Dinner and Swimming

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We didn't leave until 12 am. It was a healing service after what The Lord did for me. I didn't know what to do, who to tell or what to say. Janell probably cried the entire time. The drive home was quite once we get to my place, Bishop and Tracy come over.

I get out the car and walk into my home, I just start thanking Jesus all over again. Bishop helps me in the house and Janell and Tracy are hugging each other. God works in ways we will never understand. I sit on the chair and lay my head back. To tired to do anything but just sit. Tracy and Janell head into the kitchen to fix something to eat.

"Maverick, I'm so glad I went to church tonight, I would have been mad if you told me about this and I didn't witness this for myself. Man, God is good. You know I was thinking about my pops and I'm going to call him tomorrow and just talk to him."

"Bishop, that's the right thing to do man. I'm praying for you, for real. It's time to heal from all of that stuff and move on, you know."

Before we could finish the girls are back with sandwiched, chips and soda. We eat, talk, laugh, and even cry here and there. I'm too wired to go to sleep, but the girls have passed out on the sofas and Bishop is asleep on the chaise. I walk into my bedroom and go over to the window, it's about 5:35am I can start to see the rise of the sun. I kneel and pray.

Calling the family and my brothers over to the house to show them my miracle I'm too excited. Earlier Tracy, Janell, Bishop and I went to church and now we are waiting for everyone. Mercedes won't be here and neither will Avery he went home to Australia for a few weeks. Everyone is here around 3:00. I'm sitting on the chair next to Janell and she's on the verge of crying. Finally I began to tell everyone about the service last night, and then I stand up and I walk. The house erupt in screams, laughter, crying, and praise. My mom almost past out, but my dad caught her in time, and Mel jumped in my arms so fast and hung on for dear life, just crying. Once everyone settled down we just talked and talked.

My father called the restaurant and told them we were coming for dinner. When we arrived the staff was shocked to see me walking, many offered congratulations, and all I could say was, "to God be the glory!". Dinner was fun and full of laughter even Janell and Tracy were getting along.

After dinner on Sunday, I decided to drive Janell home, I haven't driven in months and my parents were concern about me doing to much to soon. Of course they told me to make an appointment with my doctor on Monday. So Bishop and Donavan follow me to take her home. I realized that I'm a blessed man, and I must have Gods favor on my life. He's kept me from danger and has healed me. Taking Janell hand I squeeze it. She turns from the window and look at me.

"What's wrong beautiful."

"I just don't want to go home, I want to stay here with you."

"Okay, then marry me and stay."

She looks at me then punches me in the arm. "Not funny Maverick."

"I wasn't trying to be funny I'm serious."

"Yeah okay, my father would kill the both of us, no thanks."

"Okay, but don't say I didn't ask!"

"If you were serious I might give it some consideration." She said as she turns back to the window.

Janell and I went on our third date to Eagle Lake State Park. The place was beautiful. It has a small waterfall that you can swim in and it was beautiful. I packed a lunch and our swim suits. While at the park we ate and talked and had a really good time. I realized just how much I care for this women. I really want to tell her everything concerning the accident and my job, but I don't even know if I'll have a job in few weeks. I know she's trust worthy, but I'm just not sure.

After lunch we swim in the falls, her swim suit is a one piece in black with white trim to say I didn't notice would be a lie because I did. But my head is on straight and I'm focus on my end goal.

"What are you so focused on over there, I've been talking to you and you've heard nothing I've said."

Turning to Janell I smile, " I was thinking about the Lake and how much fun we had this entire weekend. I'm a blessed man you know that. I'm able to walk now and I'm in a relationship with a wonderful and carrying person. Whom I asked to marry me and stay with me, but she laughed me off."

"Whatever Maverick! I still have my whole life ahead of me and you have yours, besides I know your playing."

Little do she know that I was really serious right now. I know it's soon, but what I've been through in the last few months is enough for a man to become completely serious about everything pertaining to life, love, and the true pursuit of happiness.

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