Authors Note

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Woah. This is my first time for an authors note at the beginning of a book! And my first time doing ONC! I'm so excited to be taking part in ONC this year! I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete this novella by the end but I'm going to try my best.

Now, let's talk a little bit about The Rabbit Hole.

I've had the idea of Marie's story for awhile and just never wrote it. I kind of shelved it and went: You're going to wait a little bit. But there were a few prompts from the ONC that kind of made it work. I had to do a little tweaking to a few aspects but that's okay. I'm hoping they'll add to her story.

The prompts I've chosen are:

44. Music is the bridge that can join together people regardless of their differences. Connect your diverse characters through their love of music

This one will be pretty obvious throughout the book. So it won't really need any explaining or looking for it. The other prompt though...

69. I had a marvelous time ruining everything - Taylor Swift

This one probably won't show up till closer near the end. And even when it does show up it might not be that obvious. You might have to look for it a little bit. 

Also, I won't be highlight or bolding any of the milestones (sorry if that makes it hard for the judges) but I will be putting markers at the end of the chapters. They'll look a little like this:

Chapter WC: 

Total WC:

I hope that'll work!

Now, on to the story!

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