The Rabbit Hole || ONC 2023 ||

By Ry-reader-29

742 179 1.3K

Marie was not prepared to get fired from her job. This was supposed to be her chance at fame and it just went... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 2

111 16 157
By Ry-reader-29

After Evie had come and picked Marie up, they went straight home. Evie had dropped her off before heading to work herself. At least one of them would be able to keep paying rent.

Marie had let herself into her apartment. Though she wasn't sure if she'd be able to call it hers for much longer. She dumped her bag by the door and kicked her heels off. Rubbing her heels she walked over to the fridge and grabbed her water bottle from it. Then she went into her bedroom and got into her pyjamas before flopping down on her bed.

She lay so that her head hangs off the edge of the bed where her feet were supposed to go. She holds the red and gold card in her hands. She can't help but stare at it.

Why would this Mike guy offer her a job? How does he know she's a singer? It's not like her old production set got very many views. The most she had was maybe two hundred fans. And considering she was the most famous one there, that was saying a lot. But in the real world? It was a very tiny number that didn't matter to many.

So maybe Mike was a fan. But he certainly hadn't appeared to be one. He never said anything along the lines of knowing who she is, or where she had worked. The most he had said about her career was hearing that she got fired. Marie bites her bottom lip. He had only heard about her getting fired from telling Evie. And she hadn't said that she got fired from her singing career. Evie already knew what she did, so why would she say what she got fired from? None of this makes any sense.

But does she really need it to make sense?

She needs a job. And The Rabbit Hole is offering her one. No matter how strange it is that it appeared now or how weirdly it had gone down, that is the fact. She could work at The Rabbit Hole. But she also knows that it might not get her the fame she wants. Or the money she needs. Mike never did say how much she would make. And what if she wouldn't just be singing? What if there was some twisted behind the scenes job she had to do? Marie shivers at the thought.

But if she doesn't take the job? Then she'd have to find some boring random job, like being a barista or a sales person. She shivers again. That sounds worse than a twisted behind the scenes job. And if she can't find one of those jobs, or she ends up working one for months then she'd have to move back home. Her father said that the only way she could move out here was so she could work on her dream. The minute that dream fails she has to move back.

She could take her chances. She could try and see how The Rabbit Hole works out. Or, she could see how working a normal job works out and see if she can work on her music on the side and somehow gain fame that way.

Marie sighs. She knew trying to make her way into the music industry was going to be hard. But she has been sure that the minute she got in she would only go up. And for a while, that's how it had been. Until she hit something and got smacked down to rock bottom.

Now she could either go back and work harder than before, or give up.

Marie sits up. She wasn't going to give up. Not after all the fights she had with her father. Not with all the risks she took to get here.

She grabs her laptop from where it sits on her desk and plops it onto her lap. If she's going to be working at The Rabbit Hole then she's going to learn a little bit about it. After all, she can't go into a job without knowing as much as she can learn.

It takes awhile for her laptop to boot up and for it to show the results she's looking for. All that comes up when looking for the place is its location, menu and the schedule of who all is performing. Marie bites her lip. There must be some way to learn more about it. So, she navigates over to the news tab. As she scrolls through them none are relative to the bar. Most are about rabbits or their homes. That is until she finds one titled The Rabbit Hole Is Now Under New Management. Posted just over a month ago.

Marie hums in success. She sits up straighter and dives into the article.

As The Rabbit Hole struggled to bring in customers the previous owner sold it. The sale wasn't made public until Mike Glosca made the new changes.

The old Rabbit Hole was a place for people to get drinks and play games of their choices. But when Mike Glosca bought the tiny bar, all that changed. Instead of a game bar it's now a place for musicians.

Does that mean it's open for anyone to perform? Well, the answer to that is, no. Mike himself hires the musicians. He has a hand picked bunch of them. Where does he find them? No one knows. When asked for an interview Mike declined.

Marie slumps backwards in defeat. She didn't learn anything. All the article did was confirm what she already suspected. She sighs and exits out of the article. She goes to close the tab but thinks better of it as she goes and opens her email. She sends off a quick message to Mike telling him she'll take the job offer and asking when she'll be starting. Then she closes out of her email and right before she exits out of the news tab another article catches her gaze.

Kidnapped Kid Found Dead At The Rabbit Hole

Chapter WC: 1,020

Total WC: 2,886

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