Wrong Number | jeon jungkook

By vvintaege

24.5K 736 74

in which idol, jeon jungkook, sends a message to a wrong number assuming it's his hyun... More

wrong number
- i.
- ii.
- iii.
- iv.
- v.
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- vii.
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- ix.
- x.
- xi.
- xii.
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- xx

115 5 0
By vvintaege

a/n oop it's been a year-

taehyung' pov

My friend:

What's with the serious tone?

My Friend:
Mr Kang , a student born between
the years 97-99 isn't much to go on

Have you got any more information?

Ah see, about that

Actually this is good information

My Friend:
Which is?

This person has a friend who
works in Café Le Six

My Friend:
Is that all?

Why does it feel like you're
looking down on me?

The name is Hanbin i think

My Friend:
You think?

Or it could be Hyunbin or Hanbi

My Friend:
Noted. Café Le Six ,
Hanbin or Hanbi

Out of curiosity, why exactly
am I doing this?

"Ew." you gagged after taking a sip of the smoothie, nose scrunching in disgust. "Jae, what's your secret in making these taste so ass?" you shuddered pushed the tall glass away.

"ha ha." Jae rolled his eyes wiping down the work station. "Where is Hanbi anyways?" he asked switching the subject as he glanced over to the clock.

"Doesn't his shift start in like two hours?" you pointed out to which Jae nodded.

"Exactly. so I expect him to be here early." he replied getting a laugh out of you. Jae smiled. "Not that you can't be here on your own, but what brings you here without your friends?"

"Ian's out with some other mates and well...knowing Han he's not gonna wake up anytime soon." you explained. "And me? I think I just totally bombed a job interview!" you cried out dropping your head onto the counter. Jae winced at the sound of the impact.

"It couldn't have been that bad-" he tried to console. "I mean, you're smart and have a good head on your shoulder. How bad could it have really been? It's not like you'd have made a complete fool of yourself-"

You looked up slightly, your eyes said it all.

"...What happened?" he asked.

You only shook your head. "I'd never be able to look you in the eye again." You uttered. "I can't believe that happened."

A moment of silence passed by.

"Enough!" you exclaimed sitting up and hitting your cheeks with your hands. "No more of this! I will make myself productive and get some revision done." you spoke getting up and moving to a table, not to far a way but not too close to the the counter/bar-top. The perfect seat for the view of the whole cafe.

"If you need anything, just give a shout." Jae told you. "It's not like I have anything better to do..." he trailed off rubbing the back of his neck.

Usually the mornings where quite busy as everyone loved the freshly baked goods and many hoped to come early enough to the the famed handsome baker. This morning was different, due to plot convenience Café Le Six was empty with only a few people coming in and out.

lvl 0: imessage

Wonder what he wants... you thought before opening the chat.

lvl 0:
is it okay if i come in?


lvl 0:
i mean i'm wearing a mask

and i promise i didn't know you
would be here!!

You looked up from your phone and glanced to the door.  Low and behold there stood a man looking down at his phone. He wore a hat which hid his eyes and a mask that covered his face.

what's with the mask?

you sick?

lvl 0:
bad cough

Just then you you looked up and saw him cough into his hand.

don't tell me you think the drinks
here are good

lvl 0:
no they taste so ass

but i heard the baked goods
were nice

so we're all good?

free country no?

unless you're poor ig

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