Familiarity ||| Jacaerys Vela...

By naerysa

499K 17.6K 2.7K

Jace/Female OC -NOT A SELF INSERT SMUT A bit of a Cregan Stark side story. He pleases BOTH of his dragons. Th... More



10.8K 387 97
By naerysa

Aegon was pathetic. But even more so when he'd been left with a taste of Alyssa he couldn't rid himself of. He wanted her so bad it made him look stupid.

There was no shame in it. The way he followed her like a little puppy, trying to get her alone. That was the epitome of their strange relationship ship, the conclusion. That she wanted him. Would take care of him, was on his side.

All of the signs pointed to it. Aegon was finally feeling happy, somewhat contented. He just needed her.

Alyssa stopped. She stopped everything. Acknowledging him, smiling at him, looking at him. As if nothing had ever happened.

As if she'd never visited him that night in his chambers. Hadn't saved him from the Street of Silk and called him a sweet boy.

That had always been the plan. And to watch Aegon's mind reel with the sudden switch was extremely sweet. Worth the months of work. Alyssa had almost been at court for a year. She'd told her father she was close to ruining him.

Aegon's mind worked for a reason. A reason for the sudden change. The sudden change that made him feel worse pain than any time his mother slapped him. It was worse.

He came up with the fact that maybe Alyssa was honourable. Despite all that he'd heard. And she wouldn't engage in any activity unless it was with a husband.

Poor Aegon couldn't know that he was so far from the truth. That Alyssa had been bedded by squires and servants. He simply wasn't worth it. Aegon didn't deserve to feel pleasure from her.

So when Aegon went to his ailing father, bypassing his mother, and begged and pleaded to be married to Alyssa, she knew it was time.

Lest Viserys actually grant the request and push past Daemon, which could feasibly be a possibility. Viserys had a habit of doing things like that.

Alyssa wrote to her father and told him she needed out. That she'd done such a good job at making Aegon her bitch he wanted to marry her. Daemon needed to send the letter telling his brother he was forcing Alyssa on a tour to look at the proposals for her hand.

The King wouldn't be able to deny that. And he was so ill that he probably wasn't lucid enough to know it. The Greens were eager to get her out of court as well, so they would make sure it happened.

When the letter arrived, as Alyssa expected, she was summoned to the King's chambers. Still a little lucid and laying in bed, Alyssa approached the side and bent down so he could see her.

"I've received the letter from your father, dear girl. And as much as it saddens me to see you go, it is not my place to stand in the way of a prosperous match for you. Your presence has brought me great joy here and I know you will find a good husband."

It seemed Aegon's pleading might've fallen on deaf ears. Viserys didn't even bring it up to Alyssa. She smiled and kissed her uncle on his good cheek.

"Thank you, uncle. This opportunity has been wonderful. But we both know I must marry eventually." Alyssa hugged him once more, knowing she wasn't intending to even find a match. It was just a tour to get her away from court.

Alyssa said farewell to her uncle, her things already packed. If Alyssa cared at all about him, she would've said goodbye to Aegon. But that was a special torture.

She got into the wheelhouse to be taken to the Dragonpit without saying anything to anyone else. Aegon would find out on his own that she was gone and on a tour trying to find herself a husband.

With no care for Aegon. It was glorious. She only wished she could see it unfold when she was gone.

But Alyssa was happier to be returning to Dragonstone. Many moons had gone by without her being able to see her family. Her sister, her brothers, her cousins. Alyssa had been stuck surrounded by those who didn't appreciate her company for months.

She needed to be back home. And she needed a good fuck.

Alyssa knew Cannibal was happy to be leaving. He hated the Dragonpit. Being in forced proximity to other dragons and little ones he couldn't eat. She'd flown him many times, so he could stretch his wings, but going back to Dragonstone was what he would've preferred.

He was restless when the Dragonkeepers brought him to her. Honestly, they were happy he was going as well. Cannibal was a handful on the best of days.

"I know. We're going," Alyssa assured, taking as much of his head as she could hold. He only let her do that, let Alyssa scratch his head and comfort him.

Alyssa mounted him easily. She climbed his wing and seated herself in the saddle, clipping the satchel of her things safely. And without further ado, she gave him the command and flew into the air.

Dragonstone was only hours away.


It seemed Alyssa's family had no need for the watchtowers to be operational. No one had told them she arrived, even as she passed knights who bowed and welcomed her back.

Instead, Alyssa waltzed into the main room by the painted table and sighed.

"Is my presence truly that unimportant?" Alyssa asked, surprising those who'd been in the middle of other activities.

Jace was trying to learn Valyrian, something which he'd neglected for many years. Rhaena was standing beside him, trying to help, and Daemon was standing with Rhaenyra a few feet away from the table.

All of them turned when she spoke and Alyssa smiled, opening her arms and gesturing to herself. Her blessed return to the dragon island.

"Alyssa!" Rhaena said immediately, eyes lighting up as she pushed away from the table and ran to her sister.

They hugged and Alyssa laughed, squeezing Rhaena tight. "You've grown, sister," Alyssa said, unable to believe how grown-up Rhaena felt. Taller, she held herself with a more mature presence. "More beautiful than even I," she added half-sarcastically, pulling away to receive a playful glare from her sister.

Rhaena let go of Alyssa and backed off. And to her surprise, Jace was right there for his turn to embrace her.

"Welcome back, cousin," he said happily, leaning forward to pull Alyssa into a hug.

She was surprised. Jace had grown. More man than boy, different than when she'd seen him last. A man grown.

Taller. Not as tall as Aemond had been but Jace was taller than Alyssa. A bit bulkier too. She imagined it had come from the training he did on the beach.

It was nice to hug. Strong. He felt like he was enveloping her, like Jace had actually missed her.

"Thank you, Jace." Alyssa found it the slightest bit saddening to leave an embrace that was so comfortable. But she pulled back and glanced at the table, hand on his arm. "I see you've finally taken an interest in our histories, hmm?"

He laughed and rubbed his neck. "Trying. It's harder than it looks."

Alyssa knew the histories well. If he needed help, all he had to do was ask.

Before she could offer that to him, Daemon put his hand on Jace's back and gave him a look. Alyssa was his daughter. His firstborn, precious angel he hadn't seen in months.

Taking the hint, Jace backed off to let Daemon greet his daughter.

She'd missed her father terribly. Alyssa lurched forward and wrapped her arms around his middle, groaning as she buried her head in his shoulder.

Daemon pulled her closer, arm around her shoulders and a hand on the back of her head. "Little dragon," he said affectionately, rubbing her shoulder. "Did you have a nice time?"

She scoffed. "Hardly," Alyssa said, the sound muffled by the material of Daemon's tunic. "Successful, however."

Her father hummed. Daemon read all about Alyssa's efforts over Aegon. His little viper, sinking her claws in, releasing her poison. He had no doubt she would be able to protect herself against any man who tried it.

A little insurance policy is all it was. In case they truly did try to usurp Rhaenyra. Aegon would be weaker, more emotional. That's exactly what they needed.

Alyssa stayed in her father's embrace, letting the comfort overtake her after months of working and watching her back.

"And now you tour the Kingdoms."

She'd almost forgotten about that part. Having to go on a tour, leave Dragonstone again. Alyssa whined like a child and pulled her head away from her father's shoulder. "Can't you cancel it? I'm not intending to accept anyone."

That relieved something else in the room. But he didn't say anything.

"It's been planned, Alyssa. You can't cancel it without, at the very least, seeing a few of the proposals." Daemon was amused at how his daughter went limp against him, forcing him to hold her up. She truly was acting like a child.

"The tour isn't a prison sentence. You'll fly on dragonback, see parts of Westeros you've never seen, and meet pretty men. Have fun with it while it lasts and when it's over, you can return and relax."

They'd tell her who her actual match was when she got back. But Alyssa didn't need to know that before going. It would only keep her from enjoying herself.

Alyssa finally became rigid again and stood, acting like the age she was. She eyed her father. "Pretty men? Or old decrepit men who wish only for my inheritance and my womb?"

"Perhaps a bit of both. But it doesn't concern you. For your true match has already been decided. One you will be pleased with. So enjoy the men who might throw themselves at your feet while it lasts."

She was still angry he wouldn't tell her who he'd picked. Alyssa felt that she deserved to know what man was going to be entitled to her.

But Alyssa trusted her father. She knew he wouldn't marry her off to someone solely for the political benefit; he was to be a King consort. He cared about Alyssa's happiness. She knew the match would be suitable. But Alyssa just wanted to know who.

"Fine," Alyssa said, finally backing away from Daemon. "Where and when?"

"A week's time. You'll start at Storm's End. Then Riverrun, the Eyrie, White Harbour, and Winterfell will finish off your tour. See?" Daemon said. "Not long. A few days at most at each place. Enough to be respectful. And then you move on."

"Right. Not long," Alyssa repeated. It wasn't that long. Only half of the Kingdoms. But she truly did just want to stay at Dragonstone.


Her brooding look was broken when she heard Luke's voice. He was the only one not present when she'd arrived.

Luke had always been cute. Bunny teeth, button nose, plump cheeks. Even if he was older, he was still cute. And it always brought Alyssa joy to see him.

"No one told me you were back," he said, sounding almost offended. Luke hugged Alyssa and then wanted to know all about her time in King's Landing.

She guessed that was better than being sour about her impending tour.


It was so very nice to be back in Dragonstone, even if it was just for a week. Resting in her own bed, playing around with her brothers and cousins.

Also finding out Rhaenyra was pregnant again. She almost asked her father if he knew how to control himself. But she didn't. Because he was obviously extremely happy with his growing family.

She did help Jace with his High Valyrian. Just a little bit. Because he wanted to practice speaking it with her and it was a little painful. Especially since Daemon had Alyssa speaking it since she could talk in sentences.

"Do you know who Daemon's picked for you to marry?" Jace asked curiously a day before she was set to fly for Storm's End.

"No," Alyssa said, huffing. "I wish he would tell me so I can assure he is not a troll or a beast."

Jace laughed a little. "I'm sure he is not. Daemon cares far too much for that to be the case."

"Yes, you are correct. Still, his taste in men may differ from mine."


Leaving for the tour was just as depressing as leaving for King's Landing had been. Alyssa would be gone for a month at the least, probably more. Alone and hosted at a handful of castles to look at the matches for her.

At least Cannibal would get to stretch his wings.

Storm's End first. Alyssa arrived and wasn't surprised to see the stormy sky. Still; she was welcomed into the castle by the household knights and met Lord Borros and his four daughters.

He hadn't named a single one his heir despite his age. He was still trying to get his wife to have a son.

The castle was nice, of course. But the niceness of her guest chambers and the activities were overshadowed by the reason she'd arrived.

Sitting in the Throne Hall, a Baratheon advisor to her right, a knight to her left, and a line of men before her.

She hadn't known so many men wanted her hand. Most were from minor Houses; they were second sons who were set to inherit nothing. As Alyssa's match, they would stand to inherit Runestone when she did.

And like she expected, there were many older men. Older men who'd wasted their youth fucking and were finally trying to find a wife. Or men who were widowed.

Alyssa was outspoken when she told them she didn't care to be their bride. Not at their age. Balding and plump. After all, she would be doing them a favour.

Rival houses. Young and old. Alyssa was bored by them all. It was a task just to keep her face neutral and deny them all.

On her fourth day in Storm's End, Alyssa was finally free to leave. Any men that remained were dismissed and Alyssa just about ran out of the castle after thanking Lord Borros for hosting her.

Riverrun was somewhat the same. Lord Grover was supposed to meet her. But his son, Elmo, ended up greeting Alyssa. He ruled Riverrun in all but name.

It was amusing there. Jeering, drinking into the night with the lords. Much less serious than Storm's End had been. In fact, they even offered Oscar Tully to her. Another second son. He told Alyssa he thought she was beautiful. Flattering. But Alyssa couldn't quite say the same.

Maybe he would've been a contender if she didn't already have a match. But Alyssa was perfectly happy to deny the men in Riverrun. Bracken and Blackwood. She led some men on, jested about keeping them in mind.

But she was happy to leave on her fifth day. Thanked the Tully seat for their graciousness and wished them well.

The Eyrie was a different story. Much different.

A much more beautiful castle; high in the sky, almost above the clouds. Cannibal couldn't stay with Alyssa, though. It wasn't big enough.

But what Alyssa enjoyed was that the Eyrie was ruled by a woman. Jeyne Arryn. And even with the disagreements she'd had with Daemon, Jeyne welcomed Alyssa.

Festivities in the castle that Alyssa found tasteful. A feast, a tour of the castle, music. It was fun.

And, of course, the suitors. From all around the Vale. There were many more men that came to Alyssa. She mused it was because her set inheritance was also in the Vale. They wouldn't have to travel far.

As well, Lady Jeyne had vetted many of the suitors. She told Alyssa as much when she asked, amused, why all of the men before her seemed to be in an acceptable age range.

Not 50 years older than her or a child. All of the men who approached were near her same age and laid out the benefits of choosing them as her husband.

There were a few more in the Vale that might've been contenders if Alyssa didn't know what she already did. She kept them in mind, however, in case Daemon's match fell through.

She spent a week and a bit in the Eyrie. Alyssa did enjoy her time there and told Lady Jeyne as much. She thanked the woman for her generosity, especially considering her past with Alyssa's father.

And after the Eyrie, Alyssa went to White Harbour. A port city which was actually very clean and pristine. It was a beautiful place.

Lord Manderly met Alyssa with his Merman's court and assured her he'd handpicked suitors for her to meet. And instead of having her meet them in a line, he encouraged Alyssa to get to know them personally.

That meant that she spent two weeks in White Harbour. Walking the gardens with the suitors, eating dinner with them. And it did help. Somewhat.

It gave men she wouldn't have considered a chance to prove her wrong. And it also gave them a chance to make even bigger fools of themselves.

Watching as they stuffed their faces at dinner, spoke with their mouths full. One of them even point-blank asked her if she was still a maiden.

"Are you?" Alyssa had retorted, unable to keep it in. "Have you been celibate your entire life, my Lord?"

No. She didn't think so.

Despite the beauty of the seaside court, Alyssa was happy to be leaving and travelling for her last stop of the tour.

Winterfell. Seat of House Stark. Lord Cregan.

She hoped the pretty men Daemon promised would be there.

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