Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes Island

By zero252

494K 14.3K 9.3K

The Doctor of Rhodes Island is a good man, but even good men can be broken. He tried to endure the loneliness... More

He's Had Enough
What Have We Done
Welcome Home
For the Greater Good
Silver Bell Tolls
SuperNova Prevention
Know Your 'Enemy'
Have we Angered A God
Living Saint
Farsight Enclave
Trial By Fire
Making An Entrance
Terra's Reaction
Hello Ch'en
Strategic Value Absolute
Maiden Heart
Flawless Victory!
Can We Survive What's Comming
Enemy Of My Enemy
We Will Fight In The Streets.
Ride Of The Valkyries
Battle Won
The Next Arc
Emotionally Compromised
Prelude To Diplomacy
Underhanded Diplomacy
Angry Lung Noises
Farseer Agenta
The Darker Side Of Reunion
Sleep Easy At Last
Preserve Us
Purge Them!
Stand With Me
White Wolf
Lord of Fiends
I Hate/Like you!
Back In Your Arms
A Good Morning
Broken Too
Lupo's Mischief
Don't Panic
A Life Forever Changed
Running Away
The Law
Amnesia vs Love
Caught Pt1
Caught And Shattered
Calm Before The Storm
First Moves
I'm Done Playing
Enclave vs Rhodes Island
Lost & Gained
Already Broken
A Spark Of Hope
A Lupo's Secret Exposed?
Familiar Stranger
Anomaly Containment Corporation
Angel Of Death
The Begining of a Downfall
The Call
Manipulate Fate!
Artillery spam
Harem Assemble
Over The Top
Lascannon or Bolter
Return of the King
Questions and Answers
Our Duty Ends with Death
Safe and Sound
Guerilla Tactics
Kal'tsit and W Confrontation
Kalina's path
Small Talk
Heroic Ursus Girls
Your Eyes
Father & Daughter
Mostima's Choice

Farsight Will Rise

7.1K 182 79
By zero252

Hey Readers,

Thanks for everything!

I will mention the Harem in the next chapter.

There will be a harem. Not a big one.


Two days had passed since the minor Lungmen massacre, and now the entire world knew of their existence but not who or what they were.

Y/n had decided to stay in Lungmen with his first created soldiers. His first planned soldiers that Mal-Mal and Seneschal had made and trained were not standard infantry; no, he wanted hundreds of infantry before their face was revealed to the world.

His first group were stealth trained and had experimental armour designated XV-25 Stealth Suits, and all had volunteered for this stealth role with enthusiasm. All those under his command now had been offered a choice at what position they would take in the new force He and Agenta were creating. They only had standard rolls for his Enclave to pick from at this time. Stealth, Infantry, Mechanised, Armour and Airborn.

The Stealth Division units were all vanguard, espionage and covert Operators. Most of whom will be equipped with Stealth Suits like the XV-25.

The Infantry Division will be the backbone and the most valuable in the future. They will be the main face of the Enclave. They will have a standard armour and weapon loadout.

The Mechanised Division will be the Operators of the larger walking Battlesuits. They will be specialised and the main form of infantry support.

The Armour Division will be the slower, heavily armoured units like Tanks and Artillery. They will act as the damage takers and the primary protection for infantry. They will be equipped with experimental Arts suppressors.

The Airborne Division will pilot, maintain and protect any Aircraft of the Enclave, such as the single aircraft that had brought him and his first Stealth Division here.

Y/n and his Stealth Division were currently in an obscured field outside Lungmen that could be seen off the distance. Neon lights and smoke from fires are still raging. A few of those who came with him were tweaking their Stealth Suits while chatting, and Some were sitting around reading user manuals that Mal-Mal had given them to operate the XV-25s effectively.

Y/n was broken out of his thoughts by a Drone making its way over his position and decided to update him on the situation currently in Lungmen.

"Commander Farsight, It was as you predicted. The L.N.N. reported the footage they captured, and Terra now knows another player is on this chessboard." Came the monotone voice of the Drone.

"We have drawn their attention, but that's not enough. We need something more significant. One attack on Reunion is not enough." Y/n stated, looking over at the Lungmen skyline, thinking.

"A battle," The Drone said.

Y/n looked over at the Drone with a surprised but confused look. "A battle?"

"History remembers battles far better than good and just deeds. We must battle."

Y/n couldn't argue with that, but he requires an army first and an enemy to show itself to the world in sufficient numbers to receive a response from the Farsight Enclave. So even a minor skirmish would benefit them.

"We don't have the numbers currently," Y/n told his Drone, which only looked at him with its red eye.

"Please hold... Incorrect assumption Commander. You are an Army. Security footage from the Morgue that Lady Agenta had attempted to remove from the systems confirms you are powerful."

Y/n needs to talk with Agenta about this, but Drones are not going to Gossip. That's not what they do. So he has no concerns about this Drone knowing his secret. But, he needs something and thinks back to the Lungmen slaughter. Then, he recalls a young Ursus woman.

"Drone, What happened to the snow-haired Ursus girl that was struck with a rock before we engaged?"

"Please hold... Reports indicate that Reunion and Rhodes Island are interested in her. Rhodes Island was escorting her along with a group known as Penguin Logistics a few days before Reunion attacked them, and the Ursus girl, designated as 'Misha', vanished."

"Vanished?" Y/n replied with a raised brow.

"Affirmative Commander, the one known as Misha, vanished during an altercation between both warring groups. It was reported that she ran from both in a panic during this time. When she appeared during that riot, it was the first time anyone had seen her in days."

Y/n was thinking, Why did they need this Misha girl? Why was she important? He doesn't know, and maybe it wouldn't benefit him, but if Rhodes Island and Reunion want her, so does the Enclave.

"Where is she now."

"L.G.D Protective Custody," Drone replied instantly, knowing that question was coming.

"That doesn't narrow it down much," Y/n Deadpans.

"Scanning... Location Unknown... L.G.D communications suggest that Misha is being kept close to Madam Ch'en of L.G.D. Find Madam Ch'en, and you find Misha."

"Where Madam Ch'en is, Officer Hoshiguma and Superintendent Swire will also be. Those three are no pushovers." Y/n states with a grim smile.

The Drone looks around, beeping before focusing back on Y/n.

"Neither are you, and you wanted a battle. This is a strategic opportunity. You may show the world your strength. In front of the entire city and News outlets, Oppose the strongest the city has."

Y/n smiles. He is going to enjoy this.

"Commander!" One of the XV-25's Operators, a blue-haired Sankta, comes over in her form-fitting synthetic underlay and calls for him.

"Yes, Selestra?" Y/n politely asks the shorter woman.

"Orca incoming from the north." She blushed at his attention.

Y/n follows, the Sankta known as Selestra, returned to the rest of the waiting Stealth Suit Operators and waited with them, eyes looking to the north and to the sky, a familiar sight to the Orca currently resting only a few meters from them. Its reflective camouflage faces the city of Lungmen so it wouldn't be spotted.

The large Dropship came close and landed not far from them. Its large four engines whirl down as Its oversized cargo back door reveals Mal-Mal and a few of her Engineering Division. Mal-Mal spots him and makes her way over to him with too much eagerness.

"Y/n, or is it Farsight now? Hahaha," Mal-Mal said but made it all sound awkward.

"Farsight in public, Mal-Mal... What do we owe this surprise visit? Agenta said nothing about you coming." Y/n replied curtly, trying not to cringe at the awkward Sankta.

"Maybe I just want to come and see you?" Mal-Mal flutters her eyelashes at him.

"Agenta never would have let you leave if that was the case" Y/n rolled his eyes.

Mal-Mal sighs in despair before moving on.

"I worked on something for you long before you arrived with us! Now it is finished, and it's ready for your use. Follow me." Mal-Mal grins up at him, a red tint on her cheeks.

"Oh? Consider me curious," Y/n follows Mal-Mal into the Orca aircraft.

A sizeable imposing object in the middle of the craft is covered with a fabric sheet. Y/n looks at Mal-Mal standing there, looking at him and the strange thing with an eager expression.

Y/n walks over and pulls off the sheet to reveal a Battlesuit not seen before. A large two-legged Battlesuit red in colour with a giant sword in its right hand and a cannon in its left.

"Ah! isn't she beautiful!" Mal-Mal squeals.

"You were working on this before you met me?" Y/n was shocked.

"Well, it didn't look anything like this before, but I had to try and match the appearance with everything else we have been creating lately, so I had to modify it for you extensively." Mal-Mal chirps happily.

This is perfect, Y/n thought. He didn't have to reveal the Living Saint form too early. He can rely on this until he is desperate for a trump card. "You are quite something, Mal-Mal." Y/n is still unsure what to say to the Sankta who cut him open so readily.

"Ehehehe." She giggles as she looks between you and it.

"I already had an objective in mind just before you arrived; Please tell me this has a stealth generator also?" Y/n asks as he tries not to indulge the infatuated Sankta.

"Eh? of course it does. It has a stealth suite and a large shield generator, which will charge itself outside of being struck. A large Powersword with a heated plasma core that can cut through pretty much anything and a Plasma cannon like the ones we use in High Haven but on a smaller scale." Mal-Mal states.

Y/n reaches over with a satisfied smile and gives the rambling Sankta a side hug in thanks causing Mal-Mal to choke on her words as she starts coughing. Y/n chuckles at her. Mal-Mal is beginning to remind him of a certain apple-pie-loving Sankta he knows.

He walks up to the Battlesuit and pulls himself into the pilot's seat before it automatically shuts him in. Mal-Mal regaining her ability to breathe, she looks over and notices the light of the Battlesuit's eye flashing a few times before the whole suit suddenly jolts and moves forward a few feet. The suit stumbles side to side a few times before it gains its balance. Mal-Mal backs up in case it falls.

"How does it feel, Y/n?" Mal-Mal asks the large Battlesuit in front of her.

Y/n looks back a forth a few times before focusing down on her. "It feels like a second skin once I interfaced with it," Y/n replies. His tone has gotten much deeper and more menacing inside the Battlesuit.

"Good! never focus on its control panel. You only need to merge in its interface, and the Battlesuit will become you, and you will become it." Mal-Mal replied, happy that Y/n was picking It up so quickly.

Y/n suddenly starts thundering forward in his new Battlesuit and out of the Orca into view of his Stealth Division and those that came with Mal-Mal. They all heard him before they saw him.

Everyone looked in his direction in surprise and shock. The Stealth Division approach the menacing war machine with interest. Once they surround him, he opens his front compartment so they can see him, and he waves at them, shocking them more.

"How do we get one of those?" A Liberi Stealth Pilot asks. Making a few laughs.

Y/n smirks at his Stealth Division and speaks, "Never, this is mine." Making the Liberi pout.

"Listen up!" Y/n commands and goes serious before anyone can respond to his joke. "We are going back into Lungmen. I have someone to pick up, I will be alone for this, but you will be a distraction."

This causes whispering among his group of thirty before someone speaks up. "Picking up who, Commander?"

"Somebody that everyone else wants. I want to know why." He smiles at them. "I also want to fight with the Leadership of the L.G.D in front of as many live Cameras and people as possible."

The whole group was silent as they stared at their Commander. But, then, the same Liberi speaks up as before "I thought L.G.D were not our enemy?"

Y/n knows what they are thinking before reassuring them. "L.G.D is not our enemy. I am not going to Kill any of them nor maim them. I will only be facing Madam Ch'en if I can help it and rescue a young woman called Misha. However, L.G.D can not be trusted with protection currently. I'm sure they will take it personally, but when the time comes, and Reunion come out in force against them, we will swoop in and save the day, but until then, we may be seen as the villains."

They all look at each other before nodding. "Whatever happens, Commander, we are with you."

Y/n smiles at them. "Good! Then prepare to go back in."

"Yes, Commander!" All thirty salute and rush off to their Stealth Suits.

Mal-Mal watched from a distance with a giddy smile.

This was going to be good!



Some more Technology is being shown.

Should I use the Tau caste system? I don't know if I should, honestly.

The Drone in the first part of the chapter will be a prominent feature of Y/n retinue. It needs a name. Any suggestions?

So? Tau Battlesuit vs Ch'en? Is there a challenge there?

Thanks for the support and votes. It is appreciated.


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