RWBY: Shattered Jagear

By Metazero

372 9 0

The Dragmare were a species of man-eating beasts hiding amongst the people of Remant, each possessing superna... More

Chapter 1: Shattered Winter
Chapter 2: Dragmare Assault
Chapter 3: Final Blizzard
Chapter 4: Atlas
Chapter 5: Prince
Chapter 6: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 8: Snow blood
Chapter 9: The Arrival
Chapter 10: Team Pride
Chapter 11: Band of Thieves
Chapter 12: The Marry Battle
Chapter 13: Robyn
Chapter 14: Escape
Chapter 15: Faust
Chapter 16: The day a Demon Was Born

Chapter 7: Frost Bite

10 0 0
By Metazero

Giza quickly dodges multiple stabs from his opponet - he gave his opponet a taste of their own medice by attempting to stab the opponet by the head. But Giza's opponet parries the attack before it could hit them.

Giza quickly backing away before his oppoent can attack him. His opponet runs towards him, attempting to not give Giza any time to think of any strategy. It tried to cut of his head - but luckily Giza was able to predict his attack. Blocking the blade before it could reach his neck.

The opponet tried to back away but alas it was a fruitless endeavor because Giza rushes towards his opponet. It then caculated which move to make - finding the right one, it swings its blade at Giza. He alreadg predicted his enemy was about to do that so he  dodges.

Seeing the oppertunity right infront of him, he grabs it. Tightly grabbing the handle of his sword - thrusting sword blade to his opponet head. The blade pierces through the head, the tip of the blade was seen at the back of the head.

Circiuts and wire flew out of the androids as he pulls the swords from the robots body. It fell to the ground with a big thud noise.

Giza looks around him, seeing a few dozens other androids that were also 'dead.'

Wiping a bead of sweat on his head. He walk towards a mini fridge - grabbing a cool and refreshing bottle of water to drink. Giza checked on his Scroll to see how long he was training.

'Roughly about twenty minutes.' He thought. "I should head down to eat." He recalled the conversation he had with Lia of not him eating. He have been feeling a little bit hungry during the training.

After a quick shower and a change of new clothes. He headed down to eat


Giza walks through the hallways of the Borosu Corparation, passing by some people and many doors. Opening Laura's office door.

It was the next day, and just like he said yesterday - he was back here for another case.

Laura was typing something on her computer before noticing Giza walking in. She gave Giza tired smile. "Morning Giza."

Giza nodded to Laura in return. "Let's see." Laura wispered to herself - typing on the computer before clicking the mouse. She walks towards a nearby cabin, opening it she grabs a random folder and throwing to the table. "There has been several reports of mudered victims found in Mantle."

Giza crosses his arm. "And these murder victims are connected to a Dragmare?"

"Yeah, most the victim were female even some were huntesses. A portion of their faces were missing - like something had bitten off their faces - also the autopsy said the victims body were abnormaly cold for no reason."

"So a Dragmare that probably has some sort of freezing ability?"

"Most likely, as the police found small jagged deep blue ice shapes from places near where they found the victims bodies. We were able to get a couple of sample of the ice and send it over to the Research Divison. They found out the ice traces of small amount of Sol on it." She said.

Aside from its main goal being researhing the Dragmare's the Researh Division also assist the Slayer Division - the division he is in - to hunt down the Dragmare's.

"There were also several accounts of civillians hearing fighting outside their home - the police obviously suspect this is a rogue cannibel Hunters doing."

Laura grabs a cigar to light. "So what cover I'll be using?" Giza said.

"You'll be a investigator named Jin Makalov. And here." She gave him a card and began to type something on her computer. Giza's scroll ringed.

"I've send you the location on where the victims were and some of the civillian that heared the fight." Laura said.

"Well I'll be going." Giza said. "Bye." Laura said to Giza as he left.


'There definitely was a battle here.' Giza was in one of the location where the police found the body.

The crime scene was in a alleyway with three paths connecting to make a T-shape alleyway. On the brick wall of one was the pathway was a door.

Yellow police tape surround area, on the ground was a white chalk silhouette of a person.

There were chunks and bits of those blue ice on the ground and wall that strangely isn't melting. Small craters sparcely littered the allways. In the background Giza could faintly hear noise of people and cars passing by.

Currently Giza was in the Jagear Unit turned invinsible, he'd just arrive to the scene.

'I'll see if there's any traces of Sol.' Giza vision then changes to diffrent modes until going to the one he selected.

Everything to Giza was filtered with purple tint, the only thing that wasn't purple were many small puddles of color green splashed around the area.

All Dragmare's uses Sol in some way or form, Sol is answer on how they break the rules of reality. How they have fast regenaration not even Aura could compete, it's how they have impenetrable skin, its reason why they have powers similar to Semblence - to somewhat rewrite reality. It is theories by the Research Division, a single Dragmare has more Sol inside of them than the Borosu Corparation could ever produce.

Since Dragmare's have large amounts of Sol, the Sol inside of them will leak - though this only applies to their true form, if they're in disguise they won't leak Sol.

'Hmmm there's lots of Sol here, guess one of the Hunter victim must've put up a decent fig-' Something big hit Giza, sending  him flying through the brick wall.

"ACK!" He shouted in pain as the wall behind him shatter in pieces. Giza cursed in his mind as immense pain soared through his body, because if he hadn't been wearing the Jagear Unit he would have died instantly by the force of the thing hitting him. 'Not even my Aura would have done anything!' He looks to see his attacker.

"I'm honestly suprise you survive that. Most people would be crushed." The Dragmare was carrying a comically large ice shaped war hammer on her shoulder.

Before Giza could even stand he was met by a barrage of Ice shaped sword fired at bullet speed.

Then a giant ice cube spawned in front of the Dragmare, she punches the giant ice cube with one arm sending it to Giza. Furthermore destroying the building Giza was in.

In the distance she could hear people screaming and attempting to call the police.

"Well time t-" Giza rushes at her. He was envelope in a purple aura, he was using the gravity dust to amp his speed.

"Dunce." She said. Forming an ice rapier and the ice war hammer suddenly melted, she charged at Giza.

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