Chapter 4

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As she sits there waiting for Mike to return with her mysterious partner her mind wanders back to the article she read. It was published around ten years ago and covered the story of a five year old kid who had been kidnapped. The child had been missing for a month before the cops started to get clues about the kid's whereabouts. As Marie had read the article her eyes kept widening and her mind filled with questions. Even now as she recalled the story she couldn't help but have questions. Who was the kid? And his family? They must have been contacted and involved, even if the article never mentioned them once.

Deep in her thought she doesn't notice Mike entering the room. It's only when he takes a seat on one of the chairs that she notices him. She blinks and then looks at the entrance from the stage, but no one is with him. Mike rubs his forehead.

"No luck?" Marie asks.

Mike sighs. "Roan has decided he isn't going to show today." He slumps back in his chair. "Not surprising," he grumbles.

Marie nods. She can't say she's surprised. But to not show up and meet your new partner? Well that's not professional.

Startling her from her thoughts, Mike stands up and walks over to a filing cabinet tucked into the corner of the room. "Since Roan isn't here, I'll give you your music to practice."

"How will I be able to practice if he isn't here?"

Mike looks over his shoulder. He's eyes flashing gold again as he shoots her a grin. "Just pick a song and he'll know."

Maires brows furrow. "Pick a song? He'll know? How will he know?"

He picks up a folder out of the cabinet and walks back over to her. He holds it out for her to take. Marie stares at it for a moment before taking it from him. She opens it and starts to shuffle through the different songs.

"Roan has a good intuition. So just pick a song, practice it and if he doesn't show up for any practices then you'll get on the stage and he'll be joining you with the same song."

"That doesn't make any sense," she says.

But Mike just shrugs his shoulders. "It's how he works. Also, your first performance will be friday."

Maries eyes widen. "Friday?! That's two days away! That's not enough time to-"

"You'll just have to be ready," he says.

Her mouth hangs open, but she snaps it shut as anger settles into her features. She takes a deep breath and nods. If she were to open her mouth to respond she would most likely lose another job.

Mike grins like he knows what she's thinking. "I can't wait to see your performance." He turns to leave, and once he reaches the stage curtains he looks back to her like he forgot something. "Oh! And what did you think of your castmates?"

"They're... interesting." Her mind wanders to earlier. Nayoko isn't too bad. She's probably the one Marie likes the most. Nayoko reminds her of a puppy, possibly s golden retriever with how excitable she is. Finn is... odd. She can't say much about him besides that. And Amy? Well, there's plenty of Amys out there. Marie grew up in a town of them. None of them believing she could make it, all thinking she was full of herself and self-absorbed. There were even a few at her old job. The worst thing about Amy though is that she reminds her of her father.

Mike grins. "Wonderful." Then he slips out.

Marie stares after him, having been left with more questions than she started with. But she shakes it off as she goes back to looking through the music. If she wants to be ready for Friday she should start as soon as possible. Once she's picked out a piece she stands up and makes her way over to the rooms adjoining this one.

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