A heavy burden; a true story.

By JuliaGolafshan

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Day 1
Day 5
Day 22
Day 25
Day 26
Day 28
Day 30
Day 39
Day 49
Day 61
Day 89
Day 92
Day 94
Day 100
Day 102
Day 104
Day 106
Day 112
Day 113
Day 118
Day 132
Day 139
Day 140
Day 153

Day 164

145 6 4
By JuliaGolafshan

~ Day 164 ~ 

~ 06 / 03 / 2013 ~ 

hey guys! how has everyone been??

Before I get started, I have a weight loss blog on Tumblr if you want to follow my progress there; gettingtofiftykilos.tumblr.com :) 

Some AMAZING news to share :) I have dropped from a size 14 - 16 in shirts to a size... 12!!! And I have also dropped from size 16 - 18 in pants to a size... 14!!

That means I've dropped a size in both my chest and legs guys!! AMAZING FEELING. All my months of hard work have payed off. 

HOWEVER. (and this is the strange bit)

I have stayed at 85.5kilos for quite a while now, like 1.5 months, yet I've dropped sizes. So that means that I have been putting on muscle, while losing fat. SCORE. 

So don't be depressed if you're trying to lose weight and it's not working; you could very well be putting on muscle, which slowly will turn into lower results on the scales. 

I also bought some new clothes - which is how I discovered I've dropped a size in pants - and I found this amazing little sexy black dress! It's a size 10, and my goal is to wear it and look like a babe by October 26 - the day I go to see 1D live!

So that is a really achievable goal which I'm really excited for, yay! 

And starting from next week, I'm making myself go for a 30min trip to the park every day after school, so WOO! 

It's weird, but I LOVE TO RUN NOW! I remember how much I used to complain about it, but now it just makes me feel free and lets my mind and body relax. 

I still hate the treadmill though - running in a park or on the street is HEAVEN.

Lol, what's wrong with me? I'm a complete exercise finatic now, hahaha. 

Today I'm also restarting my 'eat clean' diet - basically avoid all processed foods and added sugars, and drink good teas and LOADS of water and eat CLEAN!

Today (day 1) was completely succesful, and I feel fantastic. I had the yummiest breakfast as well; a fruit salad made of nectarines, blueberries and bananas. YUMMMMMMMMM.

Adios for now, fellow mates, and thank you for all the lovely support and messages. I love you all so much :)) 

xoxo CHOW.

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