Falling into Other Worlds

By Forsaken-Feathers

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I've been inspired by Vivzipop's series Helluva Boss and made a few of my own characters! I wanted to make my... More

Castle Crashing
Cast 'n Crew
Smallest of Talks
There are roaches in the kitchen
Blurred Lines
What's it like up there?
Cast 'N Crew (Part two)
Pizza, Bandages, and Ginko
Medicinal Headphones
What did you do? (Sub-Chapter 1)
A group of Owls is called a parliament
Doodle break #1
Breakfast isn't good the second time
Advocate of Actions (Sub-Chapter 2)
Cast 'N Crew (Part 3)
Jams, not the toast kind.
Control-Alt Gone
Doodle Break #2
Cast 'N Crew (Part Four)
I got sand in my hair
Cast 'n Crew (Part Five)
Quick Introductions
Looking Back... (Sub-chapter 3)
Interrogating Intentions

Bingo Bongo you were Wrongo

285 11 3
By Forsaken-Feathers

"-And that's what's happening today." Demmy said as eh pulled his green hoodie from the bag that Cackle brought the night before. He was briefing Octavia on the plans that he an Stolas were talking about earlier in the morning.

"So you got your own music spot? Your imp said you don't leave your palace at all, why not count this place?" Octavia said as she pulled her beanie hat over her head, pulling her bangs out to cover some of her face.

"Dad usually sits outside or inside and tells me how to make music, like he knows anything about playing instruments" Demmy sighed, "Anyways, your dad said he was figuring out how we're getting there so I think it's just a matter of waiting."

"Dad's finding out transport? Great." Via huffed and tossed herself onto her bed, "there goes a good day, and it's only nine in the morning too. Damn."

"What's wrong with your dad getting us places? Should I know something?" Demmy asked, he felt like everything she got upset at was something important to note down in his head, so he was ready to internalised her words.

"Yeah, he always calls the same guy for everything. From theme park kidnappings to simple grocery runs, it's always the same damn imp." She groaned at just thinking about it.

"Oh right! He told me about his friend Blitzy! He can't be that bad, can he?" Demmy paused as Via looked at him with a glare that could turn him to stone. "Ok maybe he is then. What's to hate about him?" He cleared his throat and talked in a serious tone, or as serious as he could get.

"He is very reason my mother no longer lives here." She started, just from the way she sounded as she started, the exasperation in her voice was miserable. Demmy was regretting asking her who he was now.

"Maybe he won't call him?" Demmy cleared his throat in hope, Octavia rolled her eyes. "He really calls him for everything, huh..."

They walked out from the room ans started down the hallway, plants were being watered by Stolas's servant imps as they walked, Demmy thought it was strange that they weren't waving towards him like the imps his father hired did.

"Oh right, that reminds me to ask," Octavia said, seeing Demmy trying to wave to the servants. "Your imp friend, Cackle, what's his deal? He seems a bit protective and way to prepared to be a servant." She said, she checked a few things on her phone as she walked before she stuffed it into her pockets.

"I don't understand what you mean," Demmy blinked, apparently Cackle was something that baffled these Goetia. "He just takes care of me... He's done this for as long as I can remember." the peacock looked around, seeing all the photos of Via and her dad, the looked so happy.

"It's like he's your 'other' dad, doesn't that unnerve you that he takes better care of you than your actual father?" She asked, it sounded like she wanted Demmy to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

"I guess? But my dad is always buzy, it is what it is sometimes." He shrugged, Demmy didn't know what she was after. "Why? Does Cackle bother you?"

"Nah, I don't think he can even if he tried to. He's kept all the other imps here out of my feet and away from my room. He fixed my bed after I showered and he took my laundry to the cleaning room. He's pretty efficient in our house for his first time being here." Octavia said, "Hell, he even had an outfit layed out for me on my bed, I didn't even know I had ths stuff in my closet!" She said, spreading her arms out to show her new outfit.

She was wearing a colder pallet of clothes, more purples and dark pinks, leaving enough room for her to work with unless she wanted something else. Her shirt was dark pink with black stars painting the collar and the sleeves, she had a dark grey shawl around her shoulders and black jeans with purple stitches on the knees. It looks sick, very punk!

"That's what he does for me every morning, I rarely get to pick out my clothes anymore." Demmy sighed, hid dad always had outfits picked for him for events and daily appearances out of their mansion. "Don't your imps help you with that? You don't have a Cackle?"

"I never needed to have my hand held, so, no. My mum picked my clothes out for me until I was twelve, I've been picking my style since, you should try it." She nudged Demmy's shoulder, a bit to hard. "Besides, I never knew support Imps were a think until I met you."

"Support imps?" Demmaryous echoed.

"He's like a support animal in a way, he knows how to keep you safe and rarely leaves your side when your in trouble. I mean this in a good way, it's nice to see you have someone to care for you that way." The owl looked back at him, "He's a good friend for someone like you."

He never stopped to think about that, somehow. Cackle was his best friend, wasn't he? He chuckled a bit, "I guess he is then!" Demmy smiled.

The imp at the door opened the door for the children, letting them step through and walk down the stairs to wait for Stolas. The sky was pink, making the mansion seem more red to match the colors around, as if it was a chameleon. Demmy ran his hand on the beautiful railing of the stairs, watching the metal work twisting around into wonderful shapes.

"So how long until your dads ready?" Demmy asked Via, she just shrugged as an answer.

"He can take hours or sometimes twenty minuets flat, it all depends on what happening." She replied and sat on the stairs, "Might as well get comfortable, we could be here for a while."

Demmy mimicked the owls idea and sat down, folding his tail feathers to his side as to not brush against Octavia. He looked around and admired the garden in the center of the prince's drive way, seeing all the flowers and vines blooming as the light ran over their leaves. They were so responsive to the light, watching their yellow petals pull away and open up was something he'd never seen.

"My dad always had a thing for plants," Octavia said, seeing him be in awe at the flowers. "He grows all the plants around here, he's probably gonna stop at the gardener's market before coming home."

"Your dad grew all this?!" Demmy beamed, looked dead at Via, wide eyed. "He grew everything here?" he was so dumb founded, how could a prince find the time to grow all these plants and all his duties? "My dad would never take the time to do all this,"

"About your dad," She rolled her eyes, "Let's not talk about him today, out of sight out of mind as my dad says. You're away from him, so don't even give him the time of day thinking about him. He's a prick, from what I've seen." She flicked her hair back and relaxed against the stair behind her.

"He is. But that's just because he's so-"


"But he-"

"Shut up, you're talking about him!"


"Demmy. No."

"Alright children! Are we all ready to go?" Stolas said, filing the doors open with Cackle beside him, the imp was walking backwards, still talking to a few imps behind the door.

Octavia looked behind her, Demmy tried looking as far back as she did, but it seemed like her neck snapped just to look behind her. He was wearing a black waist coat with a dark grey undershirt with stars neatly placed here and there to accents, he was wearing black jeans like Octavia's well.

"Look what your friend picked out for me, Demmaryous! Iran't it stunning! And look! Me and Via match!" Stolas said, spinning around happily to show them the stars on the back of the waist coat as well. Via sunk in her stop, pulling her beanie over her face in embarrassment.

"You look awesome, sir!" Demmy smiled, he didn't see the problem in his outfit at all. He hopped up and brushed his pants off, making sure they were clean for their trip. Stolas paraded down his stairs with a big smile on his face as Via stood up. "So when are we leaving?" Demmy asked, looking around for their car or waiting for a signal if they were walking.

"It'll be here in a moment, our driver said traffic's a bit slow today." Stolas said, Via looked at Demmy, as if saying Blitzy was called.

"Tell me you didn't call him." Via said, hoping her dad would say he didn't.

"I had to Via, it's the first time he escorts us in a while, and I miss him," He said, his tone was so caring and gentle.

"UGH! Dad the last time you called your 'body guard,' he burnt a whole circus down. Why did you call I.M.P again?" Via grumbled, her tone was the opposite. "You know I hate him anyways,"

"He is only driving us today, I promise my Starfire. You'll hear no vulgarity from either of us. Trust me." Stolas crossed his heart, "I only called him to keep you safe, you know that Via." He pu his hand on her shoulder, she didn't knock it away, meaning she knew.

"I can keep myself safe now, dad. It's not like I'm going to be left alone. I'm gonna be with Demmy in his shop thingy while your out, nothing is gonna happen to us while we're there. It's safe." She looked at Demmy, "Isn't that right?" Octavia strainer her eyes, telling him to confirm her words.

"Right! It's in the northside of Imp City, it stays fairly safe out there anyways." Demmy said, he was being more or less honest about it too. "Since my dad- um, since I've owned the place, there haven't been any break ins. Honest!" He caught his tongue, doing as Via told him and not talking about his dad at all.

"If you say so..." Stolas clearly didn't trust his daughter being alone or away from him. "Tell me more about your little place, Demmy." He brushed off his worry.

"It's nothing special, just place to play music." Demmy shrugged, "I have guitars and drums and whatever I can get really. I have a piano there too."

"A piano you say! Via used to play piano when she was younger, maybe she can show you what she knows!" Stolas said, he smiled at his daughter, who pulled her hat down again once she looked at her dad.

"I haven't played piano in years, dad, I don't remember how to play it at all." she mumbled and looked around. "'I only learned it to shup mum up anyways,"

"Oh right... you see her mother was very competitive with a few of the other Goetia..." Stolas explained to Demmy, Octavia didn't seemed to bothered by him talking about her. "She always wanted Via do to this or that to show her rival Lady Lenore she was a better mother, which she wasn't."

"Huh, well, maybe we can find something else for you to do at my lil place, I can teach you guitar if you want." Demmy offered, "There's also free wifi there in case you just wanna hang out there instead, theres also a sofa too." Octavia shrugged, staying quiet.

"What else do you have in there?" Stolas pushed the conversation on. "I bet you have plenty of other stuff there too, anything I'd like?" he was clearly joking, hooting at his own humor.

"I have a fridge? So... I mean if you want a cold cup of fruit juice or soda, feel free to leave anything there. There's also a couple of sound proof rooms for recording and napping, so... there's that too." Demmy sounded so awkward as he spoke, he had no clue what the prince liked at all.

"You just have sound proof rooms?" Octavia asked, keeping a snicker from escaping her beak.

"Their recording rooms, but I rarely use both of them, so I turned the other into a sleeping room instead?" Demmy winced, "I didn't know what else to do with it."

"It's fine, probably makes for killer naps," Via smiled a bit. She was right, Demmy doesn't remember having a single bad nap in that room.

Before Stolas could spark another conversation, a black van with a red logo drove quickly into the round about of Stolas's drive way. Loud music could be heard from the van, tons of words were being said, but it was hard for Demmy to make out any of them. Stolas hopped over to the car as the window rolled down, showing an Imp in the driver seat. He had huge curved back horns and a massive white patch over his face, he looked taller than all the imps Demmy had ever seen.

"Get in bitches, I have a buncha stuff to take care of." He screamed over his music before turning it down. It was so strange hearing someone swear so casually, Demmy knew this was Hell and all, but he wasn't used to hearing those words.

Stolas pulled the door open for the kids as he hopping into the front seat, he looked uncomfortable sitting ther, but happy nonetheless to be picked up in this imps car. Octavia and Demmy stepped over stacks of fastfood trash and other junk just trying to get to the seats in the van. It was the polar opposite to Astaroth's car. Once they were sitting and the car moved, Via looked over to Demmy what an 'I told you so' look in her eyes. They were both quick to cover their ears with their own pairs of headphones to drown out the blaring music the driving imp played, even thought his headphones he could still heard the music.

(So sorry for the wait, I got busy, there's gonna be more chapters comming soon! Thank you all for the support and intrest!! It means so much that people wanna see what my characters are up to! thanks again! -Forsaken_Feathers)

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