He watches, she knows

Por juliannaaamp

404K 10.6K 2.4K

He's her stalker. He's not creepy or anything. He's just a guy in love and afraid to shoot his shot. He's th... Mais

10-Her 🌶️
12-Her side story 🌶️
13-His side story 🌶️


29.4K 892 257
Por juliannaaamp

I keep wiping my hands on my jeans as she pulls the car into park. I just spent the whole time talking about flowers like a ducking idiot. Girls don't like men who garden. And she certainly wouldn't expect someone like me doing it.

I talked so much that I didn't even let her get a word in. Monroe unbuckles her seat belt and gets out of the truck, after one last deep breath I do the same.

The place she parked was a couple blocks away from the cafe so we had to walk. It's a nice day out, a little chilly but I enjoyed walking beside her, even if it was in silence.

I'm paying attention to the flowers in the flower shop when she suddenly stops and gets in front of me. "Stay here." She motions with her hands and then darts inside he shop.

About two minutes later she comes out with a single rose in her hand and she holds up on my direction, smiling at me. "Here, I got it for you."

I look at her shocked. She got me flowers? I thought she would want flowers. Should I go in there and get her flowers? I'm about to walk in the store but she places a hand on my chest mid stride. And like she's reading my mind she says, "I don't want any flowers, I just want you to take my flower."

She really doesn't want any flowers? I'm about to ask if she's sure but she cuts me off "I'm sure, I don't want any flowers."

It's like she's actually reading my mind.

I look down at the rose as I slowly take it from her hands. I feel my face heat up as a smile breaks out on my face as I look back up at her and say, "thank you."

She nods happily and we begin to walk again as I carefully hold the rose in my left hand.

As we're walking she starts talking. "I know what you can give me instead of flowers."

I turn to her to see a grin on her face.

I tilt my head in question.

Instead of telling me what she wants she shows me. She grabs my right hand and intertwines our fingers together, instantly making my whole body warm and my cheeks heat again.

She swings our connected arms like we've done this a million times before as she wears a content smile on her face.

I don't know what we're doing right now but I love it and never want it to end.

But it does, and far too soon for my liking we arrive at the cafe and the doorbell rings as Monroe's  pushes it open.

I look around as she guides us to an empty table. It's not too packed in here but it is lively, luckily no one is paying attention to us as we sit down.

She sits down and I do the same.

This cafe has menu's on the table so when your ready to order you just go up to the register.

My gaze lands on her face as i watch her read the menu, her face in this adorable thinking pose.

"So what are you gonna get?"

My eyes snap to hers at the question. She has the menu in her hands and she looks at me, waiting for me to answer.

I embarrassingly clear my throat because I wasn't even looking at what I wanted to eat and slowly pick up the menu.

I decide I don't know what to eat so I'll just get whatever she gets.

"What are you going to get?" I ask.

She hums while quickly glancing over the food choices again. "I think I'm gonna get a grilled chicken sandwich with pepper Jack cheese, a side of fries, and if I have room I'll get a slice of strawberry shortcake, if not I'll just take it to go."

That sounds like a delicious meal.

"I'll have the sa-" Im interrupted by a new voice.


At the sound of her name she glances at the man standing in front of us.

"Danny?" She questions.

"Omg I can't believe it's you! How are you?" The man who's name is Danny laughs and smiles at her in a way I don't like.

"What do you want? Cant you see I'm on a date with my boyfriend." She asks in a dismissive tone, which makes me smile. My heart begins to race when I realize she said boyfriend. And that she's said we're on a date.

Even if she's saying it to make him go away, my body can't help but react to her words and think hopeful thoughts that she might even consider me being her boyfriend.

Danny finally glances at me and his eyes widen as he takes a very slight step back.

He laughs awkwardly as he rubs the back of his head and looks back to Monroe. "Can we talk outside for a second? Please?"

I don't want her to go with this guy, I don't like how comfortable he is, he even called her 'Roe'. I haven't even called her that yet.

She rolls her eyes and sighs. And to my disappointment she gets up and walks outside with the light brown haired man and I watch as she goes, never taking my eyes off her even as she goes outside and conveniently stops at the big window right in front of our table.

I can't hear what there saying but by their facial expressions I can tell Monroe is getting annoyed and Danny looks like he's begging.

Monroe looks done with the conversation and begins to turn around but Danny grips her upper arm and almost forcefully pulls her back.

I abruptly standed up, causing my chair to squeak, I'm about to go help her when suddenly I see Monroe punch him square in the jaw, making him fall to the floor from the impact.

My jaw is on the floor as she walks back into the cafe and causally flips her hair over her shoulder, completely ignoring all the stares from everyone in the place, as she sits back down in her chair and picks up the menu. While I'm still standing up from the shock of her absolutely flooring a man almost as big as me.

"Who was that?" I ask as I slowly take my seat across from her.

"Oh nobody," she sets down the menu and looks at me, "just a pest trying to get back into my life."

"Anyways," she changes the subject, "what are you getting?"

"The same thing as you." I say, instead of asking her again. If she doesn't want to tell me she doesn't have to, I have no right to ask her questions like that and demand an answer. And it makes me feel a little better that she punched him really hard.

She smiles and stands up, "great, I'll go put in our order now."

It makes me wonder where she learned to throw a punch like that, and when she sits back down at the table I ask her just that.

"Oh that?" She points to the window where her and that guy were standing a few minutes ago. "I take a whole bunch of classes, it's really fun. I bet I can get you on the floor too."

I laugh but it's not out of disbelief that she can't do it, yea she can take down Danny, but I have way more muscles then that dude, I'll definitely stumble for sure, and it'd definitely hurt like a grown mans punch but not even they can get me on the floor, and with this face I've definitely had my fair share of fights for being at a place at the wrong time.

Monroe looks at her like I've slapped her in the face and I instantly regret laughing and I start to ramble and frantically shake my hands to take back what I've just done.

"No no no, I didn't mean it like that, it's ju-" she cuts me off.

"Alright, get up, while our foods getting made let's take a step outside," she cracks her knuckles and stands, "I know I'll be able to do it but you laughing in my face will make me feel better about the bruise I'm gonna leave on your cheek." And she gives me an evil grin to top off her sentence.

And I have to do a double take, for someone looking so evily at me she sure looks beautiful.

Then a dickhead at the next table jumps into our conversation with a stupid smile on his face as he says "I'll bet 20 bucks that she can't."

Monroe looks at him and scoffs. "You wanna be next assh-" the girl next to the dickhead interrupts her by saying, "I'll bet 50 she can." She raises an eyebrow at what I presume to be her brother because they look like they could be twins.

At this point everyone in the cafe is quiet and watching us with curious eyes.

And just because I want to see her smile even more, I do what she wants, even if she'll be the one laughing at me later, possibly on the ground.

"Alright Monroe, let's go outside." I sigh with a playful smile on my face.

I really don't know why I'm so happy to get punched but I am.

Monroe claps her hands as she guides us outside, the bell ringing on our way out. We stop right in front of the very window Danny was punched at but this time I'm on the other side. Inside the window, almost everyone in the cafe is gathered to watch the show.

I shake my head and laugh, "okay Monroe, whenever your re-" she doesn't even let me finish as I feel something collide with my jaw, hard. I immediately stumble and fall on my ass as I bring my hand up to cradle my jaw.

I hear laughing and clapping and I look up to see that it's coming from Monroe, who is jumping up and down while throwing fake punches in the air, like she needs anymore adrenaline from punching the marbles out of me.

"I fucking told you!" She laughs in my face, and I start laughing too but the pain in my jaw makes me stop.

I look up to the window and I see some people are amazed, others are staring in shock, the dickhead paying his sister up and then my eyes drift to behind Monroe where a kid on the sidewalk with his dad is laughing at me as well.

"I think you broke my jaw." I joke as I stand up and dust my jeans off.

Monroe immediately stops laughing and walks towards me, bringing both of her hands up to my jaw and slowly moving it around, actually checking if it's broken. She sighs in relief, "no it's just sore, you didn't lose any teeth did you? I didn't punch you straight in the face because I didn't want to ruin your perfect smile or your pretty face."

"You think I'm pretty?" I can't help but ask.

She nods immediately. "Definitely. I said you had a nice smile too, don't forget that."

I nod at her dumbly as I process what she's saying. She thinks I'm attractive? I think what she said implied it.

My face breaks into a smile as I look down at her. And I ask her something I thought I'd never be bold enough to ask.

"Can I kiss you?"

Words- 2055

I did good with this chapter right 😭 I loved writing this one, I was laughing as I was typing and thinking this stuff out, I was like "yea that's a good one, I'm gonna have her punch him in the fucking face."

At first I didn't want him to think she couldn't hit him hard enough but if he truly believed that then I would have never gotten to written her absolutely destroying him with one punch.

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