The Heroic Seven

By MaloKen_17

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The Frozen and Tangled characters peer into the future and witnessed the world decimated by creatures of ulti... More

Lives After Happily Ever After
The Storm of Unquiet
Battle for Northuldra
The Mission
The World Before The Unquiets
Children Of New Beginnings
The Spire
Party at Iluka
Double Doom
Danger Zones
The Second Dark Portal
Princess of Life and Death
The Day of The Princess
The Asteroid

To The Dark Kingdom

62 3 35
By MaloKen_17

Morning came. And what a beautiful start to the day it was.

"Wow. What a gorgeous sunrise!" Chirped Rapunzel. Awestruck despite even her own home kingdom being all about beautiful sceneries with the sun.

"Yes, the fjord side sunrise in Arendelle is one of the most beautiful in the world." Elsa sighed, admiring the scene.

The group consisting of Rapunzel, Elsa, Anna, Eugene, Kristoff, Arianna, Willow, Frederic and Edmund strolled down the streets with the kids. The unique snowy mountain range that surrounds Arendelle offers a spectacular reflective sparkling glow that cannot be seen anywhere else. Indeed many visitors were crowding the docks and balconies to take the time to appreciate the view.

It was a lovely morning and the Elsa group was up in high spirits. The same could not be said for Cassandra's group.

"Top of the morning, friends!" Anna greeted merrily.

"Ngrhgarbruyak." Was the incoherent mass grumbling response.

"Is something the matter?" Asked Elsa.

"None of us got much sleep last night." Sideburns grumble.

"Did the tides keep you up?" Kristoff asked with concern. He also glanced at the other ships, wondering about their other guests as well.

"Oh the blimp was definitely rocking. But it wasn't the tide!" Patchy growled.

The Elsa group looked at the Cassandra group and that's when they noticed there was actually one member among them who had not woken up grumpy.

Lady Caine sported an uncharacteristically wide smile from ear to ear. And standing beside Caine was Hans who looked totally battered and bruised.

"Oh, I see." Giggled Rapunzel.

"Tch, Yeah." Groaned Cassandra. "Though it looks like they were not the only two."

They followed Cassandra's gaze and that was when Elsa and the rest of the merged group finally noticed Anna's equally wide smile.

"Anna, you too!?" Elsa gasped, she was aghast. Even though Anna is an adult and a married woman, Elsa still cannot help but a be an overly concerned older sister.

"We sure did!" Anna grinned, looping her arms around Kristoff, who shyly looked to the distance.

"You two may want to take it easy, you've only just had Amelia after all." Frederic suggested, shaking a finger at the couple.

"Plus don't forget, all of a sudden we all now have double the number of kids." Rapunzel laughed.

"Oh but I can't help it." Whined Anna. "It was such an emotional day yesterday."

Lady Caine seemed to agree.

"Yeah, but come to think of it." Eugene rubbed his chin and turned to Varian and Cassandra. "How did you two stay abstinent?"

"Eugene!" Rapunzel scolded.

"Because Varian is sensible enough not to get turned on by my death!" Cassandra also scolded.

"Oh, I get it. Cassandra isn't grumpy because she didn't get any sleep, she's grumpy because she didn't get any action last night." Eugene laughed.



The people in town watched Eugene run past them, chased by a furious Cassandra hot on his heels with a plank of wood held high.


Everybody took their seats as per before. The girls sat together while the boys sat in their own group.

"I thought you would have known Cassandra long enough to not say stuff like that to her." Said Hans. Beside him sat Eugene, beaten and bloody.

"It's Eugene." Said Varian, sipping his coffee. "He'll say dumb stuff even when he knows it's dumb."

Eugene grinned. Making no attempt to deny or rebuke Varian as he ate his bacon.

Watching his friends made Kristoff chuckle. He reached into the pram beside him and rubbed the sleeping Amelia's tummy. The baby girl twitched.


The teenage Amelia twitched.

It was early in the morning, bright golden shafts of light pierced the clouds and shone over the lush countryside, creating a breathtaking sunrise. One by one the seven teens awakened to prepare their morning rituals. But one member seemed determined to sleep in.

"Chuuuuu." Amelia snored. It was a close-up shot of Amelia's face, The girl's large eyes were closed while she blissfully snoozed away.

"Awww. How adorable." Cooed Willow.

Anna giggled.

Kristoff grinned proudly and began to rub the sleeping Baby Amelia's tummy again.

The whole town chuckled upon witnessing such a cute display. It was about to get cuter.

"Umm, Amy?"

The screen zoomed out to reveal that Amelia was sleeping with her arms wrapped around Neoma.

A few chuckles circulated the town.

The older girl was trying to wake her up but such efforts were to no avail, so Neoma instead tried to pry Amelia's hands off. Unfortunately that proved even more ineffective.

"Ngh." Moaned Amelia. The movement only caused her to constrict her arms tighter around Neoma.

"ACK! Wrenn, Eri. A little help!?" Neoma choked.

Eri and Wrenn saw the entangled pair and froze, their eyes and mouths wide.

"Oh no." Gasped Eri.

"Say it isn't so." Added Wrenn.

"Yeah, it's terrible isn't it?" Said Neoma sarcastically with narrowed eyes. "Help me out will you?"

Neoma did not appreciate the looks of horror exaggerated by her friends. But unfortunately Eri and Wrenn were not exaggerating.

"Neoma. You let Amy grab a hold of you in her sleep!" Cried Eri.

"Yes. And?"

"You won't be going anywhere now, Neoma. Once Amy grabs a hold of something in her sleep, she never lets go!" Explained Wrenn. "You will just have to wait until she wakes up."

The warning came much too late for Kristoff. The carefree smile vanished from the mountain man's face. With great trepidation Kristoff slowly looked down at the pram, at the baby girl whos tummy he had just been rubbing.

Baby Amelia has taken a hold of his fingers!

Kristoff slowly tried to retract the appendages but true to Wrenn and Eri's warnings. Amelia wasn't letting go,

"Looks like you're not going anywhere either." Varian laughed.

Amelia groaned and clutched her father's fingers tighter. Kristoff raised his eyebrows in astonishment, it was a surprisingly strong grip for a one month old.

Neoma was certainly feeling the squeeze. "Alright. That does it!" She grunted.

With her hair turning blue, Neoma summoned her Moonstone powers. Tiny pieces of black rocks sprouted from the ground, they spread along Neoma's body, slipping under Amelia's arms and forming the unbreakable armour.

"So far so good." Breathed Neoma.

Eri and Wrenn watched with great interest as Neoma added more volume to her armour, expanding its surface area. The armour bloated up until Amelia could no longer circle her arms around Neoma, though she still clung on like a barnacle however.

"Now then..."

Crack. A part of the bloated armour broke off and from the side where Amelia could not put her arms around, Neoma managed to wriggle out like an insect escaping its cocoon.

"Smart." Praised Kristoff. "Though all the good that does me."

Baby Amelia still held onto his hand.

"Well done." Eri applauded.

"Yeah, you're the only other person beside Eri to ever escape." Praised Wrenn.

The girls watched Amelia resume her sleep, blissfully cuddling the emptied shell.



"Hurgh!" Grunted the group.

Aidan, Amelia, Flynn, Wrenn, Eri, Neoma and Novak marched, they appeared to be pulling something behind them. There was a length of rope over each of the teens shoulders, the ropes leading up to the airborne dirigible, the craft they had stolen from Varian.

"So why again are we pulling the airship instead of riding it!?" Grumbled Amelia.

"Well you were still asleep when I was explaining it to everyone." Neoma huffed. "But basically we are bone dry of Flynnolium, the fuel that moves the dirigibles. We used them all up during our daring high speed escape from Weselton."

The present group all turned to Varian for confirmation.

"I'm afraid that's true." Sighed Varian. "A dirigible will maintain altitude on its own provided there is still helium inside. But without fuel for its thrusters, the craft stays idle."

"So. Until we reach a town where I can find a the materials I need to make more, we are going to be dragging this big old balloon around on foot." Neoma grunted.

"Yeah. I wouldn't want to run on empty over an ocean." Winced Lady Caine.

Varian rubbed his chin in contemplation. This is a concerning problem.


"I don't believe this!" Grumbled Neoma.

With her hands on her hips she glowered at the shopkeeper.

"You really have nothing for me?"

"A thousand pardons little miss." The lanky shopkeeper shook his head. "But supplies are often difficult to come by for this town."


"Sorry guys. But it looks like we'll be dragging that thing around for a while longer." Neoma apologised to the team while pointing at the dirigible.

"That's okay, Neoma. It's not your fault." Amelia comforted. She approached the girl genius and-.

"GAH!" Neoma yelped when Amelia went and gave her a big hug.

Eri and Wrenn snickered. Obviously Neoma was still apprehensive about Amelia putting her arms around her.

Anna, Rapunzel, Elsa, Cassandra and Caine chuckled at the teen's reaction.

The men laughed too.

Kristoff looked down and to his dismay he was still tightly clung onto.

The boys chuckled too.

"Well there's nothing to it then." Aidan shrugged. "Let's talk to a wagon driver. Maybe we won't have to haul the airship by hand at least."



"What do mean it takes two weeks to reach the Dark Kingdom!?" Flynn slammed his palm on the desk.

Edmund's eyebrows peeked.

"The place is only thirty miles away. It shouldn't take more than one days ride, in a straight line." Stated Novak.

Aidan was beside him. The three boys wondered the same thing.

"Is there a reason why the folks of this town are so unwilling to travel through this forest?" Asked Aidan, pointing on the map. "I've noticed it hindering your supply runs."

Mass gasps. The travel agent, the staff, the other clients all shuddered under the mentioning of the forest.

"We do not go there, young man." The travel agent whispered. "It Is strictly a no go zone."

"Why is that so?" Asked Eri. The Snow Princess and the other girls entered.

"Because those who enter the forest are never seen again." Answered a courier.

The looks on the group of seven grew serious. On instinct, their hands hovered above their weapons.

"Are we talking armed brigands?" Asked Novak.

"Oh, it is no brigand." Came an old husky voice.

The group turned towards an old man with a pipe.

"Before you youngsters stands the trees of Crow Feet Forest. Where once a serene haven for all wild life, now a desolate haunt for the lurker who has made the canopies his home. Hacksaw Horvath."

The occupants of the building were deathly quiet, the air grew tense as the old man spoke the name of their local tormentor.

"Once an outlaw from a far away kingdom, hunted down for his grizzly works with a hacksaw. Horvath was last seen fleeing into these woods." The old man recited.

"A generation has since past and fifteen wagon riders and travellers have vanished without a trace upon entering those woods. It was only until one day when a body washed up, carried by the river that runs through the forest that we found signs of hacksaw inflicted wounds. Horvath was responsible for these deaths."

The people on the screen were not the only ones feeling freaked out. Many in Arendelle town square were cowled. This may well be the beginnings of the first recorded horror movie ever watched.

"Ok, so if we kill this Horvath for you. Will you chickens take us through the forest?" Wrenn suggested with her hands on her hips, totally killing the mood.

"Umm. If you could-."

"Great, then it's decided." Announced Aidan. "Gear up team, the target is some guy with a hacksaw."

And before the people of the travel agency had a chance to protest, the seven teens were out the door.

"Humph. Can't say we didn't try to warn them!" Huffed the travel agent manager, lounging back on his chair.

"A group of hot blooded teenagers heading into a dangerous forest, ignoring local legends. We all know how these slasher stories end up."

••• Next Morning •••


"GAH!" The manager woke with a jolt. Something landed hard on his desk in front of him.

"Good morning mister travel guy!" Chirped Amelia. Both her hands on the table.

"Morning?" The groggy manager rubbed his head. "You're back! I wasn't expecting you back so soon... or ever."

"We caught your man. Hacksaw Horvath." Declared Eri.

Novak held up an object. It was a large rusty tree felling tool with wickedly large serrated teeth.

The audience grimaced as there was ample of what appears to be old dried blood caking the tool.

"Well." The Travel agent manager blinked. "That's one for the wall."

"They sure handled that decisively." Said Hans, looking slightly disturbed.

"Pretty anticlimactic if you ask me." Anna grumbled. "Ooh, I wanted to see the fight!"


"Oh it was a terrifying sight to behold!" Aidan exclaimed, spread his arms dramatically as he recounted the events of the previous night.

While the town busied itself re-establishing supply routes in the wake of the forest's liberation, a small crowd had gathered around Aidan to hear the epic retelling of the slaying of the feared Hacksaw killer.

"There we were, in the thick of the pitch black forest, a rising air of murder and death so overwhelming it killed my ulcer just breathing it in!" Aidan spoke lowly, drawing his audience in, they were all tense and enthralled.

"SUDDENLY!" Aidan screeched. The town's folk gasped. "Hulking over an island of skulls ringed by a river of blood was none other than Horvath the Hacksaw killer!"

"BLARGH!" Flynn hopped out with his swords drawn.

"Oh the horror!" Aidan exclaimed dramatically. "I have never been so terrified in my life!"

Flynn meanwhile spun and twirled his twin swords around in dizzying patterns to emphasize. Growling and making feral noises.

Neoma, Wrenn, Amelia and Eri sat a good distance away watching the boys perform.

"Horvath attacked like a whirlwind of workshop tools. It took all seven of us to keep up with the man mutilator, trading hundreds of blows in the first minute of combat." Aidan exaggerated while Novak drew out his own sword and duelled Flynn in a mock battle. The crowd seemed to believe them, the children were enthralled.

"Do you think it really went down like that?" Asked Anna.

"Ooh, I hope so." Replied Rapunzel. Queen or not, Rapunzel never lost her naivety and love of fantastical tales.

"I think we can confidently discredit the island of skulls amidst a river of blood. But everything else is perhaps legit." Elsa suggested.

"The fighting was fierce, a number of us were incapacitated."

Novak feigned defeat and collapsed.

"But ultimately we prevailed!" Aidan swung his halberd and tapped Horvath on the head. Flynn made a long defeated groan and collapsed also.

A few cheers, some threw coins at them, the crowd seemed please. Aidan smiled widely.

"And... at the close of this epic battle..." Aidan grinned and winked at the crowd. "The beautiful Miss Neoma and I shared passionate a victory kiss!"

The adults laughed, the children gagged, Flynn and Novak snorted, a chunk of black rock flew across the street and beaned Aidan on the head.

"That one was definitely fake." Scoffed Varian.

The three boys laid sprawled on the ground.

"Great act?" Asked Flynn.

"Great act." Confirmed Novak.

Aidan raised a thumbs up.


"Glad you three had fun." Amelia gave Flynn, Novak and Aidan a wry smile.

"Oh they'll be repeating and retelling that story for decades to come." Aidan grinned.

"Not a very historically accurate story." Neoma placed her hands on her hips, a scowl on her face while she glared at Aidan.

"Lying is wrong after all, and you may not see it yet but there will be consequences." Eri warned.

"Sheeesh, they both sound just like Elsa and Cassandra." Said Eugene. "A little lie here and there is healthy. The poor girls have no idea how to have fun."

The boys seem to know it too.

"Aw. You two should relax more, especially when outside of mission mode." Flynn suggested.

"He's right." Aidan agreed. "Take it from me, when you're serious all the time even outside of mission mode, you're going to get sick."

"Pipe down, here comes the Travel Agent Guy." Eri warned as in stepped the travel agent manager.

"Well boys and girls, I have decided to be the one to wagon you to the Dark Kingdom myself." The manager declared. "If all goes well, and that's a big 'if'. We should reach our destination this time tomorrow."

"Woohoo!" The group cheered.

"Yippee." Cheered Amelia. "Thanks mister Travel Agent guy!"

"Call me Roth! And don't mistake this for generosity either." Roth cleared his throat. "As head of the agency I would need to personally oversee the condition of the travel route and report to the mayor myself before I let any of my other riders through."

Roth furrowed his eyebrows at the group. "I have to make sure you kids weren't lying about taking out Horvath."

"Ummmm." The seven teens seem unsure.

This made the parents worry.

••• A few hours later •••

"What do you mean you cannot cart us!?" A man cried. "Didn't you just say the roads are clear?"

"I'm sorry sir, but the manager must first inspect and confirm that it is indeed safe before we begin to establish any real travel routes."

"But this fine lady is heavily pregnant and she desperately needs to reach the Dark Kingdom where there are real medical facilities!" The man gestured to the woman beside him.

Rapunzel and Eugene gasped, Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Cassandra, Varian and the rest of the group turned to the couple on the screen.

"Brock Thunderstrike."

"And Stalyan!" Rapunzel and Eugene gasped in recognition.

Indeed the couple on screen are the couple sitting a few tables away. Stalyan smiled at Brock, finally the story has reached the part where they encountered the seven. Joyfully the slender brunette held their baby close.

King Edmund's eyebrows peaked. For the last two days the revelation of a man who bore such a striking resemblance to his son raised great interest for the King. Edmund really would like to know more about Brock.

During this time however, Stalyan was still pregnant and quite far along the way by the looks of it.

"I would say eight and a half months, give or take. Probably due any day." Guessed Anna, being the most experienced in the group having given birth twice, and not twins.

Rapunzel frowned with worry, this was not an ideal place for Stalyan to be stuck in, especially in her condition. Rapunzel really hoped her children will offer help.

Her thoughts did not go unanswered!

As the seven teens prepared to depart they noticed a commotion.

"We should really help them." Suggested Eri.

"Mhm." Amelia, Novak, Aidan and Neoma nodded.

Flynn and Wrenn however were too spaced out to add their agreement. The twins stared intently at the man.

"Is that dad?" Asked Flynn, squinting his eyes.

"He looks like him." Said Wrenn, while tilting her head. The girl held out an old grainy family photo, there was Rapunzel and Eugene smiling with a twin bundle of joy in their arms.

"No way my kids would mistake Brock for me." Scoffed Eugene.

"Listen here dirt bag. Do you have any idea who I am!?" Brock hounded at the driver. "I am Eugene Fitzherbert. King of the Kingdom of Corona!

"What!? You impersonated me again!?" Eugene cried across the streets.

"Oh shush up Eugene. I think this situation more than warrants it." Reprimanded Rapunzel.

"Yeah and like you said. A little lie here and there is healthy." Cassandra rolled her eyes at him.

"Yup. It's dad, but with a moustache." Confirmed Wrenn.

Eugene face palmed himself.

Regardless, the group decided to help.

"Hey Roth. Do we have room for two more?" Asked Novak.

"Sorry son, the wagon can only carry seven passengers and a driver. Unless two of you fancy walking?" Roth replied.

"Aidan and I will give them our seats." Proposed Neoma. "The two of us will take the airship instead."

As Neoma said this the group blinked at her.

"We can't tow the dirigible like we planned before, anyway. The forest's tree canopies are too thick."

"But how will you move?" Asked Amelia.

"Oh. I have an idea." Smiled Neoma.



The wagon and its occupants wheeled its way into the Crow's Feet Forest. The first time that has happened in many years for this village.

"Thank you so much for offering us these seats." Stalyan politely thanked the teenagers.

Eugene raised an eyebrow. This was certainly an uncharacteristically gracious behaviour of his ex-fiancée. Granted the kids did just really helped her out. Stalyan has changed since he last saw her.

"Oh think nothing of it." Amelia brushed off the thanks.

"It is our sworn duty to help those in need." Eri declared.

"How very noble of you." Chuckled Brock.

"And speaking of which." Wrenn began. "How very gallant of the King of Corona to assist a heavily pregnant lady through such perilous environment." She praised.

"Ohohoho." Brock laughed. "It is a king's pleasure to assist a damsel in need." The former Flynnposter now 'Eugeneposter' grinned and winked at Stalyan playfully.

But this was no laughing matter.

Amelia, Eri and Novak noticed this not so discreet flirtatious behaviour. With concerned expressions they turned their eyes to the twins.

The smile had vanished from Wrenn's face, she glanced at her brother. Flynn likewise had become deathly serious, he met his sister's eyes and the twins shared a silent communion.

Something was very amiss.

"Oh dear." Elsa cringed. She glanced at Eugene and Rapunzel then at the other couple that was Brock and Stalyan. "This could be trouble."

"Seriously? If you're going to pretend to be me could you at least pretend to behave!" Cried Eugene.

"Pretend to be Eugene and pretend to behave?" Laughed Cassandra. "That right there is a paradox."

"I meant act appropriately with other women!" Cried Eugene.


Back in town. Alone and together, Aidan and Neoma contemplated their immobilized transport.

"So, what's your plan to get this thing moving?" Aidan asked.

Varian sat up straighter. In truth the prospect of an out of fuel dirigible was very much a prevalent problem, the Grand Engineer really did want to know what solution his brilliant daughter had in mind.

"The others are gone. It's just you and me, alone with the dirigible." Gingerly, Neoma placed a finger on Aidan's chest.

Aidan blinked in confusion.

Varian furrowed his brow, he couldn't quite follow.

"Remember that time you said I could have my way with you?" Neoma whispered and grinned mischievously.

Varian's face was one of confusion and horror. This was starting to sound inappropriate.




The screen switched to a close-up left side view of Aidan's face. The teen boy was breathing hard, beads of sweat ran freely down his temple, his mid-length blonde hair was drenched. Though the screen did not show the background it was clear that Aidan was bobbing up and down.

"Faster, Aidan. Faster!" Cried Neoma's voice.

Aidan quickened his pace, breathing harder and bobbing faster!

"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Shouted Varian! On his feet and waving his fists at the screen.

The image zoomed out to reveal Aidan fully clothed and running on some kind of human sized version of a mouse running wheel. The wheel's rotation was spinning a wooden propeller that was slowly propelling the airship forward.

"Come on Aidan, you need to run faster or we'll never catch up with the others." Said Neoma.

She was at the helm of the ship steering the craft, a good and safe distance from the boy.

"...oh." Croaked Varian.

The whole town burst out laughing. The children in the audience didn't understand what was so funny but all the adults sure did.

Slowly and meekly Varian sank back onto his seat, Kristoff and Eugene on either side of him laughing their lungs out.

"Hah. Clever girl." Praised Cassandra. "What do you think, Varian? Should we install a little emergency running wheel on all our airships?"

"Umm... Yeah honey... Sure." Varian half consciously muttered.

"Seems a bit slow to be worth adding." Said Lady Caine.

"Hmm." Huffed Hans.

Indeed the airship flew over the forest in an agonisingly slow pace.

"Gosh, Aidan. I chose you because you are the tallest in the group." Said Neoma. "Aren't tall guys meant to be good at running?"

"HUFF... Me? Nah... Flynn and Wrenn are the best runners... Or Eri. I don't think Eri ever tires!" Aidan huffed. "I'm the big buff body builder. Can't you tell?" He grinned and raised his arms to flex at Neoma.

"Urgh." Neoma groaned and turned to look at the forest below. It was then that her eyebrows furrowed.

"Eyes open, Aidan." Warned Neoma. "We got movement on the ground."

Something large and incredibly strong was pushing the trees and foliage aside. More worryingly yet, whatever was causing the disturbance was heading towards the other group!


The ride through the forest was an interesting one. Roth the wagon driver was nervously manoeuvring his horse down the almost non-existent road. Novak sat beside Roth acting as the navigator, recounting the terrain they had passed.

Conversation was sparse for the rest of the group. Amelia, Eri and especially Flynn and Wrenn were observing Stalyan and 'Eugene' like hawks.

The pair in question sat at the row near the front while the teens observed them from the rear.

Stalyan leaned over close and whispered something into Brock's ear, the man seemed to agree.

"Hah, yeah he kinda does." Brock laughed. "But who?" He turned and noticed the teens were watching them.

"Stalyan and I were just talking about your friend there." Explained Brock as he motioned his thumb towards Novak, the boy in question was too busy directing the wagon driver to notice.

"He looks so familiar to us. I could swear that we've seen him somewhere before." Explained Stalyan.

"Now we know why." Snickered Stalyan

Hans and Lady Caine raised an eyebrow at each other.

Stalyan then turned her head skywards, to the dirigible a few distance back. Her eyes narrowed in thought.

"You know, come to think of it." Stalyan prodded Brock. "That girl with the raven hair looks an awful lot like Cassandra."

Cassandra snickered. She, Stalyan, Brock, Lady Caine and Hans passed one another a wry smile. Old friends reminiscing their travels together in the past.

"Gee. You two have been around a lot and met a lot of people." Flynn grumbled.

The coupled shared a laugh, it was intimate, adding to the ever growing ire of the twins.

"Great." Huffed Eugene. "You two made my kids think I cheated their mother!"

Brock nervously loosened his colar. There was some dread in his eyes.


"So this was the lair of Hacksaw Horvath, the mutilator who had our town living in fear for the last ten years, eh?" Roth laughed.

Before the ground group stood an eerie old plantation. Overgrown with moss and vines, the facility was a sad state of neglect and disrepair.

"What a slob. You would think even a psycho would better maintain his own dwelling." Spat Roth. "It's not like he didn't have a hacksaw to keep the trees in shape!"

"Umm... Yep he's a slob." Novak muttered unsurely.

"I say we go have a look." Roth suggested. "I need to see a body to confirm his death."

"Hey we can't stop now!" Brock protested. "My wif-... girlf-... Travel companion! Is due any day now! We need to get her to The Dark Kingdom as soon as possible!"

"Calm down, your majesty. I just need a quick confirmation of death then we can leave this god awful crud bowl." Roth insisted, he then turned to Novak. "Let's go, young man."

"Fine." Novak agreed with resignation.

"It'll be ok. Heavens I need a break from the bumpy ride." Stalyan assured Brock. "Why don't you go in as well, there could be treasures inside." She encouraged.

"Don't worry. Amelia and Eri will look after her." Wrenn declared for her two friends. This surprised the two girls.

Hesitantly, Brock agreed.

Wordlessly, Flynn and Wrenn followed.

Roth and Novak entered the front while Brock, Flynn and Wrenn entered the back.

As the the two groups disappeared into the creepy building. Eri, Amelia and Stalyan turned their attention to each other.

"So... That Eugene Fitzherbert." Amelia initiated. "He seems to really care about you."

"Blargue!" Spat Stalyan. "Eugene Fitzherbert caring about me!? Honey. I honestly never thought I'd live to hear that sentence."

Eri and Amelia were taken aback by the reaction, they did not expect such a response.

Eugene looked around his surroundings awkwardly. Rapunzel said nothing, and Stalyan just glowered at the screen. Brock however looked extremely apprehensive, despite knowing already that Stalyan will be okay.

Deciding to take the focus off herself Stalyan proceeded to investigate her two apparent guardians.

"Say." Stalyan grinned. "You two are easy on the eyes, young and in your swinging teen years... such good times. Have either of you found yourselves a boyfriend yet?"

Eri and Amelia both froze at the question.

"Umm... No. I can't say we have." Answered Amelia.

Eri shook her head. "Our lifestyle makes it hard for us to find and commit to relationships."

"Ah well. You want to take it slowly anyway. And definitely don't get yourselves married on impulse." Stalyan warned.

"Heh, she's a wise one." Praised Kristoff.

"I'll say." Agreed Elsa.

Anna pouted.

Eugene loosened his collar, feeling a prickling build up of anxiety.

"I got engaged on impulse once and my dog of a fiancé left me to dry at the altar!" Cursed Stalyan. "After raiding my father's treasury."

"Ok that was dumb." Laughed Kristoff. He quickly ducked when an enraged Anna began swatting him.

"It's not funny, Kristoff! What happened to her was terrible!" Cursed Anna, taking the story a little more personally than intended. "Ooh, I'd like to give her ex-fiancé a hard punch to the mouth!"

Anna didn't notice Eugene shuffling away from her, almost hiding behind Rapunzel.

"Oh gosh. We are so sorry to hear what happened." Offered Eri.

"My mom also warned me against impulse engagements." Amelia admitted. "She told me never to give my heart so quickly and so freely, as she had done."

Raising her head, Anna sat up straighter. She let out a breath of exaltation and smiled at herself. She was glad the Anna from the future has taught Amelia that particular piece of wisdom.

"Well I can think of at least one girl in this group that has a guy chasing her." Said Eri, deciding to lighten the mood. "And she is not making it easy for him."

Amelia let out a laugh.


"Gonna fly now... Trying hard now." Aidan sang between breaths.

"You could probably run faster if you breathed more and sang less!" berated Neoma.

"Hey. This song motivates me." Aidan puffed.

The airship was still flying at snail pace, but at least they were making progress.


A gust of strong wind blew against the airship, pushing the craft backwards by five metres.

"Dammit. That's ten minutes of running we've been set back." Neoma cursed.

"Urghhuhuhuh." Aidan groaned. He looked like he wanted to cry.

Neoma looked down at the unidentified movement on the ground. Movement that was getting further and further away from them with each passing second.

"Alright, enough fooling around. We're switching places!" Declared Neoma. "Aidan. Take the wheel."

"Ok." Rasped Aidan. He wasn't about to object. But then-.


Neoma tore the mouse wheel from the deck and hurled the construct overboard!

"What are you doing!?" Screamed Aidan.

Neoma ripped away the propeller and threw it overboard also.

"Holy crap. We're stuck now!" Cried Aidan.

But then Neoma summoned her Moonstone powers, she turned her blackrock armour into a propeller and locked it in place of the old propeller.

Aidan watched as Neoma placed her hands together and with an exert of telekinetic concentration the blackrock propeller blade spun.

And it spun fast! The airship was suddenly soaring, nearly throwing Aidan onto the deck.

"Oh that's right. Just like the Man Mower formation." Aidan recalled, taking the wheel. "Wait. Why didn't you just do that from the beginning!?"

"Eh, I guess I finally just wanted to fool around a bit." Neoma shrugged.

"So you were dicking with me!?" Asked Aidan.

"Yup." Neoma smiled. "Just taking your advice on having fun once in a while."

"Ah, so you like the cruel kind of fun." Laughed Aidan. "I love her, I love her, I love her!" He muttered with a great big grin.

"How close are we?" Asked Neoma.

"Close? OH! Yeah we are right on top of him now." Answered Aidan.

"Great. Let's get this guy." Neoma summoned a tall blackrock peak from the forest below and slid down.


"Urgh, good grief. This guy has like an abattoir as his living room!" Cringed Brock.

Nonetheless dispite these obscenities, Brock evidently appears to have absolutely no qualms about picking pockets for valuables from the numbers of skeletons lying about the dusty slaughter house, likely once caked in gore.

This of course provoked more than a few frowns throughout the town.

"Gee Wiz, this one is in bits!" Complained Brock. "Sucks to be these guys, I can't imagine being locked in an abattoir with a maniac or two."

He was about to find out.


Brock spun on his heels to find the both entry ways to the room slammed shut, the twins that he had partnered up with had locked the three of them in the abattoir together.

"Whoa, I think Brock is in trouble." Kristoff winced.

Flynn and Wrenn slowly approached their nervous quarry, with malicious intentions!


"Horvath has been dead all along!?" Accused Roth, gesturing at the slumped skeleton. "You lied to us! You didn't kill him in some epic battle!"

"Hey, it was way more exciting that way!" Novak defended.

The audience laughed or groaned. Clearly the revelation brought on some mixed reactions.

"Should have known it was just a ruse." Laughed Eugene as he handed the Stabbington Brothers a silver piece.

"Well I for one am relieved the children didn't have to fight." Breathed Frederic.

"He's right." Said Elsa. "The greatest victory is a battle unfought."

Most of the table seemed to agree with the piece of wisdom provided by Elsa. Most.

"Well I don't know about that." Argued Sideburns, rubbing his chin as he grinned in thought. "There's really no better feeling than having a cold drink over your enemy's smoking corpse."

"He's kidding!" Exclaimed Hans.

Aside from Patchy and Lady Caine, the rest of the group appeared horrified that Sideburns would behave so appallingly over a person's body.

Novak patted the old skeleton on the shoulder, raising a billow of age old dust.

"Do you really want the town's folk to find out that the Hacksaw killer has been dead for... a decade? And that they have all spent just as long living in fear and suffering dragged out delivery runs for nothing?"

Still with a great frown on his face the travel agent manager pondered on Novak's words.

"Oooh, alright." Roth conceded.

"Heh. Guess it really doesn't hurt to lie." Said Kristoff.


"WAAH-!" Brock screamed in pain. "HWOAH!" A punch to stomach cut the scream as well as knocking the wind out of him.

"I take it back." Said Kristoff.

Flynn lunged and brought his fist up across the impostor's cheek, spinning Brock on the spot, Brock made a complete one hundred and eighty degree turn, stopping only when his face was met with the hard heel of Wrenn's boot.

Stars exploded into the Eugenepostor's vision as he took the full force of the girl's devastating helicopter kick. When he stumbled backwards he felt arms tighten around his waist and before he knew it, Brock was lifted off his feet and slammed backwards onto the ground by a thunderous suplex by Flynn.

"Oooww." Echoed the crowd.

Everybody in the town square cringed upon witnessing the display of brutality.

Brock tried to defend himself but every time he raised a hand to defend his face a kick would hit him in the gut, and vice versa if he defended his body.

"Oh my." Stalyan gasped.

Present day Brock cringed at the memory. "Oh I still have bad dreams about that beat down."

The Baron seemed to enjoy the show.

"Oh gods. Please no more I beg you." Brock pleaded. "I have a wife and a child on the way!"

This only served to enrage the twins further. With gritting teeth, Flynn and Wrenn glared murderously at their supposed father.

Flynn seized the imposter by the collar and hoisted him to his feet.



Eugene's face was one of palpable horror. His own kids could and would relentlessly beat him to a bloody pulp!

"Well Fitzherbert. Let Brock's punishment be a warning for you, if ever you think to be unfaithful to Rapunzel." Cassandra narrowed her eyes at Eugene.

"Yeah, and don't forget what the rest of us will do to you!" Anna cracked her knuckles.

"You're all crazy!" Eugene rebuked, moving over to wrap his arms around his wife. "I would never cheat my dear sweet Rapunzel. Never ever no matter what forever!"

"I believe you, Eugene." Giggled Rapunzel, patting Eugene's hand.

Suddenly a crash from the opposite side of the room interrupted the interrogation, another crash and the wall gave way, smashing into the abattoir. The light of forest outside cast a dark silhouette of what could only be described as a hulking giant of a man. The new comer stepped inside, crushing a skull with his heavy foot falls, the Baron has arrived.


"Oh great. What else can go wrong!?" Brock whimpered.

"I'm going to break your pretty fac-." The Baron paused upon seeing Brock's battered and bruised face. "Hmm. Looks like someone beat me to it."

Then Aidan and Neoma also entered the room through the hole in the wall, both were out of breath.

"And you said bodybuilders can't run?" Neoma huffed.

"Hey... I'm just as stumped... about it... as you." Aidan wheezed.

"Uh. Aidan, Neoma. Why are you two down here and who is this?" Asked Flynn.

But before the Arendellian prince and the alchemist could answer, the sound of scraping metal was heard and the once locked door was kicked open.

"Hey what's going on? We heard a crash and the house shook!" Novak demanded.

Said Novak and the travel agency manager stepped into the room.


"So this guy is not our dad?" Whispered Wrenn. Flynn, Novak, Neoma, Aidan and Wrenn herself were in a huddle.

"No. His name is Brock Thunderstrike, an ex-thief and con-artist. We know about him because he use to travel with my mom and Novak's mom and dad." Answered Neoma. "And that out there is Stalyan."

"Wow. Same guy?" Asked Novak, raised his head up to observe the battered man.

"One of Brock's many facets is his striking similarity to Eugene Fitzherbert." Finished Neoma.

"Which is exactly why I want to punch him everyday!" The Baron growled, towering over the cowering former Flynnposter.

"Huh, you know he looks even more like Eugene, now that Flynn and Wrenn has roughed him up." Laughed Anna. She glanced between the screen and Eugene.

With the swollen left eyelid, black eye on the right, ruffled hair, bloody nose and split lip. All courtesy of Cassandra. The two were identical.

Flynn and Wrenn moved to stand in front of Brock, the man grimaced. Even though the boy and girl were much shorter than him, the twins can be incredibly intimidating.

"Kinda reminds me of Rapunzel when she's angry." Whispered Cassandra.

Varian nodded.

"If you are not Eugene Fitzherbert, than why did you impersonate him!?" Flynn demanded.

Brock hesitated at first, but relented. "Oh. You see, we were on our way to The Dark Kingdom. And since Fitzherbert and I have such similar appearances I thought I might take advantage of some perks." Brock confessed.

The audience groaned, a few booed, someone threw a scrunched paper bag at the screen.

"Well. I'm glad the beating wasn't completely undeserved." Said Wrenn. Her fists on her hips

"Oh it was plenty well deserved!" The Baron growled. He approached the imposter. "You knocked up my daughter and fled!"

"Now now. You make it sound like I'm a dead beat." Brock brokered for calm. "I knocked her up and fled with her."

Brock's clarification seemed only to aggravate the big man further. Things looked like they were about to get violent again when suddenly...

"WRENN AND FLYNN. YOU TWO GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" Amelia screamed, her features frantic.

Such was the urgency, that she barrelled through the skeleton strewn abattoir with complete disregard of what normal people would consider a harrowing scene as she seized Flynn and Wrenn.

The twins blinked curiously at Amelia. It takes a lot to cause their hardy second cousin to panic.

"It's Stalyan. She's in labour!" Cried Amelia.

"WHAT!?" Exclaimed Brock and The Baron.


"Oooh. Aaaah!" Cried Stalyan. She was on the seat of the wagon, clutching her stomach. Beads of sweat running down her brow.

Rapunzel gasped, her hands flying to her mouth.

"Goodness." Said Elsa with worry.

There was much worrying circulating around town. People have begun muttering furiously.

"Just hang in there, Stalyan. You're going to be alright!" Comforted Eri. Placing a cold hand on Stalyan's sweating brow.

"Why that damn Brock. How could he do this to me!?" Cursed Stalyan.

The man in question and the rest of the group suddenly rushed out of the overgrown plantation, Brock and The Baron at the head.

"STALYAN!" Both men yelled.

"Dad!?" Gasped Stalyan. Then Stalyan's eyes fell on Brock and immediately went on to unleash her verbal wrath... Which thankfully died on her lips once she got a better look at Brock.

"Really?" Asked Stalyan. Narrowing her eyes accusingly at her father.

"And I'll do it again!" The Baron gleefully took the blame. Then his expression became creased with worry, the sight of his daughter in pain with a big round tummy made his anger resurface. "You know what? I think I'll do it right now!"

The Baron spun on Brock but the teens were quick to pull them apart.

"Serious, people we have a situation!" Cried Eri. Still holding the pain stricken Stalyan.

"How far are we from The Dark Kingdom!?" Asked Brock.

"It should still be about a six hour ride." Said Roth.

"No no no no!" Brock began to panic.

"Oh no." Gasped Anna.

"We can't wait that long." Stated Amelia

"Guys, help me set Stalyan on the ground!" Said Eri, agreeing fully.

Without question the rest of the teens carefully lifted Stalyan off the wagon. And onto the ground.

"We're just going to have to do the delivery here!" Declared Wrenn.

This bold declaration surprised a few of the audience.

"Can they really?" Muttered Cassandra.

"Do they know how?" Winced Anna.

Rapunzel was equally as surprised. She looked over to the adjacent table to glance at Stalyan and her happy family. Obviously the procedure would be a success, that thought immediately put Rapunzel's mind at ease and a smile on her face.

But it was how this was done that would be quite a shock.

The men of the group all loitering around the parked wagon. Some sat in the wagon, others on the grass, while Brock and the Baron walked in circles as far away from each other as they could.

Not far away was a large ice tent, where within, the girls prepared their work with Stalyan.

"AAAAAAAHHH!" An ear splitting scream shattered the forest of silence, scattering the wildlife.

"Zzzzzzzz." Snored Roth.

The other members of the male group stared at the snoozing wagon driver incredulously. Roth was just sleeping on the driver's seat, not a care in the world.

"How is he just sleeping it off like that?" Asked Anna, baffled by the apparent lack of care being displayed.

"Does that man have no appreciation for the effort and pain we mothers go through in labour!?" Rapunzel frowned.

"Roth has the right idea." Flynn shrugged. Throwing a twig into the bon fire that he, Aidan and Novak shared. "We better make ourselves comfortable. This could take a few hours if we're really lucky, or half a day if we're mildly lucky. I know, I've had to fill in for Wrenn once."

And with a grumble, the other two boys proceeded to do as Flynn suggested. Novak leaned against a large rock and Aidan laid himself on the grass, picking his nose. It was going to be a long day.

But suddenly!


The men jolted, the baby continued to cry.

"ALL DONE!" Sang Amelia, skipping out of the ice tent.

"Wait. WHAT!?" Squeaked Anna.

"Congratulations Mr Thunderstrike, it's a boy!" Chirped Amelia.

Brock gasped.

"A boy huh?" The Baron sighed.

"Umm. Can... Can I go in and see them?" Brock nervously asked.

"No need! I'm coming out!" And waltzing out of the ice tent with the baby in her arms was Stalyan!

Anna's jaw fell limp.

Rapunzel's eyes were as wide as saucers, as was everyone else at the table.

"WOOH! I feel great!" Cheered Stalyan. Bouncing on her feet like she was never pregnant.

"What!? But how!?" Asked Anna.

The audience were just as shocked.

"It was easy." Laughed Neoma, stepping out of the tent followed by Wrenn and Eri. "We just get Eri to numb Stalyan's stomach with her cold hands, then..."

Amelia whipped out a dagger. "I cut her open!"

The audience winced.

"We carefully extract the baby and hand it over to Neoma for cleaning, then Wrenn quickly heals Stalyan's wound plus all the other stuff ravaged and stretched over the nine months." Amelia merrily explained. "Everything was over in five minutes!"

"No... way." Anna's eyebrows furrowed. Not quite believing what she was hearing.

"That sounds almost too good to be true." Muttered Cassandra.

The entire town was silent.

Present day Stalyan laughed at the memory and revelling at the shocked expressions on everyone's faces. Little by little the shock wore off and in no time at all, Stalyan was assailed by the jealous glares of envy from every other mother in town.

"I was outside, nervously waiting while listening to Cassandra scream and curse for twelve hours straight." Varian recalled. "She kept threatening to wring my neck!"

"Eight hours for Caine." Hans cringed. "But oh did she rage. 'I'LL BREAK HIS FRAIL BONES IN HALF AND RINSE MY HANDS IN HIS BLOOD!' She kept screaming. "

"You two got it easy. I was in the room with Rapunzel when she had the twins!" Whimpered Eugene. "Oh, where in heavens were Flynn and Wrenn when Rapunzel was crushing my hands giving birth to Flynn and Wrenn!?"

"Fighting through hell!" Grumbled Rapunzel. "Well at least I was!"

"I just want everyone to know, that Aidan was a very big baby with a very big head!" Anna huffed.

The air of grievance circulating around town was thick. But then-.

"Poor Stalyan." Sighed Elsa. "Five whole minutes plus an incision. That sure sounds awfully exhausting." The problem was, the Snow Queen wasn't being sarcastic.

The mutterings stopped, all heads slowly turned towards said Snow Queen. It suddenly dawned on everyone that Elsa was the one mother who would have it easier than Stalyan!

And possibly one other...

"Mom, Dad?" Asked Melody. "Why didn't you two just ask grandfather to turn you two into merpeople, conceive their way with the egg laying and fertilizing, come back on land and keep me in a fishbowl until I was big enough. Then ask grandfather to turn me into a human baby... or keep me as a merbaby? Either way works for me."

"BLAAARGHARGA!" Ariel scoffed.

Eric burst out laughing.

"That's pretty clever, sweety. But I'm afraid couples rarely do plan or prepare for these things." Laughed Eric as he merrily educated his young adolescent daughter. "In fact. In most cases it is because they lose control and then after a few months it comes back and hits them in the face like a wet towel."

Ariel swatted her husband.

"I'm surprised you know how to perform a caesarean." Commented Flynn.

"Well... I may have accidentally nipped the baby in the bottom." Amelia meekly confessed.

"I was there. So all incisions purposeful or otherwise was quickly mended." Wrenn assured.


Night had fallen but no one was keen to retire in their current unsettling location, and so the dirigible flew over the thick forest. Neoma once again took up spinning the propeller while this time Eri took the helm. Their passengers, Brock, The Baron, Stalyan and the baby sat at the centre of the craft.

Neoma took a moment to hold out her hand over the ship's rails and emit a flash of blue light. This action was replied with a gold flash visible from the ground, piercing the thick tree canopies below.

"Ground team is still with us and maintaining pace." Neoma reported.

Eri smiled at her friend. The Snow Princess then looked to observe their passengers.

"Here, father. You haven't yet held him." Offered Stalyan.

The Baron raised an eyebrow, he regarded the squishy bundle with only mild curiosity. His daughter still held the baby up to him with an encouraging smile on her face.

Eri and Neoma watched and stared at the scene unfolding. Brock looked ready to bite his nails off in nervousness as the very large man took the innocent fragile tiny newborn into his big burly paws.

For a long moment nothing happened then-.

"Awwww." The Baron sighed.

"Ha, in the end he is such a big teddy bear at heart." Laughed Eugene.

The present day Baron grumbled.

"Hey Eri, could you take the propeller for the rest of the way?" Neoma asked. "We are getting close to the Dark Kingdom's borders. And from what I've been told, folks there get a bit jumpy when they see black rocks and blunettes."

"Gee, I wonder why." Chuckled Eugene, making Cassandra grumble.

"Sure, of course." Eri accepted. The girls switched places.

Neoma removed the black rock propeller and deactivated her Moonstone powers. The now raven haired alchemist took the wheel with her one good hand. At the same time Eri formed an ice propeller and with a wave of her hand the platinum blonde ice mage willed the component to spin, the craft resumed it's velocity every bit as fast and smooth as before.

All was well until.

"Triple flash below us! Ground group is in trouble!" Eri warned.

The dirigible stopped.

"Stay here and watch Stalyan, the baby and the others. I'll go down to have a look." Eri said.

The aforementioned passengers gaped as the ice mage stepped over the railing and heedlessly dove overboard, plunging two hundred feet to the forest below.

"She'll be just fine." Neoma waved them off like it was nothing.

"I still have trouble wrapping my head around Elsa's daughter." Said Hans. "Or any of our kids."

"A lot of us still do." Said Kristoff.

"And it's not just the kids. This magic screen never seems to run out of surprises for us." Agreed Varian.


"IT'S DR NAIL BRAINS!" Screamed Roth. The cowardly wagon driver ducked down and crawled under the vehicle.

A tall, gangly deranged doctor armed with a hammer and railway nails barred the ground group's path. He wore a maniacal smile and a large nail through his head... yet he is still standing.

"How does that even work!?" Exclaimed Eugene. He got no answers.

Next came a man with exaggeratedly large spikey gauntlets.


Then another, but this one carried a vicious, barbed nine tail whip.


"Geez Louis! How many psychos live in this forest!?" Gasped Anna.

The answer was apparently two dozen, all with funky names and obscene physical features to match.

Then out of nowhere Eri crashed through the trees, snapping several branches without slowing until she finally hit the ground flat on her face. Eri's limbs parted from her body as the kinetic force of the impact splattered her all over the battleground.

The mob was silenced by the unusual and certainly unexpected entrance. Then they all watched the Eri bits move with life of their own and congregate until a body is reformed.

"IT'S THE TERMINA-. Oh wait. It's just your friend." Roth gasped.

The assembly of people growled and the two side resumed the stand off. When suddenly.

"Halt!" Came a new voice. It was loud, it was commanding, it stayed the actions of all parties. Stealing Eri's thunder. "Evil doers, you enter the realm of King Edmund with malicious intent, and have thus brought with you your obscenities into these lands. As a defender of The Dark Kingdom, I shall administer your decisive punishment."

Stepping out of the shadows was a tall woman dressed for battle. She wore her long white hair in a large, thick braid and has bedecked the left half of her face in red war paint.

Rapunzel squealed in delight upon catching sight of this new interloper. Eugene scoffed good heartedly and even Cassandra smiled in recognition of the tall warrior of The Dark Kingdom Brotherhood.

"Psss. Lemme guess... this one is called Milk Cherry Crunch?" Amelia appeared beside the prone Roth and joked.

"Milk Cherry Crunch?" Repeated Elsa.

"Her name is Adira. Don't worry, she is a friend of ours." Explained Rapunzel.


"You kids did well." Praised Adira, the warrior woman hurled a body onto the body pile. "For so long now I have wanted to take care of those butchers but never had the jurisdiction to do so outside the kingdom's borders. Thanks for luring them in."

"Oh I'm sure they wouldn't have minded." Eri pointed her thumb at the anxious Roth.

Aidan threw what was once Aaron The Arsonist onto the body pile, Flynn threw in the rest of him.

"Oh the irony." Said Amelia. She raised her keyblade and set the dead arsonist on fire, the flames quickly spread to the rest of the dead.

"So. King Eugene." Adira addressed Brock, who had descended. "Have you come to visit your father?"

"I um..." Brock stammered. He turned to glance at Flynn and Wrenn, Brock physically recoiled when the twins replied with glares of warning daggers.

"Nope No. I am not King Eugene of Corona. My name is Brock Thunderstrike, I am travelling with my wife and our baby... along with my father-in-law. We simply need to find a place to stay." Brock promptly clarified.

"You know, this does beg the the question." Said Cassandra. "How do we know that Edmund's long estranged son is Eugene? I mean it could just as likely be Brock this whole time!"

This turned a few heads. Many began to contemplate the topic.

"Oh that's ridiculous, of course Eugene is my Horace." Rebuked Edmund. "I had Hamuel watch over him his whole life."

Everyone looked up towards the church tower, the brain damaged raven was performing some kind of bird mating dance to woo a dove sculpture.

"Hmm. Or maybe we do have a compelling case on our hands." Edmund rubbed his bearded chin.

"DAD!" Cried Eugene.

But Edmund had a wry smile on his face.


The party now exited the forest and out onto the bright clearing. The sun had at last risen and onto the lands with its golden rays did it present. The shining city of The Dark Kingdom.

Riding down the gondola a transport prevalent in the Dark Kingdom even before it's previous collapse, the group sailed above the developing city, passing over the wonderous outer town filled with steam powered machines and mechanical marvels.

"Oooh." The audience was enchanted by the sight. The Dark Kingdom was a another city ahead of its times. Though it was not always the case.

When Edmund decided to rebuild his Dark Kingdom he was to begin his work with a hole riddled landscape and literally just himself, Adira and Hector for man power.

The task was monumental, not a single original building remained standing, but luckily Edmund has connections. With his son and daughter-in-law and his old friend Quirin which also meant Varian would be involved, the Dark Kingdom's rebuilding would be done with help. This was of course after they dealt with Corona's own hole riddled repairs.

It was slow but over time the Dark Kingdom was restored and hundreds of former citizens flocked back, eager to rebuild their country of origin. And with Varian to let loose without restraint on a empty piece of land? The Dark Kingdom became another City of the Future, second only to Old Corona.

"Trust me, you do not want to see what a 'city of the future' looks like." Warned Neoma as the group stepped out.

Incidentally the king Edmund himself was in the area, and he was there to greet the group.

"Hmm." Hummed Edmund. As he approached said group, towards Brock specifically.

"Great. Now dad is going to mistake Brock for me as well." Cursed Eugene.

"Heh. You know? My son has the exact same hair as you." Laughed Edmund. Slapping Brock on the back. "My name is Edmund, as king I welcome you to the Dark Kingdom, I hope you will enjoy your stay."

Eugene's mouth fell wide open.

"Did you really think I couldn't tell the difference between you and Brock, son?" Laughed Edmund.

Everyone on the table stared at Edmund in astonishment. The man really can identify a lookalike from his son.

A gentle smile finally formed on Eugene's lips.

After offering their heartfelt thanks and then bidding the Heroic Seven a very fond farewell, Brock, Stalyan, and the Baron with the baby left with Adira to arrange for accommodations.

Roth the wagon driver too made his leave, parting company with the seven teens as he was escorted away by Hector. The manager of the travel agency will debrief Hector so they can reopen and re-establish travel routes.

That left Flynn, Wrenn, Aidan, Amelia, Eri, Neoma and Novak with Edmund.

"You actually met and spoke with the teenagers!?" Elsa gasped.

"I guess I did." Edmund was wide eyed, just as surprised by the revelation.

"My thanks to you brave young warriors. Adira has informed me of your invaluable part in clearing the forest path of dangers." Edmund bowed. "Hector has tried it several times but he always ends up scaring them away with his rhino. That man cannot resist a grand entrance."

"I guess the loonies thought we were easy pickings with our meek little wagon." Amelia chuckled.

"The last mistake of their lives." Shrugged Novak.

"And your assistance in helping that couple deliver their child is truly an admirable deed."

"Oh it was nothing." Neoma chuckled.

Edmund nodded, giving a warm smile at each member of the group of seven. However his eyes suddenly narrowed and his brows furrowed when at last his vision focussed upon Flynn and Wrenn. The king could not help but freeze on the spot.

Edmund had known that Brock was not Horace from the very first glance. But the two teenagers that stand before him now? There was something unseen, beyond the comprehension of science or logic. The two exuded an aura of familiarity, their very presence melted his heart and created warm and fuzzies in his stomach.

All was quiet throughout town.

Rapunzel, Eugene, Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Cassandra, Varian, Arianna, Frederic, Lady Caine, Hans, the Stabbington Brothers, Marius and Matthew all stared at Edmund.

Could Edmund have figured it out?

"Uh ahem." Edmund shook himself and cleared his throat. "Well anyway. I was just about to perform my routine weekly inspection of the city, and seeing that you seven are new here. Perhaps you youngsters would like a tour?" The king offered.

"Well how could we possibly refuse?" Aidan spoke for the team.

"Mhm." The said team agreed.

"Wonderful. I can tell this will be much more pleasant than my regular company." Laughed Edmund.


"Hmm." Grunted Hector. He rode on the wagon with Roth.


And so the group went on their tour of the city, the twins Flynn and Wrenn flanked the king on either side. Edmund with jovial enthusiasm introduced the teenagers to the various parts of the city, it was quite an impressive sight and truly a marvel to behold. Every building was built from scratch and only recently too, making it incredibly modern compared to other kingdoms.

Yet throughout the tour the king could not help but steal a glance or two at the twins every so often. Flynn and Wrenn would occasionally do the same in turn, and the other members saw it.

"Oh look. There is a minerals store in the marketplace!" Exclaimed Neoma. "Excuse me while I gather some much needed ingredients."

"Aidan, go with Neoma. Be a gentleman and carry her bags for her." Said Wrenn. Then indicating at Neoma's immobile prosthetic arm.

"Uh, sure. Gladly, but why doesn't Neoma just use her Moo- Hmmm!" Aidan's sentence was cut short when Amelia clasped both her hands over his mouth.

So imperative was the need to silence her brother that Amelia had climbed onto Aidan! A few bystanders stopped to watch the siblings awkwardly wrestle.

"Never ever mention Neoma's powers here!" Eri whispered behind her gritting teeth.

"Oh. I gotcha now." Aidan grinned, still muffled with Amelia clasping his mouth. The rest of the group sweat-dropped in light of their leader's carelessness.

As Aidan and Neoma parted company, Eri then excused herself. "We shall go now to gather food for our stay." She looped her hands around the arms of Amelia and Novak and the three of them left the tour too.

Now it was just Flynn and Wrenn with Edmund.

"Please excuse our friends." Wrenn apologised.

"They meant you no disrespect." Flynn bowed.

Thankfully there was nothing to excuse as Edmund took no disrespect from the abrupt departures.

"Quite alright. Actually, I have been wanting to speak with the two of you." Edmund smiled and asked. "You two are brother and sister aren't you? And twins no less?"

"Uh yes. We are Len and Rin. Pleased to meet you, your Majesty." Flynn saluted.

Wrenn saluted too, but not before giving her brother a wry smile for going for their used cover names.

Edmund observed the two, perhaps the first person from this world to not be puzzled by the odd salute. He sighed and smiled. "Even your names are so similar."

The twins blinked.

"When I saw that Brock Thunderstrike fellow from earlier with his child, and then I looked at the two of you-." Edmund sighed. "I was instantly reminded of my two grandchildren. Flynnigan and Wrennetta."

Flynn and Wrenn passed a grin at one another. Here was their chance to get to know their paternal grandfather without getting caught.

"Tell us about your thoughts on them." They urged.


"Oh finally, a respectable minerals store with a decent assortment of raw materials!" Cheered Neoma with starry eyes.

Cassandra blinked. This was an uncharacteristically bubbly behaviour of her daughter. It was a pleasant surprise.

Indeed they were seeing Neoma merrily out shopping like normal teenage girl. Though her items of interests might be anything but normal.

"Sodium Hypochlorite and Solvent. I could make a few poison gas bombs with these!" Chirped Neoma.

"She's kidding!" Exclaimed Aidan, assuring the store keeper of no ill intent. This was a lie of course.

"Sweet phosphorus, Neoma sure knows her stuff." Varian chuckled, a single sweat drop rolling down his face. His daughter still impressed and horrified him.

Aidan peered over the basket stack of jars to observe Neoma, the one armed alchemist was scouring the shelves gleefully picking the items she needs, and many items she won't need. Aidan held onto the basket with both hands, the large teen actually beginning to strain under the increasing weight of Neoma's haul.

"Shopping with Neoma sure is fun." Chuckled Aidan.

"We all say that at first." Grinned Eugene. Earning a swat from Rapunzel.


"Urgh, why are we looking at books again?" Whined Amelia. She, Eri and Novak were in the city library. A labyrinth of books, scroll and manuscripts new and ancient filled its halls, a treasure trove of knowledge collected from near and far. Amelia however seemed disinterested in books, she was much more eager to explore the streets and see the world physically.

Elsa chuckled. Her niece was very much just like Anna.

Elsa and Anna each ruled their respective kingdoms well, but they both have their advantages and disadvantages. Elsa herself was excellent in managing and documenting paperworks and logistics, but sometimes have trouble with people. Anna on the other hand is great with people, preferring to talk and listen to her subjects. That being said Anna can sometimes be found asleep on her desk, drooling on the paperworks.

And Eri is very much like Elsa, diligent and determine in her studies.

"It is part of the mission, Amy. We are here to gather intel." Said Eri, high up on a ladder browsing through the shelves. "For many generations the rulers of the Dark Kingdom were the stoic guardians of the Moonstone. Not only that, but they are also highly knowledgeable on the fell and dark mystical forces of the world."

Eri picked up a book titled 'Grimehilde, The Evil Queen.' Then placed it back. "Thus far the places we have visited have been... tamed, or at the least the ones that aren't we were able to overcome. At our next destinations, we may not be so lucky."

"The Southern Isles and the Monster Island. The locations of the last two infiltrators." Whispered Amelia. To which Eri nodded in response.

"Do not forget the three dark portals we still need to seal up, well specifically you need to seal up." Eri inclined her head at her cousin, and Amelia at once thought on her Keyblade and her role in this mission.

Eri picked up another book, titled on the cover 'The Fey Folk.' The enchanting picture of a beautiful butterfly winged maiden only caused Eri to glower. "We haven't yet faced the Maleficent, Zhan Tiri, Brad the Defacer and the barbarian king Kroza Kul of this time. And don't forget Chernabog, that four hundred foot devil that sits on the last portal."

A dark unseen cloud of foreboding fell upon the parent group. The real challenge hasn't even yet begun.

"Who are those that Eri mentioned?" Asked Hans.

"Trouble." Answered Kristoff.

"Two of them tried to kill you in the other world, one of them succeeded." Varian warned.

"Tck." Hans cringed. Then he thought of The Southern Isles his old home, which according to Eri has an Unquiet infiltrator worming its way within. Hans cringed harder.

After taking in Eri's advice, Amelia too endeavoured to take the time to gather Intel. Albeit she intends to do it her own way, and she won't be going alone.

"Watchya reading?"

"Gah!" Yelped Novak, suddenly sitting straight.

Amelia giggled, she had managed to surprise the pirate ninja.

"Oh, sorry Amy. I was reading about the legend of Captain Hook, a pirate from the seventeenth century." Novak said as he leaned back on his chair and held up the book for the girl. "It is said, that in his quest for immortality he set sail to a land of eternal stagnation. Where children never grow up and he and his crew will never grow old. At least that was the story my mom told me."

"Wow that's neat-. Eh... Novak we are suppose to be gathering info for the mission. And no, I don't mean grab different book." Amelia said sternly. Looping her hands around his arm and hauling the boy to his feet "You and I are going to town." She cheered.

"Did she have to say it like that!?" Kristoff gagged. Anna looked at him funnily, she clearly did not get the slang.


Flynn and Wrenn laughed with their unwitting grandfather. The trio passed through the industrial district of the city, the area of manufacturing and mass imports and exports.

"So little Flynn did a wee all over your face!?" Snorted Wrenn.

"Oh yes. The nurses advised that I should just let them do the diper change." Edmund laughed without hesitation.

"Oh I think they may be right." Mumbled Flynn, slightly red.

The trio approached a large warehouse where a man was waiting to receive them.

"Excuse me for a moment." Edmund pardoned himself from the twins as the headman bowed and promptly relayed to the king the weekly report. All of which Edmund was pleased with.

Flynn and Wrenn watched their grandfather work, with pride in their eyes.

"Very good, sir. Keep up the good work." Praised Edmund. The man gave the king a bow then returned to resume his duties. Edmund retuned to the twins. "Thank you for waiting. Now what we're we talking about again?"

"Flynn here wee'd all over your face!" Wrenn blurted, for which she received an elbow to the arm from her brother for almost botching their cover.

"Ah yes." Edmund clasped his hands together, totally oblivious to the girl's blunder. "That last visit was a joyous one to remember, Frederic gave us quite a scare. I was so relieved to see him miraculously recover. I am curious as to how that happened."

Flynn and Wrenn passed a glance to one another.

The tour continued.


"Ooooh that smells nice. Let's try that stall." Chirped Amelia.

The girl was bouncing on her toes, taking Novak by the arm and gleefull pulling him around the market district.

A frown quickly formed on Kristoff's face.

"Weren't those two supposed to be gathering information?" Asked Hans, every bit as concerned as Kristoff.

Elsa said nothing. From as far back as she could remember Elsa has always been protective of Anna, and naturally that sisterly protectiveness has evolved into auntie protectiveness. Thus hence forth Elsa continues to watch the interactions of her niece like a hawk.

Lady Caine watched with curious amusement.

The Stabbington Brothers grinned.

"Oh, they're multitasking. I am sure." Giggled Anna.

"I'll tell you what." The stall keeper suggested. "If you purchase two corndogs then I will tell you two what I know about Monster Island."

Amelia seemed happy to accept the offer and reached into her coin pouch. But it was at this moment that Novak stepped in.

"Don't worry about it, Amy. I got this one." He smiled at her.

Kristoff quickly went from leaning on the table to fully sitting upright, a mask of urgency on his face. "Don't let him pay for it, Amy!"

Too late.

Novak gave the man two copper pieces and the goods were exchange. But worse still...

"I know that Monster Island has monsters living on it... That is all." Stated the stall keeper.

The boy and girl gaped at him.

"What!?, That's not fair!" Cried Anna.

"What? I said if you buy two corndogs I'd tell you what I know about Monster Island. And that is all I know about it." The store keeper grinned triumphantly. "Enjoy the corndogs!"

"He duped our nephew." Growled Sideburns.

"We'll make him bleed." Promised Patchy.

The overall consensus was not a happy one.

Only Lady Caine seemed to be smiling, for something had caught her eyes and her eyes alone and she appeared rather pleased with what she saw.

Having no luck with any leads, the pair decided to take a break. Amelia had long finished her corndog and without a second thought, she proceeded to munch on a bag of cookies.

"Another dead end." Grumbled Novak, slouching on a park bench. Though it was hard for him to stay deflated as he was clearly enjoying his corndog, so much so that he even attempted to eat the cob.

"Hey Novak?" Amelia asked. "Sorry you got swindled by that guy. And it would have been me too had you not paid for them."

"Oh, I didn't think I got swindled. I mean those were pretty tasty corndogs anyway." Novak replied.

Amelia smiled, she started off sitting a couple of feet right from him, though with a few good shuffles that very quickly shrunk to half a foot.

Lady Caine raised an eyebrow.

Hans covered his face with his hand.

Anna's eyes widened.

Kristoff frowned. He discreetly made a hand gesture as though to push some space between the two.

"Oh boy, this must be soo awkward for them." Whispered Eugene. Indicating at Anna, Kristoff, Hans and Lady Caine.

Varian nodded.

Both Rapunzel and Cassandra shuffled to either side of Elsa, they noticed her becoming fidgety.

Novak noticed the sudden proximity and so with the cob still in his mouth did he turn to find Amelia beaming at him.

"Thanks for buying the corndogs." She flash him a wink and her sweet heart melting smile.

"GHLURK." Novak choked and spat out the cob. The spent vegetable core flew off screen and apparently must have hit someone, an angry cry sounded from a distance away.

Hans cringed.

Stabbington Brothers groaned.

Quickly giving his chest a few thumps and clearing his airways, Novak recomposed himself in record speed.

Novak made a cheeky grin and held out his left hand, twirling two copper coins between his fingers. "Naww. I didn't actually pay for them."

"Haha. That's my boy!" Laughed Lady Caine.

This surprised a few people. The Stabbington Brothers gaped , Eugene nodded. Hans however furrowed his eyebrows disapprovingly.

"So you stole your money back?" Amelia gasped. "COOL!"

"What!?" Cried Kristoff.

"How did you do it, when did you learn to?"

"Oh it's just a little trick my mom taught me. One of many." Novak smiled. "The idea is to take advantage of a distraction. Just like when your eyes were on the two copper pieces I showed you, I help myself to this."

And lo and behold in Novak's right hand was Amelia's bag of cookies.


"Hah. Even I didn't see that one." Laughed Lady Caine.

"Ha. The boy has his mother's sticky fingers." Sideburns laughed.

"We really should not be encouraging this." Said Hans.

"Hey. Better your wife's criminal talents than yours." Patchy argued.

Hans's lips twitched. His son wouldn't do what he did. He would have made sure to teach him to be better than that.

A protective Kristoff lifted his baby girl from the pram and into his arms. Now it was him who was clingy and refused to let go.

"Give it back!" Cried Amelia, reaching for her cookies.

Hans groaned and despaired...until.

"Here you go, Amy." Novak handed her the cookies with a chuckle and without a fight.

"Huh? Just like that?" Asked Amelia, she took the bag back and inspected the contents, pleased to see all cookies were accounted for. "Gee, I totally thought I was going to have to wrestle you for them. Spirits know I've had to pin Aidan and Flynn on hundreds of occasions to get my stuff back."

Amelia could see that Novak was smiling at her. But then something happened, his features fell. Novak looked away from her, finding sudden interest in the sky. This Amelia found confusing

"Novak. What's up?" Asked Amelia. Following his gaze but found only the empty skies.

"Amy." Novak spoke again. "I will never steal or take anything from you I'm not suppose to." Lowering his gaze and finally turning to face Amelia. She could see that he was dead serious. "Never from you."

Amelia sighed. Looking to the sky she too reminisced on past events taught to her.

"Back in the Northuldra of our old world, just before we stepped into the time portal." Amelia spoke her words softly. "My mother warned me to be careful with you."

"I guess it makes sense she wouldn't like me very much." Sighed Novak.

The present day Anna's face fell. She understood why the alternate world Anna would feel apprehensive toward the son of the man who betrayed her, she would be too after all. But present Anna knows better. She had seen the teenager through the magic screen and knows Novak to be a boy with a good heart.

Hans meanwhile lowered his head. Old guilt began to resurface, made worse now for his son has been made to carry his crimes too. Hans then turned to look at Cassandra and Varian. There was a reason why Neoma cannot use her powers in The Dark Kingdom, their daughter too had to carry the weight of her parent's crime.

The mood on the subject was getting pretty morbid...Until.

"That's why I think you're so HOT!" Chirped Amelia.

Totally destroying the dark mood.

"Wait. WHAT!?" Exclaimed Kristoff.

Novak's head spun on her. He looked just as surprised and befuddled.

"Duh. Don't you know anything about girls?" Amelia giggled.

The whole town was in shock. Then Anna squeeled with glee and Lady Caine coughed out a laugh.

"Gee. That's quite a rebel you have in your hands." Laughed Eugene.

Kristoff slowly turned his baby girl around and looked at her with a sad face. "No, Amy. You are suppose to be a good girl and listen to your mother."

But the tiny baby girl just giggle and made funny sounds at him.

Ariel turned her head towards her husband, then she rubbed her chin. This was quite an interesting piece of self discovery for her.

"Yeah. Bad boys need love too!" Sideburns cheered.

"Hey, that reminds me. Earlier at the library you were reading about pirates. Is it true that your mom was once a pirate too?" Amelia asked.

"Um, oh. Yeah!" Novak snapped to. "She was Lady Caine, a pirate gang leader, skilled in hand to hand combat and weapons style from all around the world. Her name is known and feared throughout the criminal underworld."

Lady Caine smiled.

From where Hans sat with the men of the group he watched his wife sitting with the women. Caine was smiling genuinely and warmly, and pride filled Hans's heart knowing that his son was able to make her smile like that.

"My uncles were crooks too." Grinned Novak. He called them crooks with such pride.

"Did they teach you any tricks?" Asked Amelia.

"Oh they did. Though if they were here they would have told me to simply mug the stall keeper!" Novak held out a dagger dramatically.

"HELL YEAH!" The two Stabbington Brothers cheered.

This provoked a few of looks.

Amelia burst out laughing. "Kinda makes me wish you went with your uncles's method."

And so the pair enjoyed their moment sharing stories about their respective family members.

And speaking of family.


"It is always my pleasure to spend time with my grandchildren. Alas heavy is the crown of a king who must govern his kingdom. And so I made an oath to dedicate all my spare time whenever I can to visit them in Corona." Edmund declared.

"See, Eugene. We really do need to visit your father more." Admonished Rapunzel. "With the airships we have nowadays it only takes a day."

"Aww, but honey. That takes a whole day." Eugene groaned lazily.

Rapunzel slapped him in the chest .

"Your grandchildren are lucky you have such devotion for them." Praised Flynn.

"Thank you, lad. You know one day when they are both old enough, I look forward to giving Flynn and Wrenn a tour just like this."

The twins smiled. It was a bittersweet smile.

Eugene's goofy demeanour faltered, as did Rapunzel's bubbliness. There was hurt in their children's eyes

Flynn, Wrenn and Edmund stopped outside the castle gates, their tour was drawing to a close. But there was still much to say.

"So, please. Tell me about your families, what are they like?" Asked Edmund.

Flynn and Wrenn paused at the question. There was some hesitation in their eyes.

"We had our mom, our first cousin who we just call aunt Anna most of the time. Our second cousins are still with us, and we still have each other." Flynn explained, patting his sister on the shoulder.

Edmund's expression fell. He caught the part when the boy said they 'had' a mother and first cousin.

"We never really knew our dad, or any of our grandparents. A terrible event occurred, they all... died when we were really young." Said Wrenn, her shoulders sank.

Eugene froze, the world suddenly fell from under him. "I was absent most of their lives." The pain of his children was personal and familiar, and though he knew well it wasn't his fault, Eugene cannot suppress the soul rending guilt for not being there for Flynn and Wrenn.

Everyone turned to look at Eugene, Frederic, Arianna and Edmund. Rapunzel looped her arm around her mother's, and Arianna in turn leaned onto her daughter. Sorrow and remorse fell heavily onto the family, they had known The Storm of Unquiets would take many lives and that many of them would not live through it.

But to hear and see the twins as they described their loss, it was another depth of heartbreak.

"I am so sorry, child." Edmund's expression became crestfallen and his eyes downcast and apologetic. "I spoke without thinking."

"It's okay. We know they all loved us very much. Our mother always made sure we knew that." Flynn added, he looked up at Edmund's eyes. "And we do know that it's true."

Edmund smiled softly, and he took this moment to impart a comforting piece of wisdom.

"You know. Here in the Dark Kingdom we firmly believe that the spirits of our ancestors watch over us, indeed just a few years ago my son and daughter-in-law even had a sword fight with them. So we do know they exist."

Leaning down, Edmund took both teenagers by the shoulders, at least he would have if he still had two hands. Instead he only took Wrenn by the shoulder and nodded to Flynn.

"I know that your family is watching over you to this day, and with pride and joy soaring in their hearts they have seen you grow into amazing strong young adults." Edmund smiled, straightening himself and standing up tall. He looked to the distance. "I know. Because that is exactly how I feel about my little Flynn and Wrenn, and will continue to do so long after I am gone."

The two wide eyed teenagers remained speechless. Those words had more impact than Edmund could realise...

Until now.

"My gosh." Whispered Edmund.

A firm hand clasped him by the shoulder and Edmund to to find his son smiling proudly at him.

"Thanks dad." Praised Eugene.

Many folks clapped.

And so it was at the large doors of the Dark Kingdom's castle that Flynn and Wrenn part ways with their grandfather.

"That was nice, grandfather Edmund really is something." Commented Wrenn as she and her brother watched the king return to the castle, received by several attendants.

Frederic chuckled. In truth he was slightly jealous that Edmund was conscious and able to speak with the twins, even if he didn't know it at the time. But Frederic certainly could not complain with his own close encounter, it was a gift.

"Sure would be great to have him in our lives. I'm glad our present selves will enjoy it." Smiled Flynn.

But Wrenn did not respond, she simply turned and walked away.

The tone of the heart warming scene seemed to grow cold.

"Let's find the others." Was Wrenn's only reply.


"Bingo." Whispered Eri. In her hands was the dark grimoire and in its forbidden text yields the details of the next Dark Portal.

••• End of Chapter •••

We'll I hope everyone enjoyed that.

These last few chapters have been all fun and games but here now is when things get a bit dark. Stay tuned for The Second Dark Portal.


That part with Stayan being pregnant and going into labour was inspired by the Serpent's Pass episode of Avatar The Last Airbender. Of course I took the delivery with a different approach.

The Flynn and Wrenn talking to their grandfather was inspired by Tony Stark talking to Howard in MCU during Endgame.

Ah and yes I got to say when I first saw Adira a few years back, my first thought was Mint Berry Crunch from South Park (with her war-paint and all).

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