
By Loupgaroux13

3K 53 36

Eighteen year-old Lexie Kenzington has had enough. Graduation is looming over her head in a depressing cloud... More

Bloodlust Prologue
Bloodlust Chapter One
Bloodlust Chapter Two
Bloodlust Chapter Three
Bloodlust Chapter Four
Bloodlust Chapter Five
Bloodlust Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Seven

183 5 3
By Loupgaroux13

*Hello fans, followers, devoted readers, and newcomers. WELCOME! So, I've been stuck on Chapter 7 of Bloodlust for awhile now, so I haven't been uploading AT ALL. Also, I've been conversing with motorcycleLIV797 a lot about the future of our story, "Eternal Assassination". That should make our readers very happy, I hope. She will be uploading the fourth chapter real soon, where a new and vitally important character is introduced and from there, a bit of the plot begins to unfold. Keep reading, keep  fanning, commenting, and just checking back with us both because we really want the stories "Bloodlust", "In Their Minds", and of course, "Eternal Assassination" to make it on the What's Hot list so more viewers can see what we've written. Tell everyone you know online or friends or anyone really about our work. We love our stories like our children, so we will do our best to upload fast. Feel  free to leave comments or questions about our stories. We'd love to hear from you.

Oh, and before I forget. I will be uploading a brand new story (!!!) here on wattpad called "Tender White Locks" that is not in any way like my story "Bloodlust". The synopsis of the story is about a girl (who is still nameless as of right now) who is dealing with the issues of depression. Her life sucks for the most part; she's isolated by her classmates and friends, misunderstood by her mother, and is just fed up with the way her life has been going. So, her mother finally takes notice of her daughter's "bipolar disorder" (as she assumes her issue is when it's really not) and decides that instead of taking her to therapy, to dye her hair back to the way it used to be, in hopes of bringing back some good memories that will magically transform her. Yeah, right. Well, things don't go as planned and the girl's blonde hair turns an ash-gray/white and all of hell unfolds. It's a comedic story, that has some strong emotions and things that I want to make known about personal issues, so please don't judge or get upset if I say or write things that you don't agree with. This story is from my perspective of how I think a girl like her would behave and act in a situation like this. Comment, fave, and always come back to my homepage. "Tender White Locks" will be posted real soon.,

And now, for chapter seven yayyyyyyyy!!!!!! READ ON!!!!!!


Chapter Seven: The First Attempt

When you're life turns to crap in a matter of seconds, how are you supposed to react?

When your parents are murdered and drained of all blood by you of all people, how are you supposed to act normally? How do  you react when you are faced with scenarios and responsibilities that you've never had to care about until now? Brave in the face of danger? Sad, lonely and depressed? Indifferent?

How do you deal with the fact that just minutes ago, you're frail blonde homeroom teacher attempted to kill you/drive you utterly insane? Woop-ee, my first day has gone so well and it's only lunchtime.

I halfheartedly took Justin up on his offer, much to my own dismay. He now sat directly across from me, happily chomping away at his cheeseburger gushing with at least three different types of cheese. I reached into my bag at  my side, propping two books against each other in front of my "view". Hidden behind the safe confines of my books, I pretended to take notes from my history book beside me. Justin glanced up from his nearly-gone burger, meeting my eyes with a curious look upon his face.

"What's with the second grade I'm-not-going-to-let-you-copy-my-paper method goin' on right here?" He asked me, gesturing to my open books.

I stared at him, at a loss for words.


I just shook my head. "You eat like a mule."

"A mule?"

"Yes, a mule. You chomp way too loudly and stuff way too much into your mouth at once. Are you sure your girlfriend hasn't seen you eat yet? I think she might have run for the hills if she had."

He grinned. "Very sly, newbie."

"What was?"

"Curious about my Facebook status, are we?" He wagged his eyebrows suggestively.

"Ew, hell no," I nearly fell backwards at that remark. "I wasn't asking if you were single or not. I was just making my point, stupid."

"My name's Justin."

"Fine, Justine."

"That's a girl's name," he pouted. I rolled my eyes.

"Very fitting for you, Justine."

He stuck out his tongue at me childishly. "Say what you want, but the girls around here drool over me just for breathing."

I snorted. "Except for me. You seem to forget I am among the female population. At least that's what my birth certificate says. The hospital could be completely wrong."

"I doubt it."

I looked at him questioningly. He stared right back intently. And the staredown began.

"Why did you come to this school," he asked, continuing to stare into my eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Peering into my private life, are we?"

He grimaced. "No, just wondering."

I inhaled slowly, drawing in breath carefully. I released, exhaling in an almost Zen/Buddha kind of calm way. "My parents died a few weeks ago. They were...killed." I spoke the last word slowly, almost  as if it were a question.

"You don't know?" Justin wondered. "Do you know what happened?"

I shrugged, still staring at him. "No, I left before the police could explain everything." I pulled off the lie as easily as the truth would have been if it were that simple. Like I would tell him how they really died. Yeah, so Justin I murdered my own parents because I'm apparently some freakish vampire/werewolf halfling with supernatural powers and by the way, you can't tell anyone. Yeah, right. He would think I'm crazy and report me.

I thought for a moment. Well, stranger things have happened.

Justin let out a loud, gust of air blinking rapidly. "Okay, newbie you win. You have just defeated the staring-contest master of Hell High." I didn't respond, not even calling him on the nickname I gave the school when I first walked through the door. It wasn't important.

I can't believe I even tried to live a normal life, when everything about me screamed abnormal in big bold letters. I killed my parents. There, I said it. I killed my parents and I enjoyed it. My eyes widened. Holy shit. I have to get out of here; I can't stay here anymore and risk hurting someone else. For all I know, Justin could be next and I wasn't letting that happen.

Even if he was extremely annoying and loud and disgusting, he was kind of nice. He was the closest thing to a friend that I had in awhile. It felt...good to have someone around, someone to lean on.

Enough, Lexie. Let him go. He doesn't need to be dragged into this mess of yours.  Leave before he finds out too much.

"I have to go."

Justin's head whipped around, turning to face me. "What, why? Did I say something wrong?"

I shook my head, gathering my stuff. "No, you didn't do anything. I just um have to leave early."


I grabbed my bag from the bench, flinging my overcoat around my shoulders. "I'll see you tomorrow." With that, I ran.

                                          *                           *                                    *

I ran as fast as I could out of the lunchroom, not even bothering to stop at my locker to grab the rest of my things. I couldn't be here anymore, not with my past haunting my every movement. Tossing my bag and coat into the backseat of my red convertible, I hopped over the closed door and revved the engine. Seatbelt across my chest, I whipped out of the parking lot at an inhuman speed.

My heart was beating a mile a minute, competing with itself for first place. In what, I have no idea. All I know is that it was pounding. Pounding angst. Pounding hurt. Pounding confusion.

Pouding blood. Inhuman blood.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as the world sped by. My hands turned white from the tight grip I had on the steering wheel. I shook all over, suppressing the breakdown I knew was coming. I wailed, assuming I looked like an absolute freak at a glance. I knew other drivers were staring at me but I just couldn't stop.

The tears just came, as if the dam I had blocked up inside me-with sticks ans stones,  had finally burst through. With my heart in my throat, I stopped. All streams of water were cut off abruptly, swallowed up my the dryness of my chest. I choked softly, eyes still wet with clear droplets.

                                                         *                           *                                    *

I slammed on the brakes, holding back screams of fear. The other driver honked loudly three times, a pissed-off expression on his face. The two cars were within two feet of each other, neither one seeming like they were stopping.

"Stop, stop," I cried, desperately trying to stop the car. "Why isn't it stopping? SHIT!!!"

The green pickup truck smashed into my convertible, jerking me backwards into the already constricting seat. I heard a snap in the back of my head, feeling the trickling of blood rushing down my neck. I turned slowly to look to my left and saw the truck driver. The man was about in his twenties, blood pouring down in red rivers along the ridges of his bruised face. His eyes were closed, pools of blood sitting in the crevices. His mouth hung open, cracked teeth laying atop his bloody tongue.

I looked away, horrified by the sight. I smelled the blood. My eyes shifted, turning blood-red. Lips curling back, my fangs split through and tickled my bottom lip. I felt a sinister grin spread across my face, expanding, making me look truly evil. Which, I guess, I was.

I dug my pointed nails into the constricting seatbelt, sawing through. I winced in pain as I scraped. Finally, after minutes and minutes of sawing, I broke through. Striking with my nails, I popped the air bag, sliding out of the overturned car.

Laying on the cold, rigid road, I caught my breath. "Holy shit," I breathed. I looked over at the young man, dead as far as I could tell. I crawled to him, holding his hand to my face. I sniffed him, abosrbing the smell of his blood. My left canine brushed my lower lip and I hissed.

Lexie, Will whispered. You can't drink his blood. He's still alive.

Shut up, Will. I'm starving.

I heard him sigh in exasperation. Lex, I'm on my way. Just get yourself as far from the body as possible. I'll be right there. He left my head then, where I couldn't follow. I slumped on the ground in disappointment.

"Ow," I complained as my head hit the surface. I swore colorfully, touching it gingerly for blood. Yup, there it is, I thought gruffly.

My eyes turned to slits, my upper lids beginning to close. I pushed myself away from the man, laying my arms beneath my head for a cushion. Head hitting skin softly, I instantly fell asleep.

"Lexie," was the last sound I heard before I faded away.

"Will," I murmured.

"Try again, Cooper."


Welcome back to my story, my wonderful dedicated readers. Okay, so I haven't written anything since like last week I think because I've been really busy and really depressed. My teachers have been slamming me with STAR tests and math homework and essays and blah blah fricken blah that I need to do in order to have a life blah blah blah!!!!!

okay, enough of that.

My cat, Madison, was hit by a stupid car on Tuesday and I found her on the side of the road in the afternoon when I got home from school. So I've been just focusing on getting through the day without completely breaking down which is why bloodlust has been postponed for so long.

Thanks again for the reads, fans, and votes. Keep em comin' or Lexie's story may have to end :)

<3 <3 <3

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