Straight 'A' Student

By srosee2000

39.9K 319 53


Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 6

2.2K 23 4
By srosee2000

"Hi dad" Summer said answering Spencer's call.

"Hey honey, I spoke with your mom and we agreed that you can move out of the dorms after what happened" he said.

"Are you sure? I don't want to just waste your money. I could get a part time job".

"I want you to focus on school, your mother and I will pay for it. You girls have to be responsible for finding a suitable place and I'll handle everything else. Avery, are your parents okay with it?"

"Yes, they said they wouldn't mind us living off campus. It's cheaper anyways. My father says to call him to discuss the split and what they should cover" Avery said.

"Nothing, Susanna and I will handle all of that. I just don't want to overstep their boundaries".

"Mr. Young, you really don't have to do that. My parents are more than willing and capable of helping out".

"Yes, the same way we're more than willing and capable to cover it. Please, tell them not to worry" Spencer said "I don't know what your schedules look like but have something by the end of the week and I'll be able to come out this weekend".

"Okay dad. Thank you".

"Thank you Mr. Young" Avery said after.

"You're welcome. I've gotta go, talk to you soon" he said then hung up the phone.

"Please talk to your mother and tell her we'll pay something" Avery said.

"Ave, he said it's fine. Besides something tells me my mom isn't thinking any differently".

"Your dad is too generous" Avery said with a small laugh before they left Summers room.

"We should really look though" Summer said.

"I'll look, enjoy yourself tonight".

"I said I wasn't going to his place tonight. I don't want to leave you here and Darren can't come tonight".

"I will be fine, I promise".

"Fine then I won't stay, I'll be back tonight".

"You don't have to do that" Avery told her.

"I want to. It'll make me feel better".

"Fine, I'll wait up for you" she said and Summer nodded.

Summer and Connor have been seeing each other for about two weeks now. 'Seeing each other' is what Summer describes it as since they haven't been on a date or much less talked about what they were. Little did they know they both refrained from bringing it up in fear that the other might start to pull away with the realization that this relationship was almost wrong.

"What time are you leaving?" Avery asked, closing her laptop and turning to Summer who did the same, they had been studying for the last couple of hours.

"I'm really not sure, he worked this morning so whenever he gets home. Sometime after lunch probably".

"And how's it going?

"It's actually going really well. I think we're moving at a comfortable pace".

"Is that code for you want to have sex?"

"Yes it is" Summer laughed and she blushed "sex is usually a third date rule but we haven't exactly been on a date".

"Do you want to go on a date?"

"Yea, really badly. Call me conceited but you should see the way he looks at me and how he talks to me. I don't want to have to experience that just in the confines of his penthouse".

"I know, I'm sorry".

"It definitely sucks but it's worth it honestly. I don't know, not having to talk about my relationship makes it kind of peaceful".

"I bet. The way my mother hounds me about Darren drives me insane" Avery laughed "so what are you gonna do about that date?"

"What do you mean?" Summer asked.

"Well you said want to go on one. Ask him".

"I don't think it's that simple. I can't even work up the courage to ask what we are to him".

"Summer I love seeing you so nervous, it almost makes you normal, but go back to your bad bitch self and just ask him" Avery urged as Summer rolled her eyes.

"He's not like my other boyfriends Ave" Summer said "or whatever he is" she added.

"I won't push it anymore but don't hold out because you think you'll scare him off okay".

"Okay" Summer nodded.


"Hi, angel" Connor said opening the door to let her in.

"Hey. How are you?" She asked as he bent down to kiss her cheek.

"Good, how has your day been?"

"Mostly studying. Figured I'd do a little here if you got caught up with work" she said holding up her bag.

"If you need to study Summer, I'll preoccupy myself. Don't let me distract you".

"It's okay, really".

"Well did you eat lunch?" He asked.

"I did not".

"Good, I'll make lunch and you can study. Two birds, one stone" he smiled before she went to the couch "any requests?"

"Nope, surprise me" she told him and he nodded.

She took off her jacket and pulled out her iPad to take a look at her notes. She turned to look over her shoulder just before she started to see him moving around the kitchen. He caught her eye quickly and smiled. She returned it and began to study, leaning back against the arm of the couch and her iPad on her lap. She read over and annotated her notes up until he held out a plate in front of her almost half an hour later.

"Chicken quesadilla. Want anything with it?"

"Um, I think I'm okay. Thank you" she smiled before he sat on the other end of the couch, by her feet, with his own plate in his hands "oh my god, it's so good" Summer said with a mouthful of food.

"I'm glad you like it" he said with a small laugh "how's studying going?"

"Eh, I've had to rewrite my own notes like five times so".

"That means you're understanding it more. The more you can write in your own words, the better. Anything I can help with?"

"Probably, but I need a break. After we eat, I'll be done".

"You sure?"

"Very, I missed you too".

"Good" he smirked before they searched for something to watch.

"So can I ask you something?"

"Mhm" he nodded while he chewed.

"What um- are we exclusive?" She asked almost nervously before he gave small laugh.

"I would sure hope my girlfriend and I were exclusive, I would consider that cheating".

"You consider us dating?"

"I do, is that wrong of me?"

"Not at all. I hoped you would say that" she smiled.


"That being said, dating would mean we go on dates".

"Uh huh" he smiled "so we'll go to dinner tomorrow night if you can".

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. If it was bothering you, you could've said something Summer. I've just had a busy couple of weeks ".

"No I know, but you make me nervous" she blushed as he laughed.

"Why?" He asked and she got even more flustered by him studying her.

"I'm not sure. I just really like you and I know it's complicated-" she started then he cut her off.

"It's technically complicated, given that I'm your professor, but this isn't complicated" he said gesturing between them "I like you a lot Summer. Nervous is fine, but don't be nervous to talk to me".

"Thank you" she said. She always got so lost in how he spoke to her, it was so gentle and reassuring.

"You're welcome. Any preferences on where we go to dinner?"

"Uh, I'm not picky".

"Alright then".


They spent their time just talking and hanging out. After they had cleaned up after lunch he asked her to sit with him so that's what they were doing now. Watching television as she laid against his chest and his arms wrapped around her body.

Summer picked up her phone to check the text message from Avery.

'How about this one? 7 minutes from campus, parking included, furnished' Avery sent along with the link to the apartment.

Summer scrolled through the pictures for a couple of minutes before texting back.

'I like that one. I'll look for the other to give my dad options, but he'll pick this anyways'.

'Okay sounds good. How's it going over there?'

'Really good. I'm the girlfriend and we're going on a date tomorrow'.

'Wow, someone moves quick'.

'He's so certain when he talks, it's sexy'.

'So tomorrow is the day?'

'I think it might be. Doing anything?'

'Just finished some homework. Might go a round or two with the vibrator'.

'Sounds heavenly, don't let me stop you. We'll talk later'.

'Okay have fun, I'll see you tonight'.

'See you then' Summer texted before looking up at Connor.

"Hey" she said making him look down at her and smile.

"What's up?"

"So Avery and I are moving off of campus soon".

"Oh yea, how come?"

"Well there's been three robberies in our dorm in the last week, our parents really think we should and it would be safer".

"Of course it would, oh my god. How come you didn't tell me, angel".

"Well I didn't want you to worry".

"I do worry. You guys are being safe, yea?"

"Of course. I do want to get back at a reasonable time tonight though".

"I understand. So any luck finding places?"

"Yea, she just sent me one".

"Can I see it?"

"Mhm. Here" she said opening her phone and handing it to him.

"This is a nice place. Not too horrible on rent either. Besides, maybe I can come see you when she's not there".

"Well um, she knows. Is that okay?"

"I don't mind, I mean unless she plans on telling someone".

"Of course not. I just couldn't keep it from her".

"Well even better, I can come see you whenever I want" he said leaning down to kiss her.
Summer felt so relaxed being with him. He made it easy and she could easily forget the stress surrounding it. She wanted to ask if he had told anyone but figured it was enough questions for today. She stayed until after sundown then headed home, after all she would see him the next night for dinner.


"Where are you going to eat?" Avery asked laying back on Summer's bed as she put on dress after dress.

"I really don't know honestly, I'm just glad we're going out" Summer smiled "okay how about this one?"

"I liked the nude one better".

"Thought so" Summer said before changing again "when is Darren gonna be here? I really don't want you here for long by yourself".

"I won't be, he's coming right after work".

"And you're staying?"

"Yes ma'am. Don't worry about me, go ahead and fuck your night away" Avery teased.

"Don't say it like that, it sounds so dirty".

"It is dirty. And scandalous and so hot".

"I know, he is so cute. Avery I think he's breaking me. Like when he looks at me, my knees buckle. When he talks, I just melt. I used to be able to look at the guys I was with and talk my shit but I'm too nervous for that now" she laughed.

"That's too cute. Here, your phone" Avery said holding it out to Summer.

"Oh fuck, he's here. Can you zip this?" She asked after getting on the nude, strapless mini dress again and turning her back to Avery.

"Got everything? Shoes, coat, touch up lipstick".

"Yup" Summer nodded as she closed her black handbag and held up matching black heels "and I have my wallet just in case".

"You think you'll need it?"

"Um no, I hope not. But then yet again, we've never been on a date. I've learned to think of everything" Summer said with a small laugh.

"Okay, enjoy yourself and be careful. We'll talk tomorrow".

"Yea, I will. Let me know when you get with Darren" Summer said before she left.
She walked through the building and outside until she reached his car. He leaned over, opening the door from the inside for her.

"Hi, angel" he smiled as she turned to him.

"Hi. Sorry for making you wait".

"No worries. How was your day?" Connor asked as he drove off.

"Good. We talked to my dad, he approves of our apartment choices so he'll be here tomorrow to check them out and we can start settling in".

"Alright good. Anything happen in the dorms since?"

"Not that I know of, thankfully" she said and Connor nodded.

"Is Avery staying again? What time do you wanna head home?"

"Oh no, she's going to her boyfriends. I'm all yours tonight".

"Great" she smiled softly as his thumb moved against her thigh.

When they reached the restaurant he opened Summer's door and helped her out of the car before giving his keys to the valet.

"For Griffin, two" Connor said to the hostess who nodded.

"Of course, right this way" she smiled then grabbed two menus and took them to a table "your server will be right with you, enjoy your meal" she said and they thanked her.

"You're very beautiful Summer".

"I know" she blushed and he laughed a little.

"I like that".

"Like what?"

"Your confidence, it's intoxicating".

"Thank you" Summer smiled.

"Mhm" he nodded and she titled her head at his tone.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, angel" he said before a server reached them.

"Hi, I'm Greg, I'll be your server tonight. Can I start you off with any wine" he asked.

"Preference, Summer?" Connor asked and she shook her head no "then we'll take a Sauvignon Blanc and a Cabernet".

"Of course, any appetizers?"

"The half dozen oven broiled oysters".

"And the salmon tartare" Summer added.

"Okay, I'll bring those out momentarily and come back for your orders" Greg said then they thanked him and let him leave.

"So, are you close with your parents?" Connor asked as they looked through their menus.

"Yea actually. I think it's because I'm an into child".

"Oh yea, how come?"

"Well I didn't have to worry about them splitting their attention, they always made sure I was good and had everything I needed and wanted so it was easier to build that relationship".

"They sound like good people".

"They are. What's your sister's name?"


"Is she married, kids?"

"Neither, just a boyfriend".

"I see. Your close friend, what's his name?" She asked.


"And I know you said childhood, but how long is that?"

"Since middle school, he lives back home in Texas though".

"You're from Texas, I never would've guessed. Where at?"

"Houston. I've been here since undergrad though, so like 9 and a half years".

"Wow, how often do you go see your family?"

"Um most holidays and just whenever I can".

"Like it better there?"

"A little bit yea" he laughed.

"I don't blame you, Boston isn't the best".

"It is not. So what was it like growing up? I know you said you were spoiled, is that good or bad?"

"Depends on who you ask I guess. I'd say it's good. I was spoiled but my parents definitely taught me the importance of hard work and they're very generous and taught me that too. So growing up I could look at my classmates and friends, I went to a private school, and think 'thank god I'm not like you'. I'd say I turned out well" she said with a small laugh.

"I see. You're definitely different, in a good way though. Was tech your thing growing up?"

"No, didn't really have a thing until college. I did sports, equestrian, debate club, photography. Pretty much whatever I thought seemed cool at the time, my parents let me do. I guess my first interest in tech was my brief stent in robotics club in my senior year of high school but I had so much on my plate so I had to drop something. Started doing a coding club in undergrad, became president and was pretty much set. You know I thought that would translate more to the coding class but god damn he makes it difficult" she laughed.

"Who are you taking?"


"Oh, he doesn't talk to the younger teachers much and he seems extremely monotonous".

"Try being in his class" Summer said and they laughed together just before Greg came back with their wine and appetizers and took their orders.


"Thank you for tonight" Summer said as he opened the door to his penthouse and let her in first.

"You're welcome. Enjoy the food?"

"Yes I did".

"What's up?" He asked as they got to his room and he took off his watch and took everything out of his pockets. Summer sat on the edge of the bed and took off her heels.

"Nothing, I just really had a good time".

"Did you not think you would?" He asked with a small smile as he stood in front of her and put his finger under her chin to make her look up at him.

"I mean, I did but it's still refreshing. Did you enjoy it?" Summer asked.

"A lot. I enjoy being with you Summer" he said bending down, grabbing her neck gently, and kissing her slowly. 

He stood up and turned to walk away before she grabbed his wrist to stop him. He questioned her with his eyes but she didn't say anything and just undid his belt.
Connor watched her hands as they navigated the belt and the zipper then she pulled his pants off. She looked up him, there's eyes locking as she ran her hand over his covered dick.

"Want me to keep going?" She asked.

"Please do, angel".

She pulled his underwear down, letting his erection free, before he stepped out of them. She put both hands around his dick, smiling at how there was still more left then she licked over his slit and he moaned softly. She wrapped her lips around it, going just past his tip, and moving her head back and forth slowly.

"Oh shit" he moaned as he watched her lips move along his dick. He took off his shirt and let her go for a bit longer before stepping back and pulling her hands so she could stand with him. He grabbed her waist as they kissed and he unzipped her dress from behind.

Connor started kissing her chest, seeing as she wasn't wearing a bra, and she wrapped her hands in hair as she watched him get lower and lower. He kissed her thighs and squeezed her butt before taking her underwear off.

He stood again, slipping two of his fingers into her, while pushing her back into the bed so she could lay down. He grabbed the back of Summer's thighs and spread her legs before his lips latched onto her clit and she gasped.

Summer pulled at the sheets as his tongue roamed around and into her pussy.

"Fuck Connor. It's so good, daddy" she moaned while he kept her steady. He edged her over and over while she grew more impatient and flustered. "Please".

"Please what, angel?" He asked pressing on her clit.

"Please don't stop daddy, I'm gonna cum" she whined as she pulled on the sheets and started to shake until she finished.

"Good girl" he said softly, kissing her while his fingers continued to play with her sensitive "stay just like that" he said with a smirk, replacing his fingers with hers. He went to the bathroom to grab a condom and quickly put it on before going back out to the room.

"You okay?" He asked joining her on the bed again and bending down to kiss her.

"Mhm. Fuck me" she said, matching his smirk and his dick twitched. Those two words have never sounded sexier from another woman's mouth.

He sat up and grabbed her waist before sliding into her. They moaned together as he started moving. Summer's eyes rolled back and she was in heaven as he got deeper and deeper inside of her.

They went on and on, their sweaty bodies moving against each other and their moans filling the room. The sex was extremely sensual and hot. Summer was obsessed.

"Cum for me, angel" Connor said into her ear then he started kissing her neck, pulling at the skin.

"I'm so close, right there" she moaned. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and into his hair until she shook against him and broke. Her moans flowed out of her as he fucked her through her intense orgasm.

"That's it, baby. A little longer" he told her, putting his hands by her sides on the bed and slamming into her. It didn't take much longer then he sat back on his knees and pulled off the condom.
"Fuck" he groaned, jerking himself off until his cum shot on her stomach. He leaned over, gently grabbing her neck as they made out then she smiled at him.

"I'll shower first" he said in response to her tired smile.

"Good idea" she giggled before he kissed her again and got up, giving her his underwear he stepped over so she could wipe off.

"Need anything?" He asked as she walked by him and into the shower when he finished.

"I actually forgot shampoo if I could use yours".

"Uh, hold on. I'll be back" he said leaving her to start her shower. She washed her face first then the door opened again "here, I had some in the guest bathroom".

"Is it a bad sign that you have women's shampoo, OGX and Olaplex at that" she asked with a small laugh as she took the sets from him.

"Give me a break, angel. I keep the guest room stocked with stuff for when my family comes to visit".

"Hm how sweet of you. I'll try to be quick".

"No rush. I'll be up" he said leaving the bathroom.

She finished her shower, used some lotion and smiled at the oils and moisturizers he left on the counter for her hair. He's so considerate, it only makes him sexier. She put on a pair of her shorts and a tank top before going back out into the room.

"Thank you for all that" Summer said.

"You're welcome. Come here".

"My hairs kind of wet still".

"I don't care" he said and pulled her to lay on his chest.

"Can I ask you something? I was gonna ask you yesterday but I figured it could wait".

"Ask me Summer".

"Okay. Um, did you tell anyone?"

"I told Joshua that I was going on a date tonight, not so much details about us. This is gonna sound bad but I swear it's not meant to be, but I tell him I'm seeing someone quite often so I don't know if he thought much of it".

"Hm. Is this different than your 'quite often'?"


"Okay. I'm not bothered then".

"Good" he said kissing her forehead.


"Summer" Connor groaned as he woke up to the sound of her phone ringing then she lifted her head off of his chest.


"It's okay. Here" he said reaching for it. His hand rested on her back as she sat up to take the call.

"Hi dad, good morning" she said.

"Good morning honey. I'm just landing and I'm waiting for the car. I was wondering if you and Avery wanted me to pick up breakfast?" Spencer asked.

"Breakfast sounds nice dad, thank you. We will be here so see you in a bit".

"Alright, see you" he said before she hung up and called Avery.

"Hi Summer" Avery groaned as she answered.

"Hello, my father just called and he's on his way to our dorm".

"Oh shit".

"I know. I just woke up".

"Uggh fine. I'm gonna head there".

"I'll probably be there before you, but try to be there before him".

"I know, he'll have a hundred questions. See you" Avery said before hanging up then Summer turned to Connor.

"You've gotta go?" He asked as she bent down to kiss him.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think he'd be here this early".

"It's alright. Let's go so you won't be late".

"Connor, I'm sorry. Really".

"Angel I'm serious. It's okay. Come see me when he leaves".

"I will" she smiled, kissing him again before they got up.

She grabbed all her things and put some joggers over her shorts before they drove back to her dorm house.

"Do me a favor and text me when you get up to your dorm" he said turning to her.

"I can do that. Have a good day Connor".

"You too, we'll talk later" he said leaning over and kissing her before she got out.

By the time Summer showered and changed, Avery was heading inside with Spencer.

"Hey, I was coming back from the library and ran into your father" Avery said as Summer held her laugh.

"Good, hi dad".

"Hi honey" Spencer said then hugged her "here's breakfast, we'll head over to the apartment after".

"Sure. How was your trip?"

"Not bad. Did some work over the flight. How have things been here?"

"Eh could be better".

"Just one robbery since" Avery said.

"There's no security here or anything?" Spencer asked.

"Campus security but they only say that it's likely someone in the building but they haven't done much else about it".

"Well then good thing you're leaving. I'll put down a 12 month lease and pay rent on my end but you'll be responsible for reminding me to pay it. I'll send you 200 for groceries and you'll have to budget that out for the month. Anything else you'll have to budget with the money you have saved up" Spencer explained.

"Okay" Summer said and Avery nodded to agree. Summer always found it amusing how he gave her menial jobs, such as only reminding him about rent, and called it responsibility while he did everything else.

They ate breakfast then left campus in Spencer's rental car. They reached the apartment, walking through the unit as Spencer pointed out things he liked and things he would send them money for to change, like the couch. He said it was too small for the space.

"You girls like it?" He asked when they finished looking.

"Yea. We could make this work" Summer joked, they weren't being too picky about it.

"Are you sure? We can look at other places" Spencer offered.

"Dad, it's fine really. This is good".

"Okay. I'll stay for a couple of days to help if you need it".

"Darren said he'll help, we know you're busy" Avery said.

"Okay. It will be best if you're moved in before the weekend is over so you're not navigating a move while attending classes throughout the week".

"We understand".

"Darren only has one showing and we'll use that time to pack all of our stuff up then he'll help".

"Alright good. Take your time in here if you need to, I'm gonna go down to the office" Spencer said before leaving the apartment.

"Okay, go" Avery said a minute after the door shut and they were sure he was gone.

"What?" Summer asked with a smile.

"Don't torture me. How was your date?"

"Uh, amazing. He's so sweet and sexy and I don't know, I just feel so comfortable around him but not pressured".

"And the sex?"

"Oh my god Avery, the sex was prefect. Sensual, hot, and perfect".

"Summer you're blushing, this is too cute" Avery teased as Summer rolled her eyes.

"Oh yea, I told him that you know".

"Really? Was he mad about it".

"Not at all actually. He said it would be easier to come see me".

"Shut up. That's hot".

"I know" Summer agreed as they laughed "and I asked if he told anyone. He said he told his friend that he was going on a date".

"So that's good?"

"That's something. He said his friend wouldn't think much of it because he's usually seeing someone but that this was different".

"Do you believe him?" Avery asked.

"I don't know, it's not like we're in the same circle and I could've seen him with other girlfriends but the way he treats me so far, I don't think I would care" she laughed.

"I wouldn't blame you. Are you gonna ask him to come help move some stuff?"

"Uh no. It seems too soon for that. I don't want to be too overbearing and scare him off. We're not that far apart in age at all but he's so far ahead in life that I feel almost too immature for him".

"You're not. So, he started working at the ripe age of 5, who cares. You're intelligent, you've got some life experience under your belt, you two have common interests and can hold conversations about actual things. Don't stress" Avery told her.

"Thank you. You sure Darren has enough time to help us?"

"Yea. He said he only booked one showing so he could help" Avery said then the door opened.

"All done?" Summer asked.

"Yea. Here are your keys, here is the lease. You have three days to sign it and bring it back to the office so please don't forget to do that. Payments are already in and you're free to start moving whenever. I got you two parking spaces, here's the key to your mailbox, and the numbers for maintenance" Spencer explained.

"Thank you dad".

"Thank you Mr. Young" Avery and Summer said respectively.

"You're welcome girls. Your mother said she'll come visit when she has time, she's knee deep in three new cases".

"I know, she and I talked. How's work for you?" Summer asked.

"Productive. Glad I have competent enough workers that I can leave for a couple of days. I'm taking an extra day off when I get back home".

"That's good. Mom will appreciate it".

"Yea, if she's home to see it" Spencer laughed with them "how's your family, Avery?"

"Oh everyone's good".

"And Michelle, how's her studies going?"

"Good. She recently got back from Budapest for a research trip".

"And she does architecture, yes?" Spencer asked.

"Yes that's her goal but she goes on architectural research trips to apply to her major. I don't know the ins and outs" Avery laughed.

"Understandable, you're in very different fields. Let's get out of here and grab some lunch" he offered then they left the building.

They spent the day with Spencer then at the end of the night he dropped them back at their dorm and headed to a hotel, planning to meet with them for breakfast before he flew back.

"Hi" Connor said answering the phone, Summer was laying down for the night.

"Hi, are you busy?"

"Nope, I was just talking to my mom".

"Oh I'm sorry, you can call me back".

"It's alright baby, I needed a reason to get off the phone and I'm glad you called. How did it go today?"

"Good. We got the apartment so we'll be moving this weekend but I promise I'll make time to come see you".

"I appreciate that but don't stress yourself out. How's the apartment?"

"Really nice, near campus too so that's a plus. It's furnished but we're gonna get a new couch".

"How come?"

"It's small and my dad wants us to".


"Mhm. Do you have something to do tomorrow?" Summer asked.

"Not until dinner, meeting up with a couple of coworkers".

"That sounds fun".

"It's not, it's just easier to discuss work out of office, believe it or not" he laughed.

"Why do you say that?"

"In office they think everything I say is a criticism, add some alcohol and a steak and now we're having a discussion. Part of being the manager is learning how these people think".

"I get it. Do you like being the manager?"

"I like it enough. I might be a bit of a control freak and it gives me some room to delegate so I have time for teaching".

"That makes sense. How long have you been teaching?"

"Two and a half years now. I only teach the one class, just three separate sections".

"I see" Summer yawned.

"Long day, angel?"

"More like long night and I didn't get enough sleep" she giggled.

"Well don't let me keep you up. Get some sleep".

"I will. Can you just stay on the phone for another hour then you can hang up".

"I won't hang up. Good night".

"Good night" Summer smiled before closing her eyes.

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