Control-Alt Gone

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The two Goetia kids spent a few hours over the drum set, Demmy pulled up several different apps and tabs on his computer to teach each other the drums. Once Octavia was well on her own of keeping beat and being able to tell which drum or cymbal does and sounds, they both agreed this was enough practice.

"Drums aren't that bad of an instrument to learn," Octavia said, twirling a stick in her hand, seeing it spin with such ease made Demmy a bit jealous, but in a good way. "Get's all that energy and angry out, it's a win-win."

Demmy nodded as he stretched his arms above his head, "Yeah, but man I'm tired of being here!" He joked the peacock flexed his tail feathers out as he rolled his shoulders, everything felt stiff. "Maybe we can fo find your dad or call him to say we're good to go."

When Demmy turned back around to face his friend and the drum set, the owl already pulled her phone out quickly and shot a text to her dad, "Just sent one. Hopefully, we'll take a portal home instead of that car, that Imp can't drive for anything." She sighed. Octavia stood from the drum set and then collapsed on the bean bag she was on earlier. "I hope we get snacks on the way home too."

"Snacks would be good about now." Demmy picked up his chair and brought it across the room to sit beside Octavia. He plopped his body into the chair and sunk into its squishy goodness with a deep sigh.

The room stayed quiet for a few minutes, both of the kids were 'recovering' from all the drumming they either did or heard. He had to admit, Octavia had a talent for drumming, he could tell she was putting her all into learning what they could. Each time she did whatever she wanted, her hair was flying everywhere, it was clear she put everything into it.

"I'm not the only one of us whose back is hurting, right?" Octavia laughed at a wince and looked at Demmy, her hat fell off and behind her, but she didn't seem to notice or care.

"Oh thank, Satan! My back feels like a pretzel from looking back and forth from the tabs and stuff!" Demmy let out an exaggerated sigh. He sat up and reached behind Octavia to grab her hat, "I think laying down on a real chair would help, all the more reasons to head back to your house, huh?"

Octavia looked at the hat he was handing back to her, "Y'know what? Keep it, I have like twelve more of them. We're friends now, might as well have something we have the same." For the first time since he met her, Demmy saw her face light up with a big, warm smile. "Other than music, and weird parents."

Demmy pulled the grey beanie hat over his feathers and pulled his bangs out from the hat, "Thank you, Octavia!" he beamed and looked up at his cool new hat. Demmy now planned on wearing it every day, "As a return gift... you...wanna keep the drums? I'm not using them."

His friend's eyes opened wide, "You want to trade a hat for a whole drumset? That seems one-sided, don't you think?" She blinked a bit. Octavia thought for a bit, "How about this, keep the drums, just make me your first bandmate. You're still starting that band, right?"

"YOU WANNA JOIN MY BAND?!" Demmy squawked and somehow fell out of a bean bag. "For real?"

"Sure, it'd be fun." She shrugged, "It's not like I'm doing anything in my off time anymore. Joining a band would be fun too, it'd get me out of the house and away from my dad sometimes."

Demmy rolled back up and into his chair, his feathers were fanned out, and he couldn't seem to shove them down either. "Awesome! There are no scheduled practices or songs... so we can arrange that together! And who knows, since your joining, maybe Stolas can help us find new members too!" Demmy head was exploding with all kinds of possibilities, he was so excited to see where this was going now.

They talked more, focusing on what kind of songs they'd sing, making sure there was a long list of songs from the CCresent Killers and FaQ Dad as well. The two of them went over doing covers or even doing some of the songs Demmy had piled up in his notebook of lyrics.

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