Chapter seven

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(Hi yes I'm not dead. I hope you guys can accept my apology for leaving the face of this app right after I said I would be updating every Saturday. But, good news, I've been updating this fic still so basically the fic is already done I just have to revise and edit the chapters and then post it on here. I also feel like it worth mentioning that after this fic is finished I'll be moving it to ao3.)


"A-.. A sleepover at my house?" Gingerbrave questioned, wanting to make sure he had heard Gingerbright correctly.
"Yeah! Wizard cookie, strawberry cookie, and I figured we would switch it up a bit this year!" Gingerbright said with a smile.
"We all came to the conclusion that, our past party ideas, were... lacking originally, to say the least. So we figured, why not just go for something simple this year? A sleepover is the perfect idea!" Gingerbright cheerfully explained.

Oh no. This wasn't good at all. Gingerbrave was already struggling enough trying to avoid Wizard cookie, but to have him at his own house? Gingerbrave might just crumble at the thought of it.
Sure, Gingerbrave was KINDDD OF hoping they'd switch up their party plans this year, but this isn't what he wanted at all! He might as well just settle with the surprise party at this point...
Gingerbright cut off his train off thought, breaking the silence between the two. 
"We, uh, noticed you haven't been your usual self lately. We didn't want to overwhelm you with something as big as a surprise party. So, we thought we'd do something a little more... mellow. You know?" Gingerbright smiled sweetly at the cookie next to her.
Upon hearing her explanation, Gingerbrave untensed.  Gingerbright has always been a close friend of his ever since he first escaped the oven. Shes almost like a sister to him. It was clear that she, Strawberry cookie, and Wizard cookie had taken the time to actually consider his feelings and adjust their party plans just to make him more comfortable. He didn't want to just turn it down. So...
"Oh! O-okay! Yeah... sleepover at my house! Okay! Yeah, Let's do this!" Gingerbrave said happily.
"Really?! That's great! We'll come over around evening. That sound good??" Gingerbright said, reciprocating the same energy Gingerbrave was giving her.
"Yeah! That sounds great!" Gingerbrave didn't know where this sudden burst of optimism and joy came from. Maybe it was because of that thought that his friends were thinking about him? Or perhaps it was feeling of tension leaving his shoulders after Gingbrights explanation. He didn't know for sure, but what he did know is that half the nervousness he had felt before had disappeared.


"Alright! Wiz, do you have the cake?" Gingerbright asked to which Wizard cookie nodded in response.
"And Strawberry cookie, do you have Gingerbraves gift?"
"Mhm. right here!" Strawberry Cookie said holding a a yellow gift with red ribbons in her hands.
"Well, then it seems like we've got everything!" Gingerbright exclaimed.
"We can probably start heading over the Gingerbraves house now. You know, when I talked to him a couple of hours ago, he seemed really happy! This was definitely a good idea for his birthday, you made a good call, Strawberry Cookie." Gingerbright said, winking towards Strawberry Cookie.
Strawberry Cookies face reddened.
"Y-yeah... no problem..."


The three cookies left Gingerbrights home and started to head over to Gingerbraves, however a certain strawberry flavored cookie was nervous.
Strawberry Cookie felt horrible. She had noticed that ever since she had suggested that Gingerbrave may be crushing on his dear friend, Wizard Cookie, Gingerbrave has been going through hell trying to avoid him. And Strawberry can't help but shake the feeling that she had something to do with it...
Strawberry Cookie tapped on Gingerbrights shoulder,
"H-Hey Gingerbright... mind if we stop here for a bit?" Strawberry Cookie whispered to Gingerbright.
"Huh? What's wrong Strawberry Cookie?" Gingerbright replied, matching Strawberry Cookies soft tone.
Wizard Cookie noticed the two other cookies sudden halt and turned to them.
"What's going on? Why'd you two stop walking?" Wizard Cookie asked them.
"Oh! Uh, it's really nothing! You just keep walking, we'll catch up to you!" Gingerbright said.
Wizard Cookie wore a concerned face, but obliged and kept walking.
"Well... alright then. Don't take too long."
Wizard Cookie said, leaving the two by themselves.
"Strawberry Cookie? What is it? Why'd you want to stop? Oh no, don't tell me we forgot something at the house?"
"N-No... don't worry, it's not that..." Strawberry Cookie said, not really knowing how to approach her next words.
"W-Well, I mean... it's just..." Strawberry Cookie started, feeling her hands become sweaty as she reaches for the draw strings on her hoodie.
Was it really okay for her to tell Gingerbright about Gingerbraves crush on Wizard Cookie? Even if it was already obvious to every cookie on earthbread of this so called crush.
"I don't know..." Strawberry Cookie paused, thinking about her next words carefully.
Gingerbright stared patiently at the somewhat taller girl in front of her.
Strawberry Cookie looks around to see if anybody besides them are around, then cups her hand around Gingerbrights ear.
"I... I think that Gingerbrave might have a crush on Wizard Cookie, and that's why he's been avoiding him recently..." Strawberry Cookie whispered softly in her friend's ear.
Strawberry Cookie immediately pulled back when
Gingerbright loudly responded,

"So, you've noticed it too!"

(WAAAA another chapter complete baybeeeee. Again, I'm sorry for being dead after I said I would update. Around that time a bunch of things started popping up and I just couldn't juggle all of it while also writing this story, so I hope u guys can forgive me.
Btw, discord server link was taken down bc I'm currently working on making a better server)

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