Sister and Brother

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"Konnichiha sis, what going on...wait what, nanika wo imi suru anata no akacha ga a~tsu ta?" I ask in our native Japanese. "When, where are you, I'm coming I'll be there in two hours."

Grabbing my keys I head towards the airport. I can't believe my sister had a baby. I know dad had a fit. I get to Reagan airport in two hours I park and head inside. I haven't seen my sister since graduation and that was two years ago. Walking towards American baggage claim I see Landi. She looks exactly the same, except she's a little fuller since I've last seen her and she has a little girl with her. But wait, I thought she said she had a baby that's a toddler.

"Landi! Konnichiha! And who is this little one?" I ask hugging my sister and then stooping down to be eye level with the little girl.

"Konnichiha, watashi ha Sydney!"

"Konnichiha watashi ha im no Oji Flex," standing I look at Landi, "what's going on I thought you said you had a baby Sydney looks what two or three."

"Oji Flex I'm 4!"

"Flex, she speaks both Japanese and English. It's a long story, but when I came to your graduation I left Sydney with her dad in Japan, dad decided it was best not to say anything. Every since you left dad to live with mom here in the US we've been distant and I didn't know how to tell you about Sydney."

"Landi, you could have called any time. Your my sister and I love you, you know this, and now I'm Oji Flex, how cool is that. And she's absolutely beautiful with her curly hair. So what brought you here now. I mean besides wanting to see your handsome brother."

"Well Flex, I've come to ask a favor of you."


"Could you please watch Sydney for a few days, I have some things I need to take care of. I'm going to be in the U.S. for about a week. I promised to take Sydney to Disney while we are here. I'm actually catching a connecting flight in an hour to Houston, so can she stay Flex."

"Landi, are you crazy, I don't know anything about kids and I've never met Sydney and your just going to leave her here with me. What's going on really? Are you in some kind of trouble? Talk to me so I can help."

"Ani, I'm okay, could you please do this for me. Let's go have dinner?"

"Landi I don't want to have dinner I want to know what's going on."

"Nothing Flex, stop being so paranoid, I have to use the restroom I'll be back go order some food, Sydney hasn't eaten since our layer over in California."

"Sydney go with Oji Flex to get something to eat. Keep your book bag on your back or give it to Oji, but don't take it off and leave it." She said, then turned to me "Oh she doesn't have allergies and she can eat anything."

Taking Sydney's hand we head towards Silver Diner it's one of the restaurant inside the airport. We get our seat and we order drinks, the waiter comes back and I and Sydney order food. I didn't know what Landi wanted she's never really like American food.

Landi and I both grew up in Japan my father is Japanese and our mother is black. My mother was an assistant to the American Ambassador stationed in Japan and my father was an official in the Japanese government, the fell in love and married. When I was 13 and Landi was 16 our parents separated and my mother moved back to the States.

Both Landi and I lived here, but she had a hard time adjusting and decided to live with our father. She came every summer to be with us until she turned 18 and then she would come from time to time only staying a few weeks. My mother and I still visit Japan but we had not been in the last three years.

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