Dangerous Desire. (Woman x i...

By angelicliterature

254K 13.4K 6.2K

"W-what are you doing here?" Aya asked. She wasn't expecting any guests, and certainly not the temporary love... More

Aesthetic Page.


4.5K 300 80
By angelicliterature

Sigh..another book done in two weeks. That's crazy. I'm contemplating publishing this on Amazon with a few tweaks. I appreciate all the support that I've been getting! I kept my promise about keeping you guys guessing! I think thriller might be my genre 🤔🤔.


Aya and Shaq stared at each other in silence as they sat in the tub that was full of warm water and soap. They were facing each other, Aya's knees up to her chest as she sat quietly. The bath was full of the dirt that their bodies got covered in from being in the woods. They listened to each other breathe, the sound of the water filling their ears.

They haven't uttered a word to each other since the ride home, the ride being long and quiet as Aya stared out the window while Shaq drove. Aya didn't know what to say, and Shaq didn't either. Her phone kept ringing, Aya ignoring it even when they got home.

They just stared, Aya laying her head on her knee as her wet curls curtained her body. Her stomach was hurting from crying so hard, every breath she took causing a dull ache to fill her lower body. Shaq swallowed hard, just watching her as she just stared into space.

Her phone started to vibrate again, Aya ignoring it as it fell to the ground from vibrating so much. She knew it was her father but she didn't have anything to say anymore. Her throat felt raw from crying and she felt disgusted with herself. She felt as if this was her karma for killing her husband and not being there for her son. She was undeserving of happiness and it was her fault.

Shaq wasn't sure what to say. He felt terrible and wished he had never went to Anika's house. He should've just came straight home and felt out his emotions after therapy. Aya would've never found out and everything would've been okay. He didn't know how to comfort her, feeling worthless and unworthy of her love.

The doorbell rang but Aya didn't budge and neither did Shaq, both of them just staring at each other as they've been doing for almost an hour. Her stomach turned in knots, Aya letting out a shaky breath that came with crying so much. She wanted nothing more than to take a bottle and down a few pain killers as she's done multiple times before, but knew that she couldn't because Shaq would've did it too if he had found her. He deserved to be happy, and felt as if she was his downfall all because of who her biological mother was.

She heard her house door swing open with force, neither of them budging as footsteps emerged from the doorway and toward the master bathroom. They continued to stare at each other, slow footsteps walking toward the bathroom door.

"Wellness check for Aya Charles. Arnold just needs to know that you're okay and didn't hurt yourself. He told me to tell you that Anika Cadet has been arrested and will be charged with multiple counts of abuse and endangerment of a child." The woman's voice stated through the door. Neither of them budged, the officer swallowing hard as she knocked on the door again before rattling the doorknob.

"I'm going to open the door, okay? I can hear you breathing. I just need to make sure you didn't hurt yourself." The officer stated gently. She slowly opened the door, looking at the couple who were as stiff as statues. She looked between them before shutting the door and dialing Arnold's number.

Aya took in another shaky breath, slowly standing up with Shaq watching her every move. She got out of the tub and walked to the glass shower, turning the water on hot before stepping inside. Shaq stood, draining the tub before looking into the glass shower to see Aya sitting on the bench with her head in her hands. He walked into the shower, shutting the glass door before getting on his knees and placing his head on her lap, her tears dripping onto the side of his face.

"I told my therapist today about Anika. That's why I went there. He told me the difference between abuse and a relationship. He unblurred the lines for me, saying I had something called Stockholm syndrome. It started when I was sixteen. She was nice at first, but then she got so mean and rough. If I did anything wrong, she'd hurt me. If I did anything right, she'd hurt me with sex. I thought it was okay because she was my first and paired it with the motherly love I never had as a kid. My real mama was a crackhead. I didn't have a dad. Anika knew that. She used it against me any moment she had. You might be the only person I've ever been with outside of that situation. But I know the difference now. At first, maybe I didn't which is why I was watching you and tryna sleep with you so quick. But my view of love matured with you.

I may be crazy. I may be troubled. But I'm smart enough to know that you are not a monster. You are nowhere near as close as her. You may be a little crazy but I am too and now we know it's cause of the same person. You are heavenly to me. You are a gift that I never wanted to accept because you were too good for me. I don't call you mama or get on my knees for you because of her. I do it because you saw right through me. You saw what I needed. You accepted me with open arms even after you knew the truth. You protected me. You claimed me with no strings attached. You opened up to me. You think I'm gonna lose all of that cause of her? That's letting her win again. If you didn't walk in that room I would've shot her in the head. I would've killed her and went back to prison. Whole time I thought about you. I was conflicted because of you. So if you want to end this, I get it. I do. But I wanted to let you know that all of this was real. I met my match and it's you and I'll wait for you. Even if it mean waiting my whole life and I know what that feels like."

Shaq's eyes were closed as Aya stared down at him with a stunned look on her face. It was the most he's said in one sitting, and it touched her heart so deeply that she didn't even know how to respond back. Her heart was beating heavily in her chest while the butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

"I have to tell you something." Aya breathed quietly, Shaq nodding as he looked up at her. Aya smiled sadly as she rubbed the side of his face before taking a deep breath.

"I was diagnosed with mild psychopathy as a teenager. I used to stab animals when I was angry and bury them and give them funerals when I was a kid. One time in the sixth grade, I stabbed this boys hand because he ripped up my painting that I made for my mom. After I killed Dre, I was put in an asylum and had a stray jacket for six days because I kept scratching my skin open. They put me in a room made of squishy stuff. I take three anti-psychotics and the day I found out you were stalking me, I was off my meds and didn't get back on them until the Sierra died. I just wanted to tell you before you decided you really were all in. You are deserving of happiness and I love you so much, my baby. But you need to know that I'm not all there."

"You think I don't know that?" Shaq asked playfully causing Aya to chuckle while rolling her eyes.

"I know you were crazy the moment you told me you don't masturbate after being celibate for eight years. Fucking psycho." Aya laughed loudly at his words as she shoved his shoulder, Shaq leaning in and kissing her lips softly. She moaned, kissing him back, it becoming heated as he climbed up her body.

"Let's go make some crazy psycho love together."

"Yes sir."

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