𝑴𝒓 𝑯𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒇 | Y...

By AACrystal

3.5K 83 30

"In what house are you hoping to get sorted in? I would like to join Hufflepuff." Finally making eye contact... More

~ Y3 ~ Chapter 1
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 2
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 3
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 4
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 5
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 6
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 7
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 8
~ Y3 ~ Chapter 9
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 1
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 2
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 4
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 5
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 6
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 7
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 8
~ Y4 ~ Chapter 9

~ Y4 ~ Chapter 3

105 2 0
By AACrystal

As Saturday morning came down upon them, so did the Gryffidor team's first Quidditch practice of the year. Having talked to Wood the day before, Y/N was already there, drinks and snacks next to her. It was the crack of dawn, after all.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a little boy coming her way.

"Good morning!" he greeted and sat down in the seat on her right.

"Oh, hello there!" Y/N smiled sweetly at him.

"You're a Slytherin, aren't you?" he eyed her robes. "What's a SLYTHERIN doing at GRYFFINDOR'S practice? Don't you side with your house?"

"Nah. Many of my friends are in Gryffindor so I come and cheer for them; even bring them food and drinks. Want one? There are a few that aren't energy drinks." she offered him apple juice.

"Oh, thanks! Colin Creevey! First year in Gryffindor." he extended his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Colin. The name's Y/N Malfoy!" she shook his hand.

"Malfoy? Aren't you a pure-blood?" she nodded. "Wait- are you related to Draco Malfoy?"

"Yup. My baby brother right there." she laughed.

"How- How are you-"

"Don't worry! Many people ask themselves the same questions as you're right now. Seems like I am, and many people think the same way, the only person in my family with brains." she shrugged and leaned back into her seat.

That is when Wood flew next to her "Could I have a drink too?". She threw him a bottle and he thanked her, flying back to his team.

When the rest of the team arrived, Colin got up from his seat and raised his camera. The clicking noises of the machine became unbearable as Harry mounted his broom and took off.

'This is gonna be one hell of a practice.' thought Y/N and sighed.

"Look this way Harry!" he cried shirlly.

He didn't do as asked and talked to a confused, yet tired, Fred.

"Colin, hey." Y/N tried getting his attention. After a few tries it worked. "Sit down and take pics of Harry doing his own thing. If you keep trying to get his attention, he will maybe fall and hurt himself. Plus, this way, your pics will turn out more authentic."

"Alright." he nodded happily and sat down, still clicking the camera madly.
"Wait... are those Slytherins?" he asked, confused, pointing at some figures walking onto the pitch, brooms in hand.

Surely, they were Slytherins, upon closer look.

Wood shot towards the ground, landing rather harder than he meant to in his anger, staggering slightly as he dismounted. Harry, Fred and George followed.

Y/N got a weird feeling so she rushed down to the pitch. When she arrived, Wood was already talking to Marcus Flint, the Slytherin captain. Her and the boys were joined by Angelina, Alicia and Katie shortly after.

"But I booked the pitch!" said Wood, positively spitting with rage. "I booked it!"

"Ah," said Flint, "but I've got a specially signed note here from Professor Snape."

After reading the note out, Wood was left shocked.

"You've got a new Seeker? Where?"

From behind the six large figures before them came a seventh, smaller boy, smirking all over his pale, pointed face.

"Draco?!" Asked Y/N, shock being the only emotion that could be read on her face. "You- a Seeker?"

"Your brother?" asked Oliver and the girl nodded.

"Does dad know? Mom? Am I the only one that-"

"Funny you should mention his father" said Flint, as the whole team smiled still more broadly. "Let me show you the generous gift he's made to the Slytherin team."

All the seven of them held out their broomsticks. Seven highly polished, brand-new handles and seven sets of fine gold lettering spelling the words 'Nimbus Two Thousand and One' gleamed under the Gryffindors' noses in the early-morning sun.

"You speak highly of my father, but dare talk over me? How shameful. Shameful, indeed. After spending much money on those beautiful broomsticks, only for them to be taken away shortly after for disrespecting someone of the Malfoy name." Y/N talked in a fake sad voice that was coated in venom.

None of them could think of anything to say after such a threat. The Malfoy was smirking so broadly her cold eyes were reduced to slits.

Secretly, she fist bumped the Weasley twins.

Ron and Hermione were crossing the grass to see what was going on.

"What's happening?" Ron asked Harry. "Why aren't you playing? And what's HE doing here?"

He was looking at Draco, taking in his Slytherin Quidditch robes.

"I'm the new Slytherin Seeker, Weasley" said the boy, smugly. "Everyone's just been admiring the brooms my father's bought for our team."

Ron gaped, open-mouthed, at the seven superb broomsticks in front of him. Then turned to the other Malfoy.

"Did you know about any of this?" he asked. She just shook her head, looking disgusted in the Slytherins' direction.

They kept going at it until Draco said something he really shouldn't have.

"No one asked for your opinion, you filthy little Mudblood." he spat.

Y/N's eyes widened then glared at the boy. She didn't hesitate one second, rushing towards him, taking him by the neck and dragging him off somewhere they couldn't be heard.


"What? Aren't I correct? She is a mud-"

She slapped him before he could finish his sentence.

"I am the one taking charge, since father will just brush it off. You will not- and I repeat, WILL NOT AT ALL- use such vulgar language. If my words won't go through that THICK head of yours-" she kept pocking his head with much strength "-at least think of father's words before starting Hogwarts: to keep up an image; you are a Malfoy after all."

The boy did nothing, just looked at the girl and sometimes throwing glances at the Slytherin's Quidditch team.

By the time Y/N left Draco, the Gryffindors left the pitch.


"WHAT? Oh- Hey, Ced!" the girl turned to walk again.

"Hi, little snake! Heard what happened this morning. All I've got to say is DAMN!" he exclaimed, making her laugh and blush slightly.

"Word travels fast, huh? After lunch, when I entered the common room, the students treated me differently; with more caution."

"Well when you have full control over your brother, whose loyalty lies with your father... ya know? People thought of you as more the quiet type... Seems like not anymore." he shrugged.

Catching up with her, he placed an arm around her shoulders. "Where are we heading, love?"

He asked in his low voice, sending shivers down her spine. He might've noticed the effect he had on her, smirking and bringing their bodies closer together.

"Was about to go to the library. I have SO much homework. Professors are already stressing us with our O.W.L.s. They're next year, for Merlin's sake! I can't even imagine what the 5th years are going through."

They couldn't even stay there 1 hour, for students of all ages, from all houses, would take obvious glances at Y/N, or even full on stare. She couldn't even concentrate on her essay.

"This book should weigh it down." she sat her potions book on her parchment so that it wouldn't be blown away by the wind.

They were outside. They decided that it would be the best option, for the warm weather and refreshing breeze.

"Is that Hermione? Yes, yes it is. Hermione!" she shouted and waved to get the 2nd year's attention.

She took a few seconds to find the Slytherin, but she waved upon finding her. "Hey, Y/N!" she greeted as she got closer. "Oh, hi, Cedric!"

He waved and smiled. "I will let you two talk. I'll be going to my room to get my stuff. You need to check my History of Magic essay as promised."

Hermione sat in the same spot the boy did moments before.

"Hermione!" cried Y/N, hugging the girl. "I'm REALLY REALLY sorry about Draco's actions earlier! I don't need you to forgive him, as it is my fault. I must educate him-"

"It's not your fault." she interrupted the Slytherin. "And about the educating part, it's your parents' responsibility. You are his older sister, not third parent!"

"Hermione... still... as his older sister, my responsibilty is to be there for him when our parents aren't able to."

"Y/N-" Hermione started, but got cut off by a pair of wings almost hitting her face.

Hermes was making his way down to them, a letter in his beak. The two girls looked confused at the owl, but the Malfoy quickly took the piece of paper.

"I bet it's from- Why did I have to be right?" she sighed, turning the letter to see the Malfoy family stamp.

"Is it who I think it is?"

"No doubt about it." she sighed and opened it slightly shaking.

'Dear Y/n, Word about you being violent towards your brother has reached our ears. You father is not happy about it; furious even. He will be visiting you at school in a short amount of time, when he can. He only wants a word with you two. Mostly you. I told him to listen to your motive before anything, but he refused. I await you writing back so you can justify your actions. With love, your mother.'

"What does it say?" Hermione asked, leaning closer to her to read.

"Father will be here soon." Y/N sighed. "I don't know when exactly, but he will."

"What about your mother. You always say that she is gentle and loving towards you, unlike him."

"She wants me to write back to her, to tell her why I did it. She knows I don't resort to such actions unless necessary."

"Shouldn't you get to writing?" she gestured towards the owl, which was waddling from side to side, excited to deliver yet another letter.

"Good idea. Do you have any spare parchment?"

"I have some." Cedric sat down between the two girls, handing her a piece of parchment. "Why do you need it, though? The piece you have is big enough for the essay."

As Y/N was writing her response to her mother's letter, Hermione filled Cedric in with the things that had happened since he left until he arrived.

"Are you kidding me?" his jaw almost hit the ground, for how low it hung, so Y/N closed it for him.

"Nope." she responded, shaking her head. Her eyes still fixed onto the letter. "Finished!" she smiled and gave Hermes the parchment.

The bird didn't hesitate one second and it flew high into the air.

"Will you actualy go see your dad when he arrives?" the Hufflepuff asked, slightly paniced.

"I guess..." she shrugged. "If I don't, I will be faced with MORE consequences."


"Night, you guys!" Y/N waved, headed towards her common room.

"See ya tomorrow, little snake!" Fred said, George waving.

It was rather late. They were in the library, the Malfoy helping the two boys with their homework.

She was about to head down into the dungeon, when she heard a weird voice.

"Come... come to me... let me rip you... let me tear you... let me kill you..."

She stopped dead in her tracks, horror strucked. She looked around her, her right hand slowly going to her wand, ready to strike if needed.

Since she didn't see anything, she walked back up again to investigate. She was debating whether she should go looking for the source. That is when she heard the voice again, finalising her decision.

"Blood... I smell blood... Let me rip you... Let me tear you... Let me kill you..."

The voice seemed to come from inside the walls; the closer she got to the wall, the louder the voice seemed to become.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

She reached a corner. And she seemed to have reached something else too...

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