INNOCENCE || 18+ [on hold]

By LivingMyFantasyyy

942 17 2

Aleyna has got herself in a mess well more volunteered Aleyna is a lawyer, hard worker, and she has a set and... More

Disclaimer || Aesthetics
1 || Work
2 || Memories
3 || Runaway
4 || The offer
5 || Gone
6 || Last Resort
7 || World
8 || Shit
9 || Days
10 || Just the beginning
11 || New normal
12 || Hulk
14 || Noodles

13 || Lucia

26 1 1
By LivingMyFantasyyy

Song: Summer Walker- cpr- sped up




I'm stuck here playing a kids game with this idot who has no common knowledge of the game what so ever. Or life.

Leaning back into my chair, behind my desk I watch the idot pick up a good card. One good enought to save his hand holding 17 cards compared to my three.

The ringing of my phone blares of, yet I ignore it not having the patience to pick it up. I eye the dumbass before contemplating his options.

And by the look pasturde on his face you'd think he'd make a decont decision, but no after wasting five minutes of my life, he decides to play a single yellow two. A single.

I eye the idiot I call my friend, lifting my eyes of my cards to his joyful looking face. He actually thinks he's gonna win.

Before I can play, the Ignorent male sitting across from me decides to open his big mouth. "Now before you say shit, I know my moves appears dumb, but trust it's not-"

Deciding to save us both time I lay my three cards of blue eights into the deck before saying uno. Shock that has no right being there makes its way up to the fools face. As he withholds a gasp.

"Treachery" he gasp out in what I presume to be disgust. Picking up my ringing phone I answer not having a care in the world. I sit there watching the havock that sets place in Dante's mind for the third time this week.

And before he can dare say 'again', a smooth no leaves my mouth causing his jaw to drop, all over again. Placing a smile on mine.

I had bigger issue to worry about rather than this big baby's feelings.

One being my appearance, that I couldn't give two shits about, yet sadly the only two woman in my life care about it more than me.
They say if I'm going to run a business my appearance is one of the most important steps to it.

Bullshit, I know damn well they just want little rugrats. Little rugrats that I don't want, il die before I dare have a child. The thought tasting disgusting on my thongue.

I stop, to send Dante to go get the little half breed Italian from where ever the fuck she is.

If anything Dante is practically already my child considering how he could barely survive on his own in the world. Less likely our world.

Now to please the two woman left in my life Il have the half breed come to appearances with me. To put a smile on their faces. killing two birds in one stone.

The girls nothing more than decent, And can be proven useful in more than many ways.

I could care less if she was to drop dead right now. Yes it would be a tad disappointing considering I wouldn't get to find out what she's hiding, although even that is mostly just for a little fun in my dark life.

Not having the patience to wait for the little swanky girl I get off the seat, bringing my shit with me to the door. I start making my way down the dark hallway to the empty staircase.

The way I like it.

Muting my phone, the blaring in my ear turning me inraged. I'm less than two seconds away from slamming it against the marble floor, picturing it shattering, painting the floor in Brocken glass I push the thought away, at the sound of heels.

Walking down the stairs.

My eyes fall upon hers. She looks disturbed, uncomfortable even as thought the dress is creating nothung but havock in her miniscule mind.


I watch the ends of the black garment trail down the staircase. My eyes trailing further to the two split ends at the side. Their high.
To the small amount of cleavage on display, not wanting to continue I stop there not having the time to look at her.

Good she's in decent attire.

Not a word leaves her lips as we exit the mansion. Entering the car. And not a words leaves her For the entire half hour drive. Silence.

I thrived in silence, yet her beyond horrible energy makes that beyond difficult. My thoughts feeling traped, almost there I pull out my phone needing to text one of the men.

That is until a small voice speaks against my actions.

"please put your phone down" the swanky girl besides me murmers, looking out the window as if her life is falling apart. pathetic.
Contuniting I pull up the needed contact, stopping at a red light. minutes away from the place.

Pressing my foot on the petal, she opens her mouth once more, "Please stop texting and driving" she stops "it's dangerous."
Focusing on my shit I can't help but tease her, "aww how sweet, you caring for my safety" I mock.

Finally turning her head to me I watch her throught my peripheral view. Catching the balling of her tiny fist at her side, I pull I to the parking of the place I couldn't even give two shits over.

Putting the car on park, she opens her lips to speak, not even a second later she's claming her mouth shut. Good, her voice irritates me.

Exiting the vehicle, I pull her to my side. Wrapping my fingers around the small of her waist, giving her, her task for the evening. Bringing my lips to her ears, her body almost immediately stiffens. Ignoring the action I whicpers two simple things.

One, look happy. I say to her while entering the lion's den.
And two, don't give out information. Tapping her back, her gaze meets mine before we enter security, Sending me a small look of understanding is all I need to proceed. Allowing her to pass throught the metal detector.

It was simple this was only a small little erein, yet I needed her to preform. It is funny how the smallest things in life can sometimes matter the most.

Seated at our table a waiter in black places our glasses of champagne into the table. And almost before she even gets to leave Aleyna already downed half the glass. But I don't miss the way in which she eyed it skeptically.

Knowing damn well she's probably a lightweight, I stop her, before she even gets the chance to mess this evening up.

Not that I could personally care.

But I sadly know who fucking would.

"What is this place" a small voice comes from my right. Diverting my attention back to her, I slowly debate even telling her the truth. She couldn't handle the raw truth.

Her beady little eyes stare back at me, in hope for an answer. So I give her one.

"A place we're people of hight status go to get their dumb shit published." Simple I sugar-coated it. I watch her as something close to remembrance flashes between her eyes. She knows what I mean-How come?

I don't have time to ponder any longer, before a loud gasp is being thrown in my direction. Not bothering to throw on a big fake smile, I turn facing Lucia, and to my surprise I'm met with a glare.

That is before seeing the girl.

She gasp out loud again, this time meeting my eyes with a smile, I can tell she's barely containing her excitement. Before she ushers the girl out of her seat, looking dumbstruck, her eyes divert to me but I give her nothing more than a just go with it look.

Almost immediately closing her legs to cover the little pieces of felsh showing on her skin, my grandmother spins her around giving the poor frail girl a complete 360.

Not before glancing back at me, a approved look pastured on her face.

"What is your name beautiful" is the first thing coming out of her mouth. Not a hi, how are you doing, how has life been treating you Lorenzo. Nothing it's like I'm a ghost.

The only form of acknowledgment I received was a glare, how fucking lovely. A small smile formes on her lips before she answers "Aleyna."

"Oh my gosh, that a gorgeous name" Lucia responds, they proceed to carry on a whole conversation like I'm not even there. A ghost.

Deciding to leave the girl to my grandmother, I chose to take on the beautiful opertunity before me I tune the world out around me, and focuse on my work getting my shit done.

Picking up my ringing phone an anoyyed sight leaves me at the sound of Louie skeaky old voice. Leo's fucking principal.

I really don't have the time nor the patience to deal with my yongers brothers shit right now especially if that means il have to listen to a wrinkly rag.

Greeting the man on the other end of the phone with a mutual "hello" is all it takes for him to start going on a rampage. Tapping my feet I pull the phone away from my ears, mute it, then placing it into our table clothed in white cloth.

That's when I realize eyes. Eyes on me, some are filled with lust want and need. While others are just filled with fury and jealousy.
I chuckle at them. Can't even fuck their bitches right.

My gaze connecting with one female on the top right of the indoor balcony in red her jet black hair complimenting her tan skin. She cannot help but smile widely, pulling her bottom lip into her white teeth.

She's alone.

My gaze doesn't leaves hers as she motions to the left signalling me to find her. My legs once at the thought, this is one of the last places you would ever want to fuck someone. Especially when you know there going to be loud.

But did I give a fuck?

No. Not in the slightest.

Beginning to rise from the uncomfortably small chair, I halt at the sound of what comes from Lucia's mouth. This woman always thinking she's whispering, "so did you guys fuck yet" she exclaims joyfully.

Deciding this is much better entertainment I sit my ass back down onto the table, having a clear view of the girl. Shock coats her face turning her tan skin a small shade of red. I watch her fingers grip her small handbag even tighter.

Her little fingers causing no damage, she stares blanked face at Lucia before her light brown irises meet mine in despair. Pleading with me to help her. I gladly let her know I will do no such thing.

I enjoyed watching her like this.

"Don't by shy honey, it's just us females" the woman I call my grandmother murmers to the girl unaware of her inner turmoil. She mumbles a small... no under her breath. Before our eardrums are bursting with a ungrafully loud "what!"

You'd think she heard what the girl said but she proves me wrong as she leans in closer to her, trying to hear. Picking up my phone I bring it to my ear to hear silence. perfect, standing up I hang up pacing my nosy grandmother. To pick the swanky girl up.

I hear the small sight of appreciation that departs from her soft lips. The woman turns her head a ball of black curls, looking up at the both of us now awaiting her answer. She couldn't take a hint?

Wrong she could take one when she's wants to but today she's just being stubborn. "No grandma, I have not fucked her yet." Both woman turn to look at me in shock. Woman are just unpleasable.

A small slap lands on the back of my head, I turn around looking down at my grandmother already greeting ready for a lecture. " Now what's wrong with you." Everything.

" Have you no manners? Don't dare even speak such gruesome words infront of woman again especially your grandmother."
She turns her focuse to the swanky girl on my right only now being aware of her inner turmoil. "Look now you have to poor girl all fluctuated and uncomfortable."

At this point I can't tell if shes even being serious right now or not, not wanting another blow to the back of my bread I just nod before giving the woman a kiss on her forehead.

She takes Aleyna from me spinning her Into a tight embrace, her chin on her shoulder, she mouths to me to bring her back. I nod.


We've been driving for the past thirty eight minutes and still not a single word leaves the swanky girls mouth.

I enjoy silence. Yet even silence itself can get a bit boring.

Knowing exactly how to get her to talk I pull my phone out from my pocket and being typing. I acually have to work so I'm not particularly just doing this to get a reacting from her.

Watching her from my peripheral. My eyes on the road I see her head truning in my direction. More particularly the phone. She inhales a small breath before she speaks "Can you please put your phone away, while your driving." Pleading. her soft eyes are pleading with me to put it away, but I don't.

Showing that bit of weakness was a mistake which she realizes this as she tries to change her demeanor. I want to find out the story.

Feeling the glare from the side of my head I turn momentarily taking my eyes of the busy road. The sight makes me wanna smile, a small pretty girl trying her hardest to muster up a glare. Amusing.

Her dark brows pull in together not expecting my reaction. She's being dramatic were less than ten minutes away, I need to drop her off to then go get my shit done.

Her hand on mine, I would say I wouldn't mind, but after feeling a dampness to her hand I hate it. Sweat.
She lunges from her seat needing over me to my left hand which has the cellular device, her hand and arm brushing me in result.

She pauses at the contact, as if she wasn't expecting it, as if she did not just decide to throw her entire body over me. The bold movement from the swanky girl catches me of guard.
That's the only reason she was even able to pull the phone out of my hold.

Eyes on the road I stop, bringing my hand to her lower thight resting it there. Her skin soft. She looks down at my hand as if she dreaming, placing her atop of mine to see if it's real. I can't help  the way in which the corner of my lip tips up.

Her irises never leaving my hand she studies it, my tattoos from the dead roses, to Roman numerals, to gun in which blood leeks from it.

She can't stop her small soft fingers begin tracing them finding them Intriguing. A person would have to be as sick as me to find beauty on what I put on my body. Almost getting lost in the warmth of her fingers I slide my hand higher to her upper thight. Just as she clams them shut I grab the phone from her.

Amusement clear as day on my face, betrayal and approval on hers. She wachets me in hope that I won't go back on it yet I prove her wrong yet again just to annoy her.

Until her scream full of fear fills my ear, Looking up from the screen I know this car is srewed with the impact it's about to endure. The last thing I remember was lunging my body atop of hers. Until a wrecked familiar noise filled my ears.


Ok first off Lorenzo is mean, like he fr go sum issues.
He got them daddy isues.

And how are we feeling about Lucia?
so far I like her.

Ty for reading ❤️

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