DANCING | jon snow

By eulogiesinautumn

17.2K 682 78

In where a targaryen with a purpose greets an old friend. 'DON'T YOU GIVE ME UP, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP HONEY... More



1.7K 87 14
By eulogiesinautumn


Naerys had decided she was going to sit the meeting with the great houses out as she had felt nauses and sick from the Jon Snow situation.

She out of Daenerys permission, that Baelon would take her place.

After much debating, Daenerys had asked "Do I have your support?" As Baelon stood right next to her.

"You have mine." The Greyjoys.

"Dorne is with you, grace." Dorne.

And finally Lady Olenna nodded.

"Thank you all," Daenerys spoke formally as Baelon sighed in relief.

"Lady Olenna may I speak with you alone?"

Moving to leave, his walk was interrupted.

"No. You stay Baelon. You need to learn." His Queen stated, in which Baelon obeyed as he immediately stopped in his tracks.

Approaching Lady Olenna, he stood behind Daenerys as if her sworn protector.

"I realize you're here out of hatred for Cersei and not love for me. But I swear to you, she will pay for what she did and we will bring peace back to Westeros." Daenerys said.

"Peace? Do you think that's what we had under your father? Or his? Or his? Peace never lasts, my dear." She said serious.

"Will you take a bit advice from an old woman? Both- no all of you?"

After awhile, Daenerys nodded and Baelon took that as his que to murmur a 'yes'

"He's a clever man, your hand. I've known a great many clever men. I've outlived them all. You know why? I ignored them.

"The Lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep?" She asked rhetorical, looking at Daenerys.

"Are you a sheep?" Then looking to Baelon, who nodded no frantically.

"Is your sister or mother a sheep?" Looking between the both.

"No. You're dragons. Be Dragons." Olenna said, which received a smile from Daenerys and a laugh from Baelon.

Then standing infront of his mother, Baelon wanted to propose something to her, something Daenerys had already approved of.

"What is it my sweet boy?" Naerys asked coming closer to her son.

"I came to ask for your permission to send me off as a gaurd for the Dorne and Greyjoys fleets. Her grace, was the one who proposed it but I just need you to say yes." Baelon said eagerly, grabbing onto his mothers hands.

Studying her son for a moment, seeing the desperation in his face as if he had to prove himself, she gave him a smile.

"Very well then, but you will only go and come back immediately. As a protector and only that." Naerys said looking at her son as he gave her a joyful smile.

"Thank you mother, I'll tell her grace of your approval." Baelon said, letting go slowly before rushing out of his mothers chamber.

After sending off Baelon, Naerys stood fiddling with her hands in the throne room awaiting the arrival of Jon, the now King in the North, when suddenly the door to the room opened and in walked Tyrion, Missandei, a man she didn't know, and finally,


She watched and observed as he looked around his surroundings, her heart in her chest pounding hard against it.

She waited for him to notice her as she stood near Daenerys.

Afraid and nervousness was all she could feel.

She looked away when he had finally noticed her, she felt like a kid glancing away anytime her crush glanced at her.

"You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful queen to the Andals and First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons. The Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt. The breaker of chains." Missandei announced taking a few seconds to herself before opening her breath again.

"You also stand in the presence of Princess Naerys of House Targaryen, the queens only and rightful heir, the Dragon Whisper, The helper of chains, the Dreamer, heir to Dragonstone, the Great Grass Sea's delight, advisor to her grace, Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen." Missandei finished off a soft smile appearing on her face proud of herself.

Looking in the direction of Jon, from the burning stare she felt coming from his way, he seemed to let go of his trance looking back at his friend.

"This is Jon Snow, he's King in the North." The man said plainly, making Naerys let out a chuckle.

"Thank you for traveling so far, my lord. I hope the winds weren't too rough." Daenerys said kindly.

"The winds were kind, your grace." Jon spoke, eyes flickering back the woman that stood next to her.

"Apologies I have a Flea Bottom accent, I know, but Jon Snow is the King in the North, your grace. He's not a lord." The man from Flea Bottom spoke.

Something in Naerys intuition made her feel as if the meeting was going to end miserably.

"Forgive me-" Daenerys spoke, unclear of the man's name.

"Your grace, this is Ser Davos of Seaworth." Tyrion announced.

"Forgive me, Ser Davos. I never did receive a formal education, but I could have sworn I read the last King in the North was Torrehen Stark, who bent the knee to my ancestor, Aegon Targaryen.

"In exchange for his life and lives of the Northmen, Torrehen Stark swore fealty to House Targaryen in perpetuity, or do I have my facts wrong?" Daenerys stated with faculty.

"I wasn't there, your grace." Ser Davos said.

"No, of course not, but still an oath is an oath and perpetuity means, what does perpetuity mean, Lord Tyrion?" Daenerys asked, a devilish smile evident.

"Forever." Tyrion ended.

"Forever. So I assume my lord, you're here to bend the knee." Daenerys said seriously.

As Naerys gazed at Jon she noticed that it seemed he was rethinking his choices of words.

"I am not."

At this, Naerys let out a audiable devastated noise, looking in the opposite direction, in annoyance and betrayal.

Daenerys looked at Naerys, caught by the noise, then back at Jon, keeping up with her composure.

"Oh. Well that's unfortunate, you've traveled all this way to break faith with House Targaryen." She said, a painful angry look.

"Break faith? Your father burned my grandfather alive. He burned my uncle alive. He would have burned the Seven Kingdoms-" Jon started talking when he was interrupted by the Queen.

"Our father was an evil man, on behalf of House Targaryen, I ask your forgiveness for the the crimes he committed against your family. And I ask you not to judge a family by the sins of their kin." Daenerys stated, voice echoing through the hall.

Feeling sudden anger from the blind judgment Jon was expressing, Naerys looked away, face evidently showing her emotions on display.

"Our two houses were allies for centuries, and those were the best centuries the Seven Kingdoms have ever known. Centuries of peace and prosperity with a Targaryen sitting on the Iron Throne and a Stark serving as warden of the North. We are the last Targaryens Jon Snow," Gesturing to Naerys.

"Honor the pledge your ancestor made to ours. Bend the knee and I will name you warden of the North. Together, we will save this country from those who will destroy it." Daenerys said, a smile gracing her features.

For awhile, Jon looked at Naerys in desperation for an answer, and then Ser Davos before speaking again.

"You're right, you're not guilty of your fathers crime. And I'm not beholden to my ancestors vows." He said looking ahead.

Daenerys smile dropped instantly.

"Then why are you here?" She demanded.

"Because I need your help and you need mine."

She looked to Naerys in anger and then Tyrion.

"Did you see five dragons, minus one, flying overhead when you arrived?" She questioned.

"I did."

"And did you see the Dothraki, all of whom sworn to kill for me? And her?" Daenerys said, pointing to Naerys, who looked at Jon in distraught.

"They're hard to miss." He said, watching Naerys and then giving his attention to the matter infront of him.

"But still I need your help?"

"Not to defeat Cersei, you could storm-"

For awhile, Naerys muffled out the ongoing conversation that laid infront of her, as she dwelled in her thoughts.

Looking at Jon, in anger and heartbreak she felt stupid for believing everything was going to be the same as it once was.

She broke free when Jon looked in her direction, satisfied when he saw her looking.

She started paying attention in disbelief when Jon mentioned, the Army of the Dead.

"The dead?" Naerys loudly announced, heartbreak evident in her eyes and voice.

She looked at Jon, tears welling.

He came to only break her heart, cause chaos between their houses, and cause serious dislikement from her family she always spoke so highly of.

Especially her son.

Trying to compose herself as the conversation countined, her hands shook.

Anger overshadowing her heart and love.

Having enough of them making a fool and wasting her time, Naerys spoke up after a long pause from Jon's word.

"I was born here, at Dragonstone. Not that I could remember it," Naerys said, facing the guests and slowly walking forward.

"Robert's assassins weren't lucky enough to find Daenerys and Viserys, but they found me. Robert was your father's bestfriend, no? He knew of Roberts intentions with me and he still didn't stop Robert from sending someone to kidnap me and send me to exile, ready for murder."

"Not that it matters now, of course," Leading herself down from the rest of the steps onto the main floor.

"I spent the rest of my last years in foreign lands. So many men have tried to kill me and Daenerys. I don't remember their names... I have been shipped in a box like a broodmare, we have been chained, and betrayed. I have been raped and defiled. But do you know what kept me standing through those years in exile?" Naerys stated, anger booming the walls of the room.

Standing face to face to a hurt and disturbed Jon, she spoke once more.

"Faith. Not in any gods, not in any myths, and legends. But in her." Pointing to Daenerys, who stood from her chair.

"In Daenerys Targaryen and my family.
The world hadn't seen a dragon in centuries, until I dreamt it and her children and my dreams were born. The Dothraki hadn't crossed the sea. Any sea. They did for her and for our claim." She said, stepping closer.

"She was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms and I her heir, and we will. And I will shower you or whomever with fire if you ever dare question our birthright and that is a promise." Naerys said, looking at Jon deeply into the eyes.

"You'll be ruling over a graveyard if we don't defeat the Night King." Jon whispered to her, looking between her eyes.

"The war against my sister had already begun. You can't expect us to halt hostilities and join you fighting, and whatever you saw beyond the wall." Tyrion stated.

Naerys knew she had a problem with paying attention but it was becoming even more difficult when her lover was standing infront of her, examining her face and all she could feel was the hard pounding in her chest, she knew he could hear.

Naerys didn't really care to listen after her outbursts, tears in her eyes already threatening to spill as she looked at Jon, who seemed to also stare deep into her, worried.

Her ears only ever perking up when certain things were brought up.

Her Jon, all those years without her, faced almost death and still managed to thrive and be good with the people, while the only real thing keeping Naerys from going insane was her son.

She was interrupted when she caught sight of Lord Varys walking through the door with a limping and hurt Baelon shortly behind.

At that point, a cry escaped her mouth, as Baelon neared the group, giving her a good look of his state as he crashed into her arms.

All Jon could see was a mop of raven hair, crying quietly into the arms of the woman he loved, as she kissed his temple and referred to him as 'my sweet boy'

He watched as Naerys led them to the side.

Seemingly comforting each other, and holding onto each other.

"You must forgive my manners. You both must be tired from your long journey. We'll have baths drawn for you and supper sent to your rooms." Daenerys spoke up, breaking Jon's stare on Naerys and the raven headed boy in her arms.

"Am I your guys prisoner?" Jon spoke loudly.

At this, Naerys finally looked up and Baelon turned around. Both faces, looking alike in certain features, evidence of crying.

"Not yet." Was all Daenerys said, as Jon looked at the boy, who Naerys put a protective arm around, catching sight of the questioning look. Who then looked at Naerys in a look she couldn't detect.

He soon exited with Ser Davos as Lord Varys spoke up.

"Our Ironborn and Dornish allies were attacked on the route to Dorne."

"And?" Daenerys questioned.

"Two or three ships escaped, the rest, sunken or captured. Plus Baelon and his dragon," Everyone in the room turned to look at Baelon who shifted uncomfortablely, as Naerys pulled Baelon even further into her, head held high.

"Ellaria and the sand snakes dead or captured. The Greyjoys dead or captured." Lord Varys said.

"All of them?" Daenerys asked.

It stayed a quite a few second before Baelon spoke up.

"Your grace, I beg for your forgiveness as I have failed to fulfill the one job you gave me. I have brought disappointment to House Targaryen." Baelon said, loudly and painfully looking directly at his aunt.

"There is nothing to forgive Baelon, I know you tried. You have done well, nephew." Daenerys said kindly offering him a toothfull smile.

It was then on that day that Naerys war had started, and she was coming in, in full force.


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AN ; Jeez, this took awhile and hours, though it might not seem like it. But hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote and drink enough water! X - missy

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