
By Gray_With_An_A

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Serran is a nineteen year old human who lives in the lower levels of Coruscant. He has been living down there... More

Chapter 1: Crassitt's Arena
Chapter 2: Meera
Chapter 3: We Meet Again
Chapter 4: Nova Burst
Chapter 5: The Valley of the Dark Lords
Chapter 6: Korriban
Chapter 7: Ilum
Chapter 8: A Master and A Padawan
Chapter 9: Bounty
Chapter 11: A Master of Death
Chapter 12: Kill or Be Killed
Chapter 13: The Unforseen
Chapter 14: Imprisoned
Chapter 15: Terror on Chandrila
Chapter 16: A Trooper Gone Rogue
Chapter 17: Pirates
Chapter 18: Spice Bounties
Chapter 19: Teth
Chapter 20: A Jedi and a Sith: Part 1
Chapter 21: A Jedi and a Sith: Part 2

Chapter 10: Jedi Shadow

69 4 1
By Gray_With_An_A

Serran was surrounded by a few republic soldiers, a couple civilians, and a jedi. "Serran Lahora, you are under arrest for the murder of two jedi, a civilian, and the attempted murder of a jedi." The twi'lek jedi announced. Serran didn't respond to her. The jedi then signaled the three republic soldiers to go after him.

Serran shot at the soldiers running at him. He killed the one closest to him by shooting her in the neck and he hit the one to the left of him in the arm. His weak attack didn't faze the remaining soldiers. The unharmed one fired at Serran who dodged each bullet by outrunning them all. He hid behind the ship to catch his breath. After a few seconds he came out from his cover and fired at the remaining soldiers, killing them both.

"After all these years, you still run away from fights like a weakling." The jedi mocked. She ignited her purple lightsaber and rushed at Serran who was behind the ship.

"I am not..." Serran came out from the shelter of the ship with nothing in hand. "Weak!" He yelled as a large burst of the darkside came rushing out from him. He used the force to create a humongous shock wave that nearly threw the ship on its side and threw everyone in its path flying backward.

The civilians who were watching the fight unfold were instantly killed. The jedi threw up a force shield but was still thrown back. She landed on her feet with a flip in the air. As soon as she got on her feet she rushed at Serran again and swung her violet blade at him.

Serran ducked down and attempted to shoot her in the legs but she had noticed this used the force to whip the blaster out of his hand and far away from his reach. His only weapon was the force and his bare hands.

The twi'lek switched to a more strength driven lightsaber form and swung her blade at Serran, aiming for his shoulder to maim him.

Serran jumped back just in time to save his arm but the hot purple blade of the lightsaber managed to still give him a deep vertical wound reaching from his elbow to the top of his arm. Serran bit his lip to keep himself from screaming in pain.

The jedi used the force to knock him down onto the hard concrete of the landing pad. She hovered above him with her lightsaber pointed at his chest. "Any last words?" She asked politely.

Not having any other choice, Serran used his pain and anger to make himself stronger in the force. Reaching out his arms and drawing on the force with everything he had, blue and purple bolts of force lightning shot out from his fingertips and at the jedi who hadn't anticipated this attack and had believed she had won.

The jedi was launched upwards and landed hard on the ground. Because the jedi had hesitated, she met her downfall and convulsed with each bolt of burning electricity that hit her blue skin. The lightning then stopped and what was left of the battle were a dozen carcasses.

Serran gasped for air as fatigue quickly engulfed him. "That was new. Heh, didn't know I could do something like that." He panted as he got up slowly from the ground and walked towards the body of the jedi. He examined the body for a moment. The twi'lek wore dark colored robes that most jedi hated. He then remembered the color of her lightsaber: purple. Had his opponent been one of the jedi shadows?

The jedi shadows are a type of jedi sentinel that act as assassins for the jedi who are tasked with destroying all traces of the darkside left in the galaxy after the jedi and sith wars. They lurk in the darkest depths of the galaxy and are specifically trained to sense and track down dark side energies and answer directly to the council of first knowledge. To sum it all up, they were dangerous and Serran had just killed one of them.

"Huh. Guess they really want to kill me. Sick bastards." Serran spat, thinking about the jedi order that he had left long ago. There was a small beeping noise that alerted Serran. The ship had been totally refueled and was ready to leave. He decided to take the dead jedi's lightsaber. He could easily switch the crystals and make the lightsaber his. Plus, he wouldnt have to somehow get some cortosis just for a hilt.

He went over to the fuel pump and unhooked it from the ship. With that, he entered the ship and took off from the crime scene, leaving the carcasses to be found by someone or to just rot away without ever being found. It was a remote area anyway.

The ship broke the atmosphere as it flew upward into the pitch-black space. Serran input the coordinates to Korriban and entered a hyperspace route that would take him to the planet.

He leaned back in the pilots chair, holding his kyber crystal that he had bled and the lightsaber of the jedi that he had killed. He took apart the lightsaber with ease and removed the purple crystal that had belonged to the jedi. He decided to keep it just in case he wanted to modify his lightsaber into a double bladed one or just simply wanted two sabers. He then inserted his scarlet kyber crystal into the lightsaber and then put it back together.

He stared at the lightsaber: it's hilt was made of a metal that had a slight purple tint to it, the bottom of the lightsaber was flat except for a small hole in the middle, and the piece where the burning blade would ignite had two metal lines that created a short double helix.

Serran sat up from the chair and walked into the main cabin area. He held out the lightsaber and ignited it. It's blade was a deep red that filled the room with its color. He spun it around once in his hand and then switched to form seven of the lightsaber combat forms.

After a few minutes of getting used to his new lightsaber, he started to feel the deep wound in his arm. He extinguished the blade and clipped it to his belt. Looking for something to wrap the wound with, he spotted a roll of white bandages that Gossec had never put away. He used the force to quickly grab the bandages from the floor without moving. He then unrolled them and wrapped them tightly around the burnt and bloody wound on his arm.

Serran grunted at the painful sensation but kept wrapping his arm. Tying the end of the cloth bandages, his arm was now fully wrapped and protected. He tossed the roll of bandages back onto the floor and decided to sit back in the pilots chair.

He wanted to save his energy for Korriban. He hoped that his master would be proud of him and would respect him more now that he had gotten a new lightsaber in only a week. But for now, he would sleep and regain his energy for the confrontation. He was beyond exhausted.

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