The Avengers Weakness

By Skylar_Rhodes_

125K 2.2K 376

Penny is Peter's Β½ sister. They have the same mother, but different dads (their mom died in her sleep suddenl... More

Story Info:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Authors Note
Chapter Fourteen
Authors Note
Chapter Fifteen and Author's Note
Chapter Sixteen
Penny Art is done!!
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Four
Author's note
Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
More Fan Art!
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six

Chapter Thirteen

2.2K 46 9
By Skylar_Rhodes_

After her conversation with Tony, Natasha started looking around the compound for the three girls. She hadn't seen or heard any of them since they returned from breakfast; Pietro hadn't even seen them and the teenager was usually quite nosy.

"JARVIS?" she called, not in the mood to search the entire building for the three teens.

"Yes, Agent Romanoff?" the British sounding AI replied.

"Where are the girls?" she questioned.

JARVIS took a few seconds to scan the compound for the girls, "They appear to be in Ms. Maximoff's room." he announced.

"Thank you JARVIS," she replied, walking into the living room.

"Is there anything else, Agent Romanoff?" the AI asked her.

"No, that's all I need, JARVIS." she replied.

After she finished talking, JARVIS had cut off, leaving her alone in the quiet living room. Natasha started to make her way upstairs to Wanda's room. As she walked up the stairs she noticed Kate's bedroom door was open. She paused in front of the door and noticed the piles of clothes and shoes stacked up in different places of her room along with a small pile of trash next to her trash can; she shook her head softly to herself, smiling a little at the messy nature of the sixteen year old. She also took note of the half made bed that was missing the sheets and noticed the clean sheets haphazardly tossed on a chair at the desk that was pushed against the wall. She smiled and laughed to herself about the room and turned the light off before pulling the door shut. She kept walking past her door to Wanda's room and knocked on the door before turning the knob to open it. She opened the door to see the three girls sitting neatly on the bed in front of her. Penny had her back facing the redhead while the older two girls were on their knees in front of her.

"Mhmmm." Nat said as she cleared her throat.

"Hi Nat," Kate greeted, turning her head up to face the redhead.

"What are you girls doing?" she asked, stepping into the room

Penny turned around to face her, "They gave me a makeover," she announced, a large grin on her face.

Nat stifled a laugh and stood there shocked, looking at Penny. The girl's face was covered in Wanda's makeup, which was a little too dark for her skin tone, the dramatic eyeliner and vibrant eyeshadow and lipstick stood out against the slightly orange toned makeup that covered the younger teen's face. She walked over to Wanda's vanity and pulled a makeup remover wipe from it's package and started walking over to the teenagers.

"You look good Sweetheart," she replied as she sat next to the thirteen year old, "May I?" she asked.

The thirteen year old nodded, "Then why are you removing it?" she asked, disappointed.

She laughed a little as she gently gripped the girl's chin so she could start wiping the make up off of her face, "It looks a little too old for you at the moment sweetie." she replied, 'We'd better ask Peter or Tony especially to wear this stuff first. Then get someone to show you how to do it appropriately." she replied, chuckling softly to herself.

"Hey..." Wanda protested.

"It looks good Wanda honey, but it's a bit too mature." she replied, smiling at the seventeen year old, "Penny's thirteen not seventeen, you did her make up like it was on you and she looks a little older than she actually does." she replied, laughing a little to herself.

The thirteen year old currently looked like she was closer to Kate and Wanda's age instead of being thirteen.

"Oh..." the three girls replied.

"I'm too young for makeup aren't I?" Penny asked, looking the redhead in the eyes.

"Not at all sweetie," Nat responded, "Just next time you need to go lighter on the eyeshadow and the eyeliner," she replied as she gently wiped the eye makeup off of the girl's face, "Maybe a lighter lipstick too." she laughed, "I don't think Peter would be too happy if he came home and you look older than he does." she replied, referring to how Peter didn't quite look like he was almost sixteen, he looked a year or two younger than he actually was.

Penny smiled at her and started laughing too.

"No...he wouldn't," Kate replied as she started laughing too.

Wanda was laughing as well when she chimed in, "He'd totally kill us!"

Eventually, they all stopped laughing and straightened up the bed; Nat marveled as to how different Kate and Wanda were. While Kate was messy in almost every way possible, especially when it came to her room; Wanda was neat and organized. Wanda's room was neatly organized, everything was in its place and for the most part it stayed that way. Wanda hated mess, which was probably due to how Hydra had trained her and Pietro or how for a few years before that, everything in her life was random and messy. At HYDRA, the twins were set on a strict schedule and routine, there was never any room for error until they had shown up two years ago when fighting Ultron. Pietro had started to slip into the routine of a normal teenage boy- with playing video games and having a slightly messy room that Wanda always fussed at him for. The two originally had conjoined rooms but after several arguments over how Wanda was too much of a neat freak and how Pietro left things where they weren't supposed to be, the two teenagers were separated at Steve's request. Kate didn't really care about how her room looked, she seemed to function better in a messier environment; Nat and Clint had chopped it up to her mother's perfectionist ways. Kate had come to live with them and Clint about a year ago after the man had taken down her mother for planning to have him killed by Yelena. When the then fifteen year old popped up in the middle of a fight, he had been shocked and tried his best to keep her safe after he realized that she wouldn't stop finding him to help with the fight. When he'd seen her mother being dragged off to a police car and a very dejected teenager who looked like her world was crumbling, the dad in him died a little and he'd taken her and Yelena home with him. After that, Nat had basically adopted Yelena after receiving the call that he'd managed to find her fifteen-year-old sister. Both were more than shocked when they found out that their sister wasn't dead like they'd thought. During the time of the two teenagers sharing a space at Clint's farm, Kate and Yelena had practically become joined at the hip. They bugged Wanda at times but always went to the older girl when they needed advice, convinced Pietro to join in their pranks on Tony and had managed to get Peter to stop being so serious and to act like he was a teenager. All the teenagers had a good effect on each other, they all were really close and for the most part when you saw one, there was usually another one of them around the corner not too far behind. After they had finished straightening up Wanda's room, Nat quickly ushered the girls down to the garage to her car. The four of them piled into the vehicle and listened to music as the older redhead drove to the mall. Once they arrived, they all stopped at the food court to get Chinese food for lunch.

"Where do y'all want to go girls?" Nat asked, scooping up a forkful of her chicken chow mein.

"I don't know..." Penny responded, shrugging slightly "I've only been here once...I was never really allowed to go to the stores at the mall in Queens...I was just kind of left by the bathrooms and told not to move or else." she replied, poking around at her food.

Wanda and Kate looked at each other, "That's okay, we'll show you all the good ones."

"Hot Topic, Spencers." Wanda replied, "Best stores here. Journey's is pretty good too, depends on what you like." she replied.

The redhead was a classic emo/goth girl. Penny usually found her in darker colors like grays, reds, blacks, and dark purples, greens or blues, platform shoes, and heavy eyeliner, fishnets and things of the like. At the moment, the redhead was wearing a solid black, sleeveless dress with a fishnet undershirt and tights with a large belt and chunky platform boots. Penny liked the redhead's look, it really suited the redhead, even though her personality didn't seem to match her aesthetic.

"No," Kate responded, slightly scrunching up her nose, "American Eagle or one of the hole in the wall shops here."

"Okay, how about we go to all of them?" Nat announced, not wanting to hear the playful bickering that was bound to ensue if the two girls continued to debate which stores were better.

"Really?" Kate asked "That's a lot of stores Nat." she replied, raising a sceptical eyebrow at her redheaded aunt.

The redhead nodded, "Well Tony said he's paying and not to use the cards Steve or Clint left me to take care of you two. He said, "Get them new clothes for school, my treat."" She looked over at Wanda and Kate, "You two need training clothes, basic school supplies, and we all need something to wear for May's funeral." she finished.

Penny looked down at her lap, "Yeah, the funeral..." she whispered, slightly tightening her grip on her fork.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," Nat apologized, "We'll shop for those last, fun stuff first."

"Okay..." the younger girl replied, it was easy to tell that the prospective funeral was in the forefront of her mind.

Kate quickly changed the subject, "Little P." she called, pulling the teenager's attention away from the funeral of her aunt.

"Mmm?" the girl responded.

"Are you going to Mid Town with us? I think you mentioned it, but I really can't remember, there's a lot of thoughts up there." she replied, motioning at her head, making the younger girl giggle slightly.

"Yeah, " she replied.

"Really?" Wanda cut in, "I thought you were in eighth grade?"

"No, I finished it last year...I'm a year ahead..." she replied, "I skipped the fourth I'll be a freshman." she replied softly, starting to turn her head back towards her lap, she was waiting for a comment about how she was a freak for being so smart.

"That's so cool!" Kate responded, grabbing onto her arm and excitedly shaking it, "Maybe you could help me with my homework." she replied, getting lost in thought, before quickly looking at the younger girl again, her striking, deep blue eyes boring into the younger girl's brown ones, "Only if you want of course, I'd never force you too."

Penny laughed, "M-maybe... Is it true that they have a lot of accelerated classes?" she asked

"Yeah, it's a STEM school, they focus a lot on science and math. But they also have higher level English classes and a bunch of extra stuff."

"Okay." the younger girl replied, grinning softly.

"Why do you ask Peanut?" Wanda asked.

"Well I took English One and Algebra One last year, it would be really boring to do it again." she replied.

"Don't worry about that sweetheart, Pepper took care of your classes for you. All your credits transferred over and you won't be retaking any classes."

The younger girl smiled.

"Yessss," Kate announced, doing a little victory cheer.

"What's that for Kate?" Wanda asked, laughing at the younger girl.

"Little P's going to be in some of my classes." she replied, a large grin on her face.

"Really?" the younger girl asked, sceptically.

"Yeah, I'm a sophomore." the brunette replied, shrugging, "We might have English and math together...maybe science because I failed biology last year so I have to retake it." she announced, rolling her eyes at the mention of biology, " Just depends on what you sign up for,'' she responded as she ate another bite of her sesame chicken, "Oh, Maybe Peter too and Yelena."

"Who's Yelena?" Penny asked.

"I forgot you don't know who Yelena is," Nat responded, "She's my little sister."

"Where is she?" the younger girl asked.

"She's on a mission," Kate cut in, "She'll be back in a couple weeks. Right Nat?" she asked, looking at the redhead with an expectant look.

The woman nodded and laughed lightly, "Yes Kate, Lena comes home in a couple of weeks."

Kate grinned at the redhead.

"Okay," Penny responded, growing nervous at the thought of meeting yet another new person as she shut her box of Chinese food.

"Are you okay Little P?" Kate asked, noticing the action.

"Y-yeah I'm full." she replied, flashing the brunette a half-hearted smile.

"OKay." the older girl replied.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone had finished their food. They all stood up and made their way to the back of the mall, trying to work their way forward.

"We'll start back here and make our way forward," Nat told them, "That way we don't walk all over the place."

The three girls nodded in agreement and followed her to the back of the store. First, they stopped at Hot Topic, Nat waited outside as Wanda drug Kate and Penny inside. Kate walked around for a few moments before stopping at the t-shirt wall; she ended up finding a few t-shirts that she liked and a pair of jeans. After she bought her things, she followed Wanda and Penny around the store. Wanda had a basket full of things ranging from pins, to t-shirts, to pants, to a dress, to pajamas and a few tubes of nail polish and black lipstick. She grinned happily as she kept picking things up and placing them in the basket.

Kate leaned over to Penny, who had decided on following her around, "This is her favorite store, we'll be lucky to leave." she whispered.

Penny giggled as Kate made a noose hand movement around her neck; which Wanda glared at her, her green eyes narrowing at the sixteen year old.

After Wanda finished picking things out for herself, she pulled a few things out of the basket and handed them to Penny.

"I thought you'd like these Peanut," she announced.

"Thank you.." Penny replied, smiling at her, this was one of the first times someone thought about her while doing something for themself and it made her happy, maybe it wouldn't be so bad here.

"It's okay if you don't though," the redhead replied as she shrugged, turning her attention back to a rack that held a few stuffed animals.

"I do," Penny answered honestly, looking at the plaid, school girl skirt in her hands.

The redhead picked a few more things out for herself and they made their way to the register at which the cashier made small talk to Wanda, who she seemed to know. Penny assumed Wanda was in the store all the time, since most of the employees knew her by name and even recommended things to Wanda to buy at which point she did. The redhead was making small talk with a girl who looked to be about her age while she checked out; Kate grinned at the younger girl as the redhead proved her point. Penny giggled a little to herself at the expressions on Kate's face. The three girls made their way outside after they finished paying for their things to Nat, who shook her head at Wanda who had three large bags and a goofy grin on her face. She guided the teenagers around to another area of the mall, the four of them stopping at several more stores, to the point where Nat had ended up renting a large wagon-like cart to hold their bags.

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