Judgment (Hiatus!!!)

By MekkuDivania

8.2K 310 136

Power Or Peace That's the question he has always asked all lied, he watched countries and empires rise and fa... More

Happy Independence Day
Special Chapter
Special 2
Special 3!


252 9 4
By MekkuDivania

Hidden Past Of The Sun and Star
(Author's Note: Google translation makes my life easier)

" 你听说过吗? " The female guard says whispering to her fellow partner " 听到什么? " he leaned forward in curiosity

(Have you heard?) (Heard what?)

The female soldier's eyes widened and she quickly went infront kf him " 谣言?我听说老大在和那个国家的代表约会,但据我所知,人们说事实并非如此,这两个人的过去非常隐秘,实际上曾经被抓到销毁过去互动的证据! " The female guard talked away walking backwards infront of the male guard who stared intently both becoming unaware of there surrounding
(The rumors? I heard boss was dating that fellow country representative, but people say that wasn't really the case from what I've learned the two have a very secretive past and were infact once caught destroying evidence of there interactions in the past!)

" 再加上当他的女佣们在打扫他的旧办公室时发现了一张多年前的旧照片,发现照片是他们两个手牵着手谈话,他们设法拍下了这张照片,然后他所谓的匆忙抢走了它并撕碎了它告诉他的女佣们惊慌失措地离开了,然后在接下来的一天里失踪了!" the female soldier was about to continue before her fellow partner immediately grabbed her making her face behind
(plus when an old photo from way many years back was found when his maids were cleaning his old office and discovered the photo it was them two holding hands talking they manage to snap a photo of it before he so called hurriedly snatched it and shredding it telling his maids off in a panicked way before going missing for the rest of the day!-)

" 安静!……老板来了!……" He whispers before forcefully making her bow infront which she made no struggles against to (Quiet!...... Boss is here!.....)

The tall figure's shadow hover them by the country representative's height which made him more intimidating

" Leave. " The two guards ran off in fear as the country representative just huffs

" Cowards. " he says before walking towards his office " What time will the meeting be? " He ask ??? who followed after him " later at 6pm sir. "

He hums in response fixing his tie before opening his office door closing it behind and continuing his work

" Don't overwater it! you'll drown it!! " The Sunshine country shrieks as the Russian accidently overwater the plant for the 10th time " Oh wait- I am?-- " Philip hurriedly snatch the watering can from Russia

" How would I know if I was 'drowning' it then? " Philip sighs then gives Russia a soft smile and starts to explain and teach him how to properly water plants

The two talk inside the garden that always went unknown in the building " How long have you known this garden? I work here everyday yet I dont even know most of the things here "

Philip smiles at Russia who was baffled after Philip showed him all the places inside the building that he for some reason never seen before despite him walking around the building all the time

" Oh you know me! I know my way around... " Russia hums in respond to say that he didn't heard what he said which Philip responds with a soft darkened smile that went unnoticed " Oh nothing mahal.. "

Russia looks away blushing knowing what 'Mahal' means as Philip shrieks " Ruski! your going to drown the water!- Ah! I mean the flower! " Philip snatch the watering can again as the Russian laughs at him

" For heaven sake.. Ruski how about just.... sing twinkle twinkle little stars? " Philip ask sweating beads with a nervous look " Sing what now? " Russia raise a brow at him

" You know.. sing twinkle twinkle star? but speed up while watering the flowers? " Russia stares at him then back to the plant " Right.. Sure "

Philip sighs in relief before giving him a gentle smile he then took a step closer and tried to stand on his toes reaching his hand out to pat him in the head but unable to do so because of how tall he was

Russia giggles at the sunshine country who then crouch down for him to pat him, They stayed like that for awhile till Philip got a notification

In hopes of it being North Korea takes out his phone and checks the notification which crushed his hopes

" Meeting at 6pm with.. China?... " He hums while reading more of it's details not noticing Russia leaning down on him reading the notification

" Going soon? " Philip hums turning around to kiss Russia on the cheeks before waving goodbye and walking away " Ill see you later darling "

Russia stares at his Lover whose footsteps making clicking sounds similar to heels as his figure slowly dissappears in the dark hallway entrance to the private special offices

" They should really fix those lights its starting to look like a horror movie now. "

Belgium types and scrolls on his phone twirling his hair as he stalks Philippines social media saving every photo

Meanwhile North Korea's head was buried in papers with other stacks of papers surrounding him and so was South korea

Meanwhile Vietnam was sitting in his desk typing away in his computer with one stack of paper right next to him

Belgium perks up to hear the clicking and opening sound of the door, he looks up to see Philip holding papers

He took his time examining Philip who closed the door behind him, he had abit of eyesbags and was wearing glasses and.. a flower crown?

Belgium then ran towards Philip " Oh hey Philip! why are you here? aren't you suppose to be with Russia? " He beams excitedly at Philip who gave him a soft gesture

" It..- wait what? " Belgium beams " We overheard China the other day! he said everything from start to finish about that day where you put a letter in his locker- oh how romanticl!~ "

Belgium grasp Philip's hands admiring his face who stare back with a blank face but his eyes were showing other emotion

" Oh really? and- oh! would you mind giving this to Vietnam for me? I have to see China right now and tell Vietnam I said Hi! " Belgium nods taking the papers as Philip gracefully turns and walks away

Philip was about to go out but a someone held his hand, he turned to see Belgium smiling at him " Are you math? because I can't understand my feelings for you~ "

Philip smiled blushing abit as the memory replayed in there mind remembering the fact that was the first thing Belgium said to him the first time they met

The two were caught off by there sweet moment by a cough right next to them

They look to see China hovering over them " EEP! " Belgium held the papers tight and ran off Philip glares at him

" Having fun? Ma-i. "

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