There are roaches in the kitchen

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Demaryous hurried to his father's side, he squared his shoulders and tried to look impressive but he couldn't help but feel inferior under the prince's height and gleaming eyes, his wife didn't make things any better. 

"Demaryous." Demmy said and bowed politely, "Pleased to meet you, sir."

Stolas shook his hand and looked at Astaroth, "Such a wonderful gentleman! I'm pleased to meet the son of Astaroth. Your father and I have known each other since we were your age."

Astaroth started to leave for Piamon's castle, leaving Demmy behind, as usual. Cackle went to take his place beside Demmy, when Astaroth cleared his throat, signaling Cackle to his side. He left the two younger Goetias to trail behind the Prince and the Duke. 

"Have you ever been to one of these snooze fests?" Octavia asked quietly, maybe she didn't see Stolas glance back at them... "I can show you where all the best escape spots are if you haven't."

"I've been going to these meetings since I was little, my father doesn't let me leave the table until the meeting breaks." Demmy sighed. "I'd like to see the escape spots though, maybe they can slip me away from my dad!" he snickered. He tried leaving the meeting room when he was younger, it resulted in him sitting with his father's hand around his wrist the whole time. It was suffocating. 

They walked into the palace, the beautiful gold flooring and intricate walls always took Demmy's breath away. King Piamon certainly knew how to decorate this palace. Pictures of Piamon and his sons littered the walls very sparingly. 

Demmy and Octavia stopped and stared at one, "I haven't seen this one before..." Octavia blinked. The picture showed a light grey Goetia on a pirate ship mast looking out to the sea.

"This is your uncle Seir," Stolas said, he lingered back with the kids as the adults wandered off into the meeting room. "He's almost always in the human's world, as of late, but he is a lovely man, he and his son are very kind!"

"Prince Stolas," Astaroth said, his shadow overcasting all three others. "Keep Seir's name out of your mouth."

"I was just telling them about my brother, Astaroth," Stolas said, "I think they have a right to know who he is anyways,"

Astaroth grabbed the collar of Stolas's coat and brought him to his face. "Keep Seir's name out of your mouth." He demanded. "Espcially around my son." Astaroth pushed the prince back and walked off, to rejoin the other Goetia.

"What crawled in his ass?" Octavia said, helping her father up, she looked over at Demaryous.

Stolas coughed a bit as he readjusted his coat's collar, "Astaroth has always been a bit, bold tempered... you see, your father and Seir used to be great friends, but... after the birth of his son, I assume they drifted off..."  He told Demaryous.

"What's wrong with some guy's kid being born?" Demmy asked, he crossed his arms, embarrassed and frustrated that his father just assaulted one of the sons of Piamon in front of a new friend.

"Nothings wrong with his son, its, dare I say, the sircumstances he was born under," Stolas explained, as he walked with the children to the meeting room. "Who knows, maybe Seir and Rupture will be here."

Octavia and Demmy followed after the Goetia prince, he pushed the door open and held it for the children. Princes and dukes and Marques swarmed the room, all chattering among themselves in groups or simply with a single demon. Seeing this many Goetia only happened once every other month, but they lasted the entire day.

"I must join the other princes," Stolas sighed. "I'll see you once the meeting breaks, goodbye Via, stay safe." The owl walked off, joining a few other princes and Astaroth. Despite being a duke, Astaroth had a tendency to stick with the princes at the meetings. 

"Hey, Demmy, you hungry?" Octavia said, nudging him in the arm. "The only good thing about these meetings is the food they bring, c'mon, let's get something good."

"I haven't had time to eat something here in forever!" Demmy said, his mouth already tasting the delicious food from his childhood. "The meetings always start before I can eat!" 

Octavia led Demaryous off to the kitchen where a buffet of food was spread out on the counters and tables. Goetia demons were picking their favorite foods off of the platters. In the corner of one of his eyes, Demaryous spotted a few insect dishes. While Octavia went off for the rodents, Demaryous nearly ran off for the bugs. Just the sight and smell of the food made Demaryous's tail flick up with excitement.

"You're Astaroth's boy, aren't you?" Asked a white peacock from the other side of the table Demmy stood by.

"I am," Demmy said not looking up from piling bugs onto his plate, "My name is Demaryous." 

"I know, don't you recognize me?" Asked the peacock.

Demmy peaked away from his plate and look the stranger. He squinted, "Uncle Andy?"

Andrealphus chuckled, "Nice to see you again Demmy, I see you're still wearing the suit I had your father buy." He held his arms out for a hug.

"It's some of the best clothes I have!" Demaryous laughed and hugged his uncle. The fur in his stole tickled his beak. "How've you been?"

"Avoiding responcibilities, planning parties, and listening to the insane ramblings of your aunt." Andrealphus said, "Speaking of which, is she here? She might be with an owl named Stolas or with a kid named Octavia." 

"Hi Uncle Andrealphus," Octavia said, she was texting someone as she walked. 

"He's your uncle too? Are we cousins?" Demmy asked, "How did I not know about you?"

"Astaroth no doubt, not much of a family man, that guy." Andrealphus sighed. "He's always been like that, what a brother." Andrealphus shook his head, "How have you crazy kid been anyways? Sneaking out and being rebels yet?"

"I wish." Both Demmy and Octavia said. "I think our parents would kill us if we left," Demmy finished and tossed a bug into his mouth.

"You'll never know until you try." their uncle cooed and strutted towards the door, "If you'll excuse me, I heard Seir will be here, I have to ask him a few questions." he left once he finished talking, leaving the kids in the kitchen.

Both of them still couldn't believe they were cousins and didn't know it, that's still a big piece of news for them. 

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