The Golden Legend

By Unicorn0515

10.9K 122 10

Paige Scott the daughter of the original red ranger and the Zeo gold ranger. After growing up under all the l... More

Prelude to a Storm
There's No "I" In Team
Beauty and the Beach
Looming Thunder
Thunder Strangers Part 1
Thunder Strangers Part 2
Thunder Strangers Part 3
Nowhere to Grow
A Ranger's Journey
Snip it, Snip it Good
Return of Thunder Part 1
Return of Thunder Part 2
Return of Thunder Part 4

Return of Thunder Part 3

448 6 2
By Unicorn0515

Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies

trains our future protectors.

Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.

Three who will become...


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

The call is on!

Their force is getting strong!

They'll have to brave the weather!

Ninja Storm! stand together!

The storm will grow!

Waters flow!

Power Ranger Ninjas Go!

Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)

is growing (growing)



Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

With the speed of the wind!


And strength like thunder!


Power Rangers Go

Ninja Storm!

Let's Go!

At Storm Chargers there is a massive crowd trying to find stuff to keep themselves warm. "Do you have another pair? I can't even get my hands in them." Asks a customer "They're my last pair, how about motocross gloves they keep you warm and they look cool too." Says Kelly as he nods "Great I'll be right back. Dustin, Paige you better have a good reason for not being here today or you are fired. Who am I kidding? Paige runs this place more than I do."

Back on the island

"Is it just me or is it starting to get seriously cold." Says Dustin as they walk down the beach. "Yeah most of the time I would say it was just you but it is definitely getting colder here. Do you think it's Paige's powers?" "It could be but I'm pretty sure she would shoot her elements at us directly." Says Hunter "I'd really like to know why we can morph but we can't reach Ninja Ops." Says Tori "I think Paige has said it's something to do with our connection to the morphing grid." Says Hunter "Yeah well I'll settle for knowing where we are?" "Portico island." Says Blake causing the winds to look at him. "What?" "Anything else you would like to share with the group." "Nah, you don't want to know, trust me." "Trust us, we do." Says Tori "I heard Lothor talking to his pals just before he sent us back to earth and this place doesn't exist on any map and it rises from the sea like once every 200 years or something." "And then what?" "You probably aren't going to like it." Says Hunter "well that's the part that's kind of harsh." "You're telling us this whole place is sinking back into the ocean." "I knew they would want to know." "I told you you didn't want to know." "We better find some high ground, come on."

At Ninja Ops

"I'm getting something. That must be them. Dad look at the I tracked the heat signatures from the satellite photos and I think I found the rangers." " That's good news son." Says Sensei "Not entirely they are on a sinking island and they're not alone."

With Paige 

"Urghhh Blake, Hunter where are you? Must destroy those traitors!" Says Paige "That's right the thunder rangers are the enemy lead me right to them." Says Choobo watching Paige "Must destroy Hunter and Blake!"

With the other rangers

"Is anyone else worried that we haven't seen Paige for a few hours?" Says Dustin "I know what you mean." Says Hunter "We need to find her before we get off this island but she kicks our butts enough in training as it is." "Yeah we know she would kick our butts at the Thunder academy too." Says Hunter with a smile "Paige is a great ranger and none of us would be here right now if it were not for her." "No, I think Choobo is the reason we are here right now." Says Dustin referring to their current situation. "He means without her none of us would probably have become ninja or have gotten our ranger powers. By the way, how did you two get them anyway?" Says Tori "What?" Says Blake "Your powers and meeting Paige you never really told us how any of that happened." "It's kind of a long story." "You really want to hear it?" Asks Blake "yeah it's either that or watch Dustin play in the dirt." Says Shane "Sensei amino was the one who taught our parents the way of the thunder ninjas. After they passed away he brought us to the Thunder academy." "That is where we met Paige. She had been there a few weeks and had heard what had happened to our parents. Since she knew what it felt like to lose a parent she was always there for both of us as we were grieving their loss." "With the help of Sensei and Paige we felt like we belonged again. All three of us did well in our training but Sensei Amino was grooming us for something but we didn't know what." "But every time Paige came to join us in training or just visiting he would push the three of us to train harder together as a team, guess now we know why." Said Hunter looking down at his morpher on his wrist. "So that's when Lothor showed up?" Said Dustin "Yeah, our school was attacked by Kelzaks and aliens were everywhere. Sensei gave us our morphers he told us we would know what to do and to find Paige and help keep her safe. But at that moment he got captured by Lothor." And in the flashback Blake and Hunter were captured too. "When you go up in one of those ball things what's it feel like? Is it cool like going off a freestyle rapper." "Not really the point dude." Said Shane cutting Dustin off. "Oh no yeah sorry, continue." "Once we got on Lothors ship he was really tweaked that the ranger powers were passed on to us. That is when he told us the lie about our parents and Paige's mom. And we all know that Hunter can be a little protective of Paige." Says Blake which earned a slap on the back of the head from Hunter the others laughed. "That's when you went all medieval on us huh." "Let's not go there again." "You have to understand we were raised in the ways of the ninja but when I thought I heard the truth about our parents and Paige's mom I lost it." "She helped us so much and we know how much she missed her mom. We thought if we got revenge it would help." "Believe us we know we would do anything for Paige." Says Tori "she's always there for us." Says Shane "but why is she acting this way." "Choobo used some kind of mind erase on us to make us think you were our enemies." "You mix that with the toxic steam and she is ready to destroy us." "But you and her were able to snap out of it earlier." Said Shane looking at Blake "I guess I just had more help remembering who my friends are. Plus you guys are her family as much as we are and once we get her back she is going to feel awful." "Lord guilty Paige is almost as bad as an angry Paige." Says Dustin "Well come on let's go remind Paige who we are her family." Says Tori "Let's go find her." Says Hunter "Can we rest a minute?" Says Dustin before he is yanked away by Shane.

Paige is laying on the ground struggling to move "What's happening to me?" And Lothor sent another beam down which hit Paige "Do we really have to go over it again? Repeat after me the rangers are your enemies, Boyfriend and his brother betrayed you say it. Blake betrayed me. Hunter betrayed me." "Blake and Hunter betrayed me." "That's right. Hunter and Blake bad. Choobo good. Now pull yourself together and find them. I want to be home in time for my cartoons." "No more rangers!" Says Paige laughing before running to find them.

On Lothors ship

"General. Hello general. Up here in outer space." "Oh hello there sir." "General you're doing an excellent job." "Thank you sir, thank you very much." Says Choobo "So as a reward I'm sending you a bit of extra muscle." "Who is it? How will I know him?" "You know him, he's the one with the giant snail on his back and the clam face." "That's me." Says the snail laughing. "Now go and don't make me regret putting my trust in you." "I won't sir I won't." "He will. He will." Says Zurgane "you're just jealous Zurgane." Said Kapri "so sad." Says Marah

"Oh this island reeks." Says Dustin but in the distance they can see Paige falling down the hill "You guys look." Says Hunter "It's Paige, come on." But as they started running towards her they got stopped by a blast. "You guys better bail because I'm one bad snail." "If you're a snail, how come you look more like a crab?" Says Dustin "Carb snail whatever." And he blasted the rangers "Time to plug the slug." "Ready?" "Ready!" "Ninja Storm! Thunder Storm! Ranger Form Ha! Power of Earth! Water! Air! Power of Thunder!" "Ninja Swords Ha!" "I can take you all!" "Dream on snail trail!" "Ninja Shadow Battle!" And the rangers commiss in nettle each one attack the snail before Hunter had him trapped. "Tell me where she is." And Blake runs up and Helps his brother "Where is Paige?" "Why do you two care you'll never get off this island and neither will she." "Never is a long time dude." And they throw him across the rocks. "Let's put 'em together. Storm Striker! Ready!" "Aim!" "Fire!" And the alien gets destroyed in an explosion "That's not in the script." "Everyone, okay?" Asks Shane "yeah." "But.." "Where's Paige?" Ask the brothers "Paige!" "There you are traitors." Says Paige running up to all the ninja hitting them with her elemental powers knocking them out if the way as she goes after the thunders. "Paige snap out of it! Lothors done something to you! "This isn't you!" Says Hunter as the winds run up "Mana listen we're your family." Says Shane "Lies it's all a bunch of lies." Says Paige as she sends a blast of the elements sending all of the ninja flying backwards. But the brothers slowly get back up still trying to talk her out of it while the winds get up since they were thrown further "Come on Blake and Hunter need us!" Says Shane as they start running towards them but are stopped by Choobo "Not so fast I want to play." And the winds start to fight Choobo to get to the brothers. "Paige please." "You have to trust us," says Hunter as Paige has him and Blake stuck to the ground. "Not good." "Paige please." "All you ninja betrayed me and now you will pay for your betrayal starting with you two." "No one betrayed you besides Choobo. He and Lothor are the ones who did this to you." "Come on sunshine, listen to your bug boys." Says Hunter and Paige has a flashback to when her and the brothers got caught on Lothors ship, to seeing her mom in the mountain of lost ninjas. "Think Paige think." "You're under some kind of spell." "You're confusing me. No more of your ninja tricks!" Says Paige bringing down her swords down towards the brothers but the both dodging it and throwing Paige off of them and getting up. "You're my little sister!" Says Blake "Paige I really do like you so much more than words can ever describe. Please come back to us." Says Hunter "No you are both lying and I have had enough of it." Says Paige as she shoots two flaming arrows at the causing an explosion. "That is it! Enough is enough!" "Looks like it's time for some tough love." Says Blake as Paige runs at them and Hunter nods in agreement. And they both take out their thunder staffs and slash at Paige until she is weakened enough for them to hold her down on the ground. "You are going to listen." And listen good." "Your name is Paige, you are the gold elemental ninja. The best person I know because you care about others. "You're my little sister. You are always there for your friends. Come on, shake it off." Says Blake "No stop you both keep lying I know the truth!" Says Paige as she throws them both off of her. "Something is wrong. Oh my head." Says Paige as she has flashes of memories of her training with the thunders and winds, hanging out with Cam, learning magic, earning her master stripes, and spending time with all of her ranger family. "It's coming back. I remember." Says Paige as she demorphes and her eyes roll to the back of her head and she falls to the ground. "Paige!" Exclaim the Brothers. "Oh no you don't." Says Choobo "oh yes they do!" As the three winds slash at Choobo insink. "Ninja Sword Power up!" And Shane slashed at Choobo causing him to be surrounded in electricity with sparks forming. "All right!" "I'll be back rangers! How do I get outta here? Time to make like a banana and split." "There he goes." "Ah man." "Ninja Form!" "Guess Choobo didn't feel like sticking around for an encore." "Yeah and that crab is toast." "Man, why have I gotten this sudden craving for seafood." "Look there's Blake, Hunter and Paige." "Come on, wake up." "You guys get over here." Says Hunter "Is she okay?" Asks Tori "I don't know she won't wake up." Says Blake "Well in fairy tales the princess is always woken up by true love's kiss." Says Dustin "Dude this isn't a fairy tale." Says Shane "No but it's always worth a shot." Says Tori looking at Hunter. But Hunter just looks to his brother and then his friends "Come on dude at least try." "But I.. alright." And Hunter leans down and puts a hand behind her head and kiss her in her lips but does not expect for her to start kissing him back. The two slowly pull apart as Paige opens her eyes and looks into Hunters eyes "Nice to see you too bug boy." Says Paige with a smile on her face. "You truly are something you know that." Says Hunter with a laugh as he helps her up. As soon as Paige is on her feet she is tackled into a hug by all the other rangers. "Wow you guys miss me or something." "Or something." Says Blake as Paige rolls her eyes and hits him on the shoulder. "So you back to being normal Paige?" Says Tori "You know who we are?" Asks Shane "Of course I know who you guys are my family." Says Paige causing everyone to smile.

"Dad, I'm getting something!" Cam says and Shane's morpher beeps on the island. "Is that you Cam?" "No, it's the phone company I'm calling to find out if you're happy with your long-distance service." "Well I would like to say I am not very happy with my service. Plus when I asked for a vacation on an island this is not what I meant. Can you patch me into my travel agent." Says Paige which made Can smile that she was back to herself. "Are these two always this funny?" Asked Hunter "Sometimes Paige is trying to get him to loosen up. We're great Cam. Thanks for asking." "Are the thunder rangers with you?" Asks Sensei. "Right here, Sensei." "Excellent, I must speak to them upon your return." "Which brings us to our next problem: you're on an island and it's sinking fast. You've got to find a way off." Says Cam "Well how about the gliders?" Asks Dustin as Paige shakes her head no. "The atmospheric pressure is too unstable right now; it wouldn't be safe." "But what about the zords?" "It should work." "Good idea Blake." "They're on their way. I just have to check the structural integrity to make certain they can stand the water pressure." "We're ready. Let's do it." "Wait!" Says Hunter "oh no." "I just wanted to say it means a lot the way you stood up for me and helped bring Paige back." "Hey, that's what friends do. So before this turns into a group hug we better go." Says Shane but as he was turning to walk away Paige jumped on his back causing the others to laugh. "Onward flyboy!" Paige says and Shane just rolled his eyes.

"Will you look at that? Isn't that precious one big dysfunctional superhero family. The only problem is they're escaping." "Sir it's just a minor setback if you allow me one more chance I'm sure I can." "You can, what give them the keys to the spaceship so they can take a spin around the moon. Take this and make that lonesome creature whatever it is." "He's a mollusk sir or maybe a crustacean oh I get them mixed up." "Just make him grow Now!" Says Lothor as Choobo sends the Scroll of Empowerment. "Go big or go how!" You guys ready for this?" "Ready!" "Ninja Storm Thunder Storm Ranger Form Ha! Ninja Ranger Power!" "Hey Cam, how about those Zords?" "On their way!"

"Let's do it!" And three Megazords were formed."Hey rangers! You're gonna be sorry you ever crossed my snail trail." And the snail shot out fire at the zords. "Dude it's hot, it's like Africa hot." "Not this is worse than Africa, believe me." Says Paige as she tries to use her ice powers to cool down the zords from overheating. "Where's the AC on this thing?" "Yo you guys okay?" Asked Shane to the brothers. "Yeah don't worry." "We can take the heat." "Then let's go for a little spin." And the megazords start spinning around really quickly causing the fire surrounding them to disappear. "What?" "Spin blade!" "Power Staff!" "Lightning Mode Engage!" "Rangers Battle Ready!"

Paige and the brothers tag teamed slashing at the snail together. Then the winds came in and attacked. "It's time you came out of your shell." And with one last attack the snail was blown up. "Now that's what I call a crab feast." "Yea never liked snails anyway." "All you can eat." "Detonation of the crustacean." "We're going home yeah!" And the island continues to sink as the zords walk through the ocean.

At Storm Chargers

"Hey Kel." Says Dustin as Kelly is seen backing up boxes. "Well look what the cat dragged in." "Kel I can explain I was kind of stuck in the middle of nowhere." "It wasn't his fault he was helping us out." Says Hunter "Well that doesn't surprise me. You couldn't have called, sent an email. At least I knew where Paige was." Says Kelly as the boys all just look at Paige as she starts moving boxes. "You got to trust me if there was any way I'd have been here. I'm really sorry." "Dustin is telling you the truth. As for my brother and me, well we know we let you down a bunch of times we're through with that. We want to start over." "Well make it up to you we promise." "Well I'm kind of short-handed. I could do with a couple of stock boys." "Stock boys?" "You know someone to open boxes, clean the floors at night...." "I was thinking more along the lines of head mechanic or" says Hunter but stops when Paige hits him on the chest "Don't listen to him Kelly they will take it and I will make sure all three of them stay in line." "Three what did I do?" Says Dustin "Well take it thanks." Says Blake "Great well you can start by helping me clean up this mess." "We just got one more thing we have to take care of and we'll be back in like half an hour I promise." And the boys rush out the store while Paige looks at Kelly. "I got most of the boxes from this side of the store in the back and I will make sure that they all come back and help you." "Thanks Paige you really are the best you weren't even supposed to come into work yet and you still help me." "Of course. See you later!"

At Ninja Ops

"Wait a minute let me get this straight after all we went through you guys just want to walk away from being rangers." Says Shane "We have to." Says Hunger as Paige leans into his side. "Lothor isn't gonna let us rest until he destroys us." "Join the club Dude." "We can't risk anything happening to you because of us you're the only thing standing between Lothor and millions of innocent people. And I couldn't bear to be the reason that Lothor hurts you again." Says Hunter turning to Paige "It's a part of the job you can't judge whether you should be a ranger based on what happened today. You grow and learn from it." "But you've been given a gift isn't your responsibility to use that gift." "Tori is correct Hunter, Blake, Sensei Amino knew the thunder ranger powers were meant for you but I cannot force you to live up to your responsibility." Paige moves from beside Hunter to in between the brothers and looks to Hunter "If you were a ranger you would never have to worry about whether I am safe in battle like I know you will do since you will help keep me safe in Battle." Says Paige which causes Hunter's face to change having not thought about that and she turns to Blake and whispers "Plus you will get to hang out with Tori more." Paige smiled seeing Blake was now a blushing mess. "So what do you say you guys in or not because we need all the help we can get to keep this one out of trouble." Shane says pointing to Paige as she glared at him. "Okay, we will join the team." "Yeah!!" "I'm glad you too are going to be on the team but we can celebrate later because you three need to go help Kelly." Paige says and the boy's faces go pale having forgotten they promised Kelly. They all start running out of Ninja Ops leaving everyone else laughing.

On Lothors ship

"But it wasn't my fault. Please if you let me try one more time I know I won't fail again." "No more changes! In fact no more anything. You are relieved of your duties forever. You are hereby banished!" Says Lothor "But where will I go? What will I do?" "How about far away and self-destruct. Now when I return to the bridge of the ship I want every last trace of you gone and if I ever see you again. I will be the last thing you ever see." Says Lothor as he walks out of the room with Marah and Kapri.

"Someone must pay for this humiliation and that someone will be the gold and thunder rangers." Says Choobo

In the command center

Paige realizes that she needs to let her father know she is okay but he was not home so she went to the command center. "Paige!" Says Jason as he runs to his daughter pulling her into a hug. "Are you alright?" "What happened?" "Is your team ok?" All of Paige's aunts and uncles started asking questions at once. "I am fine now. Lothor wanted to use me and the thunder rangers to destroy the wind rangers. But we were able to defeat him and we are all ok now." "You really scared me today. If you do it again you are grounded." "Uh but dad." Complained Paige as her family laughed. 

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