I got sand in my hair

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"So... lemme get this right... you went home and it was... destroyed?" Seir said over the phone. They hadn't left just yet, but the portal was still swirling in from of Demmy's face. "Sounds good enough for a vacation here, how many people are you bringing?"

"Octavia, Demmy, myself, and Demaryous's imp. If it's too many people, I'm sure we can find a hotel somewhere out there, don't bend backward for us, brother." Stolas said, he was pacing around with his phone in hand, he had it on speaker so the others sound to hear. "I've already made several calls with Blitzo, he said he knows a few places we can stay as well."

"No, no, Uncle Stolas you're fine." Demmy heard Rupture on the other side of the phone, "We're just asking to know how many mattresses to lay down,"

"Head on over, Audria just sent me a message saying she'd be home as soon as she could. We'll talk more once you guys are here and settled." Seir said, all the movement must've been him getting the phone or something. "See you guys soon!" He crowed before hanging up.

Stolas sighed and put his phone in his pocket, "Well, you heard my brother, lets head on over." he told the children, "Keep your hands on your luggage, we don't want anyone getting hurt once we get there, portal travel is a bit difficult."

Octavia and Stolas stepped through with ease, lifting their bags up to get through the portal. Demmy stepped closer when he felt his leg being tugged as if held back. Looking down he saw that it was Cackle's tail. "Are you ok, Cackle?" He asked, it was weird seeing him in just his white shirt since he took off his overcoat.

The imp looked down at his tail, "Oh, sorry. master. Portals always get me anxious," He relaxed his tail and untied it from the peacock's leg. "I'll just hold on to my tail instead since I don't have my own bag to hold." Seeing as his friend was worried and already hurt, Demmy held his friend's hand without hesitation. Cackle smiled at the reassurance and let out a breath of calmness.

They both stepped through together. The rush of magic around them as they stood in this corridor between the two worlds. It was familiar to Demmy since he could open his own portals, however, restricted and strange they may be, they were nothing like Stolas's portals. Looking around as they walked after Octavia and Stolas, Demmy could see small reflections of other places Stoas used his portals to get around. From forests to foggy-smog-filled cities, it was clear that the older Owl got around places.

He check on Cackle, he had his eyes shut tight, depending on Demmy to guide and walk for him. The magical corridor went by fast, to Demmy's dismay, the connection to Earth and Hell was extremely strong considering the walk between was only five minutes apart.

As the two of them stepped into the other side of the portal hall, Demmy felt his feathers tingle with warmth and he felt his lung fill with the salty sting of the ocean air. The portal closed as the tips of his tail feathers swept the sand under his feet, all those colors he saw in the portal reflection were all around him. He was in the human world now!

Cackle opened his eyes and let go of Demmy's arm, letting the peacock run ahead of Stolas, laughing as he ran freely. "Wow, this place is bright!" Demmy said with a smile, shielding all of his eyes from the sun that sat in the blue sky. It was so much different than Hell's star, it didn't make heat but it made light and the only times the sky was blue was in the Greed ring. This sun felt like it was burning into his feathers, which only got hotter since he tripped in the sand.

Octavia laughed from the shade of the palm tree canopy she was under, with her darker clothes coors, she look nearly invisible. "Be careful you goof," She sighed as Demmy scrambled up from the sand, his green hair had little flecks of sand still sitting in them. "So... where is Uncle Sier?"

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