his facial expression as he read further on. All of a sudden, his face went blank.



"What does 'Let me take you for a drive, boy. I swear you'll feel alive, boy' mean?" He said, his voice wavering as he spoke.

"Oh, I'm talking about this guy and I driving around. The song is really about the glorifications that war and how it seems like fun and games until soldiers are faced with having to kill other human beings." I explained, hoping what I said makes sense.

"Yeah, that's pretty cool, but why a guy?" He questioned.

"Oh, it just seemed appropriate for the song." I explained, wondering why he was drilling me about one little detail.

"Are you gay?" He asked, his voice small and cracking.

My heart sank. It's not that I'm not use to the question or not use to coming out by now, it's just that coming out always makes me a little uneasy. You just don't know how the person is going to react.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

His face sunk into what seemed like terror.
A/N: Hello everyone.

This one was fun to write. I loved writing the fight. I don't know why, but I loved writing it.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

Q: What is another ship you like besides Tronnor?
I really like Jaspar. Jaspar is amazing.

I think that's all I have so...
I love you, my Funsized Fratatas!
-Dylan ❤️

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