Chapter 3

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As Marie steps out of the cab she takes in the brightness of the street. Unlike the last time she was here when it was dark and gloomy, now it's bright. People walk with bags in their hands as they duck in and out of the shops that are now open. The Rabbit Hole looks much the same as it did before. But this time the red door seems to glow even brighter. And the flashing light with its name on it is dimmer in the bright sun.

Marie closes the cab door and walks into her new place of work. She opens the door and a wave of cool air hits her in the face. She breathes in the scent of liquor and what she hopes is a start to new fame. Although, her last job smelt like fame and that didn't rub off on her.

When Marie hits the ground floor where the bar itself is, she looks around for anyone who could help her. But the place is empty. She hums and walks over to the bar. "Mike?" she calls out.

"Over here."

Marie spins around. Her gaze lands on the stage where a red curtain hides it. Mike's head picks out of the curtain. Marie blinks a few times before making her way over to him. Her heels click-clacking fills the empty building. "What are you doing back there?" she asks.

"Why, we're rehearsing, of course."

Marie nods.

Mike's hand comes out below his head. "Come back here and I'll introduce ya to the crew."

Marie eyes his hand. Mike notices and takes it back. A moment later he's holding the curtain open for her. She grins and climbs up onto the stage, careful to duck under the curtains. Once she's on the stage and through them, Mike drops them. But the stage doesn't go black. Marie cranes her neck towards a tiny hall where a small source of light shines from.

Mike starts for it. "Come. I'll see you around backstage and your practice space. I'll even introduce you to your partner if he's around."

Marie stops dead in her tracks. "What do you mean partner?"

Mike looks back at her with a blank expression. "Did I not mention that?"

"I don't work with partners," Marie hisses.

Mike ignores her comment and talks more to himself then to her. "I swear I mentioned a partner."

Marie crosses her arms. "You never once mentioned a partner to me."

He sighs and turns to face me. "Well, regardless of whether or not I mentioned it, if you want this job you're going to have to work with a partner."

Her mouth drops open. She doesn't work with anyone. At her old job she was never once asked to work with anyone. She preferred to work on her own music with no one else's perspective or opinion in her work. But she sighs. She needs this job if she wants to stay here and continue to work towards her dream. She can learn to work with someone. Right? "Fine," she says, uncrossing her arms.

Mike grins. "Great. Then let me introduce you to the crew of The Rabbit Hole." He dips out of the tiny hall. Marie scrambles to follow him. As the hall ends it opens into a spacious little room. The walls and floor are all black, making it seem like they flow into one another. Along one of the walls is a set of vanities, and the one against that has some mirrors. On the other wall are a few doors, each with a name taped onto it. Throughout the middle of the room are some chairs and couches plus some colorful blocks. Sitting on those are three different people. One of them being the lady who performed the first time Marie entered the bar.

"Guys, this is Marie," Mike introduces.

The three of them wave. The one closest to Marie, who's sitting on one of the blocks, stands up and holds her hand out. "Welcome to the team. I'm Nayoko."

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