En Taro Daelaam

By Knight1029384756

59 7 0

The newly formed alliance between the Khala and the Nerazim known as the Daelaam are on the verge of reclaimi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

5 1 0
By Knight1029384756

Siruth stayed in the shadows as she rushed back towards the Arrow. Severing the nerve cords of any Khala protoss she encountered. Most went into fits of despair, but they all quickly realized that the time for mourning and grief would be for later. They followed her to the chamber housing the Arrow of Adun. Battle echoes in the room as she sees her dark templar fighting off Amon's forces. It seems they have received the instructions she had been given as well. Khala protoss with severed cords fought with them. They struggled to end the battle because they weren't trying to kill them. They were trying to save them.

Siruth sprinted in quickly, cutting their never cords. More dark energies erupted out of them dissipating into the air. Siruth shudders at how it must feel to be controlled by Amon. Your will and souls are his to do whatever he wishes. She thinks how right the Nerazim are. We are free from his influence because of our ways. But quickly dismisses those thoughts. She can't think like this. No-one could have predicted the dark god doing this or even appearing at all.

A dark templar quickly rushes to Siruth, "My lady we are thankful you have come, so, quickly. We feared we may have to end them,"

Siruth replies, "Worry not my warrior but if some had died by your hands do not despair." She pauses for a moment, "Are there an engineer's left alive?"

"Yes, they were easier to save than the Templar were."

"Good, have them begin launching the Arrow and activating its defences. We must leave before Amon's forces arrive in force."

"At once my lady." He quickly returns to the Arrow and relay Siruth's orders.

Siruth opens her communications to contact the Hierarch. Her comms fail her as she repeatedly tries. Suddenly her comms activated but not from Artanis, but from a engineer, "My lady to get the Arrow operational we must activate the generators in the chamber. They can be remotely activated from here, but our enemies will not allow it to stay on for long."

"Then we shall hold them." Siruth now looking at the Templars, "Warrior's we must defend the generators so that the Arrow will activate. Move towards these areas." She sends them all off and all of them following her commands dutiful. But before she can ask the engineers to contact the Hierarch her comms activate again, "My lady, I must inform you that while we are skilled engineers we aren't masters. It will take longer for us to bring ship online."

"I am concerned about that as well. I have been trying to contact the Hierarch on our plan to activate the Arrow and ask Karax for help, but I cannot reach them."

"We have had similar difficulties as well. We speculate interference in the tunnels or Amon's forces. Or the worst has happened."

"Regardless we must know. Can you not use the ship to make contact?"

"We can do that. But it will split our focus."

"Hurry then. We have little time to spare before Amon's forces are upon us."

Siruth began to hear clawing and scratching in halls leading to the chamber. The Zerg have returned, but they appear different. Their eyes glow a dark red ash color. Siruth immediately knows what is happening. She immediately shouts, "Warrior's, Amon has control of the Zerg. Be wary of the battle ahead. He will have us all killed but do not let him. Living and being free of him is the greatest insult we can levy at him. Be ready to protect the Arrow so that we may be an afront to his will." The warrior's bellowed in response and began to take their formations.

Zerglings poured out of the tunnels resembling a mush covered tide. The Zerglings weren't as numerous as when they fought to retake the city but were still vast. The Stalkers killed many at range and any that came through were killed by the Zealots and Dark Templar.

The Arrow began to hum with energy then Siruth's comms activated, "My lady the Arrow's defences have been restored. While we can't use many of them in this confined chamber you can still use the lasers. Just tell us where to fire." What a relieve Siruth thought. Immediately telling them where they should hit. The lasers seared through the zerg leaving nothing behind but ash. Large waves were charred. For a moment the zerg stopped attacking a relieve to all of them.

Zirol thought about Siurth's words repeatedly. Her voices piercing his mind. Should I just let Amon kill me? Shall I accept that fate and pass into the void? His mind cannot reason, still filled with the emotions of being alone. How can the Nerazim live like this, he wonders. Are they even alive? No, that can't be true, how else could they have built their Shakuras. Zirol keeps circling around the answer he fears. Maybe the Nerazim are stronger than I thought. Perhaps they do feel alone but do not let that discourage them. They continue even if they are alone. Zirol doesn't want to accept that. To accept that all his years of killing and enforcing the Khala was not righteous. Was what the Conclave had said wrong. For if he was wrong...

He thinks back to Siruth's words again, "Why not continue, if not for yourself then to end Amon?" Ending Amon... He can try to do. For if he succumbs to despair Amon will continue to control the Khala. Maybe the Khala can be saved if Amon is defeated. Hope is renewed in him. He pushes himself up and sprints to the Spear of Adun. Stopping Amon is all he can do now.

The Zerg continued their near endless onslaught. Moments after the defences for the Arrow came online, they have received a transmission from Artanis, "Siruth we have been trying to reach you since the Khala's corruption. Are you alright?"

"Yes, Hierarch. We have been attempt to contact you as well. We have been defending the Arrow of Adun from Amon's forces, trying to reactivate it. So, far we have gotten the defences online. The engineers could use Karax's assistance."

Artanis with surprise in his voice, "That is wonderous news, but I fear you won't be able to safe the Arrow in time. Karax is busy as it is bringing the Spear to bare. What you have done thus far is impressive, but tragically fruitless. You must attempt to extract your forces and overload the Arrow's core so Amon cannot use it." Siruth understood the logic in his words. But she can't allow this ship to be wasted.

"With respect Hierarch I must disagree. We can save the Arrow. The phase-smiths here may not be masters, but they have done good without Karax's guidance. And if we are overrun, we will ensure the Arrow is of no use to our enemy."

"Then I wish you luck Siruth of the Dark Templar. If you by any chance are in need of reinforcements your warp gates can call them." The comm turns off. Siruth refocused her efforts on the battle at hand.

Zirol fought through his way towards the Arrow hoping he isn't too late to help, killing anyone he encountered. His rage giving him the strength and the motivation to keep going. His despair still lingers like a heavy cloud, but he pushes through. He knows that if he just succumbs then it would be the same as giving the enemy Aiur. He came to save Aiur and not let it fall to another opponent.

Entering the chamber, he sees the Arrow of Adun. Great ship and protector, from a lost time in history. The vessel seems larger than any ship in the Golden Armada. Its beauty inspires him to push further. Gazing down he sees the glow of three generators and on each one, Zerg and Protoss fighting. Activating his psionic blades, he rushes down towards the nearest generator. He surprises the Zerg giving him the advantage, easily he cuts them down and presses forward. The Templar cheer at his sight. Zirol immediately took command of the defence. Coordinating their strikes. With renewed vigour and Zirol's abilities they charge. The Zerg were numerous but with Zirol they easily slaughtered them.

The Zerg were cut down and a brief respite came. Zirol went to quickly contact Siruth or anyone in charge here. But before he could his comms activated, he was greeted with Siruth's voice, "Zirol, I am glad you did not succumb to despair. It would have been a sad end to such a warrior," Siruth spoke with a tone a surprise. She did not think Zirol was going to come back. The despair she saw seemed set to consume him.

"Siruth... Your words gave me much to think on and the fact you gave me them left me much to ponder. I grief the loss to my connection to the Khala. It pains me still to know I will never have another soul to commune with. But to have my remaining life be filled with such loss would do no good. This Amon has destroyed the very core of my society; to let that stand would be betraying all I have stood for," Zirol feels relieved to have said it.

"I am glad to hear that," A small silence descends but is broken by Siruth, "I give my sympathy to what you have lost. I know the Templar value its connection. Even if I may not understand it."

"Thank you," Zirol wanted to say something more but couldn't. He felt his words failing him and to be so open with a Nerazim felt wrong. But he is grateful to her words.

Not a moment less passed when Siruth shouted, "Warrior's our enemies come to attack once more! Drive them back as you have done before. Show them the might of the Daelaam!" The battle began anew.

Each of the generators were restlessly attacked. The Zerg masses at times were too much to bare only for the Arrow to strike and cinder them all. It was a constant test of their fortitude, skill, and luck. A test each time they passed but stepped ever closer to failure. If it were not for Zirol's timely arrival, they may have been overwhelmed. The Templar respect him and with that respect they were reinvigorated. Those who would have fallen stand because of him. But Siruth also benefited with his return. She now can focus on the two other generators. But it won't last for long.

Siruth exhaustingly calls to the engineers, "How much longer until the Arrow is ready?"

"Not too long my lady. We need just a bit more time."

"Time is something we don't have. We either launch the Arrow or we accept our deaths. If you cannot get bring it online, then be ready to do what must be done to not let it fall into the enemies' hands."

The engineer with a sober voice, "I understand my lady. We will be ready for whatever happens."

Siruth knew she was harsh, but she can't be deceptive now. It is not the time or place to be. They need to know what they must do if they fail.

Amon knows what will happen if they allow the Daelaam even one of these ancient vessels to be freed. The Zerg attacks intensify. But to the Daelaam's advantage the Zerg are bottle necked in the tunnels. Only so many can come through. Not even the Nydus Worms can come through without blocking the way for the Zerg as well. A small advantage but one that they will exploit to no end.

Siruth's comms come to life hearing the voice of Artanis, "Siruth, we have activated the Spear. We are warping back all the Firstborn. Be ready to come aboard."

"No!" Siruth shouted quickly, "I need to ensure that we don't leave this in the hands of the enemy." She quickly contacts the engineers. "Is there no hope to save the Arrow?"

A moment of silence descended then jubilant cheer came through, "My lady we have done it! The Arrow of Adun is ready. It is not fully operation, but we can warp out of here. We feared we would not be able to but it seems that the activation of the Spear caused the Arrow to ready itself faster than we anticipated."

Siruth quickly responds to Artanis, "No, need Hierarch. The Arrow is ready. We shall be joining you soon."

"It is good to hear. We shall meet soon."

"My warrior's ready yourselves as we depart Aiur. Amon may have stopped the reclamation, but he shall soon find that we are united against him."

The doors to the chamber open; bleeding light into it. The thrum of the Arrow coursed through the room, as bellow the light of engines illuminate the pit. Smoke rises from bellow covering everything. The protoss become translucent as they are warped onto the ship they have worked so tirelessly to save.

The vessel with great speed left the surface and was met with the Spear. Artanis hailed the ship and gave it the coordinates to a safe place they can rest. They activate their warp engines and flee from Aiur once more.

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