Loving him, Love her

By latishacarter

4.4K 231 62

Leaving home and heading to college with great expectations of new beginnings is all Janell could think about... More

New Beginnings
Toothpaste and Pancakes
Granola bars and stupid people
Kings Pizza Hut
Jesus take the Wheel
Memories and tampons
A pendent and a kiss
Legos and CIA
Cessna and Panda
Amen and bed pans
Melanie and Donavan
Allergies and Christmas
Janell and Tracy
State dinners and movies
Old Clothes and Falling Down
Dinner and Swimming
Road trip and Bond fires
Cake and Wedding ring
Hide and Seek
Sister and Brother
Tear gas and Coffee
A bullet and a ride
Ice cream and football
News reports and missing shirts
Shrimp Scampi and Tears
Mountain hikes and Fruit cups
Pain and Flashlights
Dating and Rocks
I didn't mean to
Dead phones and Dominos
Wedding dresses
Lamb Chops and Other Women
Pictures and Bears

Flowers and Hostages

78 5 1
By latishacarter

Move in day...
I can't believe we are all going to live together, Mercedes, Tracy and I. Since the trip to New York we've all excepted Tracy into the fold especially since she and Bishop are officially dating now. I must admit in the beginning I wasn't thrilled about it, but the more I see them together the more they fit.

"Tracy dear, I love Candles just as much as the next girl, but if you light another one I will toss you and them out!"

"Now Janell, I thought we said that we were going to work on getting along sweetie, and besides I've said nothing of that tacky bed spread you have across that bed of yours."

"Look here people, we are not going to have the foolishness, I will put both of you out. Well, I'll put you out first Tracy."

"Whatever, Mercedes I'm not scare of either you or Janell, so just know that! Any way classes start in two days and I'm ready to get it going I'm a senior this year and I know it's going to be crazy."

"Tell me again why you have a double major Tracy."

"Trying to prove to daddy that I'm more than a pretty face. Accounting and Physics can take me a long way."

"Yeah I guess, have any of you heard from the guys." I asked because I haven't been able to get in contact with Maverick since last night .

"I talked to Bishop this morning, "Tracy said.

"You Mercedes have you talked to Avery?"

"I did a few days ago, I know he's been busy lately, or avoiding me not sure which is the right answer."

"Since we've been back from NYC Maverick has been so secretive. He went out of town for 3 days and I didn't hear from him. I called Mel and she didn't even know he was gone."

"Janell, don't jump to conclusions maybe he had something to do today, just calm down, let the man breath for goodness sake!"

"I guess so, maybe I am being a little clingy!"

"You think", Tracy said with a smirk!

Just then their was a knock on the door, I got up to answer it moving boxes out of the way to create a path to the door. Opening it I see Avery, and Bishop with flowers, and a cake.

" Hey Jay, where's the girls we came by to welcome you guys back," Avery said as he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek while handing me a bundle of flowers and heading into the apartment.

"Hey baby girl!" Bishop said as he also walks in and kiss me on the forehead heading into the room.

Looking out the door I expected to see Maverick but the only other people I see are girls in the hallway looking at me, probably wondering who the guys are. Shutting the door hard I head into the kitchen finding the others. Both Mercedes and Tracy each have a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey Janell, look what the guys brought over, cake and it's says, make it a great year!Oh how sweet," said Tracy.

"Guys this is really nice of you but where's Maverick is he coming over later."

"Well, he sent me a text last night and said that he had something to do, but make sure that I got you flowers, and told you that he was thinking of you and that he would call soon." Bishop said as he took the top off the cake to cut it.

"Well why didn't he call me himself or text me," I asked upset about the whole situation.

"Janell I don't know, I really don't, have you tried to call him."

"Bishop you know I've tried to call, but it rolls to voice mail."

Janell is going to kill me, I have to tell her soon about me being in the CIA, but the less she knows the better. I had to leave last night to come to Langley for a briefing theirs been chatter about FB632 and they need as much intel as they can get so that they can make some solid leads and to recover the missing chemicals and to find Agent Shaw.

I couldn't explain to her why I had to leave so abruptly, but I hope she understands. Looking at my phone I see where she's called several times since last night, but I don't have any free time to really talk to her, and in some places I can't even have a phone.

The meeting is underway and it get pretty serious really quick. I'm told that Agent Shaw is wanted and is considered a trader and an enemy of the state. Something's are not adding up, recalling various conversations and interactions I've had with Shaw things aren't panning out.

Looking at my phone Janell has called 4 times.

"Agent Maxwell, is there anything you would like to add."

Looking up from my phone I answer, "no sir, not at this time".

The meeting is dismissed and I head to my office to check my email and to grab a few reports before I head home. It's about a two hour drive back so I'm ready to get on the road.

I get to Janell's place about an hour after Bishop and Avery. Knocking on the door Tracy let me in, giving her a quick hug I head towards the voices. Seeing Janell I scoop her into a hug. And hand her a second bouquet of flowers.

"Hey babe I'm so sorry for missing your calls I've been so busy lately. So these are for you." Looking around the girls place it looks nice I can tell that it's coming along.

"Guys I may have a job, that's why I've been so busy lately it's research and stuff like that, but I'm excited about it."

"Honey, that's great!" Janell said.

"Let's order some food I'm hungry," said Mercedes as she and Avery were watching a movie in the living room.

Grabbing takeout menus we all look through them, we decided on Kings Pizza. Janell and I decided to go pickup the food. Since NewYork, I've been very busy, with evaluations, reinstatement, and work, everything has been moving at top speed.

Heading towards Kings Pizza I turn down the radio so I can talk to Janell.
"So you ready for a great year. It going to be a little easier now that your in the swing of things."

"Maverick, I guess, but I'm not as concern about school as I am about us."

Taking Janells hand I look at her and I can see the concern on her face. Truly I can understand her concern, but it's not needed it she and I are okay. I just can't express my true concern, my job at the CIA. It's getting more stressful by the day, but having these moments with Janell makes everything okay.

I remember right after we came back from NYC, I drove Janell home. I met her parents, sisters and brother. It was a really good time. Her family and I got along well. Senaca was a little skeptical at first he took me to the garage to have a man to man, gotta respect a little brother looking out for big sis.

"Maverick, I know you like my sister Nel, and that cool, but if you break her heart just know I will come for you. I've talked to Bishop and he said you good people so if Bishop trust you then I'm cool, but please believe what I say.

"Senaca I believe you man, and I do care about your sister and for you to trust me to be with her means a lot to me. I have a younger sister and I'm super protective when it comes to her so I understand."

"Is she cute?"


"Your sister man!"

"Yes, she's cute and happily married to one of my best friends. Hey who's car is this, what it's a 77 Mustang."

" I'm not sure it's my dad."

"Who's talking about me."

"Sir, I was just asking about this car it's a beauty does it run."

" I'm working on the engine I haven't been able to figure it out. It won't turn over."

"Mind if I take I look?" As I look under the hood I roll my sleeves and get to work, about an hour and a half later I have the car purring like a kitten.

"Son, I do believe you've earned dinner tonight and you can call me Kellen."

"Yes sir, Kellen."

"Listen, just because you fixed my car don't think I won't hunt you down like a dog if you hurt my baby, okay! Because son, I don't play when it comes to my girls. Do you understand where I'm coming from." Kellen, Janell 's dad ask as he picks up a drill and steps closer to me.

"Yes, Kellen I fully understand where your coming from I will cherish and protect your daughter with my life if need be. She's just that important to me Kellen, sir"

During dinner it was one question after the other, if it wasn't Reanna, then it was Brooke or her mother, but understanding there position I answered every question open and honestly. Even when asked was I sleeping with Janell. Janell almost choked on her food and Kellen almost knocked Senaca out of his chair when he asked, but looked at me expecting an answer.

"No Seneca, I am not sleeping with Janell, we have just started to date, and that's not on my agenda until marriage."

"Good answer son, good answer, Kellen say as he cut into his steak with his eyes on me.

After dinner Brook challenged me to a game of ball, it was two on two going to twenty-one. I had no idea that Janell could play she had game! Senaca and Brooke won, but only by two.

"Are you listening?"

Turning to Janell I'm brought out of my thoughts and back to the present.

"What did you say?"

"I was saying that I'm concerned about us."

"Janell, don't worry about us, we are solid, it's just that things are going to get busy with you starting school and me with work. We will spend as much time together as we can. I promise. But you have to trust me, and if you don't hear from me don't freak out. I know based on times past that will be hard, but God got me and I got you."

I say as I kiss her before getting out at King Pizza. Walking in the place is packed. Standing in line I rest my head on Janells head. I'm so tired I came straight to her place from Langley.

The guy in front of us is taking a long time with his order, trying not to focus on him I look around the the small pizza shop. I've been coming here forever, it's changed owners a few times, but the food has always been good. Before I can look back to the front I hear what sounds like a shot gun being cocked.

I look around the pizza shop and I see two men with guns pointing them around the pizza place. Closing my eyes I say a prayer. I can feel Janell shaking like a leaf in front of me.

"Baby listen to me, just calm down okay, we're going to be okay." I say as I survey the room looking for a way out, looking at faces, calculating risk and outcome.

"Do as we say and no one gets hurt, empty the cash register, give us your phones, wallets, and jewelry." One of the guys with a gun say.

Pulling out my phone I hit 6897 send. It's automated code sent directly to dispatchers if agents are in trouble and need assistant it gives location and automatic turn on speaker of your phone. I have my side arm on me, but I really don't want to expose my cover, I don't think Janell will forgive me.

Everyone in the pizza place start taking off jewelry and taking out their cell phones, and the cashier is emptying the register when we hear sirens. Looking out the glass windows we can see cops coming from all directions.

"Close the blinds and get down," shot one of the guys with the a gun.

People are screaming and getting on the floor. I pull Janell down and my body is over hers. I can tell she's crying and shaking beneath me.

"Listen, I want you to do as I say. No matter what trust me okay."

"Maverick, what are you talking about, don't do anything stupid and get hurt again. Every time we go out together it seems as if something jump off. This is crazy, I'm scared just stay here with me please don't go and try to be a hero."

Feeling my body go ridged from her words I'm torn, I'm trained for this, but I don't want to scare Trace or put her in harms way.

"You are surrounded come out with your hands up and everyone can go home tonight," said someone outside.

"Hey man, this is crazy this was suppose to be in and out who called po po.!" The guy guy with the shot gun yelled.

Looking around the room I could see the stress on all of the faces inside the shop.

"What do you want?" Asked someone outside.

Please Lord, I hope this didn't just turn into a hostage situation.

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