Pandora's Box

By joonsleftthumb

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The prophecy had been set since the beginning of time. The sons of God Apollo and Underworld King Hades were... More

Pandora's Box
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (Part 1)
Chapter 22 (Part 3)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 22 (Part 2)

82 3 0
By joonsleftthumb

time for the next bundle of messes
(i promise this is all going somewhere. at least it's trying to.)

Beomgyu was outside kicking the grass. Bored out of his mind.

He'd left the porch in an attempt to look for his date, but to no avail. If Taehyun didn't come back soon he was gonna give up and go home, as lame as it was.

He spotted Yeonjun and Soobin sitting on the brick wall, and decided to try and make the best of his misery.

Dropping down rather aggressively, he crossed his arms and glared between the two.

They looked at each other, and Beomgyu almost broke his serious character at how similar their confused expressions were. He'd never noticed it, having never seen them in the same room before now, but seeing the two together weirdly made sense.

It was Yeonjun who spoke. "Well...only if you promise to believe me and not laugh."

Beomgyu narrowed his eyes. "You've said some crazy shit before Yeonjun. And I've only known you for like... a month. Nothing that comes out of your mouth is going to surprise me."

Soobin giggled beside him, and Beomgyu smiled helplessly. He hoped Soobin would come out with him more, especially now that he seemingly had a companion.
Yeonjun glared at the boy, then looked back at Beomgyu.

"Fine. I might as well test that statement." He took a deep breath, then Soobin's hand.

"Soobin and I are soulmates. Like, actual soulmates. My mom had six, I have one. It happens to be your roommate."

Beomgyu stared at him, then shrugged. "Cool. Makes sense. And definitely explains why you were freaking out earlier."
Yeonjun shoved him playfully, but Soobin looked puzzled. "You're oddly calm about this, Beomgyu. I mean, it's great! But.. you're acting less shocked than I was."

Beomgyu answered him with a stare.
"Do I need to remind you that two months ago, I thought I was born to normal human parents? And that all of you were figures in my textbooks?" He looked at Yeonjun. "At this point, you could tell me that you and Changbin are actually half-brothers and I would believe you."

He watched Yeonjun freeze, and gaped.
"Wait, seriously?"

"I mean, the Olympians fucked. A lot. We're practically all cousins," Soobin said, all too serious. It caused the other two to laugh hysterically.

Beomgyu noticed Yeonjun stop mid-laugh, and glance nervously inside the house.

"Um...not to alarm anyone, but Jisung is being followed by the A Holes."

The other two followed his gaze and sure enough, the poor boy was practically being stalked by the group of four on his tail. Beomgyu got up, seeing red, when Yeonjun pushed him harshly back down. He glared at the older, questioningly.
Yeonjun simply pointed to a furious looking Minho, headed in the same direction as the five.

"Wait, don't those two hate each other?" poor, clueless Soobin asked. Yeonjun looked at him, and the other's eyes went wide. "Oh! Okay then."

Beomgyu was starting to think that fucking telepathy comes with having a soulmate.

"He'll be fine. Trust me," Yeonjun said to them. "But Soobin, can you at least be on deck if anything happens? I mean, only if you're okay with that."
The boy nodded while smiling softly. "Of course."

They watched the scene play out, both amused and impressed, then watched Lee Minho carry a dazed Jisung inside the house.

A smirk slowly formed on Yeonjun's face as the two headed up the stairs. Suddenly frantic, he took out a piece of paper and scribbled on it. Beomgyu and Soobin exchanged puzzled glances, before Yeonjun shoved it at both of them asking them to sign.

It was unwise to question the prince of love in such matters, so each took turns holding the pen and signing.

"I have to find the others, Soobin will you come with me?"

Beomgyu stared at how easily Soobin hopped up and followed his soulmate.

He was left all alone again, and headed back to the porch to wait for his own match.

Still trying to avoid Minho, Han stepped outside and tried to breathe for a second.

He knew going to this party would do this. He knew it would make it harder to ignore his feelings for the boy, and now everything was entirely fucked up.

Splashing water from the outside hose on his face, he calmed down a little. Water had always had that effect on Jisung, making him feel more serene and truly at home.

"Hey! Fish boy!"

He groaned and fully expected to face Minho glaring at him. Short lived.
But it wasn't Minho. It was Seunghyun and his friends.  Shit.

"Aren't you friends with Apollo's kid? Where is he?"
Kwon's voice would've scared Jisung, but he'd heard much more terrifying tones from his own father. "What's it to you?"

Maybe it was complete adrenaline from the alcohol, maybe it was the need for a distraction, maybe it was Maybelline. But Jisung didn't feel even a single drop of fear at that moment.

Jiyong laughed, and Jisung couldn't imagine what he found funny. "Brave today, are we? Just tell us where he is and this can be real easy for 'ya. Wouldn't want things to get messy."

Was he serious? Did he even know who he's saying this to? Or what Jisung was still holding in his hand? How stupid were these guys?
"Maybe convince me you'll leave my friend alone and then we'll talk."

Daesung grabbed Jisung and shoved him against the side of the house, making him drop the hose.

"Maybe convince me not to fuck you up right now and then we'll talk smart ass?"
Jisung almost laughed, but convinced himself not to. "Something tells me you probably won't be able to do that."

Daesung scoffed now. "Really? You think one of you can take all four of the sons of the Trojan War?"
Jisung pretended to think about it, then nodded. "Yeah, probably."

Yongbae made a move for him, but he was quicker. He stepped to the side and Kwon knocked into the side of the house. He couldn't hold back his laugh that time. The guy was such an idiot.

When Daesung and Yongbae started towards him again, he lost patience. Before they could reach the boy, the two found themselves unable to move, and their glances down revealed the blocks of ice surrounding their feet.

"What the fuck?"

He knew they were saying it to each other, and that he wasn't meant to hear it. But it was still satisfying.
He started to walk away, convinced that they were aware of how dumb it would be to continue to fight with him. Especially now that he was annoyed.
He overestimated them.

A hand grabbed the back of his neck, catching him off guard, and he was on the ground in a split second with his only thought being the pounding in his head.

"How do you like it, fish boy? You didn't think we were done, did you?"

He was conscious of the foot about to stomp on his face, but couldn't comprehend it enough to do anything other than shut his eyes and brace for impact.

But it never came.
Instead, another voice.

"What the fuck did you just call him?"

Maybe it was the injury, but he couldn't tell what's happening above him. Or who was currently next to him. All he could hear was the voice of someone familiar, and it sounded fucking terrifying. There was an undefinable element to was venomous.

The next moments happened in a blur.
Seunghyun's voice, "Don't tell me you're suddenly standing up for this piece of shit."

The sound of a bone crunching, a man screaming. A faint hissing sound.
"What the actual fuck?!"

He recognized Daesung's voice. The hissing continued, but in words. "Say it again. I fucking dare you."

That type of aggression in the voice did sound familiar. His vision somewhat cleared and he saw the purple head to his right. The figure's back was turned from Jisung's view, but he could've sworn that the reflection in the house window was showing glowing red eyes.

Jisung heard all but two pairs of feet scatter, one of them saying "My arm! My fucking arm!" over and over away from the yard.

"Oh come on, Minho. You're really gonna act like a hero to the guy that you've harassed for years." Jisung could tell that it was Seunghyun who stayed, and even in his haziness recognized how dumb of a decision that seemed to be.

"Don't act like you know a fucking thing about me, Seunghyun."
Jisung heard the mentioned simply scoff in response.

"Let me ask you this," Minho said, and Jisung still swore the "s" sounded enunciated. "Do you really want to be as shitty of a person as I am? Do you really think that harassing someone who's done nothing to you makes you tough?"

Jisung would've frowned if he could control his physical movements. Surely it wasn't Minho saying that.
Seunghyun responded: "Am I supposed to feel bad for you?"

"You're clearly too dumb to get my point at all. Of course you're not supposed to fucking feel bad for me. I'm simply enlightning you as to why it's really fucking stupid to harass someone just because you hate yourself for something you can't control."
Jisungs heart did something, hearing that. But he closed his eyes again, staying silent.

"After all, you must be smarter than to tease someone who can literally summon a tsunami at his beck and call."

Jisung noticed the pause in Seunghyun's response, as if taken aback. But it wasn't for long. "Yeah, he looks real fucking scary right now."

Jisung could then feel both eyes on him, lying in his own blood. That time, he knew he heard the low hissing sound when they both turned back.

He opened his eyes again and watched as Minho shrugged.
"Still. Even if he can't right now, you've fucked yourself over continuing to stand here with me."

All Jisung could hear was another thud, followed by a groan sharp groan and the sound of a heavier body hitting the ground.

He opened his eyes hesitantly, just in time to watch Minho crouch over Seunghyun's motionless body.
He heard the older whisper, as if he wasn't supposed to hear, "You know who's kid I am, right? You really think it's smart pissing off someone who can turn you into fucking stone?"

There was silence, then, "Y-you can't. You can't do that. Everyone knows that."
Seunghyun had never sounded less convinced of anything in his life. His eye's wouldn't leave Minho's face, as if trying to make sense of something on it.

Jisung heard nothing but a scoff, then, "Do you really want to be the one to test that?"

Han knew he was lying, but wasn't that bothered considering the threat left Seunghyun slowly getting up, walking away without a word.

He closed his eyes again hearing footsteps come towards him. It was then he felt Minho crouch on his side, and opened his eyes. Everything was tilted to the side, but he could somewhat make out the boy's now normal-colored eyes, full of concern.

"Jisung, what happened? Are you okay?"
The soft tone Minho was using was not something Jisung had ever heard from him. At least, hadn't in years.

"I...uh. Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks."

He tried to sit up and walk it off, but as soon as the attempt was made the world went blurry and he felt Minho's hands push him back down.

"Hey, woah. Come on. Don't try that." The boy sighed. "I know you'd rather literally anyone else be here right now, and I don't blame you at all. But you can't get up by yourself. Let me...just let me take you inside and to a bathroom or something. Then, if you want, I can get someone to help."

He knew so little about what Jisung really felt, but he still nodded silently and softy gasped as Minho picked him up and carried him into the house.

"Is this okay?" the older asked quietly, and Jisung was so caught up in everything  happening that he forgot to answer. Minho stopped at the foot of the stairs. "Jisung. Do you want me to put you down? What's wrong?"

Oh shit. "S-sorry. Just...yeah. This is fine."
His vision was clearing a little, and he saw the older frown as he continued to carry him up the stairs. "I think those fucking pricks gave you a concussion. I'm gonna kill them."

There was something about having his former best friend and... current love interest, he'd finally admit, carry him while saying something so protective that would've made Jisung's knees weak if they were in use. Instead, he simply blushed and willed himself to look at the floor.

Minho knocked, then walked into the vacant bathroom and placed Jisung, very gently, on the floor against the wall. "Do you want me to get Felix? Whose help do you want Jisung?"

The other grabbed his hand softly, and it did the boy in. He said nothing, and Minho released his hand and started to leave. Jisung already missed the feeling.

"Fuck. I'll go find Felix. Stay here, okay? Please stay here."
But before he could turn to leave, a hand grabbed his and halted him in place. A voice, of which the softness startled them both:


Minho's eyes widened. "I'm... I'm not sure I should. I don't think I'm the right person to help you right now."
It didn't matter. He was the person Jisung wanted to help him right now.
"Please?" It barely made it past his lips, and Jisung was embarrassed at how weak he sounded.

Minho hesitated, then nodded and started looking under the cupboard.
"God, Chan doesn't have fucking anything in these. You'd think he'd be prepared for like, hangovers or drunken injuries or whatever."

To both of their surprise, Jisung laughed out loud. Minho looked up, startled, then smiled. Jisung almost broke down at how friendly it all felt. How distantly familiar.

They heard a knock at the door, and Minho opened it. An embarrassed looking boy with blue hair waved timidly, to both of their confusion.

"Hi... I'm really sorry I don't know, interrupt? I'm Soobin, Beomgyu's roommate. Beomgyu and I were outside, and when we saw Jisung get followed by those pricks we figured he'd be injured."

When both boys just continued staring, Soobin face palmed.
"Oh my Titan, duh. I'm the son of Epione. I can take away any physical pain you're feeling right now." He added: "I'm also a nursing intern, so, like, I can heal it like normal too."

Minho looked hesitant, but when he saw Jisung smile and nod he stepped out of the way. Soobin knelt down and placed a hand on Jisung's head. "Here?"

Jisung nodded, transfixed, but not enough to ignore the uncomfortable shifting Minho was doing.
He felt the throbbing soften, then completely disappear.
"Wow." He already felt much better.

"If you guys saw him get followed, why did you come now? And not just help Jisung?" Minho asked. Soobin hesitated and looked down.

"We...we were with Yeonjun at the time. Yeonjun saw you go up to those guys...and told Beomgyu that Jisung was gonna be fine."

Both Minho and Jisung went a shade darker, and said nothing.

"Anyway!" Soobin said awkwardly. "I'll go get some first aid stuff that I brought. A bonus of being paranoid: you'll always be prepared!"
Jisung smiled gratefully, and the boy left him and Minho alone.

Minho took a seat next to him on the ground. "Did he really get rid of the pain?" He sounded as amazed as Jisung felt, who nodded up and down passionately.

"Hey." Minho laughed, and placed his hands to stop Jisung nodding. "Don't wanna take a chance." But they both noticed the touch, and a silence settled that meant nothing and everything at the same time.

Minho opened his mouth, then closed it and grabbed Jisung's hand with his.
"I've been trying to find you everywhere...again."
Jisung looked down, nodding as if to tell him that he knew.

Minho sighed. It seemed like he realized that this was his only chance where Jisung couldn't really run away again.
"I understand if you don't want to talk to me. Really, seriously. I get it."

He took another deep breath, and another knock was at the door. Minho groaned and swung it open, only to find a blue box labeled "first aid" and a note that read:

i told the others that i was gonna try and fix you up. then yeonjun asked if you two were in here alone, and when i said yes he told me that if i went in there he'd personally tell zeus to smite me. wtf ??? anyway, here's some stuff that'll help heal your head !
~ soobin :))

He had read it out loud, and both boys found themselves laughing at the poor kid. Minho started unpacking the box, and took out a cotton ball and a bottle that was labeled "head injuries."

He crouched in front of Jisung, who was trying to control his breathing, and sighed while dabbing his head with the cotton.

"I... I know it's no compensation,  but I will never forgive myself for what I did to you. I think it goes without saying that it had nothing to do with you, and everything to do with me."
Jisung looked down and dragged his foot across the bathroom tile.

"I didn't know how to deal with my mom being gone."

He looked up at the directness of the sentence. He couldn't remember Minho ever saying that with so much acceptance.

"That's not an excuse, just the truth. I blamed myself for her murder. I wasn't home, and I thought that maybe if I was I could've stopped it."

He laughed, sadly. "Stupid, right? A sixteen year old trying to fight a full adult?"

Jisung just stared, so he continued. "It was a fucking dumb idea. But since I couldn't really take it out on your brother after..." He shook his head, sporting an odd expression. "I needed to take it out on someone. You were the only one I could take my anger out on, besides myself."

It wasn't an excuse, but Jisung still understood it. He could strangely see himself doing the same.

"I already hated myself every day because of it, really. I know it didn't seem like it at the time, and I put you through way more hell, but I went home and fucking hated myself so much for treating you that way. But at the time it seemed like the only solution."

That took Jisung by surprise. He tried to remember every aftermath of being teased by the boy, but could never remember what the other looked like. He always seemed to just walk away.

Minho moved on to the ice pack, and simply held it on Jisung's head.
"Then... when I learned..." he took a shaky breath, "...when I learned I had been doing all of that shit to you, while you were going through the exact same pain? It was too much to bear. There was already no excuse, but especially with you going through what you were going through."
Jisung was silent. What was there to say to something like that?

"I'm so fucking sorry, Jisung," who finally made eye contact with the other and saw how the other's eyes were pooling with tears.

"You don't have to forgive me. You can tell me to get the fuck away from you, and to never bother you again. I'd be fucking devastated, but I would more than deserve it. And I'd listen...this time." He laughed sadly.
Jisung took over holding the ice pack, and Minho sighed and sat back against the wall, looking ahead at the sink.

"I just wanted you to know that I am so sorry." His voice was quiet, and he glanced back at Han.

"I know I can't give you those years back, but promise you I will try and make it up to you for the rest of my life."
Jisung inhaled sharply. That was unexpected.

"If you'll let me."

Unintentionally, Jisung laughed. "As if I could handle losing you forever."
Now it was Minho who looked at him, surprised. He continued.

"That's why I put up with it. I knew I would always prefer being in love with you and being miserable over being completely ignored by you."

The realization of saying it caused Jisung to shut his eyes and let his head fall forward to his knees. He thought he heard Minho gasp, but wasn't sure enough to let himself get the idea.

He decided, for whatever reason, to continue.
"I don't want us to be friends." He didn't allow the pained expression on the other's face to stay long. "I can't handle just being your friend, Minho. Not after how long I've been living with this. With this stupid need to be more."

He internally groaned at the confession. Or maybe it was external, the concussion was really getting to him. The other was silent until he slowly lifted Jisung's head up with his fingertips.

"I'm sorry, I think I missed what you said. What was that?"

Jisung almost gaped at him, but then noticed the other boy's smirk. This time he was sure he groaned out loud. "I know. It's so stupid, and believe me, I've been really trying to work on it. But when I was gonna get over it, you started being nice to me again. Well, not being mean anymore." He knew he was rambling, but couldn't seem to stop.

"And it's just one of those things that I feel like I should tell you so that you can avoid me properly, so we don't have to do that stupid thing where we pretend it's not a thing; because it def-"

He was cut off with Minho's lips against his.

The realization wasn't there at first, but then it hit him like a tidal wave. He was kissing Minho. And the other had initiated it.
He tried to keep from squealing like a schoolgirl, and then realized that he wasn't kissing back. So he fixed that.

Minho put his hands in Jisungs hair, and every single thought he had swam away. Every thought other than Oh my god I love him so bad.

He was torn between melting into the tiles on the floor and running away as fast as he could into the ocean. He compromised by placing his hands on the other's face.

Then there came a third knock on the door, and Minho pulled away looking like he was about to commit a murder.

He opened the door, rather aggressively in Jisung's opinion, and this time it was just a note:

Soobin (sorry)
Beomgyu !!
Seungmin :D
Jeongin :0
Felix :) 
Changbin >:)
Chan ;)
and Kai Kamal Huening .

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