MOODSWINGS - Cake (Mpreg!) [c...

By ohnomarie

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"This is not happening," Luke muttered under his breath. He was sitting cross legged on his bed, still in his... More

This Is Not Happening
I don't want to talk about this
The Reasons We Can't Possibly Do This
Questions and Desicions
That's a lot to check
It's my job to worry about you
How The Fuck Do We Tell Them
Hairy Stomach With A Baby In It
Stop Calling Them Plum
I Really Really Don't Feel Good.
I can't get through to him
I'm Your Mum, I'll Never Love You Any Less
Five Years Later
That's Great News
Telling The World
Being Parents
Glowing and beaming
I am slightly freaking out
Ready to be done with this
No sleep club
BONUS - Baby 2

We Have News (IG REEL)

40 0 0
By ohnomarie

The video shows a dark backdrop. One chair. All boys enter their shot one by one.

"So, I got the news when I was fighting with Luke," Michael grinned, "maybe we should fight more often?"


"Well, I was with Cal at home. That was early January, I think," Luke scratched his cheek.


"Uhh," Calum said, "I think that was a Tuesday in January. In the morning, when Luke and I had just woken up."


"Yeah, so, I got the news when we were shooting the new music video in January," Ashton beamed.


"How did I react to the news?," Michael asked and then nodded, "Oh. I think I was very chill. I tried to be as supportive as possible."


Ashton beamed. "I was happy. Literally the best thing that happened in a long time."


Calum huffed out a laugh. "I was happy and fucking terrified at the same time. And overwhelmed. But more happy, I think."


Luke chuckled and nervously scratched his nose. "I cried. Twice. Or even more times? I cried a lot."


Voice from off the screen. "WHAT DID YOU FIND OUT?"

"I, "Calum points at himself, beaming, "am going to be a dad!"


"First 5SOS baby!!!!," Ashton yelled and raised his arms.


"I found out that I was pregnant," Luke said and then smiled and shrugged.


"Luke's having a baby!," Michael cooed, "That's pretty cool, huh?"


Ashton lowered his arms and beamed at the camera again, his dimples popping. "Yeah, dude! Luke, our baby, is having a baby!"


Calum is full on beaming and has a faint happy flush on his cheeks. "Yeah, Lu is pregnant."


"Cal knocked me up. Didn't even ask," Luke huffed but could barely keep the grin off his face. Snickering from off screen is heard and Michael mimicking 'didn't even ask'.


"Okay so let me paint you the scene," Michael gestured wildly, "Luke and me were yelling at each other, okay? We were supposed to shoot the new music video at the theme park. But Luke refuses to get on the roller coaster for a shot. And he wouldn't even give a good reason for it."


"So I was feeling like absolute shit that day. I was feeling so sick," Luke explained, "And then we roll up on set and the director suggests a roller coaster ride. And from the get go I was like 'Yeah, no. This is not happening.'"


"So, you know. We try to be diplomatic and make it work but Luke and Cal are just completely blocking it off without a fucking reason so Luke and I start yelling at each other," Michael was still gesturing wildly.


Luke let out a long breath. "Yeah, I exploded on Mike. Be was acting like a dick, to be honest." 'So were you mate!," is heard from off screen. "Yeah, that's fair," Luke shrugged.


"Well," Calum said, "Luke took two pregnancy tests in early January and they both came back positive. So we go to the doctor, she confirms it, and everything starts. Two weeks later we have the video shoot. That's literally where things escalated."


"I feeling like absolute shit," Luke pursed his lips, "and I was frustrated and so I snapped."


"So Luke and Mike are yelling and the Luke walks away", Calum explained, "so I stopped him and manage to make him calm down a bit. And then we decided to come clean."


"Okay, lemme tell you how it went down," Ashton tried to be serious but a giggle escaped his mouth, "Cal and Luke  walked up to us and Luke apologized to Mike. And then he says something along the lines of 'pregnant people shouldn't go on roller coasters.' and I was like 'what the fuck is he on about. Like, what's happening?'. It took me ages to catch on."


"Yeah Ashton was a bit slow," Luke laughed, "But I'm the end both of them were very sweet and supportive."


"I was so happy," Michael laughed, "I was like 'fucking hell, my best friends are having a baby.' And like, obviously, we immediately ditched the roller coaster idea."


"Yeah," Luke smiled at the camera, "It's going very well so far. No complications." Luke frowns at something next to the camera. "Cal, what the fuck are you doing? Come here."
Calum walks into the frame. Luke pats his lap. "No way am I sitting on you. Get up," Calum demands. Luke gets up, Calum settles in, Luke on his lap.


"Fucking awesome man. I'm so happy for them," Ashton beamed.


"It's pretty amazing. I'm incredibly happy for them," Michael smiled softly, "But Luke is using this pregnancy as an excuse for everything."


"Luke has weird ass cravings and blames it on the baby," Ashton shrugs.


"I mean it's a good argument. What are you gonna say?," Michael shrugged, "I never had a baby, I don't know what it's like to be pregnant. Also, Cal may murder you if you say anything."


Ashton rambled on. "Luke wanted bacon with ice cream, and hot dogs with chocolate sauce, and -"


"I want everyone to know," Luke pointed at the camera from his place on Calum's lap, "that my cravings are not as bad as they say they are and that I eat a lot of healthy food for baby bean and that I only crave weird food sometimes. And that it's not my fault."


"I mean in the end," Ashton shrugs, "we agreed on baby gets what baby wants. If the baby wants bacon and ice cream, the baby gets bacon and ice cream. Even if it's two am and raining. Calum will go to the store and get it. Happy baby, happy dads."


"I'm happier than ever," Calum smiled softly and hooked his chin over Luke's shoulder, "The happiest. And Luke's bump is the best thing I've ever seen. Look at this!!!" Calum pushes Luke's sweater up and places a hand on the soft curve of Luke's shirt covered tummy. Luke laughs softly and brings his hand to Calums.

"Yeah. We're pretty happy," he mumbles, a blush covering his cheeks.


"Band baby, Autumn 2025," Ashton pointed at the camera, "You don't wanna miss this!"


"Wait," Michael looks past the camera, "so is this one produced by Calum Hood then?"

"And by me!," Luke yelled from off screen, "thank you very much!"

Michael snickered. "Well, this is the best thing this band has ever produced, if I do say so myself," he grinned.

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