Road trip and Bond fires

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Road trip
"Bae can we stop, I'm hungry."

Hearing Janell I'm brought out of my thoughts. We are road tripping to NYC. Janell, Mel, Donavan, and myself are in the lead truck and Flex, Bishop, Tracy, and Brian are in the other truck, Avery will be flying in tonight to meet us, he's been in Australia for the last month and a half with his family.

It's pretty cool that Mercedes invited us all to come for a 4day weekend. It'll be nice to get away for a while.

"See if the others want to stop and we can."

"Yeah they want to stop I've texted them already.

We are in Maryland so we still have a ways to go, pulling into the rest stop parking lot we all get out and stretch. The guys take out a football and start tossing it around, the girls head inside. After eating we get back on the road.

"Brian, is Avery still meeting us tonight," Bishop asked.

"Yeah, his flight lands at JFK about 9 tonight so we should be there in time to get him," Brian said.

Getting into NYC was crazy, not even 15 minutes of our arrival at JFK did we see the blond headed black Aussie, we couldn't believe that he'd let his hair grow out. He looked so tanned and rugged. Defiantly not the Avery we were use to.

Hearing my name I turned and saw two black SUVs with hands waving, walking towards the truck I see Maverick step out of the truck. Stopping in my tracks I drop my bags and run to him I didn't know he was walking. I've been in the bush for the last month and a half with no phone.

"Brother, when, how..." I can't finish because tears are flowing and I don't care my brother is walking!

Looking up I see the entire crew get out the trucks. I've missed everybody especially Mercedes and I can't wait to see her tonight. Hugging everyone we pile back in the trucks and head towards our destination.

"She lives on the beach,"I ask.

"This is where the GPS brought us so I guess so,"Flex answered.

"The is nice from what I can see I can't wait to see it in the day light." I say.

Looking out the window I see Mercedes standing on the porch, her hair blowing in the summer breeze, I've missed this women more then I care to admit.

Sag Harbor...
It's my birthday weekend and my friends are here to spend it with me! I was born on the 4th of July. For my gift my parents have arranged for my friends and I to stay at the family home in Sag Harbor for two days and then at the brownstone in Chelsea for 2 days.

First I see Maverick and Janell, I've heard about him being able to walk again but I had not seen it for myself. I step off of the porch and head towards the group hugging everyone.

Then I see him, I thought he was in Australia, I wasn't sure if he was going to make it. He looks so different, his hair has grown out and he defiantly look like an Aussie now. He walks up to me and pick me up and twirl me around kissing me on the cheek in the process. I must admit I've missed him so much.

As everyone comes into the house I explain the events of the weekend. Everyone seemed cool with the idea. Being that we had the entire house to ourselves everyone picked random rooms to share.

Early the next morning our house manger Sheryl made breakfast for the entire group. She prepared pancakes, eggs, potatoes, toast, fruit, sausage and bacon. It was my plan for us to have a very relaxing weekend. Walking out to the deck I see Maverick sitting out back.

"Morning Maverick, what are you doing up so early?"

"Morning Mercedes, I couldn't sleep so I decided to come outside and have some quite time mediating and reading the bible. I'm really trying to develop a relationship with God."

About an hour later Maverick and I was still talking, he was explaining very patiently about God and having a relationship with him and being saved.

"Morning good people what's going on," Flex said coming to stand on the deck.

Before I could answer, people began to trickle outside,we decided to have breakfast outside on the deck.

"Mercedes, this is nice! But why did you invite us all here this weekend. And I see you even got blonde to come home from Australia early," Brian said.

"Well I invited you all here because I wanted to celebrate my birthday with my friends so I asked you guys to come up."

"Your birthday, why didn't you say anything," Mel said.

"Calm down, girl stop being so dramatic..." Tracy said, but before she could finish Mel interrupted her, "why are you even here, you know I'm still trying to like you so sit there and be quite!"

The girls and I laugh while Tracy slumps in her seat next to Bishop, she was the step-friend right now, at any moment she could be put out the house!

"Hey, leave Tracy alone," Bishop said.

"Man, I do believed you are whipped," Flex said.

"Well I know who wished they were whipped, when was your last women Flex... Yeah I know, no comment, " Bishop said on a laugh.

"Alright enough it's Mercedes weekend so whatcha want to do today," Janell asked.

"Well after breakfast we can hang here at the house, go around town or relax on the beach, hey where is Avery."

"Oh Avery is jet lagged he just went to sleep about three hours ago, but he said if you guys go out to wake him up," Brian said.

After breakfast it was decided that we would head out back to the beach for a relaxing afternoon and then around town in the evening. We head to W. Water street and eat at the Beacon, one of my favorite places to eat.

"Mercedes, this place is so nice is this where you live,"Trace asked.

" No, we actually live in the city, but when we need to get away from the noise we come here, so this is like a home away from home."

"I can see that, I just don't think I could live here on a full time basis it's so small I think I would go crazy, "Flex said.

"A Weekend here and there wouldn't be bad you know, just to unwind," Bishop said.

Heading back to the house we decided to make a barn fire on the beach, it was very relaxing.

Because everyone was so tired from the night before we all slept in until about 3:30 in the afternoon. Sheryl made bruch for us all and we decided to hang around the house and play games, cards and watch movies. Packing up our things we headed into the city tonight, tomorrow was the 4th and it was my birthday. We made it to our brownstone in Chelsea.

My parents owned three brownstones side by side, so it was gutted and made into one massive house. The first floor has a foyer, sitting room, family room, library, kitchen, and a formal dinning with a butler pantry and two maids quarters. On the second floor are four bedrooms suits and a home gym. The third floor is the media room, laundry, and three guest rooms, and in the basement is a ballroom and my parents home offices and staff work rooms. Our home has an elevator for family use only, all staff and guest has to use the back entry that only give you accesses to the basement.

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