Eyes Like Sky ⚣ ✓

By wambuimuiruriii

130K 9K 1.1K

This story is part of the Wattpad Creators Program! •• One sudden horrific moment shifts the entire trajecto... More



2.1K 172 8
By wambuimuiruriii


"What's this?" I asked the delivery man that was standing at the lobby desk next to our lobby clerk, Gary. There was a huge box settled on the desk, taking up damn near all the space on it. Gary seemed equally as confused, and the delivery guy just looked pissed.

To be fair, I could barely concentrate on the drive home. I took the wrong exit about three times, to the point where I had to put my own home address in my GPS so it could literally guide me here. As if I didn't now know the drive to and from Atlas's studio like the back of my hand now.

The back of my hand, I thought, letting my mind wander to the thoughts of Atlas again.

Fucking hell Errol, get it together.

So what would've been about a twenty minute ride, turned into damn near forty.

"I don't know, nor do I care. Just sign this so I can leave already." The man quipped back, pushing his signature pad my way to sign.

I was about to say something, not loving the attitude this worker felt too comfortable giving me... but I wanted nothing more than to get upstairs. So I scibbled my signature down quickly, and the man left promptly without anothder word to neither me nor Gary.

I turned back to the huge unmarked cardboard box.

"Would you like a trolly, Mr. Ballantine?"Gary asked.

I tried picking it up, and it was supringly not that heavy at all. It just felt like it fell victim to something most packages do: unnecessarily wasteful packaging. "No I think I'll be fine." I replied, giving Gary a polite smile I've probably never gave him before. His reaction said as much. "Have a good afternoon, Gary."

"You as well Mr. Ballantine, thank you!"

Once I got up to my penthouse, I set the box down on the kitchen counter. I wasn't that interested in opening it right now, right now I wanted to lay down more than anything. Let my mind have some... uninterrupted thoughts.

My bedroom felt warmer than usual, and judging by the settings on my thermometer, that was my fault. I switched the AC on, before yanking off all my day clothes. My briefs in particular would need to be washed.

The silk sheets felt heavenly against my bare skin, offering more of a cooling affect that helped regulate my very irregular temperature.

I leant back on the fluffed up pillows, relaxing into the pleasant comfort.

I could finally let my mind race in peace, without the fear I'd continue making large loops around the city instead of getting home.

And man did my mind hit the pavement running.

I immediately thought back to Atlas. Those soft eyes. Gentle hands... the moans.

I could already feel my dick growing hard, unable to contain the feelings my body started to lean into, which was much like this afternoon.

I thought about how Atlas felt. Those soft sore lips. When he leant back in to kiss me after I slowly pulled away. Parting his lips ever so slightly to welcome more of whatever I had started. He tasted like the faint sweetness of strawberries, an intoxicating taste that made my body completely detach from my mind.

I wasn't sure what I was doing, but I knew I needed more right then and there.

I was as gentle as I could be, still giving him an out if what we were doing made him uncomfortable... but he didn't pull away when I rolled him onto his back.

"Jesus." I whispered, allowing my hands to grab my almost uncomfortably hard dick beneath the sheets. My arousal was unlike anything I had ever experienced in the past. No woman had made me feel like I was literally on the verge of exploding just from a moan. A pant. A sharp fucking inhale. Just the sheer thought of Atlas's strained voice flooding my hearing as I locked my lips onto the delicate curvature of his neck.

How hard his heart beat pounded over his carotid artery, feeling every beat against my lips as I pulled on his skin.

The feeling of his own hard on against my thigh, causing his eyes to clench shut, and hands to grip onto the back of my shirt in pleasure. Those sped up pants...

How he fucking unraveled beneath me.

My once slow strokes started to speed up, pushing back into the pillows as my body yearned for this kind of touch. It was all I could think about for the last hour. He was all I could think about for the last hour.

If only I had left my phone at the studio, I thought, remembering that particular look Atlas let slip when I accidentally brushed against his own solid erection while on the phone.

I almost threw my phone, with Hendrix still relaying something mid sentence. In that moment, I couldn't give less of a shit about whatever was so important to warrant a call.

I was fully taking Atlas in at that point, with the sun behind us giving me the best possible clarity.  His face was the most flushed I had ever seen it, with a glow that may have been from the rising temperatures outside.

His lightly scattered freckles looked like art in the sun, dancing across those scarlet tainted cheeks. I was so close, it made me realize how much of him went with little notice from the mere physical distance between us. It made me never wanting to find myself in a predicament where I wasn't this close to him.

The words from Hendrix barely registered over the line, but she had this urgency in her voice that was acting as a slight tether to reality. A place I wasn't so fond of jumping back into all so soon. Whatever little pocket Atlas and I created out there in that park, felt like peace and quiet.

When I finally had to pull away from him, I almost fucking whimpered from the loss. His slender frame beneath my own, with those hands gripped tight on the picnic blanket. His bottom lip held between his teeth, and yet the color of his face said everything it needed to.

Yeah I wasn't even sure how I pulled it together. Hendrix really was like a glass of water in the morning that turns out to be vodka. A quick and immediate awakening.

All the hustle and bustle didn't stop me from escorting Atlas and Dash all the way back to the pottery wheel itself, and giving them a proper goodbye. I gave Dash a good rub down after asking Atlas if it was alright to do, then I asked Atlas if I could give him a rub down.

He laughed, with his cheeks taking on that familiar rosy color. I didn't wait for his response, as my hand gripped onto the side of his yellow overalls and pulled him towards me. When I leant down to kiss him, I forced myself to leave just a quick peck. Something sweet yet short.

I was absolutely never going to leave this place if I did anything more.

Atlas didn't wear many emotions on his face, but today I got a front row seat at some I'd never seen before. For instance, pleasure was the look of pure seduction on him. His defined brows furrowing as he visibly struggled to control his own urges.

Then there was this shyness to him that almost completely contradicted his usual casual behavior. This was present when he blushed, or chuckled nervously with his hands running through those golden strands of hair. He almost always messed his hairstyle up more, but one could argue he didn't really have a style to begin with.

Just thinking about those two were sending me close to the edge, as my grip on my pulsating dick tightened.

The one emotion that stuck with me all afternoon though, was the look of disappointment when I pulled away from the hasty kiss. It was the look of yearning, or wanting more, and I almost pushed him back onto his work station table to finish what we started.

As my mind fell deeper into the fantasy of seeing Atlas laid back on that table, I felt a familiar sensation building. It wasn't even funny how much I needed this fucking release right now.

The thought of my lips against his again. His neck. Down his slender frame. The sounds he would make... the whimpers. Those uncontrollable soft moans.

"Fuck!" I grunted, feeling my body suddenly tense with courses of ecstasy as I came hard under my cold sheets. The roughness from my grunts and heavy breathing said it all.

I've obviously jerked off before, but this... this had felt entirely different. It felt like somebody set a hose to my cock and sucked me fucking dry. I had been so quick to touch myself, I didn't even think about grabbing a tissue, which forced me to bunch up the cum stained sheet and toss it over to my dirty clothes bin.

I couldn't process a damn thing as my body relaxed into that euphoric high from cumming so hard. If just the bit of what I experienced could make me react like that, I honestly wasn't sure how I was going to handle myself around Atlas again.

What a can of fucking worms I just opened, I thought, exhaustion starting to creep in.

There were plenty of other thoughts I needed to have. Thoughts that started to seep through my less horny driven brain. Thoughts like what the hell was this? What the hell was I doing? I had never fooled around with a man before, never even had an inkling of an urge to, and yet...

I had to say a little thank you to my sleep deprived self, because my body was quickly shipped off to La La Land before my mind could plague me with more complicated thoughts.

I was beyond words grateful for it.

When I awoke again, no light was shining through my bedroom window.

Must be past sun down, I thought, stretching my legs out above the silk sheets. My AC had kicked in, causing me to shiver slightly from being bare ass naked with nothing covering myself. I was going to pull up the comforter that was at the very corner of the bed, but I thought against it.

If I got warm and comfortable, I was going to go back to sleep. I couldn't go back to sleep because I needed to continue working. Yes I know, it was still a Sunday- well, hopefully... no light outside could mean a lot of things... And I know I had given a whole speech on how god rested on this day, but there was just something else tonight.

A sudden spark, if you will.

It was probably the most clarity I've had with this project since I took it on, and I wasn't willing to let that motivation go.

That was what forced me out of bed and into some clothes. Though I loved to walk around my home naked, Hendrix having a spare key had since put me on high alert. This was the only reason I still bothered with briefs and a shirt.

I was so concentrated on the newfound ideas in my head, I almost missed the massive box I had set on my kitchen counter hours ago while on my way to my piano. And it had indeed been hours. The stove clock read 9:09PM which put my knockout at at least five hours.

Once I got a good sturdy kitchen knife to slice at the taped flaps, my first initial thought about this package was absolutely correct. There was another box within the first box, also taped up.

"Just fuck trees, I guess." I mumbled to myself. There was absolutely nothing more useless than when companies did this. And now I had two boxes I was going to need to bring all the way down to the trash bins in our underground parking. Whatever this was, had already successfully pissed me off.

It would've needed to be a lightning bolt of Zeus or some shit to justify the military grade packaging and weird delivery, but when I opened up that second box to reveal a white smaller box, I recognized the logo on this one almost immediately.

There was a small note sitting right on top of the box, that read a simple message in handwriting I knew all too well.

Proud of you.
Love, Dad


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