Dangerous Desire. (Woman x i...

By angelicliterature

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"W-what are you doing here?" Aya asked. She wasn't expecting any guests, and certainly not the temporary love... More

Aesthetic Page.


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By angelicliterature

I couldn't leave y'all hanging like that LOL. The storm is here !

Unedited !

Shaq in the MM.

"So that's where you've been, huh?" Morgan asked as she shoved Shaq before giving him a hug. Everyone else greeted him, Aya watching as she touched his shoulder as he dapped up Jamal.

"Yeah, I've been getting taken care of." Shaq chuckled causing everyone to snicker while Aya rolled her eyes.

"What happened to your arm?" Sierra asked. Her voice wasn't as harsh, it trembling slightly as she tried to avoid eye contact with Aya who just ran her fingers across the scar.

"Ran into something." Shaq responded quickly.

"What? A knife?" Sierra scoffed, Aya glaring down at her causing her to swallow hard while looking away. Morgan looked between the two women, her concern growing. She's never seen Sierra look so..terrified.

"Nah, I'd never hurt him, right big man?" Aya asked as she ran her hands up and down his arms. He nodded while hugging him to her, Sonia squealing loudly as she pulled on Jamal's arm.

"Oh my Gosh! I'm so happy! Aya, you're glowing girl! I just know he's hitting it right!"

"I do not want to hear that!" Jamal grumbled while shaking his head causing everyone to laugh. Sierra just cleared her throat before grabbing her boyfriends hand.

"Where we going?" Shaq asked as his grip on Aya tightened.

"We haven't decided yet."

"Barcade." Shaq exclaimed excitedly causing Aya to chuckle.

"Nah, we just did that. We can go to vibes." Morgan suggested. Everyone agreed except Aya who wasn't sure what that was. She followed along, watching Shaq's every move which wasn't hard since he was by her side the entire time.  They walked into the train station, Aya clearing her throat before taking out her mask and placing it on her face.

"Why you got that on?" Morgan snorted.

"The pandemic isn't over. I work at a hospital. I have extras if anyone needs. Shaq, put your mask on." Aya demanded, Shaq immediately grabbing one and placing it on his face without hesitation.

"Good boy." She whispered, Shaq smiling behind his mask while watching everyone else take one except for Sierra who just rolled her eyes.

"Sierra, come on. What's wrong, now? She's trying to keep us safe." Morgan sighed. Sonia nodded in agreement, Sierra glaring down at the floor before walking over and snatching one, Aya grabbing her wrist before she can pull it away.

"Watch yourself.." She sang with a smile, Sierra looking up at her before looking at Shaq who just stared down at her with knowing eyes causing her to slowly pull her hands away. She backed away slightly, both Aya and Shaq staring at her with dark eyes causing her to clear her throat.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Just wanna make sure Shaq is okay with..her."

"He seems fine. She knows his history and stayed. What else could be wrong?" Morgan asked skeptically as she nudged her friend. She could tell something deeper was going on as Sierra looked over them to see them whispering to each other, Aya giggling behind her mask before shaking her head.

"Nothin. Come on."

"So there's drinks, food, music, hookah..you name it, they got it. I can't believe you and Aya never been here!" Morgan exclaimed to Sonia while shoving her shoulder. They were all sitting inside of a booth, Aya placing her back on top of Shaq's lap before rubbing his arm.

"You okay? You gonna eat with me?" She asked quietly as her face followed his, their noses touching.

"Yes, mama I'm okay. It's loud in here." He responded, his eyes anxious as he looked around before looking back at her face. She grabbed his hand and leaned into his ear.

"Just give me the word and I'll take you home and take care of you. Yeah, sweet boy?" Aya cooed as she rubbed his arm. Shaq smiled while looking at her with large eyes while nodding.

"Good. You're such a good boy..I should take you to the bathroom and show you how much." She whispered. Shaq's eyes widened as Aya giggled, sighing as she rubbed his thigh under the table before looking at Sonia.

"Girl, they gave me the whole week off. Spa castle?" Aya asked as she grabbed her best friends hand.

"Duh! Morgan, do you want to go to spa castle with us?" Sonia asked.

"I definitely don't have money for that-"

"We didn't ask about money. We asked if you wanted to come." Aya responded back with a smile while nodding her head.

"Of course! I heard they give free drinks and stuff! That's true?"

"Yes it is. We'll get the whole package. Sierra, would you like to come?" Aya asked as she looked over with a wide smile that scared the woman. She looked over at Morgan who had pleading eyes before looking at Aya who nodded slightly, her grin getting wider.

What is she, a fucking sociopath?

"Only because Morgan wants me to."

"Awesome! I'll make the reservations once I get home. You'll remind me?" Aya asked as she looked up at Shaq who just nodded, clearing his throat as she stroked him through his pants.

"You guys are so cute, I can't handle it. I can't..I've never seen Shaq so relaxed." Morgan squealed while nudging Sierra.

"Yeah.." Sierra responded blandly causing Aya to quirk a brow before smiling at Morgan.

"He's nothing more than a sweetheart."

"Good. We were worried he'd lose his mind again. He has a tendency to get a little obsessed with the people he's involved with."

"Oh trust me..I know. Isn't that right?" Aya giggled looking up at Shaq who just shrugged with a smirk. Aya's hand kept caressing him, Shaq trying to hold it together as he let out a breath.

They all ordered their food, Sierra sitting quiet as she watched every move that Aya and Shaq made. She watched the mannerism Aya used and it scared her. He looked like a child everytime she spoke to him. She kept feeding him and making sure he drank water as if she was his mother, and he was drinking all the attention up. She watched as Aya cleaned he corners of his mouth with the napkin before tapping his face and he just smiled like a baby.

What type of sick arrangement do they have going on?

The rest of the night was quiet, drinks being thrown back with food and dancing. It was now time to leave, everyone grabbing their things as they decided how they were going to split the bill. Aya was tipsy, wanting nothing more than to take Shaq and sit on his face while telling him how much of a good boy he was.

"Here, mama-" before Shaq could finish, Aya put her hand up to stop him from paying before taking out her black card and placing it on the table before kissing him softly.

"I got it baby. How about we go back to Sierra's and get the rest of your stuff so you can stay with mama? Hm?" Aya whispered as she stared down at his mouth. Shaq swallowed hard as he looked to see Sierra staring before looking back at Aya who nodded with a smile.

"You sure? She's gonna get mad."

"Let her. You're mine, not hers." She whispered. Those words triggered something in Shaq and he nodded with a big smile as his heart started beating fast in his chest.

"I'm yours?"

"You're mine, baby boy. All mine. So if you want me to show you..how about we go get your stuff so mama can get on her knees and reward you for behaving yourself?" Aya asked quietly. He nodded abruptly as he gripped her waist causing her smile to widen.

"That's my good boy. Let's go.."

"Do you want me to come with you?" Aya asked as the Uber pulled up in front of Sierra's house. They all took separate routes, Sierra already being home before them. Shaq shook his head, kissing Aya's forehead before getting out of the car and walking to the porch, opening the door to see Sierra sitting on the couch smoking.

"Let me guess..You're not coming back?" Sierra asked as she stood up, crossing her arms. Shaq sighed while shutting the door before looking at his friend who just glared up at him.

"That just means you won't have to take care of me anymore. You can be here with Kamal without me being in your way. I'm still gonna be your friend-"

"Don't. Don't.. I can see right through her. Right through both of you. She's not good for you, Shaq. She's gonna be your downfall and I can't sit around and watch anymore." Sierra hissed, her eyes welling with tears.

"Then who is? You?" Shaq scoffed, Sierra still staring at him as the tears finally fell. Shaq tensed up as her face nearly fell to the ground from his words, Shaq shaking his head.

"Sierra, please..you're my sister-"

"Of course I am. That's all I'll ever be to you even though I took care of you. Me. Before that lady found you in the street, who's house were you always sneaking into? Huh? Who bathed you and gave you food when your mama was too cracked out to feed you?"

"Don't talk about Anika or my mother. You don't have a right-"

"Shanelle! Are you serious?! I don't have a right?! I visited you almost every weekend when you were locked up! I did! Not even Morgan showed up for you the way I showed up! And you're just...gonna throw it all away for some bitch that reminds you of someone that took advantage of you?!"

"Don't call her that!" Shaq yelled causing Sierra to jump. Sierra scoffed, wiping her face aggressively as she walked toward him.

"You can't sit here and say you don't feel the same. It's been so long, Shaq. Come on..don't you feel it? Can't you see that I'm the one for you? I did all of this for you. You. When you got out I made sure you had a place to stay, that you had clothes." Sierra sniffed, placing a hand on his chest.

"I'm sorry, but I don't..I'm grateful for everything you did for me but I don't see you as anything more than a sister. Aya is good to me. She understands me-"

"Oh cut the shit! She mirrors you! She's nothing more than a fake ass bitch like Anika! I can see it-"

"Watch your mouth. Now. You don't know her the way I do." Shaq growled while squeezing her wrists. Sierra pushed him off of her before glaring up at him, when she suddenly leaned up and kissed him on his mouth.

"No! No, Sierra stop!" He hissed as she kept trying to kiss him again, Shaq pushing her aggressively causing her to fall and hit her head on the corner of the living room table, blood pouring from the wound and onto her carpet.

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