The Infamous Rafael Valiente...

By MsDreamerGirl84

4.4M 136K 4.8K

WARNING: LOADED WITH GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! He ran away from all the scrutinizing eyes... More

My Other Books
Chapter 1: The Job Hunting
Chapter 2: Clash of Two Hearts
Chapter 3: The Pursuits
Chapter 4: No Escape
Chapter 5: The Revelations
Chapter 6: The Make-Over
Chapter 7: Troubled Past
Chapter 8: The Chasing
Chapter 9: The Grand Duke's Scheme
Chapter 10: The Wedding Preparation
Chapter 11: Haunted with the Past
Chapter 12: Sweet Escape
Chapter 13: Jealousy Strikes
Chapter14: The Aftermath
Chapter 15: Taming the Temptress
Chapter 17: Facing His Wrath
Chapter 18: Anger and Betrayal 1
Chapter 19: Anger and Betrayal 2
Chapter 20: The Consequences
Chapter 21: Reunion of Friends and Exes
Chapter 22: The Lies and The Heartbreaks
Chapter 23: Life must go on
Chapter 24: When Anger Only Matters
Chapter 25: The Vengeance 1
Chapter 26: The Vengeance 2
Chapter 27: The Truth Will Always Prevail
Chapter 28: Together Again
Chapter 29: Family Day
Author's Note

Chapter 16: Meeting Mr. Nightmare

115K 3.5K 90
By MsDreamerGirl84

"You give me hope in my times of trial, joy in my saddest hours and love in all I do." - Anonymous


Seoul, South Korea

Grandt Pallis-Petropoulis Hotel

[Clara Bell POV]

"Where are you guys? I've been calling you Bell?" Enna whined as soon as the call connected. I call her back when I saw her countless missed calls.

"Sorry Enna, I just checked my phone just now and I realized it was on silent. Hey, cheer up we are talking now!" I laughed. She is freaking out. After our passionate love making and Rafael, we started digging on the food he ordered and cleaned all the pizza and wings. We are both replete when I remember to check my phone. Then I saw Enna's missed calls.

We are both sitting on the couch, we decided not to go out since we are both exhausted. Rafael's head was resting on my lap, while he was watching. I ran my fingers on his hair once in a while.

"I'm flying to Russia in 3 days. Will you be home by then?" she asked excitedly.

"For sure. I will urge Rafael to fly back after Korea. I miss you!" I said earnestly and I do.

"I missed you terribly Bell. I can't believe you're marrying Rafael. I'm still shocked." she chuckled.

"I know, It happened so fast." I admit and my lips unconsciously formed a smile.

"Why what's wrong with me?" Rafael's frowning at me. He can hear everything we talk.

"SSsshhhh.... Of course nothing's wrong with you!" I mouthed, not wanting Enna to hear him. I dipped my head down and gave him a peck on his lips, so he'll stop.

He was still frowning. I had to stifle the urge of rolling my eyes or he'll throw me more inquiries.

"Oh by the way. Have you talk to my brother before you left?" Enna's voice worried.

"No!" I replied guiltily. "I was rushing you know? It was an abrupt decision." I explained briefly. I tried not to look down and watch Rafael's reaction. He made a low growling sound.

"Ok. I thought you wanted to tell him by yourself so I didn't tell him about you, but I accidentally mentioned about the wedding when Dad asked me why I need to go to Russia. He was there and he was shock. I know he really likes you. He was pressing me about this matter but I insist telling him we haven't talk. He doesn't seem himself this past days." Enna ranted and sighed occasionally. I could feel her sadness. I felt a pang of guilt although I didn't promised Angelo anything, but their kindness to me was always blocking me in hurting him.

"I will talk to him if I get a chance Enna. I'll tell him myself." I promised. I will talk to him when I get a chance and far from Rafael's hearing circumference.

"Ok. I will call you then before I boarded to Pushkin. I love you Bell, see you soon!" she bid good bye.

"See yah and I love you Enna!" I replied shortly and ended the call. Rafael was scowling at me. I put the phone on the end table close to my side and raise my eyebrow on Rafael. Why do I get a scowl from him?

"You're going to talk to him?" he inquired in disbelief.

"Of course for closure. Although I didn't promised him anything but I owe them a lot Rafael. They were like my second family. He has to know that I like him as a brother." I explained bitterly. I hope he will accept it lightly and move on. He is a very handsome businessman for sure a lot of girls wanted his attention.

"Are you going to see him or on the phone?" he asked not liking the idea.

"I don't know." I replied as I ran my fingers in his thick mane. They felt so good in my hand.

"I have to come with you if you decided to talk to him personally." he stated calmly but dangerously, still scowling at me.

"Don't you trust me?" I scowled back. He got up and sit facing me.

"Of course, I do! It's him that I don't trust!!" He clenched his teeth at the last words.

"Why?" I asked. I can't believe he was judging him. Isn't it too clear that he is a good guy? They treated me as one of their family. What else of explanation to get him to trust Angelo?

"I don't like him!" He replied defensively still looking pissed.

"I know every guy I talk to, you never like them!! Why should I asked?" I mumbled to myself but he heard it.

"Yes!!" He growled and leaned his back on the couch.

I giggled and shifted my body now sitting on his lap facing him.

"I like it when you're jealous." I teased playfully grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm not jealous, Mio Amore!" He denied furiously as he snake his big hands around my waist then down on my bottoms.

"Really?" I raise my eyebrow not believing him. I ran my palms on his taut chest making him breath sharply.

He grab my back and claimed my lips fiercely.

"We need to buy you an engagement ring, Mio Amore." He uttered briefly after that short erotic kiss.

"Do we have to?" I asked. I was thinking there's no need since we are getting married and I'm going to wear a wedding ring.

"Of course, especially now that we are not married yet. It will give an idea to those bastard who wants to flirt with you to back off!!" He growled aggressively.

"You're not marrying a goddess Rafael, not every guy are flirting with me!" I chuckled. He is acting so possessive and I'm liking it.

"Oh Yes I am, Mio Amore! You have no idea!!" He declared pompously and kiss me once more.

"Lets have another round!' he grinned grinding his arousal in my behind. I groaned. He has a big appetite, If I may say.

"You said you wanted to buy me a ring, so we have to get ready and go before all the stores are closing!" I smile as I got off him trying to divert his attention.

He groaned again louder this this time but he didn't utter any word.

I'm so happy. I thought my life would be always dull until I die. But fate has been generous this past months. I found my real family and the man I wanted to be with until I die.


[Rafael POV]

The day I had been waiting had come. Outside the Palace was decorated beautifully for our wedding ceremony to be held. Hundreds of chairs were in rows on both sides where a curvy pathway connecting to the main entrance door blanketed with a white rag to the handmade gazebo, where the gazebo legs are covered with beautiful rose's vines drape around each legs with different hues of roses. and white, green and purple piece of silk fabric where drapes and hanging on the top frame making the whole gazebo like a paradise. At the middle were a table stood and a two chairs across.

The whole place was beautifully arranged. Chairs are already filled with guest, royals, Lords and friends.

Mom and Dad was on my side as we stared from the big window in one of the ensuite guest room.

We were dressed actually early. The wedding should start in an hour. My best mans are taking photos with the bridesmaids. Giovanni was one of them. I had invited Stavros and Alessandra but her condition was too delicate so they apologized and I understand. I had only Dad and Mom, Some of my Uncles and Aunts from my Mother side.

I haven't seen or talk to Bella since we got back 5 days ago since we were both busy in our schedules for the wedding. Our mini vacation was the best days of my life except that arguments we had after punching her friend. I bought her a beautiful 3 carat engagement ring which she had picked it herself.

I could feel the cold sweats breaking out from my skin. I'm getting agitated each second. Dad squeeze my shoulder and he smiled.

"I had the same feeling on our wedding day with your Mom. It's normal son. In an hour she will be your wife. Just try to relax." He comforted as he patted my shoulder.

"Don't forget to give me a lot lot of grandkids!!" He chuckled.

"I"ll try Dad!" I smiled back trying to relax myself. And definitely, I will have a lot of kids as long as she can give me. I hate being alone and I know Dad felt the same too. Our family includes few members so I knew how it felt like.

"I'm happy you're finally getting married honey.." Mom cooed as she smiled sweetly. She was there when I was mopping on Kristela's betrayal and I swore that never marry or stick to any girl. And I did for 13 years. She used to encourage me to get serious to a girl but I never did and she gave up urging me 5 years ago. When I was engaged to Alessandra, she was very ecstatic and was upset greatly when the wedding was off.

"I felt the same Mom. Finally, I found her!" I uttered earnestly. Then Mom hugged me tightly. I pulled myself away from her hold and saw a lone tear drop to her cheeks. I wipe it off and kissed her cheeks. I love her so much. Then she smiled.

I looked around from the window and everyone looks so happy. The weather was gorgeous, it seems like we are blessed today. I can't be more happy.

[Clara Bell POV]

"I'm so nervous Enna!" I uttered anxiously. I don't know if it's a wedding jitters as they call it or what but I felt something odd. I can't point it out. I hope this is for good. The blonde was too fixed on doing my hair. My makeup was already done naturally and I thank Ardelle for doing a good job.

Enna was on my side calming my nerves.

"Everything will be fine!" she said but without conviction. She looks a bit agitated just like me as well. Zander was outside with the other Best mans. She squeezed my hand and smiled.

I chuckled. She looks like worst than me. I squeezed her hand back and smiled sweetly and mouth her thanks.

After like a decade the blonde named Francesca announced that it's done. I looked on the mirror and I gasped biting my bottom lip in awe. My hair was done beautifully. She definitely outdone herself.

"Thank you Francesca!" I exclaimed happily and hugged her. She looks stiffened and hug me back awkwardly. I ignored it and then let her go. She smiled stiffly and then left the room with her other friends holding their stuffs.

"You look gorgeous with your plaited hair Bell!!" Enna exclaimed gleefully and hug me.

"Thanks Enna. I'm getting nervous as the time ticking closer.." I blurted out clasping my hands together. I was wearing my beautiful wedding gown.

"Maybe you need some wine to calm your nerves." She suggest as she force a smile. I thought she was acting a bit strange. I guess she can't still accept the fact that I'm marrying Rafael knowing what he did to me before.

"That's a good idea." I agreed. Then she move to the bedside table where a buzzer to the kitchen was laying.

Then she talk asking someone to bring some wine in my bedchamber.

Not long, Francesca walked in with a tray with two wine glasses and an opened wine. I wonder why would she get the wine for us if we have tons of maidservants? As if she read my head.

"Everyone was busy so I politely voluntary myself, Duchess." She said as she bowed lightly. I just nod and thank her then she left.

Enna took the tray and place it on the small table in the middle of the two armchairs on one of the corner of my enormous room.

"Here." Enna handed me the wineglass and I thank her then made a sip of the wine.

"I wish you a happily and ever after!!" She said proposing a toast. I raise my glass and it click.

We were talking about our past and how it was changed drastically when I found who I was.

The nervousness was gone but I felt drowsy and sick. I felt like I wanted to throw up and at the same time I'm dizzy. I gave the glass to Enna and she took it and place it back on the table. All of a sudden, I my vision was getting blur. I saw Enna's figure slowly dropping on the floor.

"Enna!" I cried out battling with the drowsiness I'm feeling. I got up with my legs starting to buckled up trying to help her.

"Help!!" I screamed.. I don't know if they can hear me but hoping at least one can. I knew the Palace was huge and probably no one was roaming in the hallway right now since everyone was outside and in the kitchen where it is located at the main floor.

But still, I gathered all my strength left and screamed for help. I shook Enna's shoulder trying to wake her up looking at her body in a blurry vision. My head is getting heavy and I knew I wouldn't last long and I will fall asleep. I was terrified.

Then I felt my body drop on the floor with a thud. I felt the hard floor, even with a thick furry rags didn't help at all. I tried to battle with my eyes but my eyelids was too heavy. Before it completely close I saw a blurry vision of two bulky guys entered my room with a girl behind them.

I murmured thank you before completely fall into darkness, thinking we were safe and someone will rescue us.


[Rafael POV]

The ceremony already started and my heart was beating faster and I felt like I couldn't breath anytime. The feeling was horrendous, but I'm trying to ignore it. Feeding my head with positive thoughts but the feeling kept nagging me. After the last bridesmaid and best man arrive and all the ring bearers and bible bearers and for the finale, my bride. I waited and every head was looking at their back where the bride and the Grand Duke supposed to follow. After like a decade the song was over and no Bride or Grand Duke showed up. For the first time in my life I felt like my world is slowly crumbling down. Dad was squeezing my arm to relax me.

I look at Giovanni and he looks tense as well. The Priest was standing behind the table patiently waiting.

My heart was beating faster and I felt like I'm going to collapse. But the reality keeps nagging me that she's ditching me. I clenched my jaw trying to control my temper and tried to wait more.

Maybe something was holding them up that's why they are late.

Then after a few minutes the Grand Duke looking distressed walked fiercely to our direction. He looks like he was ready to kill.

I walked approaching him. I felt something is bad.

"My granddaughter and Enna was kidnapped!" he blurted out in a shaky tone. I froze for a brief moment and his words sunk in.

Suddenly, he collapse. I caught him before he landed on the ground. My securities followed suit and carried the Grand Duke inside the Palace and called for help. Soon the place broke into chaos.

Giovanni approached me with menacing aura ready to kill. "I just got a call. They already followed them. It was Don Passini's man! One of the girls who helped her was with them." He declared deathly and motioned me to get out of the place.

I approached Dad quickly. "Please take care of the old man. I'll go after Bell!" I uttered to my Dad trying to hold on my temper deathly arising. Dad nods his head and told me to take care. I just nod back and without a second wasted I followed Giovanni while dialling a number to my security agency. I run a security agency but we do secret crimes which was hidden from the police department's noses. And my man are the best man in the whole world. I paid them well so they serve me well. It's been a long time since I took a life. I tried to be human in a little way but this bastards had to feel my wrath. I will skin them alive.

The phone rang couple times and it was connected.

"It's Rafael Valiente, Tristan." I said in my low darkly tone. Tristan was the head and the Commander of the Agency, or I would say my organization comouflage as an Agency not giving the Authorities any idea with the hidden jobs of my man.

"Yes Mr. Valiente!" he replied in his grievous tone.

"Gather your man. We have another job to finish. My bride was abducted and leave the mastermind alive. I will send you the exact location once it's located.." I ordered menacingly and ended the call. Yes, my whole surrounding was turning into bloody red!!

The car stops right in front of us and quickly Giovanni and I hop in. Kurt was driving and Clayton was beside him in the front.

"Where are they?" I asked to Giovanni gritting my teeth.

"They headed west looks like they are heading to a private tarmac. I know Don doesn't have a private plane unless someone is lending him or the mastermind." He explained in a low tone with furrowed forehead.

"How they are going to follow them?" I inquired furiously.

"You just forgot amigo, I have a private plane." He smirked confidently.

I was trying to think who would do such thing, clenching my hands and unclenched it. Enna was with her. Her best friend. I remember Enna's boyfriend Zander was behind.


The car was speeding up but I felt like it's too slow. My head is going to explode with the horrific thoughts that's flashing in my head.

"Come on Kurt, show me your skill on this, I know you are a racer!" I blurted out frustratedly.

Then he step on the gas more making us jerk backwards with the sudden speed. The car was going zigzag as Kurt tried to passed every slow car without crashing into them.

Then all of a sudden a we heard a siren of a police car who now chases us. Kurt grinned. This is what he loved in his job. He was good at this. He swerved and exited to a narrow street and speed up more trying to escape from the cop.


[Clara Bell POV]

I woke up with a severe headache. I winched and opened my eyes. I tried to move but I felt my hands was restrained so as my feet. I was sitting on a chair with my hands tied up behind the chair and my feet was tied up on the front leg support of the wooden chair. I remember Enna. I looked around the dark room and I see nothing. I felt terrified. We were kidnap, and where's Enna?

"Enna!" I called out softly. Then I heard a scratching sound coming a bit farther straight ahead of me. But it's dark. I can't see Enna and where we are.

"Enna!" I called out a bit louder.

"Bell?" she replied in her raspy tone. "Oh God, you're alive." she said in a relieved tone. The thought of her being alive was comforting a bit. Although the situation we are both in was scary. We are both kidnap and we don't who was the abductor and why?

Rafael will be devastated when he knows I was gone. I shuddered with the thought of not seeing him again. I shook the thought off my head and tried to think on how to get out here. But how?

Then after like a few minutes, a creak of a door stopped us from talking and a bright light flooded in the room making me squint many times to adjust my eyes from the light.

"Well, well, well. Finally, I've come to meet you Clara Bell Bennet but unfortunately in a very unpleasant way." A tall blonde guy was clapping his hands as he walked in the middle of an empty big room. Another five ugly looking creatures with bulky physique was following him smirking mischievously.

"Who are you?" I asked coldly with my straight face.

"I'm Don Passini, whom you're father owned a lot and you were supposed to be the payment!" he grinned dangerously as he lick his lips.

I felt disgusted. My eyes was thinning in rage and at the same time frightened with our life and Enna.

"He is not my father!" I spit out acidly.

"Of course he is not! You are the daughter of a certain Lord." He declared casually as he shoved his hands inside his pockets and pace back and forth. "Actually, I still want you. But someone wants you so much that's why you are here." He stated flatly and walk to the door.

"Wait!" I said stopping him from walking out the door.

"Who is he?" I asked grimly.

"He'll be here any minute!" he replied raising his eyebrow.

Just as he is about to turn on his heel, he stop and step on the side of the door. I can't see the guy since he was blocking him. After like a seconds, he came into view.

"YOU!!!!!" I blurted out with my eyes bulging....



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