Time and Time Again

By Clarissa_is_broke

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If you haven't read the first installation, please do so before reading this! This is a continuation Propheci... More

Then and Now
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight (Extremely short, slightly emotional)
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Sisters' Day
The New Addition and Epilogue

Chapter Six

88 4 3
By Clarissa_is_broke

Alice and I walked around the square as the clock chimed six and Alice looked at me, "Stroke of six." We both run to try and find young Iracebeth, Alice smacks my arm and points to show me: the clock that young Iracebeth stuck her head on and a sobbing Iracebeth coming this way.

I groan, knowing Alice will try and change the past. I stand to the side, not wanting to get mixed up in it. Alice runs and tackles the frogs who miss Iracebeth, but she trips and falls, slamming her head into the base of the statue. I gasp and cover my mouth in horror as I help Alice up, pulling us out of sight of the townspeople. 

Alice looks to the ground, "You can not change the past." I nod as I look over to see Tarrant's father pocket his trashed hat. Alice gasps, "No Hightopps. Adrian, they're alive!" I cheer, "I thought you would have noticed it the first time! Took you long enough." Alice and I were yanked into a clock shop.

I started swinging my fists, hoping to hit something, but Alice put my hands down. "Your foolishness astounds me," Time explained as he walks towards us, "You have no conception of how reckless you have been. The dangers you have caused," Time stalks towards us and I keep pushing Alice back, suddenly the ground shakes and Time groans. Alice and I look around to see the clocks going crazy and I gulp, "This doesn't seem good." 

"I need that Chronosphere now." Time said sternly, "It must go back to the Grand Clock." Alice stepped up a step with me following her, "But Horenvendish Day. I'll only use it one more time. I must find out what happened to the Hightopps so I can rescue them," Alice tries to bargain. 

Time sneers as I look at a mirror that looks like it's rippling, "You will rescue no one. Where ever you go, I will find you. The Grand Clock must not stop. You cannot escape time." Alice sighs, "I'm sorry, but I must save Hatter." Alice shoves me into the mirror and she jumps in after me. 

*Alice's POV*

I wake up to hear my mother's and Adrian's voice, "Alice? Alice? Alice?" They both lean over me and I blink. Adrian is dressed in a black suit and he frowns at me. "Where am I?" I ask, looking around and mother sighs, holding Adrian's hand. "You're in an institution." I frown, "How long have I been here?"

Mother shakes her head, "Not long. You were found in an upstairs room at the Ascots'. Hamish had you brought here. You were behaving so strangely. Adrian was found, unconscious across the room, and he decided to drop in for a surprise visit. They say you were trying to get under the furniture after knocking out your brother. Talking about the atmosphere?" I jolt up and gasp, "The Chronosphere. Hatter." 

A doctor wheeled a tray over as Adrian smiles sadly at me and stands up, "Indeed, Miss Kingsleigh." I whisper to mother, "I've got to go back." The doctor reads something and I roll my eyes as mother frowns and stands up. The doctor has a big syringe in his hands and my eyes go wide, "But there is nothing wrong with me." The doctor smiles, "Lie back, Alice. Lie back." The doctor sits by my side and holds the syringe in his hand, trying to stick it in my neck.

Mother holds Adrian, "Dr. Bennet, is it really necessary? Surely there must be something-" The doctor cut mother off, "Mr. Harris if you could see to Mrs. Kingsleigh and Mr. Kingsleigh. Never fear. We'll have Alice fixed in no time." 

I pick up the syringe and stick it in the doctor's thigh, causing him to pass out. I get out of bed and crouch beside him. Looking up when mother and Adrian come back into the room, "Dr. Bennet, I really must object." Mother looks at me, "Alice. Run! Adrian look after your sister!" Adrian runs over to me and helps me out of the room, running up the hospital stairs. "What's the plan for getting back to my wife Alice?" Adrian asks while we run the stairs. I chuckle, "I thought you were a different version of yourself, glad to see you're not." Adrian laughs, "Same. Though you didn't have to knock me out." I shrugged, "It needed to be done, you were screaming." Adrian scoffs, "It was scary. 

We run up to the roof and I look over the edge, Adrian freaking out behind me, "There is no way I will be doing this." I sneered, "You want to see your children again?" Adrian narrowed his eyes, "I hate it when you do that." I grinned, "Then let's go." Adrian and I repel ourselves down into the ledge and then we jump onto a carriage. Adrian holds on to the top while I grab the reigns. "I don't like this!" Adrain yelled and I snap the reigns for the horses to go, "You never like my ideas!" Adrian laughed, "Because they usually end up with me being freaked out by your bravery!" 

We made it back to Hamish's office where I dropped the Chronosphere and Adrian walks over to the mirror. "Hold on Hightopps," I said as Adrian and I walk through the mirror. 

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