Chapter three

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Edit: hi I don't support the person who made the picture above I'm too lazy to change it but know that I don't support them <3)

"I've been starting to feel..... new feelings?"

"Hm? "New feelings"? What do you mean?" Strawberry cookie asks him tilting her head in confusion.
"Uhm well... the thing is... I've been feeling... like.... I dunno... nervous a lot recently?? And when I get all nervous my face starts heating up... I get flustered and I stumble over my words..."
Gingerbrave explained to strawberry cookie.
While he was attempting to explain the situation in a way he wouldn't get embarrassed by, he left out a very important detail— it always happens when he's around wizard cookie, or when he thinks about him. Oopsie daisies.
'Flustered, stumbling over by words, nervousness followed by.... blushing? What on Earthbread could Gingerbrave be talking about?'  Strawberry cookie thought to herself

 blushing? What on Earthbread could Gingerbrave be talking about?'  Strawberry cookie thought to herself

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(A visual made by yours truly)

Strawberry cookie was ready to call 911 and get him an ambulance until it finally hit her like a truck.
'Oh. Oh!'  Strawberry cookie was relieved it was something else and not a health related issue. The kingdom didn't have free healthcare anyways.
"Gingerbrave..." Strawberry cookie started, "You're sure those are the EXACT symptoms you've been experiencing?" Strawberry cookie double checks to make sure she was hearing it right. "Positive" Gingerbrave replied crossing his arms.
"Gingerbrave... I think..."
"You think..? what is it! Cmon, tell me!"
"Well— now I'm not 100% sure this is just a guess...But— I think... that... your in lov-" strawberry cookie starts but gets cut off by a familiar voice. (😈)
"Hey! Strawberry cookie! There you are! I've been searching all over for you!" Strawberry cookie and Gingerbrave hear a voice from behind them
They both turn to see one of their good friends, Gingerbright waving towards them. "Oh! Gingerbrave you're here also, sorry! Didn't see you there! Hehe!" Gingerbright says. 'Are you serious right now?! Gingerbright, I love you, but CMON!! Strawberry cookie was JUST about to tell me what's wrong with me!!' Gingerbrave thought, clearly annoyed. "Oh um h-hey Gingerbright!" Strawberry cookie replies to her pulling the strings on her sweater causing her face to sink further into her hoodie. "W-Why are you here?" Strawberry cookie asks "Oh I was searching EVERYWHERE for you! I didn't realize DJ cookie had a show tonight... I should've guessed you'd be here if I'd known hehe!" Gingbright answers, placing one of her hands on her cheek. "But uh, what are you doing out here instead of at the concert!" Gingerbright asks before cutting herself off. "Oh um, was.. I... interrupting something..?" Gingerbright asks seeing Gingerbraves annoyed face.
"Ah! Nonono! We were just, y'know... chatting!" Strawberry cookie says frantically waving her arms.

Huh, Gingerbrave never really paid any mind to it before but now when he was really paying attention to it... when Strawberry cookie is around Gingerbright... she sorta acts the same way he does when he's around Wizard cookie. The only difference is that Strawberry cookie would always flap her arms or do any other motion similar to that while Gingerbrave didn't.

Strawberry cookie turns to Gingerbrave. "Sorry... maybe we could finish this conversation later...?" Strawberry cookie whispers to him 'what! No! We cannot finish this conversation later!! I waited so long to ask you!' Gingerbrave thought
"Hey! Uhhh how about I come with you guys!" Gingerbrave asks the two other cookies as they start to walk away. Gingerbright turns her head, "oh... uh well.. I was hoping it could just be me and Strawberry..." Gingerbright says. Gingerbrave knew she wasn't trying to be mean and was being genuine but he was still annoyed. Gingerbrave grabs strawberry cookies arm "Can you please just tell me what you were going to say to me! I've been waiting so long to ask you!" Gingerbrave whispers to strawberry cookie "uh!! Well Um!!!" Strawberry cookie stutters, "Strawberry cookie? Are you coming?" Gingerbright calls for her as she is walking away. Strawberry cookie looks back and forth at Gingerbrave and Gingerbright "uh well I was going to tell you...! That I think..!" Strawberry cookie manages to wiggle her arm out of Gingerbraves grip, "I think..! I think you're in love, Gingerbrave!" Strawberry cookie says fast as she runs to catch up with Gingerbright.

"Wait, What?"

The cookie was too stunned to speak

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The cookie was too stunned to speak

(I just figured out you can't add videos in wattpad unless they're YouTube videos someone end me pls)
(A/N nah cus actually I'd be lying if I said I didn't make these chapters unnecessarily long for no reason. I literally just want this story to be longer than like 5 chapters LOL I might get rid of all the stupid stuff in this chapter tomorrow idfk it's really late at night en LMAO)

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