New Feelings (wizardbrave fi...

By Kfccookie

12.3K 334 425

‼️characters may be a bit ooc‼️ (There will be NO smut or lemon in this fanfic) There's like no wizardbrave s... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight

Chapter nine

131 6 7
By Kfccookie

(Holy shit it's almost been a year since I've last updated this GUYS I SWEAR I HAVENT FORGETTEN ABOUT THIS I just have a lot of things going on irl and it's making it harder for me to update. Pls forgive me and enjoy this chapter 😭)


Gingerbright pulled Strawberry Cookie into the next room over, that being the bathroom, and wore the biggest smile ever. You'd think that she's just won the lottery because of how wide her smile was.
"Oh, Strawberry Cookie, this is just great!" Gingerbright exclaimed happily, flapping her hands up and down in excitement.
"W-Wait just a second-" Strawberry Cookies soft voice attempted to speak but was cut off by Gingerbrights loud, boisterous' one.
"My plan is going smoothly so far!" Gingerbright continued through her giggles. She had a feeling of joy visibly coursing throughout her whole body.
From the way she spoke too fast for the average cookie to keep up with, to her bouncing up and down on the tips of her feet; causing her ponytail to rise and fall with her, Gingerbright was clearly ecstatic.
"Wait-!" Strawberry Cookie stuttered out.
"Just... What even was your plan, Gingerbright...?"She questioned with a worried expression, unsure if she even wanted to know the answer.
"I'm glad you asked, Strawberry Cookie!" Gingerbright started, pulling Strawberry Cookie closer with her arm.
"You see, I've watched a lot of C-Dramas!"
"C-Dramas...?" Strawberry Cookie interrupted.
"Cookie-dramas. Anyways! The point is that in all the romance dramas I've seen, the boy and the girl are always too scared to confess to one another!" Gingerbright began.
"So, their friend, who clearly has caught onto their feelings for each other, sets them up together to spend the night with each other! They get all flustered... start talking about their feelings... and BOOM! Confession!! I swear to pure vanilla cookie, it works every time!" Gingerbright finished explaining.
Strawberry Cookie looked at Gingerbright in silence, processing all that she had just heard.
"So... you based your plan on the television shows you watch...?" Strawberry Cookie asked, clearly very doubtful.
"Yeah, pretty much!" Gingerbright answered back with an enthusiastic tone.
Strawberry Cookie bit her lower lip in worry.
"Gingerbright... I'm not too sure that'll work..."
Strawberry Cookie said in a tone quieter than her usual hushed voice.
"Huh? Why not??" Gingerbright asked her strawberry flavored friend.
"Well... those are just shows. I-I mean this isn't exactly a soap opera with a camera crew and set script to follow... How are you so sure that this'll work...?"
Gingerbrights hands grasped onto Strawberry Cookies.
Strawberry blushed at the unexpected contact.
"Hey! Don't worry about it, Strawbs! I just..." Gingerbright paused, thinking hard.
"I have a good feeling about this." She said, putting on the sweetest smile Strawberry had ever seen. Strawberry Cookies face flushed up at the unexpected contact, and hearing the cute little nickname Gingerbright had given to Strawberry Cookie. Then suddenly the small bathroom they're in became even smaller, and the heater above them started to make the room feel even warmer.
"Now, let's brush our teeth real quick and head back over to Wizard and Gingerbrave!" Gingerbright said, turning towards the mirror of the sink in front of them.
"Y-Yeah... I'll just... wait out here for you out here...!" Strawberry Cookie said, silently exiting the overstimulating room, her mind racing with all sorts of emotions.
She slumped down onto the wall next to the door, and tightly gripped the bottom of her classic pink hoodie, patiently waiting for her bright red face to cool back into her normal olive-toned skin.


28 minutes and 48 seconds.
That is how long Wizard Cookie and Gingerbrave were in that quiet room by themselves.
Wizard was counting, all while staring at the brave cookie near him. Unaware of the fact that he was making Gingerbrave squeamish by his deep thinking.
Now it has been 29 minutes and 5 seconds.
Wizard Cookie really was concerned. Gingerbraves strange behavior stresses him out more than he'd like to admit.
Wizard Cookie wasn't an unknown to the world of overthinking. His mind was dashing over the walls for possible causes of Gingerbraves odd mannerisms these past few days.
Wizard Cookie is smart. He would of thought that he'd figure to source by now, but still his mind remains puzzled.
The silence of the room was almost deafening. Wizard Cookie really, really, couldn't take this anymore.
"Gingerbrave." Wizard Cookie said, in a soft voice he has rarely ever used.
Gingerbrave flinched at the sudden noise from the other.
"Uh, yeah?" Gingerbrave responded, wearing a nervous smile.
Wizard Cookie was getting pretty sick of seeing that same, un-gingerbrave like smile.
"You know that if anything is bothering you... you can tell me. Right?" Wizard Cookie whispered, even softer than before, fidgeting with the tassels of his scarf, completely avoiding eye contact with Gingerbrave.
Wizard Cookie looked back at him, staring at Gingerbrave with his azure blue eyes.
Those same blue eyes that made Gingerbrave fumble over his words, and that made his brain go to mush every time he saw them.
Those same blue eyes that got Gingerbrave into this whole mess in the first place.
"...And that there is nothing you can say to me that could ruin our friendship." Wizard added on.
The word "friendship" rolled of Wizard Cookies tongue like a knife, and pierced Gingerbrave right in the heart.
Gingerbrave was almost at a loss of words.
Gingerbrave thought for a good second. Thought really hard... Had Wizard cookie finally picked up on his little crush? And if he did, he just said it wouldn't ruin their friendship... So what does Gingerbrave have to worry about? Could he finally be able to come clean about his puppy love?
Gingerbrave hesitantly opened his mouth, ready to spill everything then and there, get this huge weight off his back.
"Y-Yeah, of course I know that!" Gingerbrave said, giving an awkward smile and thumbs up.
Gingerbrave internally facepalmed. His mind has backtracked last minute, and threw away this golden opportunity.
Wizard Cookie stared skeptically at the other.
"Seriously. You can tell me." Wizard Cookie repeated himself, this time his tone of voice back to normal.
"Mhm! I know!" Gingerbrave said nervously, his eyes dashing around the room to find something other than Wizard Cookie to look at.
Wizard Cookie sat in silence, his face of concern intensifying every second.
"Gingerbrave-!" Wizard Cookie attempted to confront before swiftly getting cut off by a very enthusiastic gingerbread girl bursting through the door.
"We're back!" Gingerbright loudly announced as she entered the room, Strawberry Cookie trailing right behind her.
"G-Gingerbright! Strawberry! Hey!" Gingerbrave said, welcoming the two in. He was relieved that they'd came in at just the right time! He was sure that he would've crumbled right there if he and Wizard had been alone for one more second.
Gingerbright happily perched down right next to the two, wearing a huge smile on her face. Strawberry Cookie sat next to her.
"Sooo!" Gingerbright started while glancing at Wizard and Gingerbrave.
"What'd you guys talk about?" She questioned cheerfully.
Wizard Cookie sighed before answering,
"Nothing. Literally." He said in a disappointed tone, looking away from his friends.
"Rrreeaaaalllyyy??? Nothing at alllll???" Gingerbright said, still as joyful as ever, and winking towards Strawberry Cookie.
Strawberry Cookie pulled the draw strings on her hoodie an attempt to look away from Gingerbrights failing plan.
"Y-Yup!! Nothing at all!"
Gingerbrights smile deteriorated slightly, however she still remained joyful. She was sure her two friends were just stubborn and embarrassed and didn't wanna talk about it.
Gingerbright could feel her face redden as the self awareness of what she was doing started to kick in.
The room fell into a collective silence that no one dared to disrupt. It was as if everyone was in their own mind trying to think of something appropriate to say next.
Shakily, Gingerbright squeezed her hand into a fist and thrusted it up into the air.
"L-Let's open presents!" She shouted before darting off and returning with her arms filled with presents they'd all gotten for Gingerbrave.
There were 4 presents total, 1 from strawberry, 1 from Gingerbright, and 2 from Wizard cookie.
Wizard cookie always seemed to go all out when it came to his friends birthdays, always buying them more stuff than necessary.
Gingerbright sat the gifts in front of Gingerbrave as he blushed.
"Oh wow, thanks guys! You really shouldn't have, though..." Gingerbrave humbly said with a smile.
"Non-sense! I mean, your birthday only comes around once a year, might as well spoil ya!" Gingerbright said, her feelings of embarrassment still lingering.
Wizard Cookie chimed in,
"Yeah, Gingerbrave. You really deserve these gifts." Wizard cookie said kindly, although he still felt a little annoyed from earlier.
"Just open which ever you want first!"
Gingerbright said, subconsciously pointing down at her own gift.
Gingerbrave looked at all presents, and softly smiled to himself seeing his friends personalities shine through how they wrapped a gift.
Gingerbrights was a small box wrapped in bright yellow paper with a confetti print on it, with a little white stick-on bow. You can tell she didn't really know how to wrap the gift, since a bit of the paper was torn at the edge in an uneven way.
Strawberry Cookies gift was simple. Pink wrapping paper with a red bow topping it off on the side. A small smiley face was written underneath the "From: Strawberry Cookie" tag.
Gingerbrave took note that there was no visible tape, meaning that Strawberry must've spent extra time making sure you couldn't see the tape holding the paper tightly.
And then Gingerbraves eyes finally wandered
to Wizard cookies present. dark sea blue paper covered every inch of the box, and was tied together with a white ribbon. This was repeated for the other gift, and Gingerbrave blushed thinking about the effort put into just wrapping the gifts. The bow was hand tied on both.
"So, which is it gonna be?" Gingerbright asked enthusiastically.
"Wow, they all look great. I-I can't pick!" Gingerbrave responded. He didn't really want it to seem like he was picking one over another on purpose, so he shut his eyes and asked one of them to shuffle the gifts around, so he'd just pick at random.
His hand ended up landing on Strawberry's neatly wrapped box.
Gingerbrave really had no clue what any of the gifts could be. He kinda, Uh, forgot to tell his friends what he wanted so they had to figure it out on their own. Gingerbrave knew he wouldn't be upset over what his gift might be. His friends could get him a pile of dirt and he'd still be grateful.
"A new candy cane!" Gingerbrave exclaimed pulling the cane out of the box, admiring its glory.
"I-I noticed that the one youve been using for the past couple of years is getting a little rusty, s-so I bought you a new one so that yours doesn't break! Again..." Strawberry explained, twirling her finger around her draw string.
"I love it!" Gingerbrave said, pulling the peppermint cane closer to himself to analyze it better. It was so new that the light shone right off of it and the red color was vibrant with life.
His old cane had a bandana holding itself together from the last time it snapped in half, and the red dye of the cane was washed off from all the adventures it had gone through.
Gingerbrave set the cane down, and hesitantly hugged strawberry softly. He knew strawberry wasn't a very touchy person, so he was gentle with expressing his gratitude for the gift.
He pulled away and asked Gingerbright to mix the gifts up again and he closed his eyes.

(😭why this so cringe literally going in my top 20 cringe compilation of the century also KFCCookie after using 300 words just to describe the damn gifts ITS CALLED SYMBOLISM DONT GET MAD GUYS erm okay I'm gonna shut up now, this chapter ended at a kind of wonky place just cause I wanted to get it out already ELP SO UM I kinda haven't updated fora whileeeeee idk if u guys noticed 🤔 (you guys being the one person who probably still reads this) IM SOSOSOSOSO sorry it took me a YEAR to poop this chapter out, I ain't gonna lie to y'all my interest in cookie run and wizardbrave as a whole has completely disappeared. So ur probably asking urself this: why am I still attempting to update this instead of just cancelling it ? BECAUSE IK HOW IT FEELS TO READ A FIC U LIKE AND THEN IT GETS CANCELLED 😒 idk if this is one of those fics but REGARDLESS I'm gonna update this until it's finished for the few people that still read it and like it, and maybe for ppl in the future who will read this fic ok it's 5am I'm gonna shut up now LOLOLOL)

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