Arranged Marriage With The Co...

By HawaAbubakar8

1.8K 65 1

Abused and constantly used by his mom, his mom arranges a marriage between his step brother Ash and him. Stev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

72 4 0
By HawaAbubakar8

Steve ignored Ash's remarks and kept quiet. He just stubbornly didn't want to accept Ash's remarks of him being jealous.

" Don't kid yourself, why in the world would I be jealous when I know you don't love me? "

He stammered and quickly got off Ash's laps. The car stopped in front of the mansion and he quickly got down and dashed to the house with Ash walking right behind him. Ash felt excited and amused that his little wife got jealous because he spends time with others.

" Sir, it's good to see just how much you love the young Master "

a maid said and smiled at him making him flushed and surprised, he stopped in his tracks and turn to glare coldly at the maid,

" Love? ....... "

he laughed whole heartedly at her remarks.

" Fire her!!! "

he ordered and start to walk away. The maid was left dumbfounded and surprised as she quickly asked,

" Sir, but please what did I say wrong? "

the maid started to cry making Ash snicker furiously at her.

" Everything you said, why the hell will I love that bitch?!!! " Ash replied coldly

" What the hell is wrong with me?, How could I have just forgotten who he is? he's a slut who actually agreed to this farce of a marriage so his selfish trash of a mother to get some assets from me since she failed to get from my dad "

Ash muttered as he walked to the direction of their room.

" Never will I ever return back his so called undying love for me. He'll always remain just a bitch to me. He wouldn't had agreed to marry me of he's mother hadn't ordered him to, he's just like a faithful and loyal dog to her " Ash muttered

He walked into Steve's room and found Steve laying on the bed with his back facing his direction. He slightly frowned and walk towards his little adorable wife. He glanced at Steve's face and he smiled a little, " So cute ", he muttered and start to get undressed. He walked to the bathroom and took off the clothes he wore to the party. He washed up a bit and cleaned himself up, he wore only pants as he walked out of the bathroom with his bare chest, he was used to sleeping with just his bare chest and had no way of changing that even if he'd be sharing a bed with Steve. He laid beside Steve on the bed and was about to pull the cover when Steve grabbed and tugged it in his arms, he had no intention of sharing the covers with Ash that night.

" So are you denying me of the blanket in this cold night, huh? "

he asked Steve, " Humph! " was the only responds he got back. Steve was still very furious, he planned on ignoring Ash till he was apologized to.

" You can keep it!!! "

Ash let go of the blanket as he shouted and turned off the lights. The room was dark and silent, no one cared to utter a word. Soon, the room was filled with little sobs and hiccups, Steve was sobbing as he covered his face with the blanket.

Ash was surprised and had a very confused look on his face, he didn't lift a muscle as he heard Steve's sobs and hiccups, no matter how loud they got or how low they went. He sat back up and rested his back on the bed stand and glanced slightly wanting to see Steve's face, but he couldn't see since the room was very dark.

" What's got you crying now? "

he asked Steve in confusion

" Let me be, as it's none of your business!!! " Steve sneer at him

" You're still jealous, right? "

he asked Steve in amusement

" I thought I told you not to kid yourself, why in the world would I be jealous because of you??!! "

Steve yelled back at him

" Then for what reason are you sobbing? "

" Can't I even cry in peace now?.. " he angrily said to Ash

Ash chuckled slightly and said nothing for a while that will make Steve sob more. After a couple of minutes,

" You know, it's very cold at late night and I'm feeling it "

He said as he turned to glance at Steve who still had his back turned to him.

" Not that I care!!!!, You can just go to those slutty escorts of yours and have them keep you warm while seduce you. I bet you'll feel more warm there as you hold them in your arms and f*ck them right? You call me a bitch yet you're the one bitching around. "

Steve furiously shouted making Ash astonished and amused by his jealousy.

" I told ya, you're jealous. Why don't you just be more honest with yourself?? "

he replied back as he leaned in getting closer to Steve, Steve quickly retreats a bit farther away from him. Ash quickly grabbed him and held him in place, he slowly pulled him towards him as he held Steve in his arms and embraced him tightly, resting his head on Steve's shoulder.

Steve shivered as he felt Ash's hot breath on his neck, he felt a tingling sensation and shivered even more. He fiddle in Ash's embrace as he tried to push Ash away, but Ash was quick to hold both his hands in place and pulled Steve in more close in his embrace. Steve's heart started to beat fastly and rapidly

" Da ~ dum , Da ~ dum ",

as Ash started to slowly kiss his neck and earlobes.

" I actually feel warmer here more than I feel with those slutty escorts. "

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